Who else here Stadia Chad who will play 4k 60fps at just $10 per month?

Who else here Stadia Chad who will play 4k 60fps at just $10 per month?

Attached: stadia.jpg (792x743, 100K)

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Congrats on being apart of the death of games ownership. Enjoy your licenses.


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Your "4k" will be compressed, and probably look worse than uncompressed 1080p.

I will play Stadia if it actually works and doesn't have major lag

Otherwise, the only things I can play on my shitty mac are minecraft, terraria, and most indie games

Is that the input lag measurement?

Attached: laughing_elfman.jpg (256x353, 29K)

>death of ownership
>enjoy your licenses
How's your Tribes ascend mate?
I heard you bought it on steam and have "real" ownership of it.

Not every game is low latency dependent.
There are plenty turned based games like civilization and weeb games like Final fantasy that all you fags play.
These games are going to rock on Stadia.
Don't forget most single player games like skyrim, batman, Assassins creed can be turned down to accept specific latency which average stadia player will get.

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If latency in a game doesn't matter, just run it on your shitbox computer like a slideshow. If it does matter, it's going to be nigh unplayable on the stadia, and forget online play.

Lag tax

you didn't address the compression, you're actually excited to play games at youtube video bitrates? You have to be blind to not notice how bad even official "high quality" official uploads look.

Tribes ascend is free to play faggot

You have to pay full price for games.

I don't use google products

I said nothing about latency fag. I mentioned video quality. Of course this is marked to people used to netflix and youtube and shit who probably won't notice the difference.

>4k 60fps at just $10 per month
Plus games at full price

>just $10 per month
you know you still have to buy the games, at full price

Finally all the best games on linux as chads always dreamed.

>all you fags play
Way to totally out yourself as a foreignor shill


That'll be $60 per game plus a $10 per month tip.

>Pay monthly to play games
Why do console peasants do this?

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+ price of game

How's all the money you spent on that real game. I hope you do have ownership of it don't you?
Gabe isn't going to rip you off will he.

>spending money on shitty optional cosmetics
I seriously hope you dont do that. But then again you subscribe to games so probably.

Ownership is such an outdated concept, monthly fees for my entertainment are much more convenient, you guys need to get with the times.

I can play Doom without wondering which settings I can put on low!

>Hurr have to pay monthly $10 to play on 4k 60fps
Meanwhile all you degenerates pay $10 to xbox live and PSN.
On stadia 1080p 60fps is free and is already better than payingb$300 for weak ass console to play at "almost" 1080p 30fps.
Don't forget games do get discounted, all those old AAA titles for basically $5 is definitely better than buying overpriced rig and then playing on it.

you still have to pay full price for the games

but I don't have to pay for physical hardware

> all you degenerates pay $10 to xbox live and PSN.
bold assumption, pajeet

>Hurr have to pay monthly $10 to play on 4k 60fps
I don't pay anything monthyl to play 4k 144Hz. Fuck off, console peasant.

Based Single Independent Man!
That's how I'm gonna live my life, minus the Stadia because I prefer the best bang for my buck

Something like 90% of xbox one users pay for Xbox Live and Sony makes more money than Xbox and Nintendo combined off PSN subscriptions, its safe to assume most people do.

>Yea Forums
>Being this much of an unironic shill for google og all people.

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How's the paycheck?

This lol. What idiot at google thought Stadia would be a good idea? This is how you know the company is in a death spiral, their biggest new tech is not a self driving car, not something on par with google maps, but fucking Stadia.

Stadia's shills it's a thing now...

Attached: giphy (2).gif (320x289, 1.12M)

The best point yllou have is with the 1080p 60fps package, but even then you're still paying full price for some quite old games by now if you want them and the larency is still a massive issue.

Imagine being paid to defend the piece of garbage known as Stadia. I hope that google cock is worth it faggot.

>unironically defending high latency


>Meanwhile all you degenerates pay $10 to xbox live and PSN.
Well, I don't. Also, you still have to buy the game at full price?

Why would you pay full just get them on discount and then play civilization 6 on your computer/phone/laptop at work or sit in your comfy bed with your sleek notebook/thinkpad on your lap.
There are numerous games which don't require latency like persona which this board loves like hell and they damn well will pay for it.

I bought an expensive TV to get the most out of my media. Playing any game whatsoever with streaming compression artifacts is unacceptable.
HDMI 2.0 (the minimum spec for 4K60fps) is 14 Gigabit per second of data, that's 1000x the recommend 15 Megabit speeds google stadia claims gets you "4k60" streaming. You don't even need to be well versed in tech, just imagine much detail and data is being lost when you reduce and image's filesize by 1000 fold.

Guess who isn't buying a new nvidia 34567gd or 34576dg this July 4th sale?

This guy.

have fun with your laggy, compressed, poverty box.

Don't you have to buy games on top of the subscription fee? Because if that's the case you end up saving money if you buy a console and use that for like 3 years, and that's not even accounting for the fact that your ISP is gonna gouge the crap out of you.

>Spend $2000 on games for Stadia
>Three seconds of music from outside is picked up on my mic
>get immediately copyrighted
>Lose access to all my games
>Get told Google is a private company and can do what they want

even navigating menus under +100ms of latency is a nightmare for sure

>limited game library is going to be even more limited

The only bad thing about Stadia is it might make Steam shut down.

I think the chinks have better chance at keeping their online shop without cart functionality alive than google pushing their overpriced system where you have to keep paying nonstop and pray that copyright owners wont remove the game from "shelves".

Not to mention latency, price, bandwith problems and "no games" issue.


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too be fair, the raw stream from your pc to your monitor isn't the most efficient. I took a screenshot of my desktop, saved it as a .bmp and a .png, and the png was about 10 times smaller. It's possible to compress something without losing much or any quality. Though this also takes time, the low latency encoding/decoding stadia has to use combined with the extremely low bandwidth they're using will definitely produce a noticeable drop in quality.