What is your opinion on people who hoard undumped games and refuse to dump them...

What is your opinion on people who hoard undumped games and refuse to dump them? Do you think it's reasonable to spend $14,000 on a game just to stop other people from playing it?



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No it's not reasonable but that's capitalism for ya.

I dont even care about these games but i can smell a cunt a mile away

Who cares

>WAAAAAHHHH! This obscure game I would never play anyway isn’t being ripped and pirated for free! Mommy, make them release it!
This is the age we live in. Everything has to be accessible to these bitches. It’s like a toddler who only wants what the big kids are playing with and will throw a tantrum if they can’t have it. But once they get it, they will just toss it aside for the next unobtainable thing to grasp at.

Remember, this isn’t about “preservation”, it’s about pirating games masquerading as “keeping old games alive.” They probably pocketed that money anyway, so fuck them.


an auction is as simple and as fair as it gets.
if you don't win an auction, you didn't want the item as much as the other person.
money is irrelevant

Yea Forums cannot refute this

What a cunt.

Hoarders are sick, twisted people.

You are so fucking lame

They should have their legs broken

Have sex

No one makes money off dumping an unreleased NES game

You do realize that game cartridges (especially from the 80s) will rot? Obscure games made almost four decades ago will effectively disappear. The twat who paid $15k to 'protect' the game from being copied just paid for the privilege to see to it's inevitable destruction once it becomes unplayable.

it's not reasonable to spend even 60$ on a game

>single copy of book left
>buy it and burn it
>"its my money, I can do what I want"
People will defend this. You CAN do it, but you're still an asshole if you do.

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this is hillarious, god bless scalpers and hoarders

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You are an absolute faggot
No one except the developer should have the right to stop people from playing their game
You are literally defending some fat japanese hoarder autist

Giving a shit about obscure digital flotsam is retarded either way

Not every piece of mundane digital information needs to or even can be preserved



Your worldview is defined by contrarianism.

>Remember, this isn’t about “preservation”

Why don't people find these assholes and steal the game and dump it?

How much of a moron can you be?

Good chance your the jackass who bought the game.

>I Will always protect it as a Japanese treasure
You filthy gaijin's don't deserve to play this game

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Imagine being so racist that you will spend 15k$ on an old PCB just so non-Japanese nerds that are just as passionate as you cannot play a video game nobody fucking cares about anymore.

Should have ponied up the the $20,000 if it mattered that much. Collecting rare goods is an expensive hobby, you can't just half-ass it just because you're the "good guys".

It's a cancelled famicon/ nes game.
'Indy the magical Kid"

and they paid 15.000 for it?

I guess I can unstand the guy who bought it, considering the game will problably suck big balls, the only value the damn thing has is it's obscurity. Just dumping that one thing of value your purchase got you seems rather stupid to me too.
Then again, buying it in the first place is really retarded. Buy an artsy painting, vidya ain't art... Ever.

who cares?

>it’s about pirating games masquerading as “keeping old games alive.”*

0.05 USD has been deposited in (You)r account, goy.

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people trying to treat games the same as art
protecting a painting makes sense since it can't be replaced, but protecting a game makes no sense since it will degrade and die

>code will degrade and die

What benefit do you get from thinking like this

I'm still mad about the Brood War source code

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stay mad baby dik

i hope this guy buys more games and doesnt release, or holds them for years to inflate the values then sells it.

smart capitalists :pray:

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He paid the cost to be the boss.

>money is irrelevant
this is nice bait, user.

i mean, they re-realeased the fucking thing so i guess i'ts okay?

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It's his money, he can check someone if he wants to

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Why though? I've always wanted to do this myself. It sounds like a fun way to troll.

Apparently the hoarding faggots who pay $15k just to make sure no one gets to play it

The real redpill is that 99.9% of these games are garbage, and the only reason anyone cares about them is because they're rare. It's like in MGS2 when Colonel talks about becoming lost in a sea of useless information. Not every game is worth preserving. If some guy is able to sell a copy for $15k to someone with a diseased hoarder mentality, more power to them.

>money is irrelevant
>in an auction


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>Bid on a game on Ebay
>Lose the bid
>Whine about it on Twitter

I don't know who's the bigger retard, the guy who spent 15k on some shitty NES game, the retards who were going to spend 15k so they could dump the ROM that people will download, play for two minutes, then immediately forget about, or all you people who actually give a shit about bad unreleased video games from before the Berlin Wall fell.

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>Buy game
>Offer it to the dumpfags for 10x what you paid

And a pinch of japanese autism

I fail to see the logic behind his decision. The cartridge will degrade and the game will disappear from the world. How is he protecting it? He's ensuring its death. Japan lost it as well.

I think someone did do that once. Dont have source to back up what i said though sadly

He's going to sell it five years from now and start the bidding at 15k.

>no, i've never played super mario world
>no, i've never played dragon quest 3
>yeah, i only played simcity nes for 5 minutes after it finally got dumped after years of me begging for it
>no, i've never played deus ex

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On a side note, I wonder if there are still early builds of Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time that exist out there. What I wouldn't give to play them.

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Then what was the point of lying about his reasons?

But we must collect all the information possible

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I think it's their money, and the only people who care are the ones that didn't get to enact their control on the situation. It's not about saving games with this guy, it's about the control. Good for the guy who spent the money to deny him.

>single autist outbid a group of people who pooled money
why do you think the value is going to go up? People are going to lost more interest over time in something like this, there's no possible way you would think to make this into a return on investment without being actually retarded.

Japan have a bizarre mindset about materialism. Just look at the stupid shit they do with their mods just to prevent the west from using them.

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Apparently not because it's been over 30 years and people are still pooling together thousands to buy it. What's five more going to hurt?

Okay but where's the lie though?

Because he kept it away from people who don't give a shit about the game and just want to feel important by dumping some shitty game that no one will play or appreciate on the internet. This way, it belongs to someone who respects it.

>the act of transaction is "capitalism"

You fucking retard.

I wanna see more of dinosaur planet before it got turned into a star fox game
Maybe there is enough left over that they can slap it together and chuck it on the n64 mini.

There are countless important pieces of priceless culture/civilization being lost to time as we speak.
Who the fuck cares about shovelware of a bygone era? We have shovelware now too; their only difference being graphical fidelity.

Boo fucking hoo.

Who fucking cares about a shitty prototype famicom game being lost? Nowadays you can program a decent famicom game in a couple of days. I'm all for preserving things digitally but the value must be there too. If it was a great finished game then it would be sad but it was nothing. All those preserving efforts, donations etc just for the bottom of the barrel of video games.

What do they do?

the today's shovelware has a comfort of sitting on steam servers and being reuploaded by countless pirate sites, something these old unreleased prototypes don't have

>horder pays 15k to protect the game from pirates
>seller uploads ROM 1 day after sending it

Yes, you are silly. You didn't give a shit about muh undumped sekrit games until you found out you couldn't have them, then decided to make "I bitch online about games I'm not allowed to play even though I have immediate access to more quality titles than I could ever play in my lifetime at no cost to me" a core part of your identity.
You couldn't list three games you've finished this year with any honesty.

There was a collector on RW who was uploading dumped copies of his stash into a MEGA folder labeled "do not upload" that I guess was shared with some people. Naturally someone took everything (like 50 games) and uploaded them to the public. His salt and subsequent breakdown was amusing.

>Why would anyone want to play this shitty game anyway
Its not about fucking playing it, its about the fact that somebody spent a portions of their frighteningly finite life making this thing, that somebody loved it as a child, that resources where spent producing and publishing and distributing it. Its not about playing it, it's about understanding that given the absurd capacity we have for informational storage there is no reason not to preserve all these small marks we left upon the world, that in an information age some people feel a responsibility to preserve information, that it costs us so very very little to put these thing up on a preexisting archival system, that it brings us one minute step closer to building a babal. THAT NOBODY GAINS FUCKING ANYTHING BY LETTING INFORMATION FUCKING EXPIRE IN SOME ASSHOLES PERSONAL COLLECTION.
we do it for the same reason that we might choose not to crush a spider underfoot. because we can.
>muh mgs2
this refers less to the quantity of information in bits and more to how its organized/presented. The billions of kb worth of cat memes sitting on my hard drive do not contribute to the sad state of social media. Its a statement about how we deal with mass information as a society, not a litany against archiving.

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you spent a portion of your finite life writing a post

it's not a big deal and nobody cares, didn't read read your entire post

cringe and seethe

Holy based

Was this it?

This dude spent 15 thousand dollars just to not have it dumped on the internet. He spent 15 thousand dollars on some shitty unreleased nes game that nobody will care about an hour after release just to have it. Who fucking cares. There's way more interesting shit in vidya than this shitty cart. Let the moron have it and he can feel special. There's maybe a dozen people who actually care about this.

Good. There's still some mystery left in the world. People today could use a bit of delayed gratification. Imagine the discovery to be had in 50 years when the owner is long dead and someone wins it at a funeral auction, not knowing what they've found.

i read it
fuck off meanie

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It's not a mystery. There are videos of the game.


based and redpilled

Is it supposed to be Indy as in he's Indian?

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>it's just some fucking Dragon Quest clone
bahah, NES collectors are truly insane

So you've played it then?

If you don't care, then why are you telling people who care not to care? Fuck off.

you'll graduate from the Yea Forums phase some day

>haha, now no one can play it
People are fucked in the head

All that hard work from the developers will disappear and be forgotten. Depending on the game that could have been their love child. The only thing they're proud to have worked on and now take a look at it's inevitable fate. It's just sad. I really can't expect anyone who lacks creativity and never spent time to make something from nothing to know what it's like

Reminder that Super Mario 64 has been completely decompiled. It was leaked from an N64 decompilation discord. pannen was involved in it.

What is the point of this shitposting?

Honestly if i were millionaire I would do the same

Fuck dumpers and piratefags

Nice bait faggot you caught a lot of ( you ) hope you can pay the rest of the rent with it