They're going after OUR game.....
They're going after OUR game
>our game
Fuck off PCnigger. Smash is OUR game. Don't you have epic store exclusives to seethe at?
>our game
>videogame journalism
as always, i doubt its a fraction as bad as they make it seem. im sure mordhau will be just fine
What the fuck do they expect a 7-man team to do? They couldn't moderate a game with 10000 concurrent players even if they did it 18 hours a day 7 days a week.
It takes like an hour to add a filter and it isn't hard to get free moderators for the forums
Does it not have a mute button?
Retarded journos vs. based mordhau devs
It does but its not about that its about control and limiting others.
I mean, of course it is. Every time this issue comes up, it's about a multiplayer game where you can easily just hide or mute people who you don't like.
Yeah, I tried to give this game a shot, but the chat was full of /pol/tards and other retards. They seemed to be drawn to the medieval aesthetic of the game because they love to larp about that shit.
I thinks it's pretty telling about the devs and the audience that this is labeled as some "historical" game featuring nothing but a bunch of white dudes in medevial Europe. "Historical" just being an excuse to not have any black people or women. There's fucking character creation and you can't be black? I don't get what's with /pol/tards and their obsession with "white" medieval Europe.
Give me 500 trillion reasons why anything more than a mute/ignore function is necessary for "toxicity" on the internet.
Imagine being such an edgy fuck you spam racial slurs in a video game. Who would do that?
*looks around*
Oh right, no wonder you wonder teens are defending Mordhau
>driving away soiym that dont even play
filter will make things worse and getting random people to be moderators means giving control of community to people who are there to abuse it.
1 of the devs should browse /pol/ for 5 minutes, write down their lingo and terminology, and anyone caught using it should be permabanned. Also adding some female characters and darker skin tone options should make all the /pol/tards jump ship right away. It's a good game the the community is just toxic as fuck.
Make your own game, then.
what is the purpose of doing that
>playing a game for community
>caring about community at all
>not enjoying shitposting
>getting mad at words
I bet you're a woman. Why are you on Yea Forums?
fucking based
devs told these redditors to fuck off today
When you have a community that likes to spam "nigger" like a bunch of 12 year olds more needs to be done. You can't mute everyone and communication is important. So community standards have to be set in order to make sure the overall environment is well managed.
You have to ban these people because they will find ways around the rules and in general are pieces of shit who only drag the game down. Anyone saying disgusting /pol/tard shit shouldn't have a place in the community.
shut up nigger
B.A.S.E.D. and REDPILLED :joy: :ok_hand:
Okay, now this is epic
don't say the gamer word or you're gonna lose subscriber!
Whenever we do you retards REEE about SJWs taking over the video game industry, as if that's a real thing. You're just upset that you can't call people nigger online, which you shouldn't be able o at all.
Does it even matter? Do the words of people you have never and will never meet bother you that much?
Besides, there is no greater feeling than shitting on and teabagging a butthurt chat spammer.
Or, just ignore it like a sane, normal person. They're just words. Like seriously, who the fuck even pays attention to what people say in a multiplayer game?
You can already disable chat, which is totally superfluous for actually playing the game as well as mute individual players. What exactly is a filter going to accomplish other than getting people to type niģģer in new and creative ways or use one of the hundreds of euphemisms for Basketball Americans?
>more needs to be done
>You can't mute everyone
You literally can.
>communication is important
With random 12 year olds? M8 just play with your friends instead.
>You have to ban these people because they will find ways around the rules
Name 500 trillion ways to work around being muted by another player.
To get /pol/tards to fuck off, they ruin the experience for everyone.
I don't get mad. Am I mad that a gay dating sim exists? No. Do I think it's stupid? Maybe, but I personally don't care that it exists.
Literally made up, journos at work
have sex
Maybe it's resetera that needs to fuck off.
fuck niggers
waah! frick off /pole/, mommy told me u wuz the bad goiz! u stinkers!
just use the mute button you ignoramus
Fuck you, faggot.
Inclusion is a fucking cancer that never improved anything for anybody.
bait....pretty good bait
>Chivalry 2 on the Epic store
you retards are still REEEing about resetera, it's not a thing. You're just a /pol/tard being told to fuck off
>whenever we do you retards ree about sjws taking over the video game industry
not an argument
just make your own game and ignore that hate, ugleh
>inclusion is a fucking cancer
This is your brain on /pol/
If they are adding darker sinned characters to Mordhau It'd be cool to see the weapons and clothing/armour of those areas darker skinned people geographically come from.
It'd be sick to get some Ottoman and Indian stuff, and we could have Zulu stuff for the blacks
Why don't you just ignore it, faggot?
>it's not a thing
Did the FBI finally seize their servers over the pedo thing?
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Toxicity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
>Rampant racism and toxicity are driving journalists away from Mordhau(and that's a good thing)
'/pol/ tards' are the only people who will keep this game alive.
The few bugmen and legbeards wont be missed since they never contributed anything anyway.
>i-it's not me!
Give me one good reason the game shouldn't have black or female character customization options. There isn't a good reason, and your just using "developer" integrity as a shield.
It is though. Everyone got along just fine before your kind came along.
So the game is playable
>You literal can
not without disabling chat
>With random 12 year olds, M8 just play with your friends instead
As if I'm going to organize a team for this game
>people leaving the game due to something completely ignorable
No, people are leaving the game because it's already being broken at higher levels. The combat system worked when you were learning it and gradually implementing different strategies and moves, but now that the core mechanics have been solved it's become a matter of gambling and mouse wiggling, just like M&B.
I've never even run into much 'toxicity", the most I've seen is people viciously insulting me for using a rapier and buckler on them, which I rightly deserve.
How are they even determining that this is an issue, what sources are they citing?
We already have the javelin/short spear, just need an iklwa skin for them. Oh and a shield skin.
no thanks I'm not touching your roast beef
blacks are ugly
>just ignore shitty behavior rather then do something about it
Because the dev doesn't want it. They don't have to do what you want and that's 100% fine. If you want niggers in your games, make your own.
They don't fit into the scenario, kys. Make it worse for everybody while adding nothing. Also a shitton of unnecessary, fruitless work.
I'm gonna whine until I get my way!
we were here first /pol/tard
>our game
That's Mountain Blade though
>permaban for fun
>implying Africans or women play PC games
The game is playable to reasonable and sane people who can just ignore words from strangers.
It could've been yours if you could just behave, now you need it taken away. Such a shame.
What kind of toxicity are we talking?
Because some people that flame and shit don't just demoralize the team, but tilt themselves.
These people I can't stand and is the reason I stopped playing a ton of MP games.
>what sources are they citing?
Their asses.
>It'd be cool to see the weapons and clothing/armour of those areas darker skinned people geographically come from
Why can't they just have the same armour and weapons as the other characters? You make it sound like black people were region locked into africa for all of human history and they weren't present in Europe.
>Give me one good reason the game shouldn't have black or female character customization options
Give me one good reason why the developers should be required to add content to pander to a miniscule percentile of the playerbase?
It's true faggot, it never improved anything when it came to games. They just have to sit through the whining, your kind of scum will eventually move on the the next very important pressing issue anyway.
The only things devs should do in these sorts of games is to ban cheaters and gamethrowers who ruin the experience for everyone through gameplay. Chat is just an extraneous layer on top of core gameplay, the thing that players really want. If I want a virtual chat, I'd go to Discord or VRchat or something, where spamming nigger, faggot, and deus vult is disruptive to the core experience.
There is literally nothing wrong with flaming
Prove me wrong
Watch Resetera complain about not having any women.
>needing a safe space from the bad words
Do you still need a pacifier, too?
>not without disabling chat
That's where you're wrong. It's like you don't even play video games. If someone says something that hurts your feelings, then you can actually mute that one person without muting everyone else in the game. Plus having chat disabled isn't a necessity for people like you to enjoy the game.
you ARE a nipple
This. It's the most enjoyable part of League of Niggers. At least it was before they went full cuckold status and started AI banning everything.
>if they respond, that means they're mad
The absolute state of discord trannies and resetera.
No you weren't. Gamers have been shittalking each other since before you were even born, most likely. All of this 'muh /pol/ muh SJWs' bullshit is down to newfags trying to appropriate and alter gamer culture.
And if the devs ever come to their sense and put in darker character options will you say the same thing? No you'll bitch and moan and pretend you hated the game all along.
This seems like an utter non-issue.
Yes, it's literally two clicks and everything they churn out will be motivational banter or removed.
muting people IS doing something about it. By muting them, you take away their ability to hurt your feelings, ergo rendering them powerless you absolute buffoon.
western Cucknights were destined to end in disgrase and dishonour
I applaud
Nah, because I've never played the game. Again, make your own game.
maybe people just grew up and left you behind?
lol who cares about your feelings dude.
Because games are art and the developer has the artistic freedom to contain, or not contain, whatever they wish.
They weren't. If the middle ages were the melting pot youe kind claim they were, why are there no significant white populations in pre-modern african and middle eastern countries? Trade works both ways after all...
>needing a safe space from black people, women, and people left of center
Do you forget your tiki-torch /pol/tard?
>maybe people just grew up and left you behind?
You must be fucking retarded.
fuck off retard.if it was OW I can understand but there’s no need for comms in mordhau unless you’re scrimming. next time play the game first you fucking retard
>filter will make things worse
How? Just ban the word and its workarounds.
This so much. I would take open hostility over passive agressive bullshit anyday. Salty rants are the highest form of entertainment.
>I shouldn't have to take control of anything that's happening to me!
You remind me of a retarded customer I had a few days ago.
Wait so now the situation is less toxic than in the past?
>Deus Vult: The Game attracts bigots
el oh el
Why does more need to be done?
>this is what /pol/tards actually believe
You honestly think that African's just stayed in Africa. White people were mostly isolated into Eruope because there was migration IN to Europe due to it's resources that whites wanted to keep for themselves, thus the crusades an attempt to try and maintain thier hegemony but they failed laughably.
I don’t care if they add black/brown people, so long as we get southern style arms and armor like pic related with them. I don’t care if we get women either because girls are hot.
Back to resetera retard. I played this game like a hundred hours and never saw more racist shit than any other multiplayer game
The game is playable.
cry to daddys dick
Games are art, and art has meaning. And if your meaning is
then that is a bad message
Playing in Mordhau dedicated servers reminds me of the good old cs 1.6 days where butt hurt faggots didn’t exist and nothing was taken seriously.
>Give me one good reason the game shouldn't have black or female character customization options. There isn't a good reason, and your just using "developer" integrity as a shield.
Give me one good reason why white people aren't in Assassin's Creed: Origins.
>communication is important
>in fucking mordhau
Fuck off nigger
>I dont like something therefore everyone else has to hate it also.
Fuck off snowflake
this is the kind of garbage that people would get banned for if the devs gave a shit, say what you will about blizzard but at least they get their community policing right
Art is subjective.
Shitty developers need to stop wasting time making female models and nigger faces and more time adding new maps, weapons and armour.
That was a real question. Last I heard they were getting subpoenaed I think?
>Driving players away
I really doubt it. This is an article intended for the developers, to force them to make nigger an auto-ban word, and similar shit.
Nah. If something like that triggers you, then you need to stay off the internet.
I can say whatever I want. You don't get to decide what people should or shouldn't be able to say.
He's telling you to mute the fucking thing you ding dong diddly, that's doing something.
>say what you will about blizzard but at least they get their community policing right
Fuck off you retard. "Policing right" are you taking the piss? Getting banned because you main one character? Because your teammates think you're not good enough? Because you critiqued someone else for playing poorly? And no, critique as in basic feedback, not your imaginary insult bullshit.
I've been here longer than you /pol/tard, please have sex, I'm beggen' ya!
spend more time reading history books and less time reading tumblr. The crusades happened because the pope at the time was sick and tired of the western european kings constant infighting and told them to pack that shit in and go do something useful like retake jerusalem.
>White people were mostly isolated into Eruope
Jesus christ, you do know that Europe had been aware of and traded with lands as far away as China since fucking Roman times?
>Every liberals worst nightmare...
Moderating is something you shouldn't do in videogames, just look at the state of league, everyone is too scared to write or just use a passive aggressive way to make you mad, there's no bant and the chat is left unused, what should be implemented is a temporary mute for spammers and people who can't stop flaming for the whole match.
literally money and development time you fucking child. Get a job you fucking hippie and figure out how the whole world works.
>You honestly think that African's just stayed in Africa
You fuckwit. There was no large scale sub saharan emigration at any point during and before the middelages into europe.
>He just said something I don't like. OMG like I can't even literally. Bunch of Nazis!
again with this bullshit that black people didn't exist in europe
>What is the Scramble For Africa?
shut up nigger
>then that is a bad message
Maybe, but if that *is* their message, then they have every right to express it. The ideals of freedom of expression apply to EVERYONE. Not just the ideals that you approve of.
>Guy is "being toxic" to you on Xbox
>2019 Gamers: Report him! Pray to Sarkeesian he gets banned for violating the holy Terms of Service!
>2009 Gamers: Send him a message saying, "Hey, I heard you're gay and a nigger." Then humiliate him in a 1v1 on Rust.
Console gaming used to be so great. It was the wild west. You learned how to solve problems and not take shit.
The zoomers will grow up without a backbone.
>please have sex
The Crusades were a retaliatory response to Islam invading Spain, it is literally a reactionary force and always was. Christianity exists in the Western world because Christians were subjugated, assaulted and murdered by Muslims, and they escaped from that hellhole into Europe.
Takes 2 seconds to mute someone
Yes we do, you can't be racist online, period.
not an argument.
If you are being a peice of shit, you'll get banned. Others do get to decide what you say to them. Deal with it, or fuck off.
>step up my kniggas
holy fucking cringe
Blizzard has gone straight past moderation and into another, even worse kind of cancer; developer-enforced meta.
Africa is one of the most resource-rich places on the planet, which is why all the European countries, and in the modern day China, colonized it. You don't leave Africa for resources, you just leave Africa to pillage.
>Deal with it, or fuck off.
Seems like you need a heaping help of dealing with it, personally. You can't simply ignore something or walk away like an adult, you have to be a fucking power-hungry child obsessed with enacting what you think is right on others.
>communication is important
Not in this game it's not
Lmao, fucking zoom zoom to the max. As long as video games have been around there has been shit talking and offensive banter. Get the fuck over it.
>it's not a thing
You faggots said the same thing about Tumblr and before that Reddit.
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it's still their rights as the artist(s) to decide. Now, whether it's a smart choice is another topic.
Butthurt faggots still exist but the only thing they can do is rage while you call them a nigger and teabag their body at hyper speeds.
I never realized how much I missed teabagging until I started playing Mordhau.
you can't keep a knigga down man, we wuz knights n shit
>muh crusades did nothing wrong
The crusades were just a bumfuck retard attempt at a land grab. The fact that you /pol/tards think it was some defensive conquest and Islam was the real bad guys. I find it disgusting how you've somehow blamed the mulsims for the cursades when they were the one's being invaded. I'm glad they failed and Europe was forced to keep it's doors opened. If it wasn't for islam europe would still be in the dark ages.
They where region locked to Africa. Just about every population was region locked at that time dumbass. The only exception where traders and slaves.
>more time adding new maps
This. And some more objectives/game modes as well.
Those two things are all the game needs right now.
So what do you kniggas think about Crossroads?
What the fuck are you pro censorship fags doing on Yea Forums for real, maybe you should just eat a gun you dumb shit fag. Go cry to the rest of the internet if you want some pluralist safe space where you can cry slam poetry about your period bitchboy
Oh no! The N WORD it's a literally holocaust, i'm actually shaking like ugh i can't believe you say that, that's a yikes from me dawg this aint it.
They sure as shit weren't wearing plate armour and being knighted.
Most often they were being lynched in the town centre. I'd be down if they added black people to a map like that.
true in both those cases as well, It's all in your head. Stop believing SJWs are going to ruin your games
>I find it disgusting how you've somehow blamed the mulsims for the cursades when they were the one's being invaded
lets not beat around the bush here. the crusades happened because the pope was tired of muslim armies coming in and causing all sorts of chaos across europe. pic related is just the tip of the iceberg
shut up sandnigger
It's shit.
Historically illiterate moron.
But user, that's racist and sexist.
Where are their remains? Where is the art depicting them from that period? Where are the historical accounts of Notorious K-I-N-G and his elite bodyguard of Kniggas?
There are none, because they were not there.
Just like the playerbase.
All you /poltards can seeth as much as you want, but in the end we dominate the gaming industry. Progressives are on the winning side, and there isn't anything you can do about it. I can't wait for black and female characters in this game, and more moderation in the chat just to make you people cry and moan. It'll be so sweet seing you loose yet ANOTHER game that you love.
>this entire post
Got news for you retards. They're called "the crusadeS" for a reason. There were multiple of them. They had different reasons for existing, most of which would have had a variety of factors in making them exist. Pretending it was all x or all y is inherently fucking retarded for a series of events over several lifetimes.
kill all racist gamers
Could be cool if the toolbox was removed
Wait for them to drag out the handful of examples of nogs in middle age Europe.
That's what they did when the during the kingdom come butthurt.
500 years prior retard
>we dominate the gaming industry
No wonder it's been so dogshit then
>communication is important
nigger you can have fun in the game without having anyone to talk to.
Read more about the Berber-moors-sarracen history
its quite a feat that the Normans united both them and the Roman Chistians into one banner and made South Italy thrive with one banner
>all bugman game devs are suddenly out of a job and have to learn proper coding because nobody is buying games anymore
All the crusades, without exception, are for the purpose of uniting christendom against an enemy that aren't other christians.
Orthocux do not count as christian.
the first amendment, here in Freedom Land, supercedes any other rulings. If you override the rulings of the supreme court, then why fucking bother having one? You people and your handlers, whether you intend to or not, want to have everyone else think exactly like you do. Control the language, and you can slowly control the thoughts. Knigger.
The game has its audience. You are literally suggesting to drive away its main audience to make space for people who won't play it.
>The invasions happened once
No. Islam's constant attempts at conquest into Europe was ongoing for centuries. Islam as a collective over the past two millennia is responsible for the most attacks on the European continent out of any force or nation.
Toolbox is necessary for Crossroads so that blue doesn't get entirely overrun by horses. The real cancer of Crossroads is firebombs.
Eat a bowl of custard, faggot
You're a nigger
>post 2011 fags pretending to be oldfags
The constitution doesn't mean shit and everyone knows it. Only thing that matters is past rulings because you have that god awful common law system.
I hope they put robots and aliens in this game.
The first amendment is an part of the constitution. The constitution is a charter for how the government should be run, not some ideological slant designed for every aspect of the entire country. It is obscenely important that the government not censor dialogue, because then it would invariably censor the opposition of whoever's currently in power. This does not apply to private enterprise, as they're not running for election and rule over humans.
Stop pretending the first amendment applies to chat filters in videogames you fucking moron.
>reeeeee i hate free speech
you ARE a nipple
You're a poopy butt.
>muh poltard boogeyman
Dilate before your tranny hole dries up.
Nigger, Muds are trying to invade europe to this very fucking day.
You seriously think they were like "Nah, let's just stop for 500 years".
That's Spain you ingnorant mong. They were driven out during the Reconquista.
>Normans united both them and the Roman Chistians into one banner and made South Italy thrive with one banner
Now I know for sure that you're an ingnorant Burger. Any Yuropoor will tell you that we haven't been united in any meaningful way since Rome fell. We have grudges and rivalries that are thousands of years old, unlike Clapistan with its mere 200 years of 'history'.
sounds like some user is jealous that he isn't protected by law to say whatever he wants
I bet you also think islamic terrorism is an act of cultural enrichment too.
Total shit. I wouldn't even know how to make it worse.
What in the fuck is toxicity? Racism is just a meme with people having fun. Anyone taking that seriously is being a thin skinned.
Just saying it like it is. You don't have to go further than the 2nd amendment to prove it.
The American's right to bear arms have been, and is being, infringed many times over.
oh god user you're killing me
did people keep playing that after the first two weeks? I thought it was just fotm.
go back and never return
why would we tho
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands that every human be given freedom of expression and speech.
It is applied to all humans in all situations, not just one specific government of one specific country, but a general rule for the rights every human should have at all times.
use the mute button and just move on with your life
people will play it if /pol/tards fuck off.
This is essentially the get woke go broke meme
i see that you spoke like an autist freenchman who is still ANAL about charlemagne's son wish of dividing yurop in 3 parts
Explains all the lootboxes and shitty games recently
>but in the end we dominate the gaming industry.
Not in Japan.
>UN cuckoldry
Yeah, alright, cool.
Are you the same poster on Yea Forums that was completely ok with black washing? because you really type exactly like him.
Human Rights is one of the biggest mistakes the world, specifically the West, has subscribed to.
Takes 1 sec not to be a fag and to ignore a mean word, you dumb cunt
Too far, asshole
I agree, where's the respect for Dredd Scott and Plessy v Ferguson?
These whiners never play games, you're delusional.
People already are playing it.
what you want a thesis on the crusade on an imageboard? fuckoff. the underlying cause of the crusades was repulsion of islamic influence on christendom. saying it wasnt is pure revisionism
>Tell SJWs to make their own games
>They steal series and claim them as their own
>Say we shouldn't complain about it
>They tell us to make our own games
>We do
>They complain about it and demand we change those games to meet their arbitrary guidelines
ok whatever you say slave
back to the cotton fields with you then
there is a difference between being a racist and being an insufferable faggot. act like a nigger, they pull the trigger.
>OUR game.....
Seriously man, are you trying to make me stop playing?
>Muds are trying to invade Euope to this very day
Holy fucking shit, you honestly act like Immigration is like some invasion and Regugees are going to conquer you. This shit is why you fuckers shouldn't be allowed to speak
>people will play it if /pol/tards fuck off.
>This is essentially the get woke go broke meme
No, it's not you idiot.
I don't think that's legal, my dude.
This and based
>communication is important
Have you ever played mordhau? What the fuck do you need to communicate beyond maybe warning your team about someone trying to backdoor?
>Driving people away
What? That's what made TF2 so enjoyable
Black washing? Is that replacing random characters with blacks for blue checkmark good boy points? Fuck that shit.
Why is it that resetera wants to police everything, including this place? Why can't they just leave shit alone and ignore it if they don't like it?
So we can't let the government censor what we say and think, but its fine when companies do it? What about the corporations that own fucking everything? Where does it end? You say they're not running for election, well then what the hell are lobbyists? AIPAC? Any of the numerous other serious problems we have in this blackened husk of an electoral system? I'll give you my retardation about how the amendment works, but I just don't see how you bootlicking lot don't understand that the noose they're building comes for all of us. And not just for burgers, either.
Have sex
Because they're moral crusaders who have never experienced true hardship. They're pasty white Californians who proclaim everybody not like them are racist bigots, including minorities who don't agree with them.
we will soon
It'll be glorius when your pedoshit is gone
>you honestly act like Immigration is like some invasion and Refugees are going to conquer you
Replace conquer with "replace" and you're spot on. Only reason why this is happening now, when it has been prevented for centuries, is because the European leadership is made up of people who enable it.
Imagine being this desperate to get run over by a truck of peace.
Historically speaking, mass migration never ends well for the migratees see: Britons, Celts, Native Americans
You cannot police and throw everyone in wrong think jail over every conceivable “issue” without looking like a huge bootlicking tyrant.
dude I love lootboxes!
>It'll be glorius when your pedoshit is gone
Yeah I guess the 2D stuff isn't to your tastes, Pedoera. Shouldn't you be discussing how to diddle real kids in private Discords?
/pol/tards aren't people
People enjoy feeling powerful when they get companies to go against their financial interest to make them happy
Wouldn't that be the ones migrating? You mean the hosts, right?
it's ok you don't have any human rights it's fine
Fuck jannies and fuck mods
And fuck niggers
Because they suffer from terminal Judeo-Bolshevik mind virus.
get married
das right
I can't remember the last time I was so proud to have purchased a game at full price
>You have to ban these people
Why? Just mute them, then you literally won't see them speak ever again.
This game has community servers too yeah? Play on a server that bans them then if muting them it too much trouble for you.
I really hate this trend where developers are expected to micromanage their fucking communities behavior like they're a bunch of little children or something.
You're an adult, if you don't want to hear someone, mute them and move on with your life.
These are the kinds of fuckwits who play this game.
Retarded /pol/tards who hate black people because "MUH ETHNOSTATE" "MUH HEGEMONY!"
That's according to your opinion, but from dev's perspective, /pol/ pays just as any other.
Seen the latest Troy movie?
Not quite how it works, I have rights as a citizen.
Shit coloreds dont belong in Europe, medieval or present.
Unironically based. The bants in this game is great
There are plenty more reasons to hate niggers than just that, but those are valid reasons too.
What is driving people away from Mordhau is no fucking new maps beyond one memetic one, no ability to make maps ourselves, and Zweihander bullshit
Bro, where are your handlers?
you have the right to be my slave and work on my cotton field
chop chop get to it or you're getting whipped
don't bother whining to the police, they are all on my payroll
>who have never experienced true hardship.
It'll be funny when they go out and have to find real jobs and their liberal arts degrees won't do shit for them.
>racism outside of Yea Forums
>don't bother whining to the police, they are all on my payroll
Funny, they're on my payroll as well.
For anyone wondering why there's that one guy spamming MUH POL in every thread. It's some actual dude from Resetera trying to derail the /vg/ general and got publicly humiliated by the mods from /vg/ through deletion and constant bans
is there any doubt at this point that fascism is the answer bros..
Gamers. you have to wake up and fight this cultural marxist nonsense.
You're not going to change this place. Go back.
>muh boogey man
I don't pay you enough for that
I pay you nothing
>Agrees to get assraped with dept in to his consent
Making investments and decisions require some sort of intelligence
and shouting /pol/ isn't?
>b-b-b-buh it's just one person complaining about /pol/
Nigger this entire board has had people complaining about /pol/ in every thread on every topic for fucking years. It's not one person.
he must be a retard slav or a balkanic shitter
>He think's it's one person
>not many people having enough of their garbage
you people are NOT in the majority here, this thread any any other thread where you retards show up is proof of that
For two to three years perhaps. But that would be all your time here.
The devs have stated that making female characters and black people faces is more important than fixing the game or adding new maps.
You'll just have to wait in line, bigot.
People with university educations are universally objectively smarter. Pretend MUH LIBRSL ARTS is all that exists all you want but the vast majority of degrees are still either business or STEM.
Another thread ruined by /pol/tard garbage
fucking hell
Yea Forums is /pol/, whether you like it or not.
>you have been autobanned: nigger
>this ban will lift in 3 days or when you decide to stop being a blubbering virgin faggot and go outside
>filter will make things worse
so instead of nigger we get nlgg@r or whatever. wow that's so much worse, the incels have been slightly inconvenienced which means they won. moronic faggot.
this is why you're still a virgin
Yeah, not surprised. They've been all over this board the past couple of months. Really obnoxious.
Because before that we could actually fucking talk about videogames you fucking disgusting migrant.
Ffs we used to name call everyone back in the day. You dumb snowflake. It is fun, it learns you not to take offence. And ques what at the end of the day YOU decide how u feel, so wanne feel insulted and hurt. Fine !! Enjoy it you sick masochist. Boehoe
get fucked /pol/tard
>business or STEM
And they are not full of leftist shit, what surprise.
You're both retarded. Collectivism is heresy. Do a flip into a ravine.
> Muh /pol/ boogeyman
But they are though. You'd know that if you weren't too fucking stupid for them.
Up yours, nigger.
Uninstall the game, nigger. You don’t belong.
>Yea Forums ever talking about video games
Holy fuck sure is summer in here
>wah game devs aren't hitting mute for me automatically and are exposing me to The Bad Words
Unless you remove all communication in multiplayer games, people will find some way to be offensive. Hell, people get triggered by Overwatch voice line spam. While slurs will always be bad, it's best to develop at least a little thicker skin and learn to just mute shitters that bug you.
just to be clear I don't feel a single thing when I see the word 'nigger' but it's also exclusively used by incel faggots and russian children and losing them from the game is a net positive. let the word be an idiot cull
This isn't Yea Forums. This is 4channel.
>muh muh /pol/ boogeyman
You are historically illiterate my dude.
>school means i’m make smart boy
That’s is so out of touch you are grasping at straws. Getting a price a product saying someone babysit ties you for 3 years doesn’t make you a hot shot anymore, what about the thousand of others who got the same dumb degree who can’t find jobs? They’re are too many meme degrees that you dummies keep falling for, Are honestly pretending to be autistic?
I’m sorry there aren’t words you can say to me that would send me into a frothing rage, guess that just makes me stronger, smarter, and better equipped to deal with the world.
Word ray guns only affect the weak minded, overcoming WORDS can be hard when you have 70 IQ so I get the struggle for you.
havent switch faggots been beaten to the point of no return after?
Goodluck with your motion controlling wii U 2.0
>Because before that we could actually fucking talk about videogames
Not the Yea Forums I remember at all. Go back.
Back then it was only a meme though. At the end of the day there was actual videogame discussion inbetween all the Yea Forums 2.0 shit.
imagine being called an incel so many times per day that you have that image saved for quick access. it's almost like you're a seething incel with dickskin like pure untouched virgin snow.
And those people are actually working and being adults. Not waking up at 3 in the afternoon to complain about "racism" in a video game.
>You'd know that if you weren't too fucking stupid for them.
No, i'm just not a fat retarded American, who needs to sit through a course of inclusion and gender bullshit to get his mechanical engineering ba.
>offended people are leaving the game
great, fuck off
The only time communication is needed is in duel servers and that's solved with emotes already. No one pays attention to the chat in Frontlines. Do you even know what Frontlines is?
>bluh bllubh bluh blublubhblubhlub school bad because i was too dumb for it...
Deal with it cleetus. University literally raises people's IQ. Unemployment is a problem for people with degrees but statistically it's even worse for people without them.
>mfw people are going to spam this because SJW shitposting
>mfw no one realizes this is a smear campaign from EGS to try and get people interested in Chivalry 2 over Mordhau even though literally no one that worked on Chivalry is on the dev team and the guy in charge is a giant cock gobbling zoomer that fucked over all of the people that made the original mod and first commercial release of Chivalry
That picture must have hit close to home.
>it always does
Sounds like someone got btfo’d
>Because I said so it's true
You would be the first in line to cry and complain when a stem major explains basic biology to you.
Find the nearest bridge and jump off, faggot.
>when someone says a nono word
You’re right that uni grads have higher IQ, doesn’t mean they aren’t brainwashed by neo liberals, take you for example.
Imagine a picture invoking a response like this.
blackwashing faggot
Freedom is speech and freedom of expression are part of our constitution. If you do no like or respect that, get the fuck out of this country.
No, thank you.
>everyone who disagrees with me is BRAINWASHED
>there's no WAY I could be wrong
People with university education are leftist because the left is objectively correct. There's nothing more to it than that. You can whine and complain and try to make up excuses about non-existent brainwashing all you want, but that doesn't change the facts.
So is Mordhau actually trending down in average concurrent players?
If so, how much of that is actually attributable to people saying things others don't like?
> At the end of the day there was actual videogame discussion inbetween all the Yea Forums 2.0 shit.
You still get the same shit but /pol/ is the new Yea Forums. It'm sure it's become fatally worse from the point of view of someone really faggy about edgy politics, so it's understandable if you can't help yourself but to cry about it every day.
>faggot rightist projection strawman: the picture
>signs of low testosterone
>hair loss
Literally like half the things on this list are a sign of high testosterone.
>tfw I exhibit both the traits of low and high testosterone
>How to kill off 75% of your fanbase in a single stroke.
ya seethe little guy?
Pretty good suggestions
>University literally raises people's IQ
what a retarded statement. you can send people away like dogs to be trained in a particular field or to regurtidate left wing conspiracy theories. just like you can train dogs to sit and speak. doesnt make them smart. student
>faggot rightist
I thought the whole thing about being 'left' in the last 50 or so years was about faggot worshipping.
Exactly, now you get it!
>People with university education are leftist because the left is objectively correct
This thread is evidence that it's a real problem
Shut up nigger
What's your intersectional score bro
Shouldnt you be policing your own language? Thats offensive.
university is FOR nipples
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
>This thread is evidence that it's a real problem
>handfull of cucks don't get their daily confirmation on the internet
People with degrees can’t find the jobs they worked for and end working in wagecuck jobs because those people out number the jobs available, you’re better off getting a trade like plumbing they are in dire need of workers and are willing to pay for your education as a start. Those companies make investments towards workers instead of whatever the fuck babysitting degree you have.
>90 percent of the thread is blatant heil hitler posting
But it literally does though. It factually improves the intelligence of people and has been proven to do so time and time again.
You can argue all you want but you're still just trying to disprove facts.
>look ma, I found an image of someone being dumb on the internet!
>this means everyone I disagree with is wrong too!
Hairloss isn't a sign of high testosterone, merely your follicles having an intolerance to testosterone
Do you expect that IQ is genetic? Do you believe that western society is fundamentally based on a tyrannical patriarchy? Do you believe in white privilege? Do you believe that western society is not founded on the principles of Christianity ? Do you believe in open borders ?
If the answer to ANY of these is a 100% yes then you are no scholar, no scientist, and NO learn’d academic, only a little puppet drinking the Diet Coke when he’s told to.
Where are the shoulders? Holy shit that guy looks weaker than most girls I know
Then leave. If you don't like it, leave. No one is forcing you to be here. You have your own sites that support you, so why come here? It doesn't make any fucking sense.
>If I repeat buzzwords and rhetoric that makes me a smart nigger
Nice argument
Little of both. High testosterone is needed for the effects to manifest.
who cares
Why cant fags just use the mute/block button like it's intended
>are leftist because the left is objectively correct
When they are not you mean, which is most of them time, fucktard.
In this whole thread you were the first one to mention Hitler.
>Oy vey!
Then get a degree that gives you a profession. Anything computer and engineering related should be good.
rightists live in a parallel world from us. They are delusional. No factual evidence will ever convince them, look at the nonsense they spewd in this thread. Literal pro-crusade bullshit at times. It's baffling.
No one mentioned Hitler before you.
Because I've been on this site longer than you, you absolute fucking cretin. Yea Forums is a site for weebs and awkward fucks into obscure bullshit. /pol/ was always a mistake.
You can call me honkey all day long I don't give a shit.
I know it's a meme, but you'll be surprised how many trump stickers are on laptops at tandon
>rightists live in a parallel world from us. They are delusional. No factual evidence will ever convince them, look at the nonsense they spewd in this thread. Literal pro-crusade bullshit at times. It's baffling.
Aren't you late for your daily dilation?
So, you've been here since 2005? I doubt it. Go ahead and say I'm lying. I know you will. Go ahead.
If you enjoy it then do it, but don't take a degree to do work you hate. If craftsmanship is more your thing than sitting in front of a computer then do that instead.
> It factually improves the intelligence of people
smart people with degrees doesnt imply college made them smart
Dilate and join the 40%, you mentally ill freak
>Can just mute /pol/fags and move on with life
Wow, It's almost like I can just solve the problem myself!
The left tend to hand-wave away racial IQ saying it's been debunked.
But that's a lie.
The left are willing to ignore certain information if it goes against their views.
They're just as retarded and biased then anyone else.
>Yea Forums is a site for weebs and awkward fucks into obscure bullshit
None of these mean you aren't allowed to hate niggers, quite the opposite actually, as Japs hate niggers as well.
>You HAVE to agree with my subjective opinions because I have them so they're right
Lmao, you'll never not be blatantly uneducated, cleetus. No scholar or scientist would ever demand everyone agree with them on every issue because they're not retarded enough to think things are that clear cut.
Fuck off, false-flag cuck.
>paying any attention to chat in Mordhau
>/pol/ linguo should get you permabanned
RENT FREE you fucking discord tranny. When do you off yourself?
The getting the job part should be the most important thing, don’t expect everything to be handed to you and try your best to stand out. But sadly most businesses just throw resumes in a machine and check for spelling errors and cherry pick everyone because they are all the same, sure, you might have a respectable field but they’re are others who did the same shit? it’s competitive and your better off trying to get outside help to get a job.
"driving players away from the game"
0 evidence of this
they are just butthurt the devs won't babysit idiots who get flustered when strangers say words to them
2008, actually, but sure.
No, but it does mean that demanding the entire site be your political dumping ground is retarded.
Here's a few
Tianmen Square
Winnie the Pooh
>No scholar or scientist would ever demand everyone agree with them on every issue because they're not retarded enough to think things are that clear cut
Climate nuts disagree.
Scientists are the third least reliable people on the legal side of the law. Only politicians and journalists are more keen to lying and bending the truth.
Do you really think the retard calling people Cletus is actually smart enough to get into a high-end school like NYU?
It's easy to not "get mad at words" when you're a pasty white kid
>One thread obviously about bullshit attempts at regulating neo-nazi gamers
>Go into it anyway instead of all the other threads
What was your thought process?
Nignog lover
Consider a rope, nigger
So you're implying pasty white kids have more self control and better self esteem?
>source: my ass
You get a job depending on how much you want one.
wow you listen to beethoven bro??
>It's easy to not "get mad at words" when you're a pasty white kid
>he doesn't play mordhau for the sole purpose of styling on people with meme weapons
Climate change debate only got to the fetid place it is now because scientists spent far too much time entertaining paid monkeys from coal mining corps for decades though.
>b-b-b-b-b-bbubtuh they stopped listening after literal decades of listening to the same disproven bullshit, no fair!
kill yourself retard
Good lord get that shit outta here NOW
What? Those like four things do NOT encompass “every issue” they are a very specific series of questions, I live in Madison WI and undoubtedly have double your IQ, you have been brainwashed, you ARE wrong, you know hitler didn’t like IQ studies either, because Jews scored so high, neither did Stalin, he thought they were tools of the rich. White people are just another scape goat.
The reality is you have never really looked into anything you claim to know about, having only a surface understanding of these thing people talk about around you.
>No, but it does mean that demanding the entire site be your political dumping ground is retarded.
See, here's the thing. /pol/ is a reaction. Every single form of entertainment has gotten way too political. I don't want identity politics in my games and I'm tired of journalists whining about people saying words that really don't mean anything. If things went back to the way they were before the mid 2000s, /pol/ posting wouldn't happen here. Maybe a lot of people are tired of the ultra PC culture we live in permeating literally everything.
Holy fucking BASED, I swear to God muting is a fucking foreign concept these days.
>other threads
Funny joke
>literally no one that worked on Chivalry is on the dev team and the guy in charge is a giant cock gobbling zoomer that fucked over all of the people that made the original mod and first commercial release of Chivalry
I need to know more. What happened to OG Chivalry devs?
K now we know you're trolling , 9/10
>paying attention to chat in any game
People will respond to this
Pasty white kids don't have racial slurs directed at them born from 300 years of slavery and oppression and racism.
This is the bioware whale that was hired to write for them, right? Susan Hummer or something.
the (((christian))) venetians fucked byzantium tho
>n-no I only mentioned some
Nobody with an IQ above room temperature would believe shit as stupid as western society being founded on christian ideals. Western society is built today on a rival of greco-roman statism which was literally pre-christian, you fucking cretin.
It's so fucking tiny and fast and font is such an unreadable shit that it's literally impossible to notice what's going on there.
Hahaha, oh man. What the matter little boy ? Never had to debate a real academic before ?
I don't know what you're talking about, as far as I'm informed we've gone through an ice age, complete deforestation, global flooding and all the rainforests in the world has been gone for twenty years. I'm an informed university who reads scientific magazines you see.
Hacking is good for the console though
You are using a racial slur right now you tranny.
>just want a job and you can get one :)
>I got one so everyone who can't just doesn't want it hard enough
Hahahaha alright grampa, that's enough fox news for today.
Even the modern alt-right doesn't pretend that's the case.
>blacks call each other niggers
That’s cultural appropriation
Ok, let's ban racism.
How about "slut, bitch, tranny, cunt, queer, faggot"?
>they bad too
Then go fucking kill yourself
>I need to know more. What happened to OG Chivalry devs?
They got nigger AIDS and died.
Now you are being to obvious, 3/10
kill yourself tranny
>if you don't let walk yourself all over and let us take everything that is yours, you're a snowflake
You see how "cuckold" became a simple perfect description of white male liberals?
How come I have a job and you most likely don’t?
Shut up, coon
Oh that thing that fell and was rebuilt under Christian ideals? You don’t have the attention span for me to explain how western law derives itself mostly from rules and ideas collected form the Bible, just don’t vote please.
But I can and that's why you and your fellow journo onions are seething right now. That's the entire topic of the thread.
Retard, in the medieval ages not even all white people had all white people equipment, you had rich people with full suits of armor, horses and carts and then they had gophers carrying their shit around. Squires? Hello?
Just love all my Yea Forumsbros my best friends!
How comes low iq / normie friendly boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums are less racist then other boards?
If you think modern society is built upon post-roman feudalism and not almost entirely derived from the renaissance you've never opened a book in your life, my dude.
Go gangweed elsewhere, retard, this board is not liberal.
Dude you’ve got nothing to say and no IQ
IQ is genetic, open borders is bad, western civilization is NOT fundamentally a tyrannical patriarchy.
Stop fucking replying to me until you have something real to say.
Except that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were fedora tipping atheists.
>You don’t have the attention span for me to explain how western law derives itself mostly from rules and ideas collected form the Bible
Which is why, today, most of western society literally uses a system of law directly derived from the Roman system?
Because our dicks are small, okay!
Renaissance era politics are all fundamentally follow Christian ideals and values though?
Reserera invasions. Yea Forums for the subversion. Yea Forums for the cunny.
That's what they want you to believe.
The renaissance isn't built on greco-roman statism at all though.
>"Yea Forums isn't /pol/ 2"
>Somebody suggests blocking /pol/ terms from in-game chat
A fucking lie. Looking at the steam chart the playerbase has dropped off over time, and it peaked at release, of course. This is not uncommon. Bad players or people not willing to invest the time leave every competitive game, especially if they aren't mainstream shit like OW.
I wasn't even talking about locking the equipment to race. Retard
It's just easy to not get mad at words. If you get mad at being called a nigger, that's a "you" problem. You identify with the slur and so you let it get under your skin.
Perhaps you should consider not being such a lil bitch about everything.
>that pic
not gonna lie that was good
"than", not "then" Mr. high IQ sir
>They were christians though so it's all christian idealism
Come on nigger, stop pretending you know what you're talking about. The period is entirely defined by a renewed rise in pre-christian ideals and attempting to fit those into their contemporary society.
>I can say whatever I want.
Of course you can but don't be surprised that there are repercussions to this. You sign clearly defined contracts with any game you play. You dont get the scream and play victim when you violate the EULA, retard
t. doesn't know what /pol/ is like at all
Honestly you lose nothing by just removing the chat feature entirely from Mordhau. The chat is full of nothing but memes and people whining about how whatever killed them is cheap and communication is useless in that game so it's not like people use it for tactics.
I’m talking about fundamental ideals, like the sovereign obeys laws higher then himself, rule of law is of the many, and that every life intrinsically has value. The system of government is not an ideal you fucking retards
No, but the nationalism which followed in the next few centuries largely was.
No, don’t vote
People like the memes and ability to whine about whatever killed them.
ya seethe, kiddo?
i said, ya seethe kiddo?!
ya fume.
ya boil
ya brood
ya grouse
ya salty
ya steam
ya stew
ya just plain mad, son!!!!
This is the sad direction that all multiplayer games are going. No communication allowed, enjoy your sterilized multiplayer experince
I wish people did use it for tactics.
Hardly. Neither English, Prussian/German, [New world] or Dutch nationalism relates to Greco-romanism in any shape or form.
Secondary language, also never claimed to be high iq
Just an observation if you compare it to Yea Forums or /g/
>I need to know more. What happened to OG Chivalry devs?
Basically the dude that was in charge of the mod handed it down to some teenager who with some prodding from the devs started working on a commercial release.
It all started off fine but it was horribly mismanaged and underfunded. One of the dudes working on the game says he has a hookup with some publisher he had worked with before and they work on a deal to get the game published.
Teenager that inherited the project doesn't actually do any work but gets the biggest bonus from the publisher because he owns the company. All the senior devs get big cuts too.
Slowly devs start dropping like flies and it turns out the kid got greedy and wanted to get as much of the profit to himself as possible so everyone got replaced with fresh out of college code monkeys.
The only person from the original Chivalry team still on the dev team is a teenager with no coding experience that was handed the rights from the actual creator who just didn't care anymore.
I think a few of the original devs for Chivalry ended up working on Mordhau too.
Slandering Mordhau to get people caring about Chivalry 2 without bringing up what happened is probably what they're going for with articles like in the OP.
Convince people that Mordhau is shitty and racist and Chivalry 2 is the premium nice product.
Here is a huge forum post from an ex dev that ranted about all of this
I quit because it's not competitive ENOUGH. The weapons are horribly unbalanced and over-centralizing, and the weapons that aren't fun to use are more powerful, like the executioner sword, spears or spamming fire bombs.
>but what about 1v1?
Sure, there's more depth in 1v1, but there are simply a lot of vastly superior 1v1 sword fighting games already, so why would you waste your time on Mordhau? I'd rather play For Honor or Mount and Blade or even Chivalry instead of Mordhau. The combat is honestly kind bad, and again a large part of the problems is weapon balance.
Also Mordhau made the same stupid mistake every medeival war game makes which I wish they would fucking stop doing; including projectile weapons. For the love of god, stop putting fucking bow niggers in your melee combat focused games!
Ideals are inherent in the system.
>the sovereign obeys laws higher then himself
This is fundamentally antithetical to the rule of law on which all modern law is based.
>rule of law is of the many
This is not a christian ideal, and existed before Christianity
>and that every life intrinsically has value
This is not an inherent value of modern legal systems at all. The majority of them were built with capital punishment in mind, and many still have it. The value placed on life via legality is primarily derived from the need for stability and order moreso than any inherent value.
>proven wrong
Alright then, closing this thread. Later cleetus.
Buying it just for this
>Basically the dude that was in charge of the mod handed it down to some teenager
But why though?
Cause it was just a mod and he didn't give a fuck.
Its not like it was making any money
By competitive I just meant a game in which people compete.
In any case, you didnt leave because of racism.
Why give it to one person though? Why not share it with everyone?
ITT: liberal cuck cries because people say nigger and /pol/ exists
ok bye bye, go have a nice sip a that there Coke Zero! a huk! Dont trip on the way out, and dont come back now ya hear!
Just go to your christian server bitch
The absolute state of this nigger.
you aren't smart or funny
Cause that'd be gay as fuck, you stupid cocksucker
ITT: Nazi incel cries because people he can't yell nigger and SJW exist
Good thing I don't mingle with the mod community. All it takes is one wrong step and before you know it a dick is buried in your ass because you unknowingly sent out some hidden signal.
Wish it had workshop tho it needs mods badly
Apart from that based
Maybe some larger maps and better game modes
>he can't yell nigger
He literally can, nigger.
>no u
ya seethe little guy?
i change my mind
youre dank as fudge
It's a rhinoceros-eat-rhinoceros world in modding.
Best if you just stay the fuck away, punk.
It's actually leveled off now and is sitting at about 13k peak over the past month, having lost almost none of that in that time (2%). The core playerbase is settled in and while the casuals might have had their departure hasted by the constant assault on their delicate sensibilities in chat, they were almost going to leave the game when they couldn't handle being styled on by the experienced players every game.
sounds like fun
might gonna check out that game
All I play games for is to rage in chat for hours.