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Anyone have the loading screen artwork for Amaurot?
I NEED to use that shit as my desktop wallpaper.

That's him...!
That's Janny!

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I'm calling janny

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Yes and I've been awake for way too long because I just finished it and can't stop thinking about it. That whole ending from the Tempest on (other than Sahagin stuff) just gets my dick hard.

>instantly think HE'S IN when Crystal Exarch pulls out letter with red seal on it
I'm going to kill myself

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>the clock ticking in the theme
>all the ascian npc dialogues
>the entire atmosphere
That level of kino was too much

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Glad i wasn't the only one

Re-watching some cut-scenes, and you can really feel how important this friend of Emets must have been to him, and how disappointed he must have been the WoL didn't remember shit

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God, having Junichi Suwabe playing Arbert was so fucking glorious. It was like having Archer there with me again, especially this scene.

that story was the most kino shit i ever played god damn

i honestly dont see how they top this, ever

question about one detail I missed, I swear I'm not a cutscene skipper
We know Emet-Selch's creation of Amaurot was just his creation over the ruins, and incompletely so as it was populated by shades and buildings were undamageable like the ruins in the Tempest. but how did the ruins get there in the first place?

Pets can drop from the last boss in Akademia and Twinned instances
Any mounts?

This whole part had me feeling so bad for the Ascians and Emet especially, imagine the suffering he had to endure for so long

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In the end this image really had nothing to do with ShB. But I'm fine with that, because what we got was just as amazing.

So, Hythlodaeus was the original Warrior of Light, before the world got shattered right?

after the original star split, its remnants were split amongst the different shards

we never found them on the Source because 7 apocalypses wiped them from the face of the earth


He had millennia to create them so I assume he just did it over a long period of time like a model train maker in his basement

The ruins were there from before the split. It is still the same planet that existed as a whole, just copied.

it's a representation of you protecting ryse

I just finished the expansion and i'm sad that i took this long, i'll have to go through the archives to see everyone's initial reactions. This was so fucking good.

>main theme starts playing

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He's some random guy who became self aware simply because emet had a stray thought whole creating Amaurot

When the world was split into shards, it's reasonable to assume that ruins of the ancient civilization would still be left over.
The reason there isn't any to be found in the source is because the calamities have likely destroyed them.

We ended his cause and any future his people had
What the fuck can Elidibus do

Talking with Ardbert in our private chambers gave me Fate/EXTRA vibes in particular

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Unless we have a habit of referring to ourselves in the 3rd person.

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this game did the impossible, it made me care about Ascians. they were always the worst shit in the plot aside from Allagans and now one of them is my favorite antagonist in the game.

I see. So there is/was a reflection of Amaurot on every shard?
I don't think that's quite right. He created Amaurot on top of the ruins, not create the ruins themselves.

it was an excellent choice, every exchange with him felt like a pure injection of kino

>I see. So there is/was a reflection of Amaurot on every shard?
Yes, because the original world was exactly copied 13 times to create each shard.

>>I see. So there is/was a reflection of Amaurot on every shard?

maybe. maybe it all ended up on the first

I know that, but Ryne didn't have as central a role as some other characters, and she was more involved with Thancred anyway

Asked this in a bunch of threads and never got an answer. Does the shadowbringer story make any reference to the player being a dark knight the same way heavensward does to the player being a dragoon?

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>Doing almost the same amount of damage as level 72 BLM with Stormblood gear as my 80 MCH with 430+ gear

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I don't think so. But the lvl 80 DRK quest was really good.

No because you don't actually do anything shadow/edgy/darkness related in shadowbringers, you overcome everything with the power of either friendship or light

Not quite, he says he was a friend of Emet-Selch in the past. The WoL appears to be fragments of some other ascian that was Emet-Selch's friend in the past through.

>"him" in quotes
yeah, he's definitely talking about himself. we are hythlodaeus.

>Ryne didn't have as central a role as some other characters

Yes she did. The story has a lot of moving pieces, but Ryne/Minifilia was an incredibly important part of it. Yeah, she stops being AS important after she gets a dye-job, but thats so focus can shift to the fucking kino that is 78-80

If you're a female character it says "her"

I don't think potencies are set in stone, so the only thing I'm concerned about is how the jobs play. DPS can be tuned, but no one's getting a complete overhaul after launch.

In the end I felt a bit bad for him.

that line changes to reflect your character's gender, we're not hythlodaeus

Do you really think ascians have genders?


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Friend.... or lover?

> Yeah, she stops being AS important after she gets a dye-job

She's literally the only thing preventing you from transforming.


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W-What's he planning

This was the part where I knew this expansion was going to be off the rails

>the loud screaming with my window open
Had to shut that quick lmao

I would assume so based on that conversation changing the word.

press F for monks and healers

Isn't Amaurot where the Cieldales islands are in Eorzea? It was probably completely submerged by whichever calamity the great flood was

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>reason why WoL only ever gets ship tease at most is to reveal a bombastic past life romance plot with one of the villains
Would they have the guts?

I haven’t done much of the story so far, do they ever explain the /comfy/ guy in his armpit?

I still think there's a chance we might be Hythlodaeus, even if they refer to the WoL in 3rd person. They might consider themselves (a mere reflection of the past) different from the one that actually existed.


>there was a seat added on the council of 13 later
>one of the members is missing
>whoever we were was a unique and exceptionally powerful ascian
we're the 14th council member, right?


In real world lore the giants are usually genderless, I just assume he is using the pronouns like that to describe the vessel that the same soul occupies

I'm a DPS only shitter
Which tank is the most fun

>people actually think the titania theme is good
really weebs?

Yes, but do we know Hythlodaeus' gender?

Why are there so many WoWrefugees refusing to follow the mechanics?

i wouldn't say they explain it but it's certainly addressed

there were 14. they kicked someone out not long before they summoned zodiark

man I love how much this game makes wow trannie mods seethe

Reminder to Hyur warriors to give others that one final step of kino in the Dying Gasp by galmoring AF1 gear and Bravura.

Warrior, which is basically a DPS.

males/females probably didn't exist before the universal split

it makes my dick hard so it's good yeah

They don't have DBM to tell them what to do and they don't have the mental capacity to learn them

Alright, cool. Thanks.

Because that's how they play their own game

At this point I wouldn't put it past them
I've been reading some JP thoughts on the MSQ and I see a lot of people who also speculate they might have been lovers. I need to check out the JP version of the scenes later

Sproutfag here.

I'm level 66 as Paladin, mained it since ARR, How'd we fair in 5.0? Worth playing or should I reroll Gun like everyone else?

they’re literally all just DPS now

DRK is just slightly higher IQ WAR now and WAR was always unga bunga

PLD is the biggest winner of the ShB changes out of the tanks

Why are people still screaming that we're "canonically" only a normal person with no superpowers beyond the Echo when the story explicitly stated that we solo'd fucking SHINRYU? And Omega too, for that matter.

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all the tanks are probably good, pick whichever you like the most

it's good. please dilate.

Not that I know of. My take is he is referring to whoever the robed figure is that you appear as to Emet-Selch at the end of the final dungeon. The conversation you have at the dmv refers to that robed person who you either were in the past or have fragments of their soul in you now.

>tfw you'll never eternal bond Emet-Selch

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>GL4 on monk is still worse than GL3 with fists of fire

Thanks for nothing Yoshi

>tfw some idiot in my pt had swimsuit glam on
I fucking hate you, whoever you were

literally no ones screaming that

If you talk to one of the ancients before he disappears during one of the air current quests, he'll ask if you're looking for your mommy and daddy, so yes they did.

Care to explain further? I´m torn between PLD and GNB

they got summoned when they were at the beach

PLD is fucking nuts right now, GNB is fun but has shields+regen instead of raw sustain so it's a little weird

You are the fourteenth council member

really? for me they were way more fascinating then everything else. I was big into the mystery. I sure as fuck didnt expect for the reveals to live up to the hype.

gods this expansion is kino

I had the modern artifact gear and it was still great. I imagine all my reflections wearing their own version of it as well.

It was happening a shitton last night. Someone was asking why this Wuxia-man was somehow able to match us and some autist flipped his shit and started screaming that the WoL is just an average fighter and their only real ability is to see the orange circles from gameplay so they can dodge.

Who the hell is screaming that? Some RP nerd?

both of those jobs are fine, play whichever you enjoy more

Paladin has a strict/static rotation that never changes unless you fuck something up and GNB is busier and it's damage is more priority based.

>it's 7 players with frog suits

This is the first time this game felt like a proper JRPG for me. I don't want to go back to shitty garlean story.

See There's at least one guy on Yea Forums who's utterly obsessed with this idea that the WoL isn't any stronger than a normal person, despite multiple accomplishments in the story proving that wrong.

So he's an idiot, just Ignore him

What the fuck that's not the post I linked

I had someone in pink pajama robes with fuzzy slippers. I like to imagine they got ported to the final battle straight from their bed.

its crazy to see a thread thats nothing but paid advertisement

Any clue as to who the "old friend" Tataru mentions is?


Miqotechads win again

>you can do this but we won't let you glam one job's gear onto another job ツ
fuck off yoshi

Really WoL's weakness is that they haven't gone as deep into their abilities as other characters who have trained their asses off. WoL gets a lot of their combat techniques from their soul crystals, and has never once bothered to train their Echo. Compare to Y'shtola who's been learning magic her entire life and knows shit you can't even dream of, and Zenos who trained his Echo to be able to meld with a primal. Not that WoL isn't talented and extremely powerful because they were a council member but other people can approach our level with a lifetime of training and raw talent.

Were Giants mentioned before this expansion?

muh anime

Thanks janny
Back to scum


Part of me hates this change since I don't really feel like a tank now, part of me is satisfied I can play WAR, DRK, and GNB as DPS outside of raids. If this trend continues, it's possible they'll just keep expanding on tank rotations and then we really will be indistinguishable.

>WoL gets a lot of their combat techniques from their soul crystals,
At this point I can't fathom how soul crystals are even canon anymore, you're not learning techniques by this point you're fucking inventing them.

wrong again, idiot

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>Be Emet-Selch and create the Allagans and perhabs other great empires in hopes to recreate what you have lost
>Have to watch them fail and crumble back into pieces over and over again

You will never be important janitor cock slave.

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they are just going to nerf WHM so it plays like shit aswell.
i swear to god WHM is fucking fun atm.

emet-selch is an uppity faggot moon nigger and i feel no sympathy for him

he should have let his world and god die and accepted fucking defeat instead of trying to ruin everything for everyone

Are you stupid?

I'm so glad shadowbringers stuck the landing

was honestly kinda worried after stormblood

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He does that on purpose to cause calamities though

I don't understand wowshitters, it's surreal how disconnected they are from reality, they are just like emet, refusing to acknowledge that the past is in the past and it's not coming back, except they aren't nearly as likeable as him

What was that thing supposed to be after the ending scene with thancred and minfilia.. a spaceship or some shiet?

I think what really got me was the fact that he did try to live with the humans, over and over but they just kept fucking up.

There are four Smash threads up right now on Yea Forums, and multiple other Nintendo general threads where it's one of the primary topics. The mods have no grounds to send anything to /vg/ when they let that shit fly every fucking day.


>YFW this scene



He said he was trying to find successors. It's just convenient that they were also perfect set ups for calamities.



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Play a FF game that isn't XIV.

To a degree for sure but seeing him create this entire city makes me wonder if he didn't try at least once to recreate it by different means.


I played 7 and tactics :^)

You've been fighting for what, 2 years? (technically 7 if you're 1.0 since 1.0-1.23 is a five year echo flashback). The old guy by comparison has been constantly fighting Sin-eaters for like six decades until Vaulthry came. It's perfectly fine the first time to meet someone like that and you know nothing about them they'd kick your ass.

>healers are so OP tanks don’t have to do anything but DPS and use CDs for tankbuster
>hm this is a problem says yoshi
>let’s fix it by removing the weak veneer of complexity and teamwork that was threat, and also make the DPS even more braindead
What did he mean by this?

If we don't get to bring Minfillia back to the Source with us I'm staying on Norvrandt forever.
Fuck the rest of the Scions that aren't Urianger, Alphinaud, and Alisaie.

Wtf is ELidibus going to do now that he is completely cucked? His scheming on the moon sounds like another dumb ass idea.

but Minfilia is dead, are you thinking of someone else?

By the sheer amount of times we've been told it will take a few weeks for X thing to happen, we can't have been doing this for less than four years from the start of ARR. That said, it's the way he beats you that is horseshit, where he one-shots you with smack talk as if you were never even a threat to him. It's just unbelievable and poor writing at this point for the WoL to not at least be dangerous.

Lets say I want to get into FFXIV on PS4, what do I need to purchase physically to reduce the downloads as much as possible?

I'm disappointed with didn't actually get a Mystery Nigga robe from that one Aethercurrent quest.

It’s not bad. I like the new lily stuff. More instant heals for retards. Holy spam kind of feels less special now though.

inb4 it's a cash shop exclusive

>Did that user just insult me?

Her dad isn't going to let you

While that is his primary objective he still contemplates whether the civilizations he helped create messure up to what was before, they just consistently fail to live up to it.
Hell, he's downright happy as he dies since he finally sees a shred of hope when the WoL proves he's underestimating them.

I genuinely care so much more about the people of the First than Eorzea (other than Ishgard). The people here are all wonderful, doing their best in a shitty situation and all treat the WoL with kindness.

>Cutscene Skipper
>Friend told me how i like the story
>"I skip them lol"
>Calls me a nigger and to watch them
>Tfw only know the story beginning at Shiva and to the start of Heavensward
I'm sorry

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weaving's base element is lightning user. he gave you everything you need to make it yourself.

A lightling cluster. I thought it was cheeky af

You are vermin

New game plus coming in 5.1, you can replay everything then without being locked down by aether currents and other bullshit.

Go to the inn right now and start watching. See you in a few days.

Literally why what is even there to rush for in XIV when literally all content is still being played to this day

not missing anything honestly

>visit eulmore for the first time
>I bet those bread things are laced with drugs or some shit for everyone to go crazy over them
>visit eulmore the second time
Lots of pretty good twists this time around. I kinda saw Vauthry being the next warden from a mile away, but the delivery was still good. He's a surprisingly compelling villain, I'd thought they'd just make him some kind of comedic villain or some shit, but it was all pretty sinister.

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It was a beautiful small thing and I loved it way more than I should

You are free to play the game as you wish, so long as you understand that your friend is correct.

As stupid as I thought it was for him to lose against Zenos, in a barrowed body none the less, part of me can't help but giggle that such a powerful being is continually getting BTFO by mortals and he's having to come to terms with that. I almost expect him to get so depressed that he just throws his hands up and accepts man as his successors after being completely eclipsed by WoL and Zenos' duel.

Wonder what F'lhaminn will feel about us bringing back a younger, red headed version of her daughter with us

His battle theme fucking slaps too

FUCK I knew his voice was familiar. I can't believe I didn't realize my ghost-friendo was fucking Archer

F'lhaminn is Minfilia's MOM ?
I thought she was some random prostitute, is that why they keep her around ?

>I'd thought they'd just make him some kind of comedic villain or some shit
>has a baby voice and throws a tantrum immediately

>this is your catgirl main tank tonight
user I hope your opener lines up with trick and doesn't delay any gcds

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F'lhaminn took Minfilia in after she murdered her real father during a false flag event.

>queue into leveling roulette
>Sohm Al
>NIN is an Au Ra named Riku Darkforce
>tank pulls two enemies at a time and never touches a single CD
>almost wipe to second boss because none of them attacked the green blob
>get to final boss
>wipe two times because healer spams Medica II from across the arena that hits nobody
>NIN dies because tank didn't pull the dragon to the wall and got caught in his dragonbreath

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I just can't take him seriously at all with that voice, except after the battle where I felt sad for him, it literally was not his fault he was born the way he was

This has been a thing since 1.0 and mentioned many, many times over the years.

Is Minfilia gone for good by the end of this expansion?

>He didn't pick up on it back in their first appearance years ago
How could you hear him scream and cry about how fate fucked him over for being a hero and not immediately recognize him?


watch it's going to turn out that the battle theme was an unused Uematsu track

I refuse to believe soken is capable of making something that bad

Ryne turned out to be a way better character than i ever expected her to

She's her adopted mother, user
Adopted her after accidentally murdering her father with a goobbue in a false flag operation with some other Ul'dahn folks, but yeah they're family

>run past monster in the overworld

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100% for sure dead this time

the best parties are the ones that give you the best stories

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you know, the ascians are pretty fucking dumb all things considered when they've lived for millennia as scientists in a utopia

That's surprisingly sinister for how fucking milquetoast the early story was

He knows a technique nobody on the source does and he doesn't "oneshot" you, you fight him for a good 5 minutes and get him down to nearly half HP until he works out your weakness.

How'd she go?

Is this the last expansion?

1.0 was a lot gloomier than ARR.

>last flying quest is always the last MSQ in the zone
>by the time you unlock flying in that zone you have no reason to ever step foot in there again

>Carry on is a message for Ardbert and friends to us
It hurts bros, I miss him so much the inn room in the Crystarium will never be the same

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no, we still have to go to the moon

based retard

>queue for roulette level 80 dungeons takes 25-30 minutes
>queue manually for 80 dungeon is 5-10 minutes
nice broken system

Ryne (lolifilia's new name) deleted the last few traces of her to become her own person.

1.0 was surprisingly dark, and knowing her and Thancred's backstory from back then adds quite a bit to their character

I've seen people say this is from Minfilas or Emet-Selchs POV, I'm not sure who it is anymore


>tfw already full 440 with 450 weapon and 2x 450 accessories
we're soon done guys
time to wait for 6.0

It's actually emet addresing you

The fate that bitch deserved. Gas the Waking Sands.

I always found the overworld battle themes to be lacklustre

Incredibly stupid question, but I can't find a clear answer anywhere. I didn't realize the expansion came out today and forgot to pre-order it. If I get it now, can I still get the pre-order bonuses like that earring? Newish to the game, so that would be pretty useful to have.

can he still talk to us or is he fully absorbed?

If Ryne was willing to live on, be her own person and take up her mantle she'll pass on, if not she would take over for good

It's really jarring on amh araeng.

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The point is that it's Emet, Minfilia, and the people of the First. It fits all of them.

Tell me more about 1.0 Thancred

It's true.

Are the Ascians right about their immortal lives being of more worth? Would you kill a person with a day to live in order to save someone who will live for decades?

Is there anything I can do with these hundreds and hundreds of gemstones as I grind fates, aside from the riding maps I have already bought?

All the materials that I have checked are devalued to nothing.


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>pray destroy the waking sands
koji is based af

I feel like it's Minfillia, especially after her "feels like an Ascian" quip

The Endless Story is in your Inn room. go watch that shit.

Good to hear user, my plan is WHM > SAM > PLD.

So, DRK rotation is
>Burn all your mana on Edge, but have 3000 for emergency TBN, 1-2-3 until UNGA BUNGA Bloodspiller spam. Use C&S, Abyssal Drain and Plunge on cd

I'll take that. Nice that the bore is gone for good

Not his fault but he was beyond faggotry and needed to be put down.

>have battle music turned off normally
>was going to turn it back on for ShB
>hear a leak of the song
>nah nvm

Ryne headpats.

holy spam is godlike what are you smoking? with the interrupt/stun changes holy is insanely good for dungeon trash pulls

>fail SSS with 1% left
Is this good enough to do the EXs, or should I wait until I gear up a bit more?

I would suck dick for a tank that's good and happy to tank

preferably you don't spend MP on anything but TBN since it refunds an Edge every time it pops

How could this happen

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Back then he was still just a joker who fucked women left and right, but he had a hand in helping F'lhaminn raise Minfilia and they have a sort of father/daughter relationship going. He's not interested romantically like a lot of people think. After Louisoix died he wanted to become the leader of the Scions so Minfilia wouldn't have to carry that burden.

It's heavily implied that we're part of Emet's friend's Ascian soul
Quite possibly the one that went off and created Hydaelyn
The Ascians have a whole bureau dedicated to debates and an aether current quest gives you a glimpse of two Ascians debating over what to do about the people going mad from whatever is the earth
Mfw we've been "debating" with Emet this whole time over the Rejoining and why the people of both the First and the Source deserve to live
His genuine smile at the end of it all

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>fail the dps check
>is this good enough?

Should I be spamming Holys one after the after, or doing something in between each one?


it fits emet the best because, literally everything fits about remembering the ascians

im 444 already user, what the hell are you doing?

i think he means because you don't need to manage MP at all while also having enough ogcd healing/shielding not to worry about the tank so it feels less like playing with fire and thus less exciting, but i thought that was already done in SB with Thin Air

what would you be doing between them?

No that's really it.

Does it matter which job you assign to your retainer?

Are the activation keys out yet? When I check my order it still says the key is being processed. I definitely got charged.


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So how old is he exactly? He looks so young but he seems to be pretty old

H-How did you know? The white robes help cover stains

You can throw in assize when your mp dips but you should probably be using that on CD anyway

I have no excuse for such thing. I knew he sounded familiar but never put too much thought about who his VA was

I feel like the axe fading away is pretty explicit if I'm being honest, doubly so since he rejoins his friends who are confirmed dead

doesn't he say he loves her in the cutscene where he doesn't die



He was but a Bard (the singing kind, not the Job that didn't exist back then) with a sharp tongue, flirting with the gals, and being one of the main men behind trying to address the problem with the girl's father dying as part of a conspiracy with the syndicate.

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>putting Kinobringers on the BfA scores
How dare you

Why are we going to the moon?

32, technically 37 now after his time on the First.

So I've been dragging down all those dungeon groups with my mch

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Limsan rogue who was taken care of by Louisoix after a chance meeting, and studied to become an Archon in Sharlayan, guy wasn't attention during the festival were Minfilia's dad died though so he felt so responsible for his death, and made an oath to take care of her and jewed some rich kids out of their money to pay for her father's ridiculously expensive funeral

Louisoix's death, his fuckup over you being forced into fighting Ifrit, then overworking himself to make up for it what was lead to him getting possessed by Lahabrea, adding yet another notch to his life's failures, and then again failing with Minfilia really shows just how suffering his life is

I mean it's all pointless in the end so I don't think they are justified. Either way you can't go out like a bitch just because muh perfect immortal beings. Shit happened the way it did and they can't let it go.

Yeah that’s what I meant, and it has been getting easier and easier every expansion. It is definitely still insanely goid in dungeons, having that AoE stun is nuts. No celestial opposition stun anymore makes AST healng feel way more dangerous, in comparison.

In 1.0 the Garleans coming sends the elements in the Blackshroud into a frenzy and they literally delete anyone from existence indiscriminately.

It literally tells you what you will get if you send them on a specific job, user.


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Familial love is still love

>rehashed content the dungeon

How does he do it? How does Soken get better every expansion?

In the japanese dub he explicitly refers to Minfilia & Ryne as 'His little sister and daughter', so it's familial love

>Shit happened the way it did and they can't let it go.
just like the graha tia
hmm realy makes u think

I think mch is fun to play but the damage it does doesn't reflect the business/effort required of the class.

From what i've heard BRD does about 1.8k more dps than MCH on single target, not sure about level 80 BLM but I'm pretty sure BLM is another 1k ahead of bard at least.



How do you think Hildibrand will make it to the First, Yea Forums?

I don't get it

If I already own the game on PS4 but not PC, will the Complete Edition on PC still come with the 30 days of game time?

Not romantically

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Finish the SB questline and find out you tard

The healer role quest was easily the best thing other than the main story ending

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Yeah I did feel at times I had to do a lot for damage. Do you know how rdm is this expansion?


Honestly when the meol was introduced I though there would be some Onions Green kind of shit going on with it, so I guess I was kind of right when the reveal happened?

>rehashed content
>shows us cid motherfucking recreated alexander
>that music
It might be rehashed content but it's fucking good rehashed content.

i can't believe urianger is fucking dead

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>My key finally processed

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RDM is exactly the same


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the dps quest was kinda gay.

I can't believe I've been missing out on Thancred being daddy material this whole time

Oh shit thank you user, I completely forgot about that

Physical dps was absolute garbage. Magic dps was ok. Haven't done tank yet.

>walk past an enemy

Tank was pretty good

onions green? like a green onion?

Do Hildi quest bro. It is pretty obvious how he does that.
In case you were a fucking retard and skipped the scene, a mind controlled Gilgamesh opens a portal to the rift and Hildi and Nashu jump on it like the idiots they are

tank is pretty decent

>He hasn't turned off the overworld battle music.

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So are we tempered or not, what are we fighting for?

>want a classic WHM glamour with big flowy robes, wide sleeves, and the red stripes
>not completely satisfied with any of the AFs
I wish I wasn't retarded.
AF1 is too short, AF2 is a coat and the shirt kinda kills it, AF3 looks good but isn't classic WHM, AF4 is no good from the waist up, the sleeves are ass and the collar looks like paper or something. Also the game just flat out cannot handle hoods and that's a bit tragic.

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Ran'jit is the worst part about this expansion and every time he shows up I roll my eyes.

Stand tall my friend
May all of the dark deep inside you find light again
This time, time whirling, turning, we make amends
Eternal winds from all the land ascend
Here to lift us the new world's end

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>people beat the game before it officially released

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our continued existence


Is there anywhere I can read a summary of it? I'm not planning on leveling a healer.

That's good to hear because tank was boring
Gil has always been a dimension-crosser senpai

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>Nearing the end
>THAT happens
>OP starts playing
I'm absolutely erect.

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I completely forgot about the word filter. It's the people where the iconic line is "It's made of people! [Product] is made of people!!"

the story is really really average, it's MMO tier at best, i don't know why this board gets such a huge hardon for it.

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>hoverhand headpats

Where is our /headpat?

Man, his gunblade looks way better like that

What's with the headpats?

haha who would do such a thing

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>keeps presenting her head to be pat
>that euphoria in her eyes when she recieves it


Healer one was amazing.
>lamitt left the dwarf tribe to find a cure to some petrification sickness that was plaging the dwarves at the time
>she finds ardbert on her adventures and slowly grows in love with him as it goes
>she finds the power to cure the sickness but is expelled from the village from breaking the traditions
>people that were cured by her also left
>ends up the dwarf that "hires" you is the great-granddaughter of the village leader that expelled lammit and wants to put her to rest and tell her that everyone forgave her.

The reason why lammit only revives humanoid sin eaters is because the people she cured and left with her turned into sin eaters so she's mindlessly compelled to revive hatless people.

I'm going to make you proud one day

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>cutscene camera work in the fully animated/voiced ones 5.0 still pale compared to 1.0

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Job as in paladin, monk, etc.

Yeah they made a great movie but shame they forget they were making a video game.

GNB should have been a DPS and DNC should have been a healer.

Honestly ARR is the weakest chunk overall. I won't say you're missing TOO much. But it could be so much worse.
I have a friend who's wrapping up the Stormblood patches, is skipping all the story, and even turns the music off. He just likes the combat and playing with us.
I had to ask him to enable the music for Tsukuyomi. Can't have him missing Wayward Daughter or the piano interlude.

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Cutscene director/animators have nothing to do with the development of the gameplay.

I don't think so tim

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>fat ugly bastard has mind control powers
They're really baiting some NTR doujins with this guy

maximize holy uptime, prioritize using tetra, benison or asize in between casts if you need heals

I really wish holy drains mana like a bitch because it feels more powerful that way. The way it is right now is kinda unfun.

Unfortunately this The camera work was much better in 5.0 though. Maybe they'll make it better as time goes on.

>GNB should have been a DPS
Suck a dick.

and make sam a tank to replace gnb

Fuck off tankcuck. Worst role that doesn't deserve something cool like GNB.

What happens in the drk quest?

Except games don't have infinite budgets and if you are paying out the ass for cutscenes it has to come from somewhere.
I'm sure given the development hell that was 1.0 the chunk that went to the cutscene team was used properly while everyone else was floundering to combine all the systems together to try and make an actual game.

>GNB should have been a DPS
Oh yes, god forbid tanks ever get anything cool

RDM should have been a tank.

gay shit

im glad that no one managed to predict or leak the post-innocence content. That shit was a ride

I'm happy DNC isn't a healer because it's pretty apparent that they have no idea how to properly make a healer let alone balance multiple healers.

>tfw Vauthry can actually walk

Some selfcest shit

Everyone of my friends is playing this.

How do I get started?

Free trial and make a character.

when will he show up in dissidia?

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Download the free trial and prepare for an arduous journey through linear quests.

TFW you'll never sire children with Emet-Selch.

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Play the free trial? You wont like the game if you can't stand a long story btw

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I wasn't asking. Open wide.

And I can't wait to see them balance the 3 healers in the complete void again instead of comparing one to the others.

That doesn't explain how FFXI on a shoe-string budget got better cutscene directing for its finale while still having to abide by PS2-limtations, while said CS were done by devs within SE who never touched XI prior.

>Y'shtola still uses aero, stone, and water spells
sage job fucking when

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tank was soooo boring, some of my friends liked it but i just couldn't, healer seems a million times more interesting

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I'm sure he truly was the bestest of dads

Are all the healers still melding crit and dh or is piety actually necessary?

You travel around the world to find a person. Person gives you a flower. You use that flower to summon Fray for one last time.

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How would you guys recommend I go about the EX primals, should I balls in and skip my 440 weapon and head straight to Titania? Or just get 440 wep and farm innocence first?

Every tack in this expasnsion is kino, anons.

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I failed the SSS dummy for fatty extreme, went in with Artifact gear and 2 ilvl 340 pieces (ring and belt). DPS was never an issue for my party.

GNB is fucking dumb anyway.
>it’s a swordgun, think of all the cool attacks and shit
>nah it just makes technomagic lol
Disgraceful. Wow it’s an explosion sword that does the same thing as a dark sword and a holy sword. Thank you based Squeenix. I know this game is so rigidly designed they couldn’t actually do anything more interesting.

Gunbros, what are your thoughts on what we got? What are your complaints?

>Superbolide's HP reduction happens before Invuln so you can die from hitting it at the wrong time.
>The weird slightly off-center CDs for Gnashing Fang and Sonic Break.
>The Gnashing Fang combo should've been a transforming button like Continuation.

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>they put zenos instead
Its all the zoomers fault. They even ruined the FFXI representation

Same voice actor, so it makes sense

>dissing on Kamlanaut

Ignore 440 weapon. Go for Titania. She is easy.

I honestly thought Ryne died at the end there given how much more dramatic the bit where Emet-Selch attacks her was.

It's an ff8 gunblade you fucking secondary

I did Titania Ex with the relic gear, some 80 greens, and two pieces of leveling gear. In a PUG that went in blind. It's not that hard.

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even after all that shit he still hoped we would pull through by ourselves

>every party for EXs is either a farm or demands you watch a video
I guess I'm not going to be doing these trials then

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The off center cooldowns are a plus in my book because they scale off skill speed
And i can’t fuckingg wait to stack skill speed to see how fast I can get

After the fakeout with Thancred I knew she was fine

Rest in peace Ardbert, he never scored.

I didn't think they'd top the lead in to Nidhogg but god damn, they did it.

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Monk plays like shit now

The system has created this retarded mentality.
Not even WoW pugs are that autistic

Just watch the video you stupid fucking autist
Or better yet, yeah, don't. Don't need a walking brain hemorrhage like you in a party trying to clear content.

90% of those old cutscenes were nodding and head shaking like now. you point out the extreme few that were mocapped.

He scored with another version of him, though maybe that only counts as masturbation

Imagine needing an eceleb to tell you how to do content.

I don't watch videos because half the fun of this game is learning the fights, plus most of the people making guides are retards

>Arbert is inside of you RIGHT now

How do I speed up the 60-80 process

Ironically this very expansion has some references to the old classifications of the loves. The first, third, and fourth lightwardens are Philia, Eros, and Storge, which are the Greek words for friendship, romance, and affection. Together they make up 3 of the 4 loves in classical philosophy.
It's missing Agape, which is divine love. My guess is that it might have been the lightwarden that Titania defeated.
Also the sin eaters you go after are named after the Cardinal Virtues, and their names are the Greek for Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice.

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I played FF8 when it was new you underage b&. Now that they’ve introduced actual gun blades they could have done more interesting things with them, that’s all.

there should be a mode where you can fight all the trials by yourself with adjusted mechanics

Cutscenes were much better in 5.0 thanks to actually good cinematography and content
Motion capture is a meme

Imagine actually going into content prepared and not wasting everyone's time. Fucking retards.

I have yet to be MP capped on anything, excepting a few hopeless situations in 8 man trials. So no.

As a SCH Crit is 100% my best stat so I have that, but I'm not sure if its worth doing Direct Hit as well

I tried every job except the new ones and none felt fun or interesting to play. Kinda dissapointed.

Does Minfilia hair always change to wol color, or it was just a coincidence?

You should understand ff8 gunblades don't shoot bullets then you absolute dipshit

Fuck off Mr Happy.

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she always has reddish hair, it's coincidental

The only retards are the ones that can't figure out mechanics on their own, and need MrHappy to tell them what shitty strategy to use

Are crit and dh still king or is it too early to tell

Kam is like the only redeeming feature of NT

>Learning an encounter is now wasting time
>If you aren't bleeding edge world first then you are never allowed to go into something blind
What a fucking joke.

That's interesting. Got anything on the names of the enemies in the lvl 80 story dungeon?

Who gives a fuck about him
Other people make videos

honestly they are are both easy, even though their are slightly harder than suano ex and lakshmi ex when they were relevant
titania is a bit harder since you can fuck up more but it all comes down to knowing when to move where in the arena
innocence is just a 'dodge the bad areas' fight
also dont waste your tomestones on a weapon or anything besides 1ring + armor

I would 100% say the game is probably not for you if none of the classes felt fun to play.

You should go in already knowing what to expect, you fucking idiots. If we're waiting on you to learn then you're wasting everyone's time.

I am so fucking glad TP is dead now.

You really shouldn't call anyone autistic wastes of space when you can't figure out what a stack marker is without some redditor telling you.

Stay mad no party wants you.

Haven't reached it yet. Just fought Innocence last night before maintenance.
Is one of them Agape?

Yes, but the Garleans have ones that do. Why not build the class around those and add in nostalgia attacks/skins than retcon them just to shoehorn in a more elaborate reference that plays so close to the other tanks? Like I said I know why, just disappointed.


They're explicitly not Garlean gunblades. They're Hrothgar gunblades.

In my experience anyone open to the idea of a learning party is way more efficient and able to clear content than people who demand strictly farming parties.

I wonder if he can feel your pleasure.

I don't remember, just that the last boss was Therion (Megatherion in japanese)


Doing either of the trials as sch with an ast as the second healer is painful. I'm basically doing 90% of the work except when there's a big obvious unavoidable aoe that he can earthly star.

>Kino Thancred death scene gets ruined literally one quest later because he actually lived
Fuck you Square, that whole sequence was great and you fucked it up right after

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Yeah brother it's totally fine. Nothing wrong with being a carried shitter that can't beat a training dummy that doesn't fight back or force you to do mechanics. That's totally normal.

That was my point, more or less.

>they still use generic same models for almost everyone

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>zoomer wowfugee needs his hand held and rages at people who don’t

Why not just pay some one to play for you if you’re just going to wait to get spoonfed everything before you even try? Is thinking THAT hard for you shitters?

Urianger rezzed him with a line from one of his poems as a macro.

>wanted a Viera with dark skin and light hair and not too many special snowflake details like highlights and heterochromia and so
>love her look but in a way she looks like the most generic Viera ever
>mfw she's actually unique because 99% of all other player bunnies are pale with weird ass colors

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Reminder ardbert is a default looking midlander and he's one of the best characters of ShB.

Thancred was and probably still is the most popular male scion, so you'd have a riot if you killed him off.

tank queues are fucking BOGUS

I have the bare minimum gear level to go in the fight, it's not a matter of me being bad

Story would have been even better with some lost in our side.
I am surprised there aren't many dark skinned bunbuns with light hair. Most people went for Veena. Weird.

>Tanks have been lowered to DPS tier queues

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i've to this day never seen another femelezen with green hair. lets hope that continues

Urianger's nerd shack is so comfy looking lads.

l2heal, scrub

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>WHM or SCH spam holy/miasma II 10 meters away from the pack

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so why exactly would other warriors of light fight us unless they are retarded

Choke on that, tankcucks. My queue times wouldn't improve so I pulled you down to my level.

You know I can.

glowstick weapon and a title

I was genuinely surprised he lived since they’ve been slowly writing all the scions out of the story since 3.0. Thancred’s hasubando armor might be as strong as Y’shtola’s waifu armor though

Where does the story go now?

So we're the 14th council member or are we just the Ascian that voted to summon Hydaelyn after we got tired of Zodiark's shit?

Because their trustworthy pal Elidibus says you're a bad guy who needs to be killed for causing 7 calamities.

>halfway to a full set of rank 8 materia thanks to leveling roulette

Thanks for the in need bonus, tankucks!

I'm always available, user

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Glamour choices.

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Who wouldn't trust our buddy, Elidibus?
Unukalhai sure did

Zenos hopping on the calamity-causing train in order to get his hands on Zodiark while making sure WoL does the same with Hydaelyn


>Miasma II


>Expansion is already depressing as fuck
>All the reveals make it even worse
>want to have a dear friend die
I am sorry user but 8 years in I can not take another one of them dying.
Papalymo still hurts

The offer of a unique mount would drive millions to try and kill us.

Eden. In 5.1 we're probably going to look for a way to get people home and hopefully not get our shit pushed in by Zenos

>guy with white suit and mask tell you some dude is the opposite of you wreaking havoc on other worlds

Tank is good just for Nu Mou telling a DRK to stop being an edgy cunt

IS there anymore lvl 80 dungeons besides Amouret and twinning?

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fucking zenos coming in with hydaelyn on a leash
>c'mon fuse with her and let's fight


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>500 people whacking at hunt mark
>rainbow mix of 500 different effects and explosions on top of it at any given time, enough to give trigger a seizure in japanese kids
>lmao let's not give it any cast bars, just look at it's body for tells :^)
I feel like I'm damaging my retine every time I do a hunt. Who thought this was a good idea?

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Are any of the level 80 job quests good? Did the SAM one and it was basically just "member the kino 50-60 stretch of the SAM questline?"

order will be restored when all the gunbrapper retards collapse to their pathetic tank anxiety and only the strong will remain

Yes, there's another you unlock in Eulmore's slums.

Akademia. The quests starts in the lower part of Eulmore

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Why not both?

Akademia. It's pretty fun aside from the 2nd boss

>do the postgame dungeon
>remix of crystal tower as expected but it has omega's theme
>disappointed that cid used omega instead of alexander to upgrade the tower
>mfw alexander theme starts playing at the last boss

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>not turning off other character's effects

pretty cool seeing how the ironworks went on to create all this future tech 200 years later in their timeline desu. It didn't really sink in until you port into the last corridor and see the giant logo on the reactor.

finally some delicious jelly donuts

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so why doesnt Elidibus just fuck off for a century, come back when WoL and Zenos are dead? seems to me the biggest fault of the ascians is that theyre now actually opposed by people they can outlive.

It's pretty much all but confirmed by Emet himself. Shame it didn't get confirmed but when he says that we don't remember, that kinda gave it all away.

>cleared both EX before Brappy
Thank fuck, I'd probably kill myself.

Well now is Art of War but I bet they still do it

Because another WoL would show up.
He would be just delaying the inevitable.

thanks lads

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Zenos is functionally immortal, good idea about WoL though since even if he reincarnates it will take time for him to get strength

We're probably able to actually fuck his plans up now, not just cause minor set backs.

DRG at the top how the FUCK

Because the WoL is also immortal, there will always be one, there always is one.

How can i fucking enjoy it when the game doesnt let me create new characters?

How long do I have to get rid of all my outdated tomestones?


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I want some delicious ardbert


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Have fun. You get to learn a little bit about Lahabrea.

Tis good to see you awake...

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Next patch. So a few months.

>Still waiting for my key almost 12 hours after purchasing
It's not fucking fair!

x.2 is when they usually go away I think.

>DRG is dead
>DRG is shit
To be fair MNK is lower than MNK but actually higher in a raid settings, thanks to the Chakra procs that other players give him. No clue on why SAM is so low tho.

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>We were an Ascian all along

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I own the complete edition but haven't reached endgame. Will I still see endgame content even with Shadowbringers out?

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