3x3 thread

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What is the 2/2 etc in these threads?

I've always assumed it I enjoyed 2 of those and I've played two of those but that can't be right cause I'd see more 3/6 and shit.

Probably some autists that don't understand how it works.

2/4 = liked/played

Wow, someone actually drew Nihilus correctly.

The whole thing is retarded and pointless. It neither prompts nor allows for any actual discussion.

3/4 +Bully, Sleeping Dogs, RE4 -SR4

5/5 +Crash 2, MGS, P4, Bloodborne, Silver

4/4 +Bloodborne, S3&K, P3, Rayman

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Of course it is, these threads are for autistic retards.

The point is to jerk off your ego, not discussing shit.

Much like most of Yea Forums.

Yet it's still better than 90% of threads on this board these days, because it's at least related to video games.

These threads are pretty tired. I used to like browsing them for mosaics with taste similar to mine, so that I could use them for recommendations. Everyone just posts the same 50 or so games though. At this point its just people circle jerking each other over how great their taste is. I wouldnt even be surprised to find out if some people purposefully fudge their mosaic a bit in an attempt to get more Yea Forums approval points.

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Yeah, this is a 4x4 in a 3x3 thread, it's just that I think this represents my tastes better
+SH2, RE4, Far Cry 3, Saint's Row 4
Bully and Sleeping Dogs has been in my backlog for years
Still haven't decided if I want to play kotor2
+P4, Bloodborne, MGS, F:NV
The only FF's I've played are 6, 7 and 15 and I've dropped 6 and 15. I know they're all standalone except the sequels to numbers but what would you recommend me to get into the rest?
+Bloodborne, Y0, P3, DMC5
Honestly the only reason I'm positive about P3 is because it had a big impact on teenage years, it feels terrible to play.
I've played Cyber Sleuth and really liked it but haven't gotten into Hacker's Memory yet. What made you choose it over the original?

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Spyro, Deus ex, Sonic, Ape Escape, Resident Evil, San Andreas, Tekken, but dislike Souls. I'm the type of gamer who gets high as fuck and prefers to relax when playing my games, rhythym games like Souls are not for me.

Like Max Payne, WoW, Warcraft III, pkmn soul silver. Dislike Souls for above reason and dislike Orange Box, Portal was the only objectively great games Valve has ever made, HL is stupidly overrated. Its a boring campaign shooter with shitty physics puzzles that helped the trend of simplifying shooter maps and lotsa cutscenes.

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If you dropped 6 then I doubt you'd like the others. 8 is very different from those two though. X is a really good game if you like turn based.

If you're looking for a FF based around gameplay then I suggest FFV or FFX-2. Both take the jobs system and do it excellently.

>What made you choose it over the original?
Honestly, the story and characters.
It's much grim than the original and I'm more into that kind of stuff.

Pkmn Platinum, Sonic 3 & Rayman

Pkmn, metal gear, majoras mask, fallout, kotor 2, dislike FFVIII, boring game with shit writing much like most of the series besides like Tactics.

Based on what I recognize without names
SH2, RE4, Bully, and Kotor 2. Far Cry 3 was meh.

Mine is








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if you cant be bothered to clearly identify your games i cant be bothered to rate them

+ Slver
- MGS, FF8

+ Sonic 3 and Knuckles

+ Sonic 3 and knuckles, San Andreas
- tekken

WC3, WoW (though vanilla was ass)


i am shame it took so long to find chaos theory

It's the worst game I've ever tried. Even eraly access survival sanbox openworld crafting cancer has never been this bad.
Every fucking thing is fucking horrible aside from vehicle control - those are just meh.
Gunplay is shit. AI is a fucking joke. Missions are boring with atrocious level design. Voice acting and the story are beyound any redemption. Basic climb the tower is and conquer the outpost shit is garbage.
Hunting is shit. And don't get me fucking started on the fucking inventory and skill point system. This fucking dumpster fire of a game is the single most overrated piece of shit in the whole fuckign existence


N-Nani? Could it be?!?!

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Not a 3x3 but posting it anyway because rules are for chumps
5/6 -Terraria
2/4 -Xenoblade 2 -DMC 5
7/7 GREAT taste

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>M-M-M-MUH Yea ForumsCORE

5 was the best Tekken gameplay wise, but it also marked the point in the series where the story started to go to shit.
You like your quirky writing, don't you?
Have you played any of the Hitman games by any chance? I get the feeling you'd like them.
FC3 is alright for what it is. It doesn't excel in anything, but everything about it is just fine.

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I rarely seem to find ones that have any games I've played but didn't like

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>People unironically have ps1 games as favorites
Are you all pushing 30?

Chaos Theory, Silent Hill, Okami, Mount & Blade, Gta IV. Dislike TF2 and dislike TWEWY. What game is first row first column?

Like Hitmantm 2, MGS3, Tenchu, Silent Hill, DMC3, Max Payne, not huge on Vice City. I never felt like it did a good job portraying the grittyness of Vice City, I hope Rockstar feel inspired by Manhunt when making GTA VI.

Like ODST, Papers please, Fallout, New Vegas, Chaos Theory and Grim Fandango. What game is second row third column?


Like Saints Row 2, Sly 2, New Vegas, Fallout 2, Hitman Blood Money and MGS3. Dislike Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 4, both suffer from the same problem of a bad main story as well as gutting of rpg elements.

Bloody Roar and SFIII Third Strike

Ace Combat and Doom are probably decent?

Metroid Prime, System shock 2, Ninja Gaiden 2. I disliked Portal 2 compared to the first game as a whole. What is first row third column and third row second column?

alright, will check X and X-2, thanks!
Sounds interesting! Will definitely get around to it soon.
>You like your quirky writing, don't you?
Would be lying if I said I didn't!

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2/2 + RE4 and Bully

3/4 +Pokemon gen 2, MM, Fallout NV
- FF8

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>first row third column
> third row second column
Hotel Dusk

> I disliked Portal 2 compared to the first game as a whole
I felt like it was a direct upgrade from the first for the most part, and there was much more content. Though I guess the first moment you break out of the chambers is hard to replicate and the atmosphere in 1 is better.

>What game is first row first column?

VtM: Bloodlines

Purple is core 3x3. I'm literally on the final boss of a game that's definitely going on here next time I edit it. Feels good to play a game that's just plain fantastic, especially after hearing it was for quite a while.

SR4 is just Prototype but worse and neon. The movement it took from Prototype doesn't even have all the options that Prototype's did.
3/3 (Silver, MGS, Crash 2)
2/3 (+&Knuckles +DMC5 -Platinum); I'm just not a fan of Sinnoh
I try to start discussion when rating. I think the micro-conversations you can get in these threads are worth it if the thread lives beyond the initial posting phase. You can ask me anything about mine and I'll answer.
3/3 (Spyro, &Knuckles, T5)
2/3 (+HGSS +MM2 -WoW); what are your thoughts on the other Classic Mega Man games? I think 2 is good but having played them all I wonder why 2 is still considered many's favorite (besides how iconic the bosses and music became)
I'm probably going to get Blood Money this Steam Sale; for $2 it's worth trying like I tried Thief Gold for $1 this Winter. Thief was very good but the gameplay style itself wasn't for me; I think a more open-ended third-person game like Hitman is more my kind of Stealth.
10/13 (+Punch-Out +SCIV +Hard Corps +SM +Prime +BFII +Brawl +B2W2 +Shovel Knight +Kirby -Rumble Arena 2 -WoW -Minecraft); I can get why people like WoW and Minecraft, but what the fuck is Digimon RA2 doing on there? I love the original, but the sequel sucks. The roster got way worse, the stages are terrible, and the OST is a downgrade too. What the fuck. CotM looks good though, I'll probably get that too.
3/3 (Bloody Roar, VS, Third Strike); I should try out Cyberbots sometime. Jin is super fun in Marvel.
2/2 (Prime, NG Black)

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4 can barely be considered an RPG but I like it as a shooter. Plus both it and ME2 have a lot of good party members and that's a huge plus for me.

Rayman is great
3/3 +OFF, umineko,sh3
Been meaning to play ghost trick
+++earthbound +terraria,hk,dkc,r&c
-DaS, fallout

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>Have you played any of the Hitman games by any chance?
I've only played Blood Money but I liked it a lot. The new one's on sale and it looks pretty good, but do I need to play the first one beforehand?

>FC3 is alright for what it is
It's a dumpster fire.
There is nothing remotely good about this game.

I never understood the ratings in these threads
Why are they not out of 9?

Honestly just never grew up on Rumble Arena 1, and only ever tried its sequel when it came out. You've convinced me to go back and try it though

7/7 based Alpha Protocol

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4 is utter garbage and pales in comparison as a looter shooter to games like borderlands. It fails in every regard.

Absolute shit taste but Gun was pure SOUL.

You can play the first one within the second one.

If you've already got the first game installed, you can play the levels from it in the second game for free. Otherwise it's a purchasable add-on that can be a bit expensive. Definitely worth it though despite the price and bloated file size due to the sheer amount of content and replay value you're getting with that.

Thanks, the game's on sale so I think I'm gonna buy the base game and the GOTY Legacy Pack.

Enjoy it. It'd say that 2 is easily one of the best games ever made when you combine it with the Legacy Pack. Putting some unlocks behind time gated content is annoying though and that's probably my only major complaint with it overall.

It's out of how many you played. You're not supposed to rate games you don't know about.

6/7 really nice, but Terraria is not for me

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>games are in chronological order

you always were a kidder user

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Fucking ace work, senpai.
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What is it
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CTR is like crack to me, the most fun I've had in ages, love it

2/6 + Melee, WoW, - M&B, whatever Zelda that is, Minecraft, Witcher 3

2/6 + WoW, Risky Rain 2, - TF2, HL, Pokémon, Doom

5/12, + HK, AoE II, New Vegas, Vanquish, BB, - Witcher, DMC 3, Okami, KotOR II, Deus EX, MGS3, Prey

pretty nice

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Rumble Arena is one of the best Smash clones before the wave of more mechanic-oriented indie clones. Good representation across the first three series, good varied stages, fucking INCREDIBLE music. Movesets were simple but fun. It may be nostalgia talking on my end but at the very least I prefer it to 2. 2 also gets minus points because I'm something of a Frontier fanboy and the only rep it got was a joke character.
1/3 (+Sonic CD -WoW -Platinum)
1/5 (+B&W -Melee -Minecraft -FO3 -WoW)

Donkey Kong '94. I'd been hearing about it for so long and I finally decided to emulate it. It's fucking fantastic. The mechanics and physics for a GB game are incredible, and the sprites/music are very charming in their simplicity. The level design is pretty much textbook high-quality, you could teach how well it introduces and uses its mechanics across 101 stages. The final world has some baller boss themes too.

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VtM: Bloodlines

>all those weebs, nintendies and Obsidian employees
Immense yikes.

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>seething because people always tell him his taste is shit in these threads

>seething because people always tell him his taste is shit in these threads

>fallout 4 is on there
>fallout 3 isn't

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Every other game on this that I know anything about is definitely good, so please explain to me why DmC is on this.

You seem boring as fuck

Every single one of those games are shit

>Managing to convey your Ultimate main in a way that connects to another game on the chart
I like that a lot.

I still want to make it look like The Prince is rolling the Katamari from the Katamari slot on the 3x3, but thanks












0/7 ffs








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4/5 +BB, S3, P3, Rayman. -dmc5
6/6 +Prime, SS2, CV, NGB, P2, BB
7/9 +SIE,MMZ, Rondo, SK, NGS, GH, MVC3. So which batman movie is your favorite? For me, it's forever.
We should trade the resonances of our crystals sometimes

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Might and Magic 6
Might and Magic 7
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle 64
Tactics Ogre
Crystalis (NES)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Played Geometry Wars 1 but not 2. Did it change the formula much?
5/5 Did you like DMC5?
6/6 I always like Future Perfect a lot.
6/6 I'm looking forward to WTC5 and chapter 9 in August.

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Thank you for clarifying!
- + +
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Oh fuck yeah, we absolutely should!
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+ + /

>So which batman movie is your favorite?
This is gonna sound corny but the Scooby Doo & Batman The Brave and the Bold animated movie from last year. I love Scooby Doo and I like Brave and the Bold more than any other superhero TV series (even more than DCAU and Avengers EMH).

If I were to give a live action answer, then I guess either '89 or Returns. That whole era (prior to & Robin, but it has its meme value at least) is good but I just like Nicholson and Devito in their roles a lot.

>can't be bothered to make an image

Resident Evil 4 (best third person shooting)
Bloodborne (best third person melee)
Quake (best first person shooting)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (best atmosphere)
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (best open world)
Tetris (best single gameplay mechanic)
Planescape: Torment (best story)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (best platforming)
Super Metroid (best overall game)

Cool level design and art direction.
Rebellous zoomer Donte is amazing believable character. Even if he's cringy, I'm cringing at HIM, not at WRITERS trying to be le funny and cuhurezee xD.
And most importantly it just plays nice. No camera fuckery unlike DMC3/4, combat is more about situational use of different weapons rather that combofuckery, decent enemies roster with balance between cannon fodder and tanky boys, smooth controls perfectly optimized for mouse + keyboard.
And of course seething OG DMC fans were the cherry on top.
Haven't played DMC5, I stopped caring about jap DMC after trying 3 and 4, the "console port" feel was fucking unbearable.

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Chapter 8 was a perfect ending. I have no idea how there is going to be more. We'll see soon though.

>Planescape: Torment (best story)

>The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (best open world)
stopped reading there

GW2 added a multiplier collecting method from enemies to keep you on the move, few general gamemodes. Plus the game is fluid and vibrant looking as all holy fuck, which was heavily toned down and sterilized by the third game unfortunately. Not that I can't see why it could have been considered overblown. GW3 has tons of gamemodes and scenario variety however, and what you're likely stuck with if you wanted to play the series because 2 is only playable on a 360. pretty damn lame.

>not liking a single japanese, nintendo or obsidian game
Liar. You're a liar.

5 is very well-optimized for PC and has both small features and some visual design elements taken from DmC (since Itsuno worked with Ninja Theory on Definitive Edition). It's probably the mainline DMC you're most likely to enjoy based on what you said.

8/9, great choices

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>Mario bros 3 best platforming
Maybe if its literally the only one you've played then sure

Here we go again.

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I was considering putting Dark Souls or Touhou there but I enjoy them mostly for the memes.
It's impossible to care about their glorified shovelware for children and colorful vomit characters if you didn't grow up with 3 Nintendo consoles in a row and christian parents protecting you from violent video games.
These hacks were always just poor man's Black Isle/Troika/Bioware who can only exploit RPG-boomers' nostalgia without bringing anything new to the table.

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really like the core 3x3 outline in the whole chart
gonna steal that

odst had a godtier soundtrack, i really hope they bring martin back for infinite


Zero 4 is real nice. I really liked the ideas it had to change things up like the Knuckle and Weather, plus the new hub. I'm in the minority but I consider it a step up from Z3.