Is there any genre in gaming with a higher skill ceiling than anti grav racers?

is there any genre in gaming with a higher skill ceiling than anti grav racers?
i dont think so

Attached: BallisticNG-gif.gif (600x338, 2.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just googled this game because I've never heard of it.
>publisher and developer: Neognosis
So, not only that vehicle design and UI are stolen from Wipeout, even the developer's name is similar. Psygnosis - Neognosis

Or... Are those the same guys?

how do you get good at ballisticNG without spending every day playing

Quick, recommend me the best Wipeout game to emulate.

It's a Wipeout fangame that ended up getting an official release. Play it, it's good. Much better than fucking Formula Fusion or whatever it's called now.

3 Special Edition.

>stolen from Wipeout
the entire thing is supposed to be a reincarnation of oldschool wipeout with 144fps and mod support

Attached: marina rush.webm (900x506, 2.96M)

Is the gameplay like Wipeout? I love that shit.

It's as close to the real thing as you're going to get. Genuinely a really great game, feels perfect.

Honestly looks too straightforward and unimpressive than F-Zero on the N64.
>inb4 nostalgia

If it aint F Zero I dont give a shit. I fucking hate floaty controls. F Zero X is perfection.

Ok cocksucker I'm buying it on Steam. I'll report back in 20 minutes if you ripped me off.

I know you don't want to hear this, but sim racers have a higher skill ceiling. Anti grav is still harder than 95% of game genres though.

that's one of the shortest and simplest tracks

>looks too straightforward
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean

Attached: omega harbor.webm (900x506, 2.98M)

That's more like it, but unfortunately it's just as user said: Looks floaty as fuck. F-Zero is tight.

redout is prob highest skill ceiling just because theres so many variables involved in just handling

nincels get out and stay out

not him but what does "floaty" mean in this context because imo these webms clearly show precision is required

Feels like they're not piloting machines that way 10s of tons with a rocket engine on it. They look like paper airplanes.

Ok, I just saw some gameplay footage on Tube. I might give it a try.
I played Redout and Formula Fusion, but didn't like them. Fast RMX is my thing.

They're not meant to look realistic you dipshit. It's all about gameplay.

how do i git gud at zen? i can handle the lower speeds but as soon as i hit the zen events i'm getting fucked up

I'm downloading the game aswell. Want me to start a noob lobby?

Look how floaty the ships are. They drift around all over the fucking place. F Zero has tight, "twitchy" controls. When youturn or do a side attack you get instant response, so the tracks can reflect the faster controls. Lots of movement tech results because of it.

>not him but what does "floaty" mean in this context because imo these webms clearly show precision is required

You really haven't even touched the game have you? Because you sound clueless as fuck, little nintenfag.

That's exactly how Wipeout plays you faggot, not like F-Zero. How do you think anti-grav works?

I mean if I wanted to be semantic I could point out that it's literally an anti-grav racer, of course they wouldn't feel super heavy
But I think the sense of weight is there in Wipeout anyway so yeah

Sim racers take less skill because they're based off something that actually exists. You can ask a race car driver for help with a sim racer but not with an anti-grav racer. You're on your own.

now THAT is floaty and imprecise, I lost all interest after finding out that with high energy pool + upgraded boost you could just smash through corners and instantly get back to 1000kph as if nothing happened

Attached: dover.webm (900x506, 2.93M)

He's never played any game past the ones on his Nintendo toy. So be kind on him. His only point of reference is said Nintendo game.

>these ships don't look like they weigh anything
>these ships drift around all over the place like a heavy thing with momentum would
can you guys reach a consensus on what this nebulous floaty word means

I've played BallisticNG a bunch, and I can tell you that if you want twitchy, all you have to do is play on highest speed. Any misstep is going to ruin your lap.

Kill yourself snoygger. Stay mad that you're stuck with shitty games when the rest of us have PCs

I will try it later, user. I am at work right now. Gimme your Steam name.

>now THAT is floaty and imprecise, I lost all interest after finding out that with high energy pool + upgraded boost you could just smash through corners and instantly get back to 1000kph as if nothing happened

spoken like a true scrub. red out is only imprecise when you dont know how to properly control the vehicle. If you touch a wall on higher difficulties you might as well restart the race. id say git gud but no one plays the game so whats it matter

>Highest skill ceiling
>Not competitive typing

Attached: index.jpg (271x186, 12K)

BallisticNG is on PC, user.

I don't care about the other guy and hold fast to my sentiment. I turn right in F-Zero, the machine turns right or will grind against the track satisfactorily slowing down because of the physicality. These webms show the pilot turning, and the machine lists this way or that.

No, in Wipeout once you initiate a turn it takes forever for momentum to change. Cars don't "stick" during normal turns. In F Zero they stick normally but you can drift to do Wipeout style turns by doing certain inputs. You have more options.

I mean, that's just how momentum works. I think you mean "I prefer it to be more videogamey" rather than "it's floaty".

>red out is only imprecise when you dont know how to properly control the vehicle
if you say so
I platin'd most of the vanilla tracks just by picking the purple dildo and hammering on the boost

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Bought it the other day, its already surpassed F zero gx for me.
I always admired the wipeout aesthtic but thought the gameplay was boring, turns out I missed all the good shit on ps1.

There used to be a guy who'd pop up in Wipeout threads and post webms of great W3SE runs, I wish I'd saved them. Might have to play it right now.

Thats the definition of floaty. The car floats around. Not even in this discussion but why is this a debate?

Did you even play Wipeout 3

Post some good music, Yea Forums

Are there any other modern AG games with physics as nice as ballisticng?

Point proven.

Ok, you win. This is pretty fun.

There was another fan game, Slipstream GX, but I don't remember much of it. Haven't played it in a long time. Worth trying out though, I'm pretty sure the dev teams for it and BallisticNG shared a lot of their stuff with each other.
You could also try Formula Fusion, the one made by actual Wipeout devs, but I didn't really enjoy it.

Told you. Insanely good value for the price, too. I first played it when it was a free alpha so I didn't have to pay for it but the amount of content there for a few bucks plus mod support, custom music, all that? It's that good shit.

why don't we all just enjoy both wipeout and f-zero because they're both fucking awesome instead of doing this dumb shit in every AG thread

f zero is more arcade racer

wipeout is more hovercraft simulator

also fuck you google and fuck your captchas

I initially pirated the 0.9 version and then bought it on steam solely to have animated airbrakes

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based user
they are both good games

Still playinig RedOut casually/ occassionally here. But it's a dying genre so it seems.
The skill ceiling isn't higher in AG racers than I'd say most other 'skill'based genres: but they sure feel really awesome to gid gud in though.
(One of the reasons I like RedOut: them sound effects as you fly past posts and stuff)

>make a BNG thread
>gets 2 replies
>someone else makes a thread
>100+ replies
Why? Am I not baiting hard enough?

OP poses a bold question yet without fear also answers it.

Learn from his recklessness in your shitposting.

>is there any genre in gaming with a higher skill ceiling than anti grav racers?
rhythm games

I love the madman who put this in Pure

What it looks like and how it plays are two very different things

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>If you touch a wall on higher difficulties you might as well restart the race. id say git gud but no one plays the game so whats it matter
Literally the best strat is to lightly bump walls with your back end on corners, have you never played the event sessions the devs host?

Ballistic NG deserves way more recognition than it gets, I also tried it in VR and i felt like i was gonna fucking die, it was great. shame the online is direct ip tho.

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This wipeout, F-zero, and reout bros rise up together so we can shit on formula fusion (pacer) which is actually garbage and who's only redeeming quality is >muh grafix

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Literally no one likes this song but me
I don't even care man, those electrobagpipes get me going

oh and i forgot to mention the mod support is based because people yoink the old wipeout tracks and remake it for ballistic NG.

I have Wipeout Omega on PS4 and I don't like it, either with tilt or analog controls. I hate how floaty the handling feels, how half the challenge is from trying to not to turn too much into a wall, and how it doesn't even feel that fast. Any tips on getting good?

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I need to know what fucking happened. It was being made by ex-Studio Liverpool guys. There was no reason for it to turn out bad

>shame the online is direct ip tho
>He missed the Yea Forums multiplayer lobby on friday
Sucks bro

have they remade all the wipeout 3 tracks?
They are a pain in the ass to find and i only got a few.

>whenever you rouch the stick to turn you slow down to 50% speed
>tracks are narrow as fuck and allow for no line experimentation
>no pits, just shield pickups that give you nowhere near enough
>at higher speeds you literally cannot turn as sharp as the track
>at the highest speed you just fly off of the track
>campaign is boring
>controls are mediocre
>loadout system sucks
beautiful game though

I've played thouands of hours of wipeout and i think i dropped fusion after an hour of playing it. complete garbage i think they convinced themselves that the aesthetic was all that mattered

o yeh lemme just go ask my cousin down in daytona

GRIP got AG vehicles recently, i don't know how they handle though haven't played in a while

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>how do I get gud without effort
You dont

iRacing takes real skill, this shit does not. End of thread.

I dunno, modern wipeout was also kinda mediocre

>shame the online is direct ip tho
This, I even asked one of the devs about it on discord and he said they have no plans for it
There's no real server or lobby system in place so they can't make a browser

penispit webms?


Webms from the C**kpit viewpoint

>wiggling an analog stick side to side

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have sex

> skill

Implying it demands intelligence not only muscle memory...

Playing this game in cockpit view is damn near impossible

wipeout 3 have the bestsoundtrack debate me

>pressing buttons

Bullet hells
fighting games
rhythm games
I wanna be the guy fan games

>play mp on official discord
>barracuda S only no collisions no weapons
Why not just play single player at this point?

>rhythm games

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maybe fast fps

That shit runs uncapped. 240hz feels fantastic.

There's a big update coming at the end of July with new tracks and updated physics.

It's mostly knowledge you need to get within 1% of the times set by the top 1% of players, though going 99% as fast is still a full second slower on most tracks, 5 seconds on Nurburgring. To extract that last 1% of performance, and be able to do it consistently and not just on one hot lap, requires a LOT of genuine skill. The precise inputs required to hit the ideal slip angle (about 3-5 degrees of oversteer) on every corner are too complex to simply explain, it only happens with real talent and intuition.

Learn how to corner.

Can't you do air spins in this game? In Wipeout, air spins give boost.

anti grav racers don't give you carpal tunnel, rhythm games do.

How is that a good thing though?

Post em

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you can enable modern wipeout physics with the 2280 mode, which also allow you to do air spins

Is redout worth playing? looks pretty fun

I saw this posted in one of the other threads and it gave me furious envy
I don't have the time or energy these days to consistently play but I wanna be good at the game so bad

wow litterally chunks of wipeout3 tracks are there, lawsuits in 3...2...1....

The precision tracks are harder but I still got gold on all of them, the second one made me want to fucking kill myself



This one looks AMAZING!

It's called Pacer now.

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OP said to name a genre with a higher skill ceiling than anti grav racers, a genre that literally inflames your tendons or gives you a workout in the case of DDR are much more difficult and have a much higher skill ceiling that Anti grav racers.

Yeah it looks really nice, but it's hugely disappointing to play. I genuinely don't understand how they fucked it up.

A few of the guys that worked on Wipeout went and made Formula Fusion, which happens to still be the worst of the trio of modern AG racers, relative to Redout (F-Zero) and Ballistic NG (Wipeout 3).

I just want mod support for replacing the sounds and announcer from Wipeout 3, and I'm good to go.

I doubt you can sue someone for building a mod tracks that look like old ones from W3

Wipeout Fusion is more fun than I remember and the music is pretty good; syncs to the action very well.

I'm looking for something more like F-Zero...

I also want something more like Waverace for Jet ski...

What's wrong with the game?


Redout is pretty close to F-Zero's formula if you haven't played that. It's got a high skill ceiling, but not a whole lot of content.

covered it. It just doesn't feel much like Wipeout and it's really sad that the fan effort (that this thread is about) is a superior game in pretty much every way.
Try Redout.

I forgot they got Design Republic back on board for that. Looks absolutely pretty but it has like no content.

Redout is very fun, but playing BnG makes me worse at it and vice versa
The visuals and music are fucking 9/10 though

I wish Studio Liverpool didn't fuck up so hard by making the same game over and over again. They lost a lot of fans by not releasing any new games on the ps3. If the hd collection at least included every track in pure and pulse...
If we get a new wipeout I want more maps like Sol. Wipeout lacks crazy maps which are found in extreme g or fzero. Also maybe introduce some character so there is some mainstream appeal.
Both fanbases are bitter about not getting a new game. It is still more likely that Sony would port the older games or updates them for VR instead of Nintendo working on a new fzero/ port with online multiplayer.
Why do you think the studio had to shut down? They sat on their ass too long Firesprite has the talent of the old studio.

Attached: wipeout.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

that game is garbage when most of the vehicles handle like complete shit. fuck grinding in a game just so you can get a vehicle that doesn't handle like a model T on a nascar track.

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I don't know a thing, but Studio Liverpool shutting down coincided with the PS Vita failing after Sony pulled all first-party support from it for the PS4, and Studio Liverpool were instrumental in iterating on the prototype designs for the Vita. (Wipeout 2048 wasn't just a flagship title for the Vita, it was a test bed, and the reason the Vita had two analog sticks and a rear touchpad)

They were already in pre-production on the next Wipeout when Sony swung the axe on them.

I love the graphics in BnG
It's like 3d pixel art

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I do agree SL was stagnant by that point, but given how the Vita was mistreated and their role in its development, part of me thinks Sony just screwed them over in cutting the Vita off and going all in PS4.

>how it doesn't even feel that fast
leave the beginner class. Stop using the airbrakes and pick feisar.

What the fuck do you use to control these things? I've had BallisticNG for a while but I don't have a gamepad and the control layout seems kind of nonsensical.

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>trying to play with a kb + m
Not gonna work dude

>could just smash through corners
what did he mean by this

I use a Steam Controller, but the keyboard controls are fine once you adapt. You have to hit every boost pad and boost drift though every corner with your air brakes, and pitch the nose of your craft with the track's inclines.

I use a gamepad, can't imagine trying to play with keyboard. You need to be able to do gradual inputs.

I know that. Fuck Sony for closing them down. It just partially a self made problem from neglecting the game and failing to keep the fan base alive. They were also closed when Sony needed to cut cost for the ps3 failure. The new wipeout sounded pretty good.

Attached: WipEout#7.png (1920x1080, 3.16M)

Oh and I never used the mouse. It was exclusively with the keyboard. Using both would probably fuck you up.

there is an upgrade that turns your boost into a super boost if you let the gauge fill to 100%
the boost also gets stronger the more energy you have, so the ship with max energy pool will get a ridiculous amount of boost from it
smash into corner with excessive speed, hit the boost on the way out and no matter if you scraped walls you will exit with almost max speed

Let me get this straight, you're complaining that if you hit the boost, you get a boost?


Noobs and pros alike, GET IN

He's complaining that the boost is so good that it trivialises full speed collisions, which *is* pretty shitty balance.

no, I could ignore tight corners and the speed reduction from hitting walls by just bruteforcing my way through it with a purple dildo (pic related)
don't know if they patched it with the track dlcs, I stopped playing it

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Cold Storage - Onyx is in Wipeout Pure

God I loved Wipeout on Vita.

>so many people talking about the game but nobody joining the lobby
I am terrible at this game so don't worry about not beating me. I've got a 4 track easy tournament set up ready to go.

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I really enjoyed 2048 but the timing of the "GO" after the race start countdown was like a half of a split second different from HD and it always fucked my starting boost

and id love to see you try that without fucking it up

Encouraging, but I'm embarrassingly bad at BallisticNG, otherwise would join for a quick game.

Give me a minute and I'll join user, I've never played against other people so it should be fun

come ooooon

>there is an upgrade that turns your boost into a super boost if you let the gauge fill to 100%
Good luck ever getting 100% gauge and still staying in first. Don't talk shit about a game you've hardly played any of

If you get a full speed collision you explode.

>platin medal on every vanilla track with nothing but class 4 dildo boosting
>hardly played

>tfw waging
I'm sorry dude, if theres a thread up 3 hours from now I will

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I wouldn't worry about that, I'm terrible also. Last lobby we had, there were two guys who were just insane and I still had a good time.

Don't have time to sit for a game right now.

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Yea, what difficulty you running there buddy?

is the online stable? can i join as a europoor and not be teleporting everywhere for others?

>All these excuses
If I set up a lobby this weekend, is there enough interest for you nerds to have a Yea Forums-up? It's a chill way to spend an evening.

I'm still keeping this tourney lobby open for now, if anyone still wants in., port 25565.

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don't know if it even had that when I played
I remember grinding my ass off for lvl 4 ships and then after going through the track roster my desire to play the game vanished

I'm also europoor so doubt it. I've never had it being laggy with anybody, though it might take a little while to load in. Online seemed super stable from what I've seen.

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Convince someone who’s only experience in driving games is the 2015 Need For Speed reboot to buy Redout and get good at it. Otherwise, I’ll just get Darkwood and spook myself off.
Also does anyone else abhor the fading captcha? It sends my netbook into a fucking coma every time I press on the third image.

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It's fast, it's fun, it's got a good soundtrack.

What is the singleplayer like in this?

Don't buy Redout. Buy BallisticNG. It's a far less risky and far better investment.

what speed?
my shitter ass can't handle anything past spectre without slamming into walls
either way im down if it's still up in 5 mins or so

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Apex at the moment, might venture into Halberd. Just an easy entry into it for the newer guys.

that's not fast
THIS is fast

dont buy reddout. 90% of the vehicles blow and you cant have fun unless you're 100% perfect in it or grind to trick your vehicle out to where its not shit.

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Fun, good soundtrack and pretty good to look at, only do it if have a controller lying around. But consider also getting BallisticNG, as it's pretty cheap and doesn't flaunt unbought DLC in your face.

>I use a Steam Controller
Do you use the gyro to steer the ship? I don't know if that's the best way to play but it's definitely the most comfy.

>tfw one of the insane ones
How'd you like that surprise 2280 mode?

Yeah that fucked me up even harder than the spectre speeds.

Yeah, and if not I'll host, I'm the guy who hosted on friday

We should put together a Yea Forums approved track pack from the workshop
I also have some from the official discord too

I see, thanks.

I tried It once but I absolutely sucked. If I kept at it for a while, and tweaked it some more, I could probably adapt, but I haven't.

I use gyro steering in other games though. It's a discount steering wheel, but fun enough to use.

Get both redout anf ballisticng
Redout has an insanely good sale rn

Me also, great idea. See you at the weekend.

>All the future racing games take gameplay more from Wipeout then F-Zero
It's not fucking fair, F-Zero plays so good but people just keep making fucking Wipeout-like games.

That's because WipEout turned out to be the more popular series in the end.

why do you want tips if you don't like it? it's normal to suck at first but once you learn to feel the ship it gets very rewarding


Okay negroes which is it? I have a PS4 pro, does it do anything special with that? Can I still have fun as a casual player like in NFS? What kind of advantages does BallisticNG have over this game?
Also which DLCs if I am going to get it?

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There's room for both, but I'd argue it's because Wipeout had better style (not necessarily a better series than F-Zero, that's subjective. it's flashier and a more hip, mainstream appeal, all due to The Designers Republic's involvement in the franchise)


I played through the redout campaign with the goal of golding every event
Never didn't have enough money but some of those time trials took me over 20 tries
Also redout is extremely fun once you get the hang of it, and the DLC are definitely worth getting on sale.

Ballistic is PC only unfortunately, but is the closest thing to an official WipEout game you'll get on the platform.

Still plenty of room!, port 25565

No, it's just easier to make clones of.
Games aren't ever "popular" in the future racer genre. Hell, most racing games aren't really ever popular even if they're good, the only ones I can think of as popular is Mario Kart.

I 100%ed the game in 74 hours played. So it's not that much of a commitement in terms of time. Certainly takes persistence though.

Attached: BallisticNG_Omega_Harbor.webm (569x320, 2.92M)

and that's also why you see people recommending both Redout and Ballistic, they're not competing for the same experience, to where you can compare them, like you can with BNG and Pacer (Formula Fusion).

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>I have a PS4 pro
That's ok, but it requires the use of both sticks to properly steer it. You can't properly control your ship in redout with only a keyboard and mouse.
Also BallisticNG is on pc only.
>What kind of advantages does BallisticNG have over this game?
It's a wipeout clone, 1 to 1 clone. Redout took some influences from wipeout, specially on the visual side, but it is its own thing. I've found it easier to get into Redout than wipeout and BallisticNG.

>Outpost 7

does anyone remember??

Nah, just ninten drone.

I'll have to try it now.

That track was fun, I like the third precision track too but...
>The second precision track
That fucking track made me want to jump out of my window

>buy wip3out omega collection
>jut doesnt feel fast
anyone else? i mainly played 2097 but all 3 on omega are just so easy and boring


Shit kiddy tastes. You're literally flying of course it's floaty and you have to keep track of your altitude at all times.
Meanwhile F Zero/10 might as well have wheels.

Thanks mang, both looks interesting enough so I’m getting them.

4th track fucked me up the most. 2nd was so-so.

Attached: ballisticNG__the_walls_are_lava.webm (622x350, 2.81M)

You know what I would do here?
Have some kind of procedural tiling in for lit windows at night.

With dark windows on the base texture, overlay a mask for lit windows in random patterns via a script, or shader, or something. It's the little things.

God drag is so much fucking fun
Galo sengen tier speeds
We NEED more awesome drag tracks

Attached: BallisticNG_Utah.webm (889x500, 2.91M)

WipEout used to be quite hot shit back in the 90's, they even got DJ Sasha aboard to do some world tours to promote the game and make the soundtrack for the 3rd one.

Attached: BallisticNG_Luna.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Best racing team coming through

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>chasing Drumpf

Attached: ballisticNG_Dover.webm (711x400, 2.99M)

Excellent. It has a fully made campaign with normal and expert difficulties across multiple blocks, as well as the ability to download custom campaigns.

and replace all the fake skybridges over the track with built out versions, translucent windows, with spectator cards in the foreground.
Just little hints of nuance here and there.

Attached: ballisticNG_barracuda_platinum.webm (889x500, 2.87M)

>allowed in the league


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Balance it with a three strikes rule.
Clip a thing three-times, it's an automatic loss.

>starts 8/8
>finishes 1/1
Heh, nothing personnell, kid.

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Like a career mode?

>Uses tremor
>outrun it
by ANY means

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I'm pretty sure I remember reading Wipeout 2097 was Red Bull's breakout into the American market? Funny as hell.

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Yeah, exactly. It's great, and really challenging to get golds later on.


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It was. Also the original ads for the first WipEout game were pulled because "it promotes MDMA and ecstasy use. They might have had some point there as studio liverpool went around funding raves and festivals left and right and some drug usage from all parties might have been involved too. lobby is closed down now, great racing from those who joined though

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Platinums are tricky to get on the later trials for me, pls no bully

F-Zero AX/GX agrees

Thanks for hosting user that was a lot of fun. I didn't know Yea Forums had weekend lobbies for it, what day is it usually on? I'll try to make sure I'm there

thanks for hosting, hopefully i'll see the thread at the weekend

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This weekend will be the first as far as I'm aware, I think this sale is the first time this game has got attention here for a while. It'll probably be Friday/Saturday evening GMT but I won't be strict with it.

Also if I forget to post a thread, can someone else, to remind me to host? We'll get some tourneys on the go, drag races etc etc.

god this player sucks

oh no some random gluehuffer commented my footage from 2018 and told me I suck at a 5 dollar agrav game
how will I ever find happiness in life again

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I have thursday through sunday off and will host in any threads I see

My guy. I should be about for a few races in the evenings.

>BallisticN/v/ is ginally happening

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Fuck it dude
Add me on steam
Picture of the seal
We can talk about good workshop tracks and shit


Attached: Icaras_Fury.jpg (1920x1080, 148K)

>I'll have to try it now.
Stand by.

Attached: cockpit_only_webm_pending.jpg (2560x1440, 675K)

sent ;)
Tho I'm off to bed now, PEACE OUT MY RACERS.

lol u mad

amen. videogames are not skillful.

Just grabbed this, didn't know it existed until now. Any advice for a "new" player? I played a lot of Wipeout back around 2000 but it's been so damn long I don't remember a thing.

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit1.webm (889x500, 2.74M)

That's my favorite track too, it flows so well

Tilting back helps
Hitting the invisible wall above the actual wall doesn't slow you down

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit2.webm (889x500, 2.85M)

Practice, play the campaign
Don't settle for less than platinum

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit3.webm (889x500, 2.85M)

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit4.webm (889x500, 2.85M)

How's the single-player in this game; how long is the campaign? I infrequently play racing games, but when I do it's usually by myself.

Took me about 50 hours to 100% it
If you just rush through with bronze medals maybe 10 hours

Should I get BallisticNG and skip the PS1 Wipeouts, or play 2097 and 3, or what?

Result here:
Pretty proud considering I sat down at 11pm for 15 minutes in fucking cockpit view and got 5 perfect laps out of it and beat my last attempt by almost a whole second.

Attached: ballisticNG_cockpit5.webm (889x500, 2.84M)

Those are all equally valid options.

Just do what you want

I want Omega on PC

gtfo newfag

Is there a meta ship? I always used AG Systems in previous Wipeout games.

Just bought BnG bros

Attached: high_res.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Wyvern treated me well as a noob.
Diavolt makes anything with combat focus trivial.
Nexus handles like a bag of bricks on roller skates.

Is there a lobby up? Just finished installing

>tfw this game in VR first person
it did something to my brain

Attached: 1539117165083.jpg (1100x1077, 255K)

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'll come play for a while. I'm going to spend most of the race bouncing from wall to wall like it's air hockey.

Please tell me, I don't have VR so I have to live vicariously through text posts

I've got a lobby up, if I did it right you can join

I felt that playing first person even without VR. You must've seen some crazy shit.

Attached: thomas.jpg (550x554, 31K)

I can't get anywhere near full pace in VR, even the chase cam seems to be closer so I see less of the track and going from 144 to 90 Hz doesn't help with reaction time either


sorry sweetie this is hyperion territory

>timed out

Ah shit I stopped because no one was joining. I'll remake

Lobby back up, I've done one race in the game so far so I'm quite the veteran

still timing out mate
did you port forward?

I don't think so, I just pressed host lobby. You should make one and I'll join that
post: 11100

>tfw uni dorms internet is lightning fast but has closed off port settings so bng multiplayer is out of the question

Attached: 1556235306386.jpg (820x906, 77K)

Redout is hot garbage. And it's no wonder because is made by italians, and third world countries don't know shit about game design.

uh, you only need to port forward to host bro

I know, I can do it just fine back at home but I have literally zero access to port settings over here

I played it back when it was just a prototype build, but I am glad to see it make a final release.

Nowadays though when I get the urge for Wipeout I have to play the real thing, nothing really compares to XL or 3.

And 2089 if I'm on the go

Attached: 925_3.jpg (1000x1643, 777K)

but you can still play in other peoples lobbies

Your game is shit unless it has Christian rock anthems

last time I played with my bro I couldn't connect to him either, but I'll give it a try in a few minutes

Richanon, can I BallisticNG?
[email protected]

it's less than $6 man
or just pirate it

lets go bros someone put up a lobby

back up

Get tf in here

Attached: BallisticNG MP.jpg (1861x963, 860K)

we racin



Attached: 1280px-Render_Protonic_Default.png (1280x960, 161K)

it lacks weight and speed

Attached: 2gx.webm (412x320, 2.95M)

You guys had better be here on the weekend, I'd love to play but I need to sleep. I should probably get some practice in too, I just bought it and I don't think I've touched Wipeout this year either.
Does BNG work fine with a 360 controller, by the way?

Attached: 1503070881901.jpg (4000x2684, 811K)

think again

Attached: osu!.jpg (600x836, 109K)

>Does BNG work fine with a 360 controller, by the way?
That's what I use

Nice, I'd hate to have to use my keyboard.

if you're new to wipeout i highly recommend playing with some old trance music. it's made for AG racing

Attached: 1559590455797.jpg (425x319, 93K)

I prefer gnarly breakbeats and IDM for going fast

>not dabbing on weaponniggers
If you get hit, you deserved to get hit.

Attached: niggs2k.png (350x263, 24K)

cars > gay hover surfboards
if i wanted to play a game about a vehicle that never touched the ground id play this

Attached: glider.png (647x434, 26K)

>not going fast both on the ground and in the air

Attached: flatout twisty.webm (900x506, 2.95M)

The wipeout games are literally the hardest games I've ever played so I agree. Those zone battles become impossible for anyone other than the absolute best.

>That perfect loop

Attached: 0a8.jpg (285x287, 10K)