>TFW not part of the %5

Attached: 1535644576040.png (333x313, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the percent five

Does anyone else here use Krunk, Geary or Zam? or even seen them online?

Im new to the game ever, and I keep messing the sharp corners
If drafting, im supposed to let go the acelerator or break pulling the stick back?

because Papu piramid is the one messing me up right now. specially at the last curve

I use Geary because I'm a bit nostalgic of CNK.
Krunk and Za/em always sucked dick tho

>let go of the accel button
>press left or right + down
>press accel again

28/31 time trials
>dragon mines
>cortex castle
>oxide station
rip me

I see Krunk online every now and then. Seen a Geary once, and literally never seen Zam.

use d-pad for this game

FUCK dragon mines


oh, and press the brake button while performing it

I thought it was in 6 hours

It is. He's a retard

actually 6

what part of the planet are you¿

Doesn't matter you fucking brainlet, Beenox tweeted it's 12AM GMT time, which is in 6 hours from now

When's the PC version?

Attached: PC vs console.png (604x604, 616K)

One year.

once the podium animations are added to online Im gonna start using geary and zam's bulldog skin

Attached: A9F53533-9444-4052-B630-AE910704CB6A.png (1216x558, 630K)

That explains why my stick rubber just broke up

Attached: 15620901528943738671817676203449.jpg (4032x3024, 1.85M)

Maybe you should spend 12 of those hours taking an elementary math course

>He doesn't play youtube.com/watch?v=-QsszBPuzbM on full volume blasting from his speakers the entire race while in a voice call with other players online

Attached: croosh.png (1025x925, 260K)

if I can beat adventure mode on hard and do the N. Tropy time trials, plus a few Oxides, do I stand a chance of making the top 5%, or should I just not bother

>came 8th twice in a row on polar pass (my favourite track)
>winner both times was a fucking cocofag
>get really mad and accidentally spill broth all over my fridge and have to clean it up
>little sister comes in and laughs at me
>tell her I dont read her a bedtime story now
>she cries
>parents have said if i upset her one more time then they'll ban me from ps4 and watching tv
>slap my sister in the face to make her shut up
>falls over unresponsive
>go back and play some time trials to cool off because she's probably fine
>she just got up and ran off to tell my parents
>now I wont even get to play the new maps and will fall even further down in skill


Attached: 1533857917325.jpg (804x802, 61K)

Why does everyone suggest using the d-pad? I'm able to do the air u-turn with the control stick just fine. Is there some other advantage?

You have better handling while in the air, hop to take sharp corners. Even better if you air brake, but harder to do unless you're doing it over a jump rather than break hopping.

Not him, but in BST its in about 5 hours now.

It's just like fighting games.
You have to travel a distance when you go from right to left or vice versa. On d-pad there's minimal travel distance so you have more control over your movement.

This game is the only game that actually gets my heart racing. Holding on to blue fire while avoiding getting taken down by items online is so fucking intense.

Less travel time and no ambiguity

>Rhino shit

You’re rhino sit.

So you get a kart if you are top 5%? well guess I'll wait for the pit shop then

I play Velo and Zam when I'm not playing N. Trance

or maybe move to a fucking country where is already 3rd of July I guess

are the displayed stats not correct? I cant catch those fucking cocos even though when using cortex I should theoretically be outspeeding them

>I was only pretending!

I find myself leaning when making sharp turns, I pretty much never did this growing up, the momentum in this game is great.
>inb4 you clip a ramp wrong and plummet to your death

Reposting for daytime people

Attached: crash my ass into some team racing.png (2413x1346, 1.04M)

Fuck Dragon Mines platinum relic
Thank you for listening

Only Geary is based

Not sure if this is true or not, but I think max speed is relevant to max boost speed, not max base speed, may be wrong

I'm confused, is there a countdown site for this?

Speedrunner autism.

I barely enjoy the online at all. Whoever manages to hold the flame wins while everyone else goes much slower. Getting hit by weapons is also mainly just annoying, I think I enjoy hotlapping by myself more

Are you a neet with massive ammounts of free time to grind points on weekdays while everyone else is working?

Fake Crash is a bit of a miss. I just think he is a silly little goober who is trying his best.
Papux2 and Krunk on spot on tho

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The origibal was made before joysticks was a popular thing on controllers. It's literally designed for the d-pad

Wouldn't you want more control especially when drifting straightaways instead of just always a hard turn that relies on drifting at the perfect angle every time?

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Not that I know of, but I was assuming it was going to be at midnight regardless of where you were, so some people would have access to it earlier, but other user said it was going by GMT time.

It's amazing how good the N. Trance redesign in NF is.

>Wouldn't you want more control especially when drifting straightaways
When you drift in a straight line, you're always going to be pressing left and right to adjust the trajectory, stick is absolutely shit for this small adjustments compared to d-pad.

Are you saying you're too good, or tired of loosing to people who are good? If the former, I know the feel, I'm not challenged a lot of the time which is a shame, if the later, learn how to hold USF.

I want to bully Megumi

Attached: 1560626117399.png (550x487, 23K)

29/31 time trails
>dragon mines
>oxide station
god have mercy

Didn't everyone have an analog controller by 1999

The people in "dont give a fuck" are ten times more based than """based""" people


Attached: d.jpg (1492x801, 181K)

t. handling shitter

This. I'm surprised so many people seem to prefer D-Pad


>"Get in, user"

based crooshposter

It's just simpler for all the tight maneuvering you have to do

Somehow I managed to do Dragon Mines without much frustration. I think the trick is hopping/slowing down on the curving bridge, and then bullshit boosts through the dirt at the end of the track, as well as the pond at the start

>trying to play any fast pasted 3D game with a switch D pad

Yeah, but they were absolute garbage and almost no games used them for anything but camera angles

boys get grinding coins, you can disconnect your internet just as a race starts, (put flight mode on switch) and all the people get swapped to easy CPU.

come first in wumpa time every time, win every race, bingo bango bongo free coins

This is the worst most shitty list ever made

I did play Papu in the original, though.


Attached: file.png (255x384, 116K)

I hope so

>tfw already maxed out todays coin bonus
>Banned from posting images
> :(

You’re right about the first part about Coco but they never fucking win and end up sucking ass

Sounds like you're insecure about shit and just want your main to be "based".

Classes mean jack shit in online matches once you learn to hold your flame

That is pathetically genius

But online players are easier than the CPU

here's an F my friend. i've stacked 20k coins already.

i found it on plebbit. low and fucking behold it works. i got 400 coins for electron avenue. literally just DC your internet as the start timer begins.

my property

I just don't understand how the control stick is worst for smaller adjustments. You can turn as soft or hard as needed. The d-pad only has a single sensitivity input meaning you're going to be hard turning every time and having to jump between left and right and buttons. The stick you can just inch it over however much is necessary without going back and fourth.

>Classes mean jack shit in online matches
t. furfag pura main shitter who thinks he's hot shit for barely beating local shitters

My model is too obtuse of a location for this to be practical

I haven't checked how many coins I have atm, but I'm probably only around 7000, time to pick favourites

It's both. The speed differences are honestly just unbalanced. There is usually only one place where to get the fastest boost, and if you lose it then you're stuck going much slower for the rest of the lap. Plus weapons exist, so sometimes it's outside your ability whether or not you can keep going faster. Whoever breaks out of the main group has a huge advantage for the rest of the race, and this usually happens after the first crates. It's like there are two different races going on, the first group (or person) driving by themselves and then another group blowing each other up. Neither position is that enjoyable to me. If the blue boost wasn't infinite, it would be more balanced. It has changed the game quite a bit

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>I just don't understand how the control stick is worst for smaller adjustments.
There's more travel distance.
Even a 5 y/o can understand this fucking concept

Since Megumi is Cortex's trophy girl, she'll have Uka Uka right?

If you cant get the digital skin you dont even stand a chance

I just use what's more comfortable. Not trying to say it's strictly better.

someone posted a picture of megumi in one of the last threads that was genuinely unnerving. people should stop this meme before it goes too far

>playerbase percentage awards
Boy, the Switchfags are gonna have it easy.

Attached: Froggy loves Coco GIF.webm (1920x1080, 1.95M)

i'm assuming you mean your switch, just press home, go to system settings, press flight mode on and off with the controller and boom.

I play Polar, Ripper Roo, Dingodile, and Coco but ok

>Didn't know that you get a 10 second deduction for getting all the boxes until halfway through platinum

The multiplayer as a good player is invariably either playing time trial while in 1st, or having a hotly contested battle over 2nd place. If the leaderboards dont count 2nd and 3rd wins its gonna be a shitshow

I meant modem

You mean Xboxfags.

Do you have a webm of Pura docking his ship on Coco's.

but that disconnects my controller too

you don't need to unplug your modem dude, it's way simpler to just use the settings on your console to deactivate internet

i want to try the gentleman roo skin with the six pipe but i also want to save my money for tomorrow

decisions decisions

Attached: ven-jii-ripperroo.jpg (1920x2703, 1.09M)

Waking up with my wife Megumi!

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The warp orb being faster would help a lot, since if 1st place gets three consecutive warps up his ass and gets blown off the track, people will start catching up. I also think masks, shields and turbos should be disabled entirely for the top three positions. Maybe there should be some pity mechanic where masks give you better speed proportionate to your position, like getting a mask in 8th place rockets you off faster than blue fire.

I know what you mean, I hope there is a competitive mode at some point, the amount of times I've been having a close race with another high level player, only for them to luck out on items and completely screw me over with no chance of recovery is annoying. I don't think the items are powerful enough to compensate and keep casual matches competitive, a good player can be far enough ahead to be hit with item after item and still hold enough of a lead for nothing to happen.

>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock

>tfw I mained Cortex and only ever saw Megumi on the podiums
She is my waifu by law.

Attached: 1558645083003.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

This is a good idea, but the people who are going to be getting masks the most wont be able to control themselves with speeds more than blue fire, causing a frustrating loop of getting the mask, speeding ahead of some other low level players then flying off the map, repeat

I did too, user. She is MY wife. Get your own bandicutie.

Based and redpilled opinion.

Attached: 1562003739649.png (550x487, 20K)

she has some issues

Attached: stop fapping to bandicoots!.png (1046x727, 1.24M)

How long until event?

5 hours?

Something like that

I was just thinking that Tawna looks like she's in an incriminating and embarrassing photo in that shot. Like pic related.

Attached: DNjcfRFX0AAJgG1.jpg (1076x845, 81K)

I've said it multiple times now: this game makes me want Trance as the next big bad.

And you can't stop me!

So disconnect it like right after it says GO, or right when it finishes loading?

Attached: what all penta players should do.jpg (492x494, 68K)

I use Team Oxide's kart with tri-color and grey-blue like in pic related.

Attached: mainnns.jpg (1280x720, 545K)

Anyone miss how chatty racers were in CTTR? Particularly N. Gin who is more in line with his slightly more subdued original self in Cortex Strikes Back and Warped? As it is now, it feels like all the characters barely have any lines.

I mean, just compare:



Attached: crash-tag-team-racing-still.jpg (640x480, 108K)

Not really, I think that gets annoying.
If only we'd get Horny Coco back though.

>picture of your boyfriend's on your shirt

That's genuinely adorable.

Attached: workout tawna.jpg (1280x1631, 552K)


Pretty sure leader boards are just going to points accumulated. So 1st place will get 100 pts and 6th place will get like 40 pts. Even if you consistently get 5th or 6th place you can still grind your way up the leader boards by just playing a shit ton of games.

Is she okay?

It doesn't matter, if your internet is cut, like mine does frequently anyway, so I get this involuntarily, the other racers are replaced with NPCs, but you still get the coin bonus as if it was an online race.

depends on your timezone

I don't want the characters to talk more, but I wouldn't mind a little more variety in the lines.

Very interesting.

Looks good
When I go online, am I going to get btfo playing Roo vs heavys n shit? Like how much of a difference are cart classes online? I just love the goof.

Does anyone have the event picture? With all the stuff

Attached: dfgdg.jpg (1590x886, 159K)

She'll be fine.

Attached: 1560617953771.png (585x724, 29K)


What quotes do you want added to characters?
I wouldn't mind Crash going "Uh-oh!!" like in Crash 1.

Nope, I'm frustrated

Attached: wakarimasen lol.png (1058x685, 1.44M)

There's no skill based matchmaking. Your lobby will probably have one perfect boosting autist and six other people who don't know what the shoulder button does.

disconnect as you skip the level cutscene and it'll be full of easy npc's.

what this guy says. as long as your internet reconnects to servers by the end then you'll get your insane wumpa coin bonus.

Attached: grand prix.jpg (1920x1080, 541K)

I'm almost certain it will be patched, get you're easy coins now

Attached: tawna.jpg (1076x845, 107K)

Depends on how you play. Handling characters fucking suck if you don't play them right. Speed characters can basically powerslide in straight lines, which helps them a lot, versus you who can't powerslide more than twice on a straight road without veering into a wall.
However, by virtue of being a handling character, you can maintain USF infinitely easier than Speed characters can. As long as the Speed character in question isn't like a fucking Digital Tropy, typically they're not going to be able to maintain USF for very long on stages like Hot Air Skyway, Oxide Station, and Cortex Castle. You can. If you can do that, you'll speed past everyone; the issue is building up enough reserves to keep it for long enough.

Will painter dingodile have a giant paintbrush, or will he have a gun that shoots paint?

which of the trophy girls are accel?

The blonde italian chick, same as Tawna.

Post skins you want. Hard mode: they can't be from existing games, only original stuff.

you guys work fast

Attached: 1520864631802.png (413x413, 288K)

Just know the shortcuts and you'll be fine. Item RNG plays a big role online so just make sure you're grabbing crates as well.

That's the name of my pop-rap band

>Egypt stages are pretty much the best stages in Warped
>Twilight Tour is only half Egypt themed, and looks basic as fuck
Why though.


You can perfectly fine tune your turns by tapping the direction, you don't need to hold it all the time. The joystick provides no real advantages if you can do this, and has a longer travel time.

Can one of you editfags make Ami the disaster girl?

Attached: disaster-girl.jpg (500x375, 31K)

How do we fix online. This is so boring


Attached: Ami3.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

Stereotypical king Velo. Complete with an oversized crown.

>lapping people in Deep Sea Driving
>one of the dudes infront on me sends out a warp orb
>be right behind it, get to see how it owns everyone else
that was honestly kinda scary to watch

Medic styled outfit for Dingodile. His back pack and flamethrower could be replaced with a medigun

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (320x660, 19K)

Parr of the problem is that voice clips are triggered so easily that they dont have any sense to make. Without too many lines they get repetitive.
t. Gobabygobabygobabygo

Some of these lines are pretty good, but a lot of N Gin's lines in CTTR were just lolsorandum humor. I'll agree though that more voice line variation would be nice, so long as they don't increase the frequency.

Anyone play with the Joycons D-pad? Is it viable?

Crash wearing, okay hear me out here...

A shirt and jeans

>Ranking system - matched with similar skill levels
>Competitive mode
More or less all that's needed atm

How is it any more boring than a normal offline race?

A jester/clown skin for Ripper Roo.

I want the pc version now!!!

Attached: i feel it.png (1047x864, 701K)

Crash wearing Tawna's outfit, complete with Tawna's face on his shirt. Tawna wears Crash's outfit, complete with no shirt.

>Ami has a bigger chest than nu Tifa
Feels good

Bonus Coin Events. Shit like double coins for playing battle mode or for picking certain characters.

Pretty sure you get more coins on weekends

Any way to get the pit stop stuff on a hacked switched that can't go online?

Why am I still getting hundreds of coins per race, wasn't the bonus only supposed to be during the weekend

Surfer duds. Shorts with palm trees on them, some shades, and his hair tied in back.

Attached: Papu_Papu_Crash_Bandicoot_N._Sane_Trilogy.png (867x1021, 467K)

only just noticed the spiders on inferno island

Attached: 7106a34e0343fd503aa8c3eb76b24ae0.jpg (236x135, 7K)

Yeah but I mean to get people to try new things like battle mode, character classes and such.

grind your dick off in the SP


I mean it won't even let me access the pit stop. So I can't even do that.


Is anybody else getting a stupid amount of lag today?
I keep gettingh it by invisible items and masks in every race.

Hey when does grand prix start?

You always get more coins online than single player, your daily bonus is probably active atm
From what I've seen:
>Single player - 20-70 coins per race
>Online - 100 - 300
>Online weekend 300 - 600

I wanna see these now.


Attached: megumi chan.png (195x461, 154K)

probably at 8pm EST, with the shop update

> You're a kid now, you're a squid now.

Snake more, speed characters have the advantage of a larger turning circle, making it easier to drift boost on a straight. Turning characters turning circle is a lot smaller, drift boosting on straights is harder, alternate between drifting left and right.

Nice legs

Train conductor costume for N Gin
The rocket on could be replaced with a funnel from a steam locomotive

Yeah but see, I'm still getting like 300 coins per race even though it's Tuesday. Last week I was getting much less even with the bonus hour

Time doesn't matter, its dependent on how many races. You get like 10 daily races with a bonus or something.

>Update releases at 3AM in my time zone
Fuck it, I'm not staying up that late to play until the morning. I'll go to sleep early and then wake early so I can play it for the entire day.

Attached: pura coco.gif (600x337, 2.96M)

>doesnt clean his pubes off the controller before taking a picture


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No one has concrete understanding of how the coins work atm to my knowledge. For all we know it could be changing and re balanced every couple of days.

Wait a minute...

Evil Coco.

I need pictures!

Why was accel characters the go to class in the original? Wouldn't speed just always be the best in any time trial situation?

What kind of faggot takes the time to write this stupid shit? This is like Buzzfeed tier

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>Go online
What the fuck

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I was a Liy guy at first, but now Megumi is slowly becoming my girl.
She's not even that big of a butter face.

more consistant

Attached: disaster ami.jpg (500x375, 48K)

Not that I'm conplaining though, at this rate I'll have almost 30k soon

Lets get one of the trophy girls

and the vector

Attached: Ami.png (1590x886, 555K)

Speed is high risk, high reward. You don't pick Speed unless you are certain you won't hit any walls. They're good for time trials but Accel characters recover from item hits much faster, so they're better for regular races.

They're all butterfaced, she's the least of it even. She also has the cutest personality, and was consistent with her original design.

Because you had to stick to one character for the whole playthough, meaning harder courses would cause an issue with heavy class, so it's more time effective to play as character that can handle both the early and late stages well.


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Do you get more time to get the platinum relics on easy? Also are there tracks that you can get the platinum without getting all the crates? Playing on medium and getting my ass kicked on most tracks

Crystal challenge times are altered, I don't think relics are, I powered through on hard, but didn't seem any harder than the original.

yes and yes

Attached: LegendaryLiz.png (1080x1568, 234K)

yes, the relic races are fucked on normal/hard because they're the old times without accounting for adjusted/lengthened tracks and altered physics

jesus christ. I hope this is bait

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How did they get away with this?

Attached: M.webm (1920x1080, 2.58M)

She's also Japanese, which is great as i despise white women.

>turbo track gets picked

Attached: ihave.jpg (1004x565, 104K)


Attached: preview_image_dT3iOWxu_6eafbdcda1acb7c5c20b3fbe0dfad7d3.jpg (950x535, 118K)

Yo the last boss is a bitch I hate him.

I still have no idea what exactly you do during the Gran Prix. Is it racing? Battle? New special challenges? There's been so much info on everything but what the act is.

>Ami steals Tropy's staff to travel back to WWII to live out her dream of killing Jews

>everyone votes oxide station
People like this track? Because it pisses me off.

>a platinum Penta and a digital Tropy in lobby
>there's electron avenue and ngin labs available
>literally everyone votes inferno island
This has to be an elaborate joke

Didn’t know any of this I guess I will make an easy file if I keep getting destroyed on medium. I think I only have 5 platinum on medium but some have been so difficult to do


Attached: 1560014892771.png (517x636, 102K)

who here / stayingupforgrandprix/

People probably voted for Inferno Island because it's short enough the Tropy and Penta are less likely to get a +30 second lead with the time available.

>dude nazis lol

Attached: 1561657056727.png (754x621, 634K)

That spyro must be a bait

>Papu's Pyramid
>Clockwork Wumpa
>5 votes for Slide Coliseum

Attached: 1555890939177.jpg (509x625, 31K)

It was good in the original and people still cling to the memory.

Even though webm related in its entirety is fucking impossible with the new game's physics and the remake version of the track is ass.

Attached: CrashUSFOxide.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

I didn't want to see them

Advice for Dragon Mines:
Only 4 perfect boosts are needed from the circular stair to the green pad in order to get a good Sacred Fire and have enough time to sustain it until easier parts of the track

Advice for Oxide Station:
You probably know this, but learn how to jump-turn to mantain Ultra Sacred Fire from the space-jump onwards till almost the end line.

Advice for Cortex Castle:
The same Oxide Station tip, plus brake is useful in some turns.

Audible kek

Attached: bandihotties.jpg (458x398, 50K)

>Probably wants to fuck their own sister.

Earth Tourist Big Norm, with him wearing a white "I love New York" shirt, a black Eiffel tower cap and Mexican skull facepaint.

Attached: 1562019612171.png (621x605, 262K)

That's still possible but takes a little more adjusting with a few air u turns. Even that skip is still possible but it's really difficult.

Dud clockwork wumpa is fukken trash lol

Attached: New Canvas.jpg (1600x1100, 418K)

It's 1000x better than slide coliseum.

>doing time trial
>press triangle
>waiting for other players to skip


Those repeated powerslides aren't possible and the super turbo was removed. That entire section is just not fluid at all anymore.

Waiting for the ghost.

Even as a tropy maintaining USF is fucking hard. On hot air skyway I can only get up to the u-turn before hitting a wall, but i guess thats still an insanely long s
Distance for a USF. On cortex castle i cant even reach the first ramp because the turns too tight to build reserves

Guarantee you had no idea who that was until smash

There is a bar called the Nitro Bar that you fill up by racing and doing certain achievements. You get different rewards as you fill up the bar. You have a month to fill this up. Just playing online will most likely just fill it up. But there will be things you can do to fill it up faster like "Play 5 Races as a Trophy Girl" or "Hold a boost for 10 seconds" and just shit like that. I believe there will be daily and weekly challenges.

I just said you need to adjust with air u turns. The physics aren't exactly the same but I've gone through that segment very smoothly before. I can't pull off the skip though.

Go fuck yourself

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>lower than MK8

Attached: lol.jpg (1395x750, 189K)

>Oxide station
As a kid I always assumed it took place on Oxide's ship

I know that assbrain. My point is that u-turns weren't necesary. The section flowed better before.

Is it just me, or are they not giving us shit wumpa coin wise. I get like 3rd or 4th and I’m getting like 35-40 coins now. I swear I’ve gotten more than that before.

I'm a sonicfag but even i can look at this trainwreck with no bias.
Just kill the franchise for a decade and revive it with someone who cares, like VV and Beenox did with Crash.
All people wanted was transformed 2.

Fake crunc

That's a result of MK's existence in general. Review bombs in the ass.

Clown fish nash. Hes a clownfish, and also has clown makeup on.

Isn't it?

Whatever MK8 score is deduct 10 points for nintendo bonus.

No more daily bonus
No weekend bonus

Daily coin bonus probably wore off

Attached: pNx7b8N.jpg (2664x3504, 2.35M)

He literally already has a clownfish skin

>Oxides ship is visible through one of the windows
>Space jump shows it's on some meteor or something/The Moon
The original might have been, new one definitely isnt

Oh. Huh. Musta saw it and forgot.

The wait is literally killing me...

It's not entirely the physics fault either because they altered that winding path and just made it a little too curved whereas in the original it was very wide turns. If they stretched it out to match the og than it'd be entirely possible to chain slides like that.
Also, rude.

Oh so you teleport over some meteorite for the race, neat.

I love you guys

Honestly thought this would get at least a 90. I don't know how you can like kart racers and not like this one.

Well done assume I don't know what u-turning is you fucking table.

These relic challenges are ridiculous. I can't get platinum on papu's pyramid or sewer speedway. Any tips? I'm using mad dog Roo.

I love Coco but these degenerates make me not want to play her at all

man they seriously need to implement a reserve meter so you can see if you're doing this shit right
boost "perfectly" the entire map then stop boosting for a second or two and run out
sometimes i run out mid turn despite never having stopped boosting

'Perfect' boosts are the only ones that build reserves. Otherwise you're just playing Nitro Kart where every boost dies before the next.

Nintendo, good!
Anyone else, bad!

Attached: kotaku review.png (761x510, 67K)

Anyone have the pic with the girls' stats

Do you guys recommend any CTRNF speedruns to watch while we wait? Also is the TIHYDP ctr any good?

Every boost needs to be "Perfect". "Good" doesn't build up reserves.

It's more niche than Mario Kart, theres actually a degree of skill to the game that casuals don't realise going in, and so people assume it's because the game isn't as good. You saw all the pre-release videos, almost no one could come in the top 3. If those same people were playing Mario kart, they would have at least placed top 3 in most races.

I literally can't find any. Speedrun.com was even supposed to start doing the leaderboards yesterday but there's nothing.

How the hell are you supposed to beat Oxide on Hard?
I rushed through adventure mode easily but he is fucking me up badly.

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30/31 time trials
[X] Dragon Mines
[] Oxide Station


I found him pretty hard to, as long as you can stay ahead of any of the bosses in the game, you're good, they never use items that go forwards


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The only time I actually got challenged by Mario Kart was when I bumped it up to 200cc.

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pray you get a missle from your first box and then just focus on keeping the lead

Thats exactly the problem. I just cant get ahead of him while Im dodging red beakers. I beat it on medium without not much trouble but Hard is another story

I thought I saw a beatnik Norm online once. Just bought Norm and realised he doesn't actually have a beatnik skin. But now I totally think he should have

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"Good" boosts don't give you reserves, only perfect ones.

someone post evil coco

Holy shit you MUST learn the U-turn mechanic!!
I'm already a league better than I was and its laughable how easy oxide ghosts are now

I actually watched the 2 hour vid, This is how you DON'T play CTRNF, Jesus Christ... He either must just bait people as hard as he can to get views/attention/donations where people correct him, or he's a genuine fucking idiot. For someone who was once a 'competitive' gamer he definitely doesn't play like one, someone who was competitive in any game should be able to pick up and play almost any game, even ones they've never played before and pick it up fairly easily.

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And that's only because 200cc was a complete after thought, added in when none of the tracks were designed with it in mind. The CPUs get ridiculous handling with none of the drawbacks

Is this evil enough for you?

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me, ill have best grill Ami by the next time I fall asleep

Hopefully, work tomorrow's gonna be a bitch, but if I wanna be in the chad 5%, I'm gonna need to start asap

>mario kart online is only 100cc
>occasionally you get a single random online race at 150cc because who the fuck knows why
>have to join private lobbies for 200cc
>Yea Forums constantly bitches about how hard 200cc and doesn't want to do it

Even the MK8 community here is pure shit

Who would create such a terrible creature

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>driving to work this morning
>car gently grazes the kirb
>run out of fuel

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What game was he competitive at?

Damn, Papu's Pyramid is kicking my ass, it doesn't NOT want me to get the Platinum Relic. Those plants are more autistic than that one person who said he "Vored Isabella" On the r/CrashBandicoot Discord.

I constantly get random 150cc races in mk8, 150cc mirror as well.

Me, I'm gonna get Megumi soon as it drops and get all the unlockables for it. Maybe try and get in the 5% if I got time.

>thought I've been doing perfect boosts
>switch to the Nitro Fueled hud
>they're mostly Good
I thought they're perfect as long as the bar is red, lol

thank you bros, fuck, evil coco hits all my buttons i hope she makes it in some grand prix

Cood Cortex...or Good Brio?
We still don't know the proper lore behind the origins of Coco, do we?

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You know you can skip the whole lap if you fall off the edge while hitting the finish line.
Got you an easy plat

>Driving to work this morning
>Running late so really try to maintain USF
>Come up to a U-turn
> Can't hop and airbrake well enough and crash

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Down the rabbit hole did a video on him, at one point years ago he was a low level competitive Street Fighter 2 player, placing 4th in a competition by complete fluke as it was a broken version of the game. Would recommend the vid.

> special move: The Last Ride
dang, how old is that game where it isn't the Tombstone Piledriver

Despite only being part if the 5%...

heavy class characters seem unusable

Oxide was my first platinum relic. Fuck I spent hours but it helped me alot to relearn alot of the mechanics. I just need to practice timing for boosts and hops. And that fucking u turn at hot air skyway. I try to copy what I've seen but I end up crashing or just biffing it

Attached: Neo-cortex-crash-bandicoot-2.jpg (200x209, 7K)

What will happen to Grand Prixes in the PC version? Will it forever be delayed playing old GPs or will they just straight up skip the console GPs?

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10th dimension is basically the opposite dimension so it was probably Good Cortex trying to create a Loving Commando to defeat the Evil Twins.

That's why they're considered 'Advanced'. They are a lot more viable than the original, a lot easier to use that's for sure.

Fat guy detected

Unless you're a speedrunning autist who's been playing the game for 20 years just use the Nitro hud and wheels. I don't know why everyone thinks they're better than it after playing the game for only 2 weeks.

Really? Well I wish I knew that sooner. It would've saved me alot of trouble.

There isn't any lore to Coco, my guess is they tried to retcon Coco into existence after Tawnas disappearance from the original ND games. Also isn't Brio no longer sided with Cortex? I'd hardly say MoM is cannon at this point, so his last appearance he was allied with Crash.

>Completing all the challenges of the game means you're a tryhard.

Tryhard doesn't mean shit in a skill based game. can people stop with that? Why are you so jealous of skilled players?

good cortex

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its just a fucking kart game holy shit FUCK OFF WITH THE THREADS

I think its one of those WWF games from ps1

no YOU fuck off

I originally switched because the text was distracting, I kept looking at the meter. Getting the timing right isn't that tough now that I know it, I just thought it's more lax

I would play this
>Good Cortex and Good Nina have a Dr Light Megaman dynamic

explain? Don't you need all the boxes for plat.

We really need to get that Twinsanity remake/remaster/retry.

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>Stop talking about games on a video game board

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Lost at it

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Agreed. It would really bring the characters more alive

>actual unironic passionate vidya discussion
>about gameplay, hopes, goals, fanstuff and everything else
When did you realize you were the cancer killing this board?

if you do it right yes, there's a glitch on that level where you can jump skip a whole lap by jumping off at the end while triggering next lap

Why do normalfags think Dark Souls is the hardest thing ever? It's just a matter of memorizing moves with little mechanical skill required.

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muh dick

Is there any indication that we will be getting any form of single player dlc or expansion, or do we just get 5-6 grands prix and that's it?

You already answered your own question.
Especially zoomers. Anything difficult is truly alien to them.

There's a bit of demand for a Crash Nitro Kart story mode DLC. It could happen, it's not like they haven't already remade almost all the characters and tracks from it. Don't hold your breath for it though.

>literally a RACING game, lowest of the low of game genre
>even worse, a KART RACING game
>even worse, its not even MARIO KART

I cant believe how poor some tastes are. holy FUCKING shit

That's literally what this games dlc is.
Grand prix.

I'm unironically a zoomer and this shit pisses me off, I really hate how any game resembling "old school" difficulty is criticized for being unfair.
Where did we go wrong? Were people always this shit at videogames?

Go back to your Smash threads

love you man

Sewer speedways shortcut is broken, only oxide challenge i'm struggling with

My guess is because you are constantly running into new enemies as you progress, meaning the things you worked to memorize are now nigh meaningless, as the next thing you run against will do something different, and likely more challenging
Obviously this matters less as your mechanical skill and ability to read enemies increases, but to someone completely uninitiated I can see how it would be a frustrating challenge

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>thinking Mario Kart was relevant beyond the SNES one

Nah it's just more people started to thinking it would be easy fun to get into. When a game takes more than pushing buttons, alot of the newcomers can't handle it and moan.

I've never played Dark Souls and am not really interested to but fuck I want to know if it's actually as hard as everyone makes it out to be. It looks like your basic "be patient and wait for the right time to strike" Monster Hunter shit that is all just about memorizing enemy skill sets.

2000? 2001
Smackdown! 2

It's easier than MH

oxide challenges seem much harder on smaller, simpler maps

Now that I think about it, I think you're right. People drop shit when they have to put work into it. Super Mario Maker 2 has tons of medium difficulty levels that no one beats because they can't hold right and win. People just lose interest in something they can't blast through.
Why do you think this is? I'm struggling to find a real reason. Were these same people good at videogames as kids and got burnt out on them, or were they never exposed to them at all?

never seen a more weebofurfaggot shit tier list

top kek where is this from?

actually, speed characters are objectively the best especially when they can hold their flame, there's a reason all the world records are held by speed characters.


Attached: 1561836482359.png (500x509, 279K)

>everyone hates baby characters
>mained baby daisy in MK8
>going to main baby coco
>can't stop myself either


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You sure about that?

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>go online
>look at names
>see "Delecto"
go back to time trial highscores, nobody likes playing with you

With baby farts?

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Get all boxes
Make sure to take the u turn shortcut on lap 3 of papu
Not much more to it than that

I feel like with the rise of mobile games and games becoming more casual to appeal to a broader audience is the cause. It's probably not too far off to say that alot of teenagers first games could have been phone games. So now we're stuck with a growing audience of "gamers" because contrary to how it was when I was younger, seems video games can be considered cool in the mainstream.

Having a hard time with blizzard bluff time crates on the ice

Anthro women are the same as human twats. Disloyal bitches. Just ask Fox McCloud during Command. And in this series Tawna dumped Crash for some bad boy douchebag.


hahaha salty bitch lick my nuts play the game sometime kid hahaha

Don't use the shortcut.

Kys, no wonder you’re getting mad at this game for being trash. You’re a trash human being

Hey I need some help with getting that u turn down on hot air skyway. Any tips? I'm getting better at maintaining USF. But I'm still working at it as well.

I swear learning the ins and outs of this game is just euphoric. That fucking shortcut n tropy showed me in out of time was satisfying.

>lowest of the low of game genre

that award would go to walking simulators

>even worse, a KART RACING game

Kart Racers> Nascar/Need for Speed and their variants

I've done it now, and no you have to use to shortcut to beat him

What are you whining about exactly?

I was wondering the same. We'll probably be fucked, PCbro.

>Thinks this is a problem
>When the baby T.Rex is a choice

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>played the original countless times
>played the remake every day since it came out
>only just realised you can read when a piranha plant will eat you on Papu's Pyramid


>Crash face on her shirt

And this is why you have no friends

How much do you all have saved up for the event? I only have 7k, but it should be enough to get Megumi.

I don't know why they wouldn't. A separate remake for it couldn't conceivably be anything other than what this game already is but with a different story mode.

wait I thought it just triggered when you rode in front of them

Of course it was a Nintenigger

I've noticed this a lot with my little sister. When I was her age, I was 100%ing Crash 2 and wasn't thinking much of it. But her, she can barely play CTR and understand how drifting works. She's 12, and she's not retarded or anything.
But she plays those dogshit mobile games all the time, the ones where you go through ~~life~~ with shitty avatars and find your dad died of syphilis or some shit. Candy Crush, whatever. Low effort stuff on her dinky iPod. And in her spare time she watches cancerous YouTubers try on makeup and shit like that. I think this is a huge reason why she's so shit at video games; she spends all her time playing and watching low-effort stuff made to grab your attention with big colors and wacky faces, so when faced with a normal challenge, she shuts down and goes back to Candy Crush.
Maybe I'm wrong though? I've got like mega ADHD, maybe that's why I played Crash so much. Sorry for the dumb blog, I just find this stuff interesting.

I'm poor and only have 2.5k
but hey, there is a whole month to get them so...

Some might say that it's the fault of the game for not teaching the player enough of the mechanics before throwing them into the deep end. They don't know what to do so they just bang their head against the wall until they get bored instead of trying to figure shit out for themselves. Plus the inclusion of random items pulls blame away from the player because they can attribute their loss to "getting shit items" instead of admitting that they suck ass.

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I noticed that sometimes when I ride in front of them they don't eat me.

If you look at their animation, they cycle between being upright to ducking. When they're upright you can go right in front of them and they won't eat you. When they're ducking, they'll eat you.

I remember being a kid growing up with a Sega Genesis. There were no tutorials or save files or check points with most of the games. You literally had to beat the entire game in one go and if you didn't, which you didn't because you're were a retarded kid you would have to start all the way from the beginning the next time you played. Now permadeath and starting over is something you only really see in rogue-likes and that genre is considered fairly hardcore and niche today.

fuck u

You can skip the shortcut if you use a speed character and hug the corners.

I bought out the character slots and saved up about 5k, gonna make it 7k later.

I get close to the right side of the platform then drift inward to the left as I approach the ramp. It's a bit tricky to do but it allows you to turn around all the way when you u turn.


>that one person who said he "Vored Isabella" On the r/CrashBandicoot Discord.

I was unfortunate enough to see that, even worse were other people saying stuff like "Hehe. serves her right for being the worst of the bunch, I KNOW she's enjoys being digested", "HeyI'mMatty" or whoever that faggot was needs to die. I was hoping that Isabella wouldn't become the Crash fandom's equivalent of Callie, were people use her as a punching bag and ostracize her fans like what Splatoon fans do with Callie and her fans.

The Italian Bandibabe needs more love, anyone agree?

Best Girl

I don't think you're wrong, user. I think that's pretty much it. Younger generations are just more used to low effort garbage that cater to "immediate rewards", so they end up having no patience to play anything that actually requires a challenge or just concentration and patience.

People get so hung up on their favorite being "the best" that they fail to realize that all the girls are A- at absolute worst.

We are kindred spirits user. I really can't understand the hate.

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>Not the only poorfag
Oh god I'm the BOTTOM 5% of this thread and now I don't feel as hopeless.
>Join race
>Obvious line between the no-lives who need their own fucking matchmaking, and people learning like myself
>King of the plebs, doomed to 4th in most lobbies because top 3 are speed autism unleashed
>See why people ragequit when item fucked into oblivion.
>DNF = no coins.
Woof, might be time to drop trying for the Grand Prix while I'm ahead.
> They don't know what to do so they just bang their head against the wall until they get bored instead of trying to figure shit out for themselves.
Literally where I am right now. Losing isn't fun, and losing being the only fucking outcome isn't fun. I can't improve, at all. Everyone else seems to have perfect handling, and I can't really tell -how- to keep the turning and speed. It's a moot point to try desu.

She's no Megumi, but she's still high tier.

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>using public discords at all
Just don't, it's a bad idea.

I heard there's a way of screwing up your save while trying to unlock the ufo kart. Is this true?


Baby T. is an actual character and not just an existing one that's shrunk down and wearing diapers.
I would give Baby Mario a pass in MK8 because he actually plays a huge part in an existing game. But the rest of the baby crew? Hell naw.

They're gonna fuck it up like what happened to Sonic. The only chance it will be good is if they just stick to their roots and make it similar to the original 3.

I admit I suck ass, and I also admit to having a fucking arousal from being beat the fuck up, so being someone's farm fodder in a lobby gives me a reason to fleshjack while constantly losing.

Now what?

She always has a green light to muh dick

Only take this list to heart if you wanna be as autistic as the writer

>implying VV wont do just that

I've said this before, but as all the tracks, arenas, most character models, karts and heck, even the relic, CTR tokens and crystal stages already exist, the only things missing are the cutscenes and hub worlds, and obviously a mode where they are all strung together. It would be possible, and despite how based Beenox have been, for whatever reason I don't see it happening.

Japanese Crash skin for Fake Crash.

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I just use whoever has skins locked still. Otherwise I mix it up. Things get stale to me otherwise. And it helps keep me on my toes with how the character types work.

>he unironically goes to threads about games he doesn’t like

Time trials with Tropy and Oxide seem to fuck up your save on PS4

Yes. You must not get all gold relics before beating Oxide at least once. If you do you get 101% without unlocking the 100% rewards.

is there anyway to manually update the pit stop or am i stuck waiting 24 hours?

Based bully Tawna. Can't wait until she comes out

>Fake Crash
Everything is right, but I'm not decent. Well done.

Banjo and Kazooie.

>everyone going to main trophy girl
>finally get coco to myself

Attached: Coco-Bandicoot-3zTqHCsQo-b.jpg (469x600, 42K)

>despite how based Beenox have been, for whatever reason I don't see it happening.
I think that's because it's blatantly obvious that Beenox is gearing this towards online multiplayer, and thus they probably don't think story DLC is worth the effort.

Sabertooth Caveman Tiny

Do you actually get anything for doing the Adventure Challenges on the CNK tracks?


Something I just thought about would be the Team gameplay intertwined with the story. You either remove the team aspect completely, meaning each character would need a set of unique cutscenes that span the whole game, that with the fact that a lot of new characters are still to come adds to the complexity, significantly increasing the amount of content needed to be included for each gran prix, or you limit the players to the original 6 characters from the original, eg restrict them to classic mode only, and with the heavy emphasis on customisation, I don't think thats really an option.

To be fair, the game never tells you about reserves or how the boosting works, beyond the basic drift. I only know that stuff because I come here

Mascot guy crash, or even as a stand alone character.
Just make it happen.

Git better so you can take more punishment?
Being able to get to 2nd place and have every item hit you in the ass feeds into that. Plus, if you get good enough, you can bounce right back to 2nd from last to get ass-blasted some more.
This is a confusing situation, user.

This is also true. The main bulk of work would be the cutscenes, and they wouldn't really work in NF without significant overhauls/reworks

Funny, in my game most monsters just killed themselves or forgot to attack and made everything a cakewalk except for the few times they didn't act retarded

Lol just lost but .09

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I'm saving for the six-pipes currently, so my balance is (until I get that kart) 0

Well, when I'm a destined loser, I can't really git gud nor be optimistic about my play without the loss factor being intact. This is my general COPING MECHANISM for competitive games since there must be a loser - I'm that loser all the time.

I hope she has a black tracksuit recolor so i can pretend she's a slav.

Nice too see some Isabella. I love all the Bandihoochies

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2/3 of all characters are furries

Are terms like reserves and sacred fire even official? Have they ever addressed that?

You'll get it my dude. Just keep trying and try some more.
I was thinking the same.

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Honestly the recolors will make or break which CUTIE SQUAD character I main

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Over saturation combined with the desire to sell the game to every human on earth. Games are aiming for the broad appeal nowerdays, meaning "No braindead moron left behind, otherwise they might get confused and stop giving us money!" That coupled with the fact that the games industry has grown so much, and there are so many games out there now, general audiences (normalfags) don't like the challenge. "Why play this game thats hard and makes me sad :( when I could just play this other game and win? :)"


In the new Gran Prix, to obtain an exclusive item, you need to place in the top 5% of the online leaderboards.

They put a tranny skin for Fake Crash in the game. Literally pink and blue with rainbow pattern pants

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This is pathetic, user. I genuinely hope you git gud if you really like the game. Most of the people posting in this shithole have this mindset, which is why you see these retarded lists bashing people for using well-designed or good characters like Coco or Penta.

I don't think this is true. It maybe was in the PS360 era, but plenty of games these days are difficult (or have difficult optional modes). Baba is You is harder than the majority of gen 5/6 games.

>Play balanced class
>Start the grind for N Trophy's times
>Struggling to beat his time on Crash Cove because I struggle to keep reserves
>Switch to accel class
>Pic related
>Hold reserves consistently
>Beat Trophy on Crash Cove AND Mystery Caves without even breaking a sweat
Is this what it feels like to be the speed champion?

Attached: I AM THE SPEED CHAMPEEN.png (270x340, 80K)

Go be a faggot elsewhere

>PC is in the 0%

>They put a tranny skin for Fake Crash in the game
>For Fake Crash

Attached: lmao.jpg (550x532, 57K)

If that's true then they're even more based for making trannies happy without compromising the game. Good on them.

>one skin
>not weighing out all the great post development
Get a noose and hang yourself

No, just the usual coins.

Really, I think this just makes them more based.

how is it possible to get "waiting for other players to skip" when playing single player

If you werent playing a member of a team you just get a generic POV with the bosses? Its a crude fix but its simple there could also be more playable teams Team Trance, Team Oxide, Team Brio Team Nitro (For the Trophy Girls)

Attached: 1495918360132.png (900x563, 896K)

>trans skin
>for Fake Crash

Who gives a fuck?

You decided to waste your time by joining this thread and giving a shitty opinion. Congrats

pat head

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>She is holding a trophy that says "Loser"
Did that same autist named Matty that one user was talking about drew this? If so, that user was right. She IS a punching bag to this fanbase.

They do, but that's just another checkbox to give games broader appeal. Often at times harder difficulties are artificial additions that don't actually make the game harder (eg, enemies hit harder, your hits are weaker ect) Baba is you is harder than most games, yes, but its a niche game that casuals wouldn't enjoy.


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So can someone give me a rundown on CNK? I never played it growing up. I had CTR when I was a kid. Does it have boosting and sliding similar to CTR?

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Yeah just got it, somehow it took me less tries than papu pyramid but felt more frustrating because I had no control on the ice. Now for Dragon Mines ;__;

Way to go user
Yeah ice can be tricky. Just remember to use the track the mine cart is on.

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>Beenox used Fake Crash to imply that they don't care about pride and that their PR stunt was fake
Are they /ourdevs/?

Why are Crash threads so much better than all other Yea Forums threads?

Less than 3 hours until the Thunder Struck exploit might be patched, get your grinding in for those 60 coins at 40 coin rate now.

This could work. The POV thing seems a bit contrived. The original cutscenes reused some of the animations for the boss characters an Velo with the players Team interchangeable. This could work, giving each boss encounter a third generic option that would play for any characters other than the original two teams. That being said, the Teams may cause an issue with the new characters. The Trophy Girls would work as a Team, but limiting each character set to a team would limit what character would and wouldn't get added.

bc all the other Yea Forums threads are either about smash, or some weeboo faggot shit

Don't get me wrong, I do like the game. It's just my morale is easily broken, and I'm just hopelessly not going to improve. No character clicks for me. Even now I'm in an online lobby with a USF god who's beaten me ~17 times in a row and ran out the lobby after one race minus myself. I wouldn't even know where to begin, minus the fact that the moment I get a boost
Generally the former before the latter.

Bandicoochie or Bandicunny?

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what do we think about the Normies?

Again, I don't think that's true. Modern games often have legit harder difficulties that are balanced and fair- it's the older games you idolise that rely on simple number tweaks with no positive tradeoff (higher exp gain or better drop rates for example). The point is that Baba is You exists, and was highly successful. Games like that obviously have a place, just as they did in the past. Shit like Resident Evil was always easy- it's pointless to cherrypick the best examples that fit your argument from 30 years of games history while ignoring any modern examples.

Because CTR is actually a good game

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Both! Everyone is beautiful.

Why are Ami's milkers so big?

Attached: 1546699344686.jpg (1024x767, 73K)

It's basically a poor mans version of CTR. A lot is the same, but the gameplay and feel don't live up to the original, and the anti-grav was a poorly implemented gimmick that didn't add anything to the game. There is almost no reason to play it now, just play NF.




so when does the grand prix exactly start? once the pit stop rotates?

I Wanna post pics of my time trial times
Fucking ISP bans

It's some of the same CTR gameplay but just not done well, it feels slow and the anti grav gimmick isn't great. The tracks are good but they're even better in the remake. Just watch the cutscenes on YouTube if you wanna know what happens and who the new characters are.

Just work on a stronger mentality overall. You obviously know this, but it’s better than constantly telling yourself you’re not going to improve. Everyone of us is special (probably autistic) so I believe in you. Just grind out the time trials until you know most of the tracks like the back of your hand and practice the advanced tech like u turning and keeping USF. Trust me, the process isn’t hard at all.

Amis breasts are the biggest

yeah about 2h45m

Can basically skip half the track and finish in 1min30 or so, so you can earn 60 coins for finishing Thunder Struck at roughly around the same time you would Jungle Boogie which provides 40 coins.

If this would become an actual thing, I'd suddenly be a Papu main.

Post them in text format I want to beat them.

i just unlocked this today and can't do this for shit
send help

Papu's Pyramid

Attached: finally.png (1248x810, 1.55M)

i feel like playing turning characters is always detrimental, even casually

Because the purpose of the board is actually in effect. People are enjoying a video game, talking about how fun it is, their triumphs and foibles, and the discussion is positive for the most part. Either way, it's a nice change of pace from all the shit flinging.
Ah thanks. I was watching CTTR gameplay early and it just looks far removed. Seems like it could be fun if you could separate yourself from CTR enough but I'm just guessing here.
I just wanted to post bandicuties

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they don't have a faggot like Netherrealm who transforms from gay guy to a ugly as fuck "girl" through the launch of MK11

Sewer Speedway
I can't get past a Gold Relic in Dragon Mines

Attached: yeet.jpg (1676x1148, 575K)

>This pic turned out to mostly carry over to the remake, with Isabella being the flattest
And yet she's still a cute mommy

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