>about to buy FFXIV Online Complete Edition
What am I in for?
About to buy FFXIV Online Complete Edition
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well, what do you expect from it?
But why?
>buying blind without trying the trial
>buying now when you can level up to 35 for free
A disappointment.
You're in for a shitty wowclone, but somehow watered down even harder, and a fanbase that is in complete denial about it because it's final fantasy.
The beginning of the game is really slow, and it drags on for quiet a while. Gameplay itself is ok, endgame is kinda ass, and PvP is non-existant. Story is ok, although Stormblood really isn't a good expansion pack.
>subscription fees
>grinding dailies
>grinding crafted weapons
>long queues
>ARR plus the story patches
A waste of your money
Terrible “game”
>says that XIV sucks
>talks about how other people are delusional
You should first try the game by using the free trial. It does almost everything better than WoW, expect PvP which is pretty bad.
I've yet to see an FFXIV dickrider that admitted that the ONLY reason they play the game is for the social element. And that's fine if you want to socialize, but the gameplay is so titanically and fundamentally broken that I can't see how anyone can state that they enjoy the combat with any sort of objective point of view. Do NOT lie and say you enjoy the combat and try to convince others that it's good. If you want to chat in a friendly enviroment, the game is great, but if you want to be entertained and challenged by a well-designed combat system and interesting encounters, it's a horrible game.
this game is shit
>boring slog through 2.0
>even boringer slog 2.X patches
>3.0 kino
>3.X advanced kino
>4.0 filler season
>literally don’t even remember what happened in 4.X patch story
>5.0 peak kino
>people saying XIV threads are just shilling
>no one complains about 10 Smash threads or 10 WoW home bros
Why do people have such shit taste?
Combat is fun, has great mechanics and feels much more organic than any other mmo I've played.
How do they top this expansion? Should I just unsubscribe?
Fuck you faggot, you don't get to tell me what I enjoy
I know alot of people who only play for the social element.
And I do enjoy parts of that, I also enjoy playing the game. People say Godhand is a broken mess. But its a beautiful mess I can also enjoy.
Frequent visits of a place called waking sands.
Can we ever beat this level of kino now? It feels like there was so much set up into this. We are in peak FFXIV right now
It's a thread talking positively about a game they don't like, therefor it must be shilling, because no one could actually like a thing they don't like
How's the dojo?
The class the design and combat absolutely shits on WoW right now. It's not even close.
>i just bought the collectors edition
>no aetheryte earring
Based and redpilled. It's literally Second Life for weebs.
I'm sorry your game died, user.
You don’t have to convince yourself the grapes are sour, bro. Go ahead and subscribe, we can all run content together :]
Combat is good. You must not have gotten very far.
>Do NOT lie and say you enjoy the combat and try to convince others that it's good.
This coming from a WoW player is pretty hilarious. Hoping that you're a WoW player to begin with, because if you seriously think that there are more good MMOs out there you're fucking delusional.
WoW used to have passion, good gameplay, before becoming the shit that it currently is. XIV still have these, so no wonder it's a successful game.
But back to our argument, I actually enjoy the gameplay. Every other MMO with """""good combat""""" is just retarded hack and slash with absolutely no thinking, made to appeal 30 IQ playerbases. If you seriously think BDO combat is great you shouldn't talk at all. The best I can give you is GW2, since it's like WoW/XIV but actually more action-oriented, too bad the game is mega shit.
And if you're thinking of WoW well sorry but XIV is just WoW but better. The clone surpassed the original.
I just realized tommorow and tommorow is about the ascians, I need a few moments
>those revelations towards the end
Those revelations towards the end were complete fucking insanity. I'm going to assume the other Ascians who weren't Emet didnt know who or what we are, otherwise they wouldn't have come at us in the manner they have up until this point.
>WoW home bros cant let us be happy and share the stories we promised to remember
WoW friends. Its okay. We will be with you on every step of the way. You can yet save your world my friends, just have hope and faith. Take our hand, we can do this together.
I’m almost afraid for the patches because I don’t know how they can top it
please square give FFXVI to Yoshi and Ishikawa. If they can salvage 1.0 they can salvage the train wreck of the series as a whole
Please stop
I think expecting them to "top" this is unrealistic, instead just hope for the quality to be maintained.
Bad and horrible combat (tab bar mmo, a slow one with shitty meme servers).
"Eh"/"Very nice"/"Acceptable"/"Good"Story (per xpac)
Zero class/job/spec/jerk off/whatever customization
Pretty dolls
useless mounts
No pvp
No open world of note
Bideo games?
Pretty sure they're trying to retcon old writing or some shit.
For example Lahabrea dying like that while he's supposed to be strong as Emet is pretty hilarious.
If you think about it Ascians were like fucking jokes by the end of Stormblood, literally everything was more dangerous than them and they're supposed to be the main XIV villains.
How long until AST gets real cards back? I miss The Bole. I get that they didnt want Ewer and Spire to stay the same with the rework, but why not change then into something else instead of gutting the class?
What is even the required DPS to pass the Dying Grasp SSS?
Don't even try, they're delusional ex-wow fags whose thick numb skull makes them think "me no play wow dat mean me hurt baddy blizz who broke MUH HART >:("
Emet addresses that twice. Apparently possessing people weakens ascians and lahabrea was really fond of hopping from body to body.
Meant for
Why do you think they've become non-villains? They're puppets now, not villains.
Lahabrea is a chuuni fuckboy, so he makes sense. Nabriales is a dipshit. Laha's side bitch was clingy. Elidibus has his own objectives.
>I miss The Bole.
No you don't.
It’s a good game once you’ve gotten really deep into it, but getting to that point takes a long ass time. If you haven’t bought the game and you haven’t played the free trial yet, then do that. Unfortunately, so little of the game opens up at Lv35, the max for the free trial, so it’s not a good representation of the end game, however if you mess around with all the available jobs and think that there might be something for you here, then yeah get the game.
If you’re interested in a longer, more detailed explanation, then I did a review. However, I’ve already laid out the gist of it. So how you feel about the free trial and go from there.
>WoW fags are this assblasted
Probably the best thing about XIV being better and more popular.
It is a terrible game but like...what else even is there? I'm not gonna go back to wow, BDO is dead and pay to win.
Destiny is dogshit, I just don't have anything else
You are now realizing Thordan caught a glimpse of our true nature as he died, which is why he was so bewildered and afraid
what the fuck
Everyone's responding to you comparing this to WoW, which it's easily better than obviously, but you're not completely wrong if we compare it to HW.
Yeah I do.
I'd rather cast that than tank Balance and DPS Balance.
Do not give in to the doubt and fear, but also do not deny it. Always look to the light within.
For those we have lost. For those we can yet save
A really comfy game if you take the time to appreciate it.
A worse game than world of warcraft. MMOs are a dead genre and you should move on.
>tab bar mmo combat good
Yikes, just fucking yikes.
The most boring 60 levels possible, followed by good story content and mediocre combat.
>Remember us
I'm tearing up bros.
They should make the trial go up to 50 honestly, ARR content is so far behind the current game (and ends on such an intense cliffhanger) that it would for sure sell people on continuing the game if they make it to that point.
What I really hope is that we don’t get another filler episode like Stormblood. Which is kinda what it feels like after the Zenos crap since we know 6.0 is the garlemald expansion
>tranny meme
>endgame sucks
>pvp non existant
Why do people play this again?
i keep seeing this image, where is it from? someone modded the model in?
Based retard.
There was a time were us FFXIV bros struggled, but we did not give in to doubt and fear.
Now WoWbros seem to be at the same crossroad. We should give them a hand.
Yes, just replaced the model.
Speaking of Garlemald, the capital isn't nearly the techno utopia I expected it to be. It looks more like late 1800s London, which is cool by me, it's just different from my expectation.
well excuuuuse me
>Hear Black Mage is good this xpac
>Level THM to 30 and unlock Black Mage
>It's the same goddamn thing as THM
>Find out stuff like Polyglot doesn't show up until Level 50
You guys coaxed me good. At least the ARR story isn't as bad as I thought it would be
They don't, this is their 'best' expansion and still STILL they have less subs than BFA, wow's worst expac.
FFXIVtrannies just shill the game because most of them are weeb drones
Yeah it doesn’t look anything like the Castrums we’ve seen so far. I was getting some FF6 vibes from it. I really like what we’ve seen
The rotation solidifies itself at Fire 4, most of the subsequent additions are tools to make things easier rather than radical rotation shifting abilities.
Name me a single active server that isn't infested with trannies. Not even just one or two, which is (not) acceptable, but flat-out infested. They make the game unplayable. I literally, and in the literal sense of that word, have not gone a single week without an attention whoring tranny stirring shit and making me want to mute the chat. Universal chat, FC chat, party chat in dungeon, nothing is safe. They make me want to never touch the game again. So again, name me one server.
shill harder wow babbies
>He's still trying to cope at the fact that XIV has million's of players playing it unlike WOW
Social aspect, really.
I would resub in an instant if there was open world pvp, but oh well, let's just waste your time at token farming and dailies.
I’ll assume this post is made in earnest.
It’s a Final Fantasy game as much as it is a MMO. Story is a huge aspect of it. Unfortunately this leaves a problem in getting started.
The base game is called 2.0, and deals with level 1-50. While the story itself is alright, it’s buried beneath a ton of fetch quests and tedious/slow combat.
Dungeons and Trials (boss fights) are spread throughout and are pretty good. The story picks up in the first expansion, Heavensward, and varies in quality but in general the game is good from then on.
The combat is legitimately engaging and past level 50, but you have to get through the slow stuff first. While the cash shop does offer the ability to skip it, as I said, the story is a HUGE appeal to the game. Unless you’re content to watch videos and read to catch up, you’re going to be without the investment that will give weight to the rest of the story.
The saving grace of the base game is that the world has a lot of charm to it. Music and atmosphere are peak, and there’s lots of other stuff to do along the way. Everything can be done on a single character.
I started about 9 months ago and I’m just about to hit 80 and finish the new expansion’s story. I've had a blast and don't regret getting into it for a second, but it’s important to know that ahead of time that you have to choose between initial tedium or money/story loss.
Grinding itself is actually really minimal. Especially if you take advantage of all the tools offered to you. It’s the tedious questline you have to do that gates 80% of the game’s content that makes it hard.
It's also got a legitimately hilarious questline that continues throughout the expansions about a ripped detective. Some of the best writing/scenes there. Something to look out for.
I have never touched social content aside from playing with my IRL friends. The game stands on its own merits in terms of gameplay.
Bro there’s no need to be upset. You can just play XIV, the door is open. You can even see tons of content in the free trial
Primal servers that aren't hyperion and lamia.
I'm on odin and I haven't met a single attention whoring tranny, I just occasionally see people with the fc tag and I vomit in my mouth a bit but that's it
Op don't listen to any of them. It's a mmo. You meet people you have fun with them you enjoy it at your own pace and you enjoy it. And if not that's fine play something like mad Max or baldurs gate but expierence the ride yourself. Have fun op.
>shill harder wow babbies
I haven't played wow since 2013. Enjoy your dying genre.
I’ve been playing since 1.0 and have never seen a single tranny. And I’m on Balmung.
I have literally never in four years playing this game had a problem with a cancerous tranny. I've encountered my fair share of actual faggots but never had to deal with a tranny shitting itself over this or that. Then again I play on Primal, which seems to be the least mentally unstable of the data centers.
lot of fucking words just to say "i like anime tits and pretty graphics"
lol, only wow is dying
xiv is getting more and more subs every year
>he's still coping that his cheap wow knockoff will never ever reach wow's level of popularity
pathetic to watch desu ne
Weird how it's popularity is rising compared to wow then
Blizzard is really going all out today.
Guess I'll be migrating. Gilgamesh brings out the worst in people and I've put up with their shit for far too long.
Munancho! o/
Remember him.
I'm glad you're so confident, it'll be that much sweeter to watch when classic comes out and you idiots have to cope because you lose half your playerbase over night
Well yeah. Greg is the reddit/wowfugee containment server
>WoWfag proud that his game's last dying gasps is to shamelessly pander to people who have rose tinted glasses for the original version of the game instead of trying to deliver an actual quality product in retail
I really loved the aesthetic of the first with the eternal light.... I'm not sure I like the changes in the story. Aesthetically I mean, lore wise, it's just as expected.
What is Bender doing in FFXIV?
Not even Blizzard thinks Classic is going to be successful. No EU language servers, using layers to deal with the massive and inevitable attrition, etc. I'd feel pretty bad if I were invested in Classic.
Your tsundere is getting embarrassing, user. The free trial is free. Just download it. Nothing’s stopping you but you
>retail wowcucks have to hide behind classic even though they were shittalking it for years
I’ve thought about that, and I agree. People would still need to buy ARR to access the 5.1+ content anyway. Some of the game’s better dungeons, like Cutter’s Cry, Dzmael Darkhold, and that one Marlbro dungeon are outside the trial too. The current free trial doesn’t feel like it really does a good enough job to sell the player, so to speak, because the early game stuff sucks so much ass.
It actually sucks more ass now because of ability redesigns over the years.
Kino from the expansions, specially the latest one.
Snooze fest from the base game.
What's the score for Shadowbringers?
Where do I get the new Stone, Sky, Sea stuff?
That’s a good summary, and I agree. I don’t know how but somehow, the Hildabrand series is so goddamn fucking stupid but they manage to make it legitimately hilarious.
It’s more of a Final Fantasy game than a mmo. If you like story than play it, though the story really begins when you join the scions (everything before that is shit), if you like WoW than it might not be the best for you.
The game is so story focused that a lot of your main quests involve going to places to start cutscenes with the occasional dungeon, but it’s good and worth it so it’s not as bad as it sounds. The story is the best part of the game, so don’t skip any of it at all.
If you didn’t use your code yet, then play the free trail first - once your done with it you have the extremely shit part of the game out of the way. The combat is also extremely flawed until the later levels, so keep that in mind.
The game may sound shitty by what I said, the game does have a lot of flaws, but it’s completely worth it - I just feel like I need to warn you of it’s flaws for you to get a good idea. The world and the story will drag you in and make you keep playing, definitely for those who like FF - especially the more medieval-style ones like 9 or 1-5
They desperately need to rework ARR and it’s a damn shame they didn’t do it for 5.0 with all the normie hype and media blitz. Bare minimum cut some of the filler from the MSQ. It’s so hard to recommend this game to friends knowing how boring it is at the start.
The game has no trannies, that’s just Balmung. But you wouldn’t know that because you have never even touched the game.
Kill yourself, Pepe.
>defends trannies but not the other, more pressing issues
It’d probably be quite a bit of work that would only attract a small subset of players who are interested, but not interested enough. It’d be real fucking nice, don’t get me wrong, but I get why they wouldn’t bother.
It’s flawed yes, if you can’t get past these flaws then simply don’t play the game. I enjoy it because I like classic FF games and their setting/story, if you don’t play for things like the story than the game simply is not the you because of how flawed it is.
i got a free code with hw for steam and wasted the free 30 days and only reached level 15 and wanna jump back in
can i make a new account and play it with the trial up to level 35, then link it to the same steam account and continue just fine? or is that not possible?
>Tfw have just had
>On repeat for hours now
One copy of the game or expansion of the game to one account. You have to buy the full game, and remember- shadowbringers comes with all the previous expansions (but not the main game)
Just beat ARR last weekend, so I’m just a bit ahead of you.
I enjoy it, it definitely reminds me of an older mmo concept with the convenience of modern group cue formats.
I enjoy having a wider array of skills compared to say ESO.
Uhhhh Anime tiddies are a huge plus.
Monsters are a refreshing departure from your typical western schlock.
The first 3/4 of ARR is pretty bad BUT it definitely redeems it’s self in the last arc.
It just makes me feel comfy so I’d recommend it.
>What am I in for?
No gameplay.
No fun.
Skinner box.
ERPing trannies.
If you like it that the end of ARR you're going to fucking adore it at the end of HW.
Having beaten the SHAD main questline out so far I can honestly say that it's in my top 5 games of all time for sure.
And I never thought I'd have a fucking MMO anywhere near there.
Cope harder wow retailfag
>you're going to fucking adore it at the end of HW.
Before the fall patch 2.5 and HW is some the best content within the game.
ARR majority is awful till the end but after that the game is one huge hype train till Stormbloood Which I still think is the worst expansion ever
>implying I play MMO trash
should I just rush MSQ of ARR? I've been stopping doing side quests but it's fucking boring and I'm not having much fun honestly. also which class is the best? is thaumaturge good?
you can create new characters
If you trannies keep insulting WoW, I'll turn your 40% into a 100% with my bare hands.
Last warning.
I am going to lmao all over the corpse of this game after wow classic launches and steals 60% of your playerbase, whilst you wait 4 months for your next patch that adds one measly dungeon and one optional mode that no one will play. Wow has competent gameplay and engaging pvp, which is what keeps people playing. A story is a one and done affair, no matter how good it is. Everyone worshipping this expansion is going to realize during the next 5 month wait that they have nothing to do but grind dailies, just like the last 6 years.
Why would anyone play the new races? Fucking awful voices for viera, limited hair styles for both, can't change hrothgay hair without a fantasia, can't wear headgear, etc.
I never made it through all of Heavensward before giving up. And I never properly leveled any crafting jobs or spent 70 hours ERPing either.
Just get ready for a lot of questing, too much questing, obsolete and mundane questing. I still liked a bunch of it but they're going to Clockwork Orange force you through all of it.
You fucking run dungeons for levels and just do the MSQ, everything else is for maniacs only.
>When your game is so awful you have to re-release the 1.0 version of it
Cope harder and don't forget to sub to get this amazing reskinned, I mean, brand-new mount, paypiggy!
Holy shit are you delsuional. Remember the 1.0 launch of your precious FFXIV? Oh yeah, you're trying not to.
>the fucking 1.0 guy is still there
>Missing the fucking point
This is your brain in pig methane
my gpu runs at 80C playing this game, is that normal?
What card? It’s probably fine
An interesting journey until you hit endgame where your life becomes a hamster wheel of grinding out gear that will become obsolete in the following month, only to do it all again.
Shadowbringers is more of the same with no new fun. Characters are all the same. We're doing the same thing to save the world we've always done. Crafting and gathering are still tedious as fuck and boring.
FF14 follows the same trends as wow just with less polish and content that isn't korean tier grinding.
>doing HW post-story
>meet the warrior of darkness
>He's just the michael cera lookin ass default male Hyur
Is this lil gay nigga supposed to be threatening?
Does anyone even deny that it's a wowclone at this point?
Yeah that’s normal
You're about to get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Which EU server players should approach if they're into both endgame group content, healthy population and non-tranny RP community?
A pile of fat roasties and trannies in novice chat saying how they're too cool to play viera, call them out on it and several more roasties come out to gang up on you
I have friends in Gilgamesh and I'm stuck in primal. Anybody know if the script from SB still works? I heard some people got away scot-free when they transferred to Gilg when it was locked down but also some that got suspended.
I'm so happy to be rid of the French Moogle faggots so I would say pick a Light server but those Ragnarok dudes swears that they're the best regardless.
I played through ARR and enjoyed it despite having no friend playing the game. What made me drop it was not the game itself but what happens when you get tired of guild drama and have to do story dungeons with randoms who run ahead while you watch the cutscnes for the first time. It sucks being a storyfag when other peoples are grinding tomes and gear and aren't waiting for you to start the boss fight, completely soured the game for me.
I'll probably sub again when I've some free time and repeat the cycle.
I bought it as well about 2 days ago and i haven't stopped playing. leveling is kinda slow and ARR is mostly just fetch quests with some great quests here and there.
also is ARR being bad a meme? why do people skip shit? its not that bad at all.
Are you serious? No wonder DF is so much better lately. Wow.
a shittier WoW
Very unbased.
Good news, story cutscenes happen outside of dungeons now, and in the Main Scenario 8man dungeons your talking about, they increased rewards but no one can skip cutscenes without restarting their game to get around it.
It gets bad. Near the end, even though the actual end is good. Several patches of filler meant to be done over time.
They're being ironic. Ragnarok is full of the worst shitters you'd encounter globally
When are we kicking Hydelaen, the Blessing of the Light, and daylight apologists out for good?
So I was messing around with retainer character creator and found that face 3 cat looks actually really good with the hairstyle I like and now I'm tempted to fantasia away from Elezen
I dunno what to do, I have shunned cats and catkind since the dawn of this game but I can't deny that I really like how much I like this one.
Also I'm tired of there being dumb Elezen ears sticking out the sides of every helmet, at least cat ears are swept back
I see. Well I'd suggest Phoenix or Odin then, I don't remember which one of Lich and Shiva is an unofficial German server. Zodiark and Twintania are a bit lower pop I think.
The reins of history, back in the hands of man. We should not suffer false Gods. Let's cast them down and take control of our own fates.
Having subs is not a metric for how good a game is.
This is the type of american IQ i'd expect from a WoW sub.
I've been recommended Odin, thanks for your suggestion and info. Do you have any thoughts on Omega?
That sounds really nice, is that a recent change or did it start with an older expansion?
I don't know much about the Chaos servers. I can't recall hearing much about Omega though so maybe it's average to good?
Redpills aren't for retards, you've been drugged user
Do you plan on giving any examples or ideas as how it is fundamentally broken?
PS. Sorry your game died.
What will the metacritic score be, Yea Forums? First review gives it a 95/100. It better be higher than Stormblood's 89.
>that ending
>people thought it was great
now imagine how great it was if you had it in Jap
>queue for expert roulette as a healer
>get academia
>edgiest au ra dark knight imaginable
>gets hit by every single mechanic during the sharks after I explain how to move
>eats every vine smash of the second boss because he is literally standing inside the bosses hitbox
>dungeon takes over 30 minutes because the dark knight has his samurai friend that is casting meditate mid fight so he can shoha
And they wonder why people don't want to play healer
Is this the best track of the expansion?
The correct answer is: yes.
do i still just spam ruin 2 in my bahamut window?
replace wow classic with shadowbringers and this is the correct opinion
Just to confirm something, akademia.. you're supposed to eat the orbs before the boss right?
The orbs during quetzal give you a damage boost and he gets the boost if you dont eat them. The ranged dps should be running around gathering them all.
Yes they give you damage up for a short while. If you don't grab them then they permanently make the boss hit harder.
>tfw keep rewatching the final cutscenes of the Emet/Hades fight
Why is this so good?
Sorry your game died
Yes. You generally want to save your Ruin 4s for Bahamut. You never want to use them in your Dreadwyrm or Phoenix trance.
>want to keep replaying the fight but am a DRK
Thank you my friends. Also, apparently Lahabrea was their head researcher?
the good news is shadowbringers is pure kino
the bad news that means wowfugees shall be the real Flood and flock here like never before
This. The worst drama causing uppity whores (vagina or not) you've ever met and they're fucking everywhere. Worse yet, they're mostly responsible for duty finder retardation. Like healers with a mental delay in the seconds. non-sprout female Tanks who get LOST in crystal tower.
The great news is that the story and ending was top tier stuff
However now the end content has as usual taken a large hit and within 2 days there is nothing to do
Its not very recent no. Theyve stopped doing it since after ARR. Any story in dungeons is just people talking during the action. Pre and post dungeon cutscenes exist to not hold everyone up. The newest expansion will let you solo new dungeons with story NPCs for banter and a bit more lore.
>the last 2 hours of the expansion
What the fuck am I supposed to do with myself now. I cannot imagine the next expansion topping this in any fashion.
>tanking titania
>healer: oh teehee sowwy kid needed some milkies :3 nyah! viera are boring
seto taking ardbert to pound town
Doubt any of them give any credit to when we say the expansion is amazing.
>can switch between audio devices now
So how about that impossible engine work fellas?
You guys were so quick to suck yoshis dick about that
Everyone is of the same mindset, user. There's just no way Zenos and Elidibus will top that.
Why gnb tanks are so shit compared to others?
it doesn't work on my pc cause win 10 is shit
It's funny how SHB is better than SB at literally everything. Even the area in which you trade in tomestones is much more pleasing to the eyes. It's like it's just kicking SB's body at this point.
Likely people entirely new to tanking drawn in by the allure of the gunblade.
they literally cannot fathom something being better than their empowered fat bitch gets railed in wakanda experience, which they admit is horrifyingly shitty. i legit think wowbabs are on suicide watch.
My lvl 20 thaumathurge has more in depth mechanic than any other mmo's max lvl characters. Get shit on.
Well seems like I'll definitely give it a try during the holidays, thanks for the infos user!
Because a lot of them are DPS mains who want to play the cool gunblade job
>t. DPS main who wants to play the cool gunblade job
So we can safely say Emet is the greatest FF character since Kefka?
Fuck off, Ascian
Kefka isn't even a good character
works fine on my win 10 pc
It's music is a lot more pleasing as well than the rhalgr's music.
He and Ardyn are up there. Emet just isn't carried down by his game.
Kefka isn't even good. Emet-Selch is the best in the series full stop.
People decide to jump into tanking now that they don’t have to do a ton of leveling to be up to content
They do this without being aware of how to tank, manage cooldowns, etc
Give it a month and the luster will fade, and things will be back to normal
Ff6 is my favorite, and kefka WAS my favorite.
Emet is the best final fantasy character of any kind.
Stop it! Please! Can't you see it's already dead?!
I’m sorry, you mistyped exdeath
>mfw I wasn't even bothered by the ARR and post-ARR quests
Guess I have high tolerance or something.
deep, no. But Kefka fulfilled his role as antagonist perfectly and is one of the most memorable FF characters, not just villains
What? Where? My audio setup is fucked and I’ve needed this for so long
Remember to stay away from giant scottish pixie whores. Nobody wants a big fairy.
>the way the vendors are laid out allows you to see the night sky
>rhalgr’s has them against a nasty stone wall
i couldn't stand it before and was so exhausted by the time i got to hw that i had just bought that i quit. but i made a new character went through arr, hw, and sb in a few months and hw and imo, sb were definitely worth it. i can't believe i put off hw for years
Don't let full FF fanboys hear you say that.
The "end game" (still) leaves such a sour taste in your mouth after that spectacular ending.
See you guys in 6.0.
How is the new piety for healers? Is it noticeable MP regen?
Exdeath isn’t even the best tree in FF, fight me
40 fucking keks
Yeah, because following a flowchart is so difficult. There's no reactionary abilities for THM/BLM, just standing back and pressing 123, just like every single other BLM player. There's no build. No depth. Everyone plays every class the same. That's the issue with vertical progression. But yeah, enjoy doing the same exact thing for the next thousand hours until you reach shadowbringers, where you will CONTINUE to do the exact same shit.
Oh hey speaking of rhalgr's, went back for some tome gear after converting to poetics. If you need the Shinryu TT card the ironworks guy now carries it as well as Omega and Alpha
I will. :^)
>the ONLY reason they play the game is for the social element
That's basically the only reason to play an MMORPG at all. Without the social element, they're just worse RPGs.
Where do you unlock the SSS?
endgame gear gives you piety on almost every piece, currently im sitting on 2.6k
i never run oom but im a WHM so theres that. currently im leveling my SCH so i see how valuable it really is i guess
PvE games will never have it any different
BDO pvp is cool as fuck in that regard but the one shots and lag fucks it
I hate new tank stance it’s now too easy to keep hate that I feel like a subpar dps. I’m not having fun anymore.
>Post-innocence cutscene
>If you haven't played Crystal Tower, you get to say nothing and G'raha gives you a confident speech
>But if you have beaten it and call his name out, he completely loses composure
>When you tell him it's good to see him awake, he actually breaks down into tears
How is he so god damn pure?!
I wanna know more
through the volume mixer in windows
>Everyone plays every class the same
This is true of every MMO
Which guy? The one by the terminal you unlock savage?
Who hasn't done CT by now?
The only time i've had mp problems as a scholar so far is when the dps are complete shit and i've needed to spam art of war for way too long.
>HW & SB has 13 dungeons
>ShB only has 8 dungeons at launch
I sure hope they add more dungeons in the future
but ff14 isn't a good game. it's literally a single player game that charges you monthly to play. If you really want to argue that it's an mmo, it's closer to club penguin than an actual mmo.
Anyone have that clown Emet gif?
But he's not even the real graha tia.
XIV's fanbase is a fucking cult.
>Poking the faggot hornet's nest
You cant win that kind of thing, at least not really, better to leave them in their echochamber
Business as usual then.
>stormblood got 89
Then ShB should be getting 150. Honestly they should go back and lower SB's rating.
You can show G'raha his minion in CT
Because after you beat ARR it has literally around 100 filler quests to do before heavensward
>Finish the best MSQ line in the game
>An hour after sitting in the afterglow I go to do the new unlocks
>Reminded these exist
I didn't ask for this
>Playing a subhuman
Hyur or bust
Oh. Damn I was hoping it was from inside XIV
8 is fine
it's the not having more difficult options of those 8 dungeons at 80 that makes it bad
ShB has the same number of dungeons at launch that HW did
Patrician choice.
He's as much G'raha as the one still sleeping in his tower
This, how hard would it have been to make a hard mode in time?
card guy by the tomestone vendors
that was 4 years ago when the game had under(?) half the amount of players
>Going from Elezen to Catgirl
>titania prog
>gnb tank
>first time tanking XDDD
Are the Square Enix store keys still not out? Mine says it isn't available.
All 3 expansions have 8 launch dungeons L2count
also free to play microtransactions
People will ALWAYS ALWAYS *ALWAYS* claim this shit despite knowing nothing about the actual engine, and when yoshi says something's impossible, the trannies will defend what he said as absolute truth despite him being a known major bullshitter
I got mine.
I don't like the way cats stand
Don't worry, they'll give up in a couple weeks
How did they get away with such beautiful hub
glad i farmed my weapon before these retards got to 80
I'm just disappointed that the Viera don't have abs, why are the Hyur the only ones that can get them?
When does the normal raid release?
>When WoL acknowledges your existance
2 weeks.
The only thing I liked better in SB than ShB was the final boss trial's actual fight.
Hades wins in everything else but Shinryu's "difficulty" was much more fitting for a last boss.
2 weeks
Why would I want to imagine a worse experience?
>blessing of light is what is letting us fix things in another world
>wants to get rid of it
>Titania EX blind
>run the same direction as my tethered accountabilibuddy
>we both die
am i retarded?
>need to level warrior to 80 for my retainer
>leveled it to 70 with alliance roulette so I never bothered doing the 60-70 questline
>finally finish it
Holy shit this was fucking terrible.
You'll soon find out if you're playing the game that the FFXIV expansions are exceedingly consistent when it comes to player content and features.
I've played other mmos where they want to change it up every expansion and it always turns out worse than before.
>pic of roundabout justification
>posters do the same thing
the best mmo of this decade
It says its still being processed and will be available "soon™".
You’re right for the most part but you’re sadly comparing the game to wow.
FFXIV succeeds in delivering a good story and the mechanical heavy boss fights while few in between also deliver.
What it completely and UTTERLY fails at is being an rpg. Rewards are meaningless. Ilvl destroys any hope for itemization. Dungeons are hallways with trash. Stats literally do not matter outside of min maxing snd even then you’re getting a 5% different in efficacy at best. The game went out of its way to do the following in shadowbringers:
>remove all utility from healers and leave them with only healing spells or utility that doesn’t feel good at all to use properly
>remove hate management
>remove pet micromanagement
>remove any and all job synergy to make any sort of combination of jobs work
I personally have no idea how people like this, it is beyond me, but whatever. While the core gameplay is fine, the lack of depth SERIOUSLY hampers the enjoyment of combat. After a while you get sick of doing the exact same thing every fucking time, it feels like playing some action game. The game needs more buffs you need to upkeep, job synergy, and unique debuffs like slow. Healers need to be able to control the flow of damage but all mitigation utility is given to tanks. The game needs to have elemental and physical types weaknesses but its impossible to even include that at that stage
Sure whatever you say. I just played through a great story with a magnificent ending. I will happily pay the expansion cost + sub for 6.0 just because of that. However the end game content is lacking on so many levels. The ex trials are great but they really need to up their game and systems with dungeons and content in zones.
Yes. But not more than the people I am TRYING to do Innocence with.
They don't need to change anything. They should scale the leveling dungeons to 80 and put a hard mode on them with slightly better loot and/or mounts/cosmetics.
The game has been out for one day, technically. Wait for Eden to come out beat, or play it for 3 weeks and unsub, waiting for the next content patch. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Who was this
I don't know where people are getting an idea that stupid. Maybe it's just you repeating it.
raids and savage raids are coming. If you are from wow expect more of a challenge than you are accustomed to.
Quitting before you even make it past the ARR quests
Rate my job choices going into ShB and post your own
Imagine this scenario. You're a dps with a normal aoe marker on you, the healer is running away from you to create space so you can stop. and they can run out of your circle.
Do you
A. stop moving so they can run out of your circle
B. continue to chase them because you think you can somehow outrun them and instantly kill them with your circle
Is there a reason to make a retainer a gatherer over a combat class or vice versa?
I am playing trial and currently finishing first quest line (lvl 15 pirates). Does story really gets awesome? So far it feels like boring anime filler. Almost zero VA makes it hard to even concentrate on what's going on, will there be full voice acting later?
more like SOULbringers
drk quest
B makes the most sense
Fray, presumably, the "little trick" is probably the DRK shadow clone
Raids are fine but there should be other content than just 4 instanced raid bosses for those that don't want to raid. Hence >hard< mode dungeons for one.
They built an entire new world and it's barren with nothing to do in them once you hit 80, just like the leveling dungeons.
B obviously
c. immediately understand the mechanics, but chase them anyway to intentionally get them killed then call them bad.
Different retainer jobs can get different materials, obviously, and sometimes they have unique rare items too, like fat cat.
Well, you are supposed to kill him if you see him in the field
Not bad
Remember, user... that FFXIV made us care for the Ascians...
B out of spite, not incompetance.
Hunts and shared fates.
Wasn't this expansion supposed to have 9 at launch? I'm pretty sure that's what they said when it was first revealed. Am I imagining things?
Always take the opportunity to get a Healer killed if you can. Its the first thing they teach you in the Hall of the Novice.
So, like, are you baiting or are you actually this dumb?
No spoilers. But why are the WoD name different from the encyclopedia?
Sorry, didn’t mean to sound rude, this must be your first expansion launch/being at cap for the latest patch.
Dungeons aren’t end game, they’re just to farm welfare gear currency. EX trials are for weapons, and the actual first raid comes out in 2 weeks. Savage difficulty in 4. They delay the first raid to discourage rushing the story even though people still rush anyway.
There are 2 new dungeons every patch. Hard mode dungeons are actually completely new dungeons with new bosses, they’re just in the same location lorewise. Even patches have the new 8 man raid + savage difficulty with the best gear, odd patches have an easier 24 man raid with catchup gear.
Finished the story today, tomorrow starts crafters leveling. I'm not looking forward to that.
Treasure dungeon in 5.05.
Maybe ascians weren't the bad guys
I feel this way except for Ardbert.
I wish XIV had a variant of Mythic+.
Sell me on your job. I have no idea who I want to level.
How does Soken continue to get better every expansion? I don't think there was a single bad, or even meh, track in the whole thing
Telling you would be a spoiler
Do tell me what to do in the zones when you're done with the MSQ.
The optinal quests that are garbage and pointless?
The fates that are pointless with shit rewards?
The hunts that are even more pointless because just like fates they give shit rewards?
The source and first use different naming conventions so they got changed. Lamimi got changed to Lamitt because dwarves don't use the repetition like lalafell.
Because those are their real names, they used fake ones to blend in better on the Source
Not ours.
>hard mode on them
I much prefer how XIV handles its Hard node dungeons desu.
>stuck guildless on goblin
someone help me
Be honest, anons. How did you feel when this moment came up?
Pic related should be all you need
So you're baiting. Thanks for the confirmation.
Ah okay. A bit weird but I can work with it. Is it technically a retcon? Feels weird having to know two names for each of the characters.
Ah gotcha.
Kinda funny because Branden just changed one letter. Lmao.
don't forget
>nomura directed Eden I think
Ready to be fucking underwhelmed after MSQ fellas?
I don't understand what's going on there.
Fates give alright exp, hunts give materia, minions and riding maps for the earlier zones, and optional quests are for lore and you can get stuff from them like this cute guy.
Branden became Blaenherz. Ardbert only lost one letter which is silly. I have no fucking clue how Renda-Rae got to J'rhoomale.
Good thing it’s an mmo and not just an rpg retard
No. He just drew some pictures.
He's not in charge of Eden story, they gave him the story and he had to create designs.
>Ardbert only lost one letter which is silly
Even he thinks it was dumb
Never played final fantasy tactics ?
Personally I’d say Auron.
In terms of villains, Emet is definitely up there as the best of the whole series.
His English VA is godtier. If there's anyone who plays with subs, is his Jap voice good?
>Released it's patch 5 days before EA for Shadowbringers
Haha yeah sure
C. Stack in the middle with the rest of the dps
it took me 3 tries to get through Titty-Anna story mode because of these shitters
Because the cat naming convention on the First is name-clan or something.
Is meant for ya
Really? I swear his name was Brynden.
How's the role quest for the other roles? Playing the tank and god dang. Is everyone going to suffer like this?
he designed the aesthetics. Which is something he's pretty damn good at
That's because WoWfags can't think
Who here has finished the MSQ? Fucking expansion man. It blows HW and SB out of the water.
Even I felt bad for Emet. I really thought he'd be the corny Joker type when he was introduced in SB. But here? Totally different.
Trust system was amazing especially for those that like to RP(?) the MSQ. It was a good way to make it feel like you are in an actualy journey with the Scions. Which I actually really liked and was waiting for a long time for them to do. I still remember when I said that HW was a journey. This one was the same and more.
Got me teared up in a fuck lot of scenes because of the callbacks to previous expansions on certain issues and how the 1st was just so fucked up for everyone. It really looked like every one was hurting so bad.
Feelsbringer/10. This was SE's best expansion yet by a damn mile. Kino as fuck.
>tfw just finished the msq
Forget shitblood, shadowniggers is arguably better than heavensward.
Dragoon. Doing jumps to build up double barrel secial beam lance cannon and hitting flank/rear. Pretty quick but feels slower in ShB than SB for some reason. Still pretty good dps too, just be careful your animations don't get you stuck in an aoe or you'll get memed on as a floor tank.
How would you feel if XIV added something like Talents or Set Bonuses as a way to offer tweaks to your existing job at cap?
One of the things I think is so weird about XIV is how static your job becomes at 80. I might have just played too many other MMOs over time but I'm curious what other people think.
Yes, both EN and JP Emet voices are pretty similar.
Am I weird for enjoying the story of ARR so far? LVL38, dealing with all the inquisitor stuff in Coerthas. I'm liking the lore tidbits from sidequests and that.
Healers got the only good one. The physical dps is especially terrible.
I think you got that mixed up mate.
Really? Tank one is really good.
Stayed out of these threads till I finished the MSQ.
Holy fuck it was pure fucking kino. All of it. Honestly the best MMO expansion in a very long time.
Final boss was fucking amazing.
I'm slowly going through every FF game out of order.
There was an user in a thread yesterday who was complaining about how Exarch was revealed to be some literally who catboi we'd never seen before. Thankfully he was informed of his mistake.
>I have no fucking clue how Renda-Rae got to J'rhoomale.
She picked it. Look at cat names on the first and look at cat names in the source. Like if you were going undercover in Russia and changed your name to Vlad
I just went back into the game and I'm trying to level up to 64 as a gunbreaker to continue the MSQ in Stormblood.
What are the best ways to level up ? Dungeons seem good, soloing fates doesn't give enough XP for how much time they take. I head something about "hunts" being a decent option, but I think I need to unlock requirements from 2.0 and Heavensward before unlocking the Stormblood hunts, and I don't know if it's worth the time for only four levels.
>Investigations have confirmed that this issue is caused by changes made to limit the maximum frame rate.
>As a temporary solution, we are going to revert these changes to pre-patch 5.0.
Wait who's the DPS one?
I don't remember there being a WoD physical DPS.
It’s alright with the lore building but after you fight the big bad it becomes a pain.
Im on Omega and theres no attention whoring here.
>desperately want Hrothgar bf
>every single last one is a straight normie
Why did you lie to me?
What must I do?
>game says its locked at 90fps
>still looks a bit jittery
what are optimal gysnc settings
I just finished this bit, I'm level 40. It's okay. I feel like it struggles from being a lot of padding and not much substance, but it did a very good job at introducing you to the region.
The fucking quest level requirements made it a slog, though.
Get rekted gay boi
>released XIV 1.0 to compete with Cataclysm
boy that must have been awkward
Heaven-on-High is the fastest, but it might cause you to lose your will to live
>long queues
only if your playing a shit class
t. Scholar
cat girl bard
nothing as hyped me as much as thordan but I'm only halfway through the ShB MSQ
No score yet for critics. But public reviews are at 9.6
is this falseflagging? like a "all hrothgar are straight cool people" kinda post?
I can't even tell anymore
Like the final boss of ARR, you mean?
I get that, I feel like you're expected to do all the sidequests that pop up after each main mission. This region is interesting enough though that I'll do those to find out what's going on.
>Trust system was amazing especially for those that like to RP(?) the MSQ.
It's also a good way for new people to experience dungeons for the first time. Do a trust run to test it out and see mechanics, then you can run normally with other people.
And yeah, ShB was fucking amazing. For all the misgivings I had about some things like no helms for the new races, or my job getting fucked, I had a feeling the msq was gonna be good and it was.
So you don't need to level up a ranged DPS?
Look down.
But Ardbert is inside of (You) right now, which means he's always with you.
Looks like I have to reach floor 50 in the PotD first. I only tried PotD like one time.
>I'm only halfway through the ShB MSQ
Bruh, you have no idea what's waiting for you. If I were you, I'd avoid xiv threads altogether. It's what I did.
melee and range do the same quest. Casters get their own.
Yes the final boss of arr. After that there are some horrible quests you have to do to get to HW. Don’t burn ya self out on them.
Why the fuck would I do that?
Why the fuck did you lie to me?
Where are all the hrothgar bfs?
Get out of here user. Seriously. I didn't visit any threads until today when I finished the MSQ.
It's fucking amazing. If just based solely as an RPG, this shits on XV like a dump truck. Fucking amazing ride.
Sweet. Thanks mate. I was gonna buy a jump potion for ranged but guess I'll skip on that.
Also, side comment, the field music for this area (Highlands) is fucking great. Possibly my favourite piece of music so far.
Get out of here lad.
You're in for a fucking ride.
>enter titania blind party
>people start describing mechanics left and right even before people have a clue on how they look
Why do people do this? Fucking cancer.
>tfw stuck at big adds phase on Titania
Because of
I'll try not to, thank you for the warning. When I've been getting bored with the MsQ I've been leveling a couple of other classes or fucking about in the Saucer.
>I don’t think about you at all
>taking the time to make that picture and post it in every thread
Titania normal? What mechanics?
the savior...
they played ff8 and said hey I can do that
I did not fucking expect the final zone to be what it is. And it's scary calming as well.
Why would I be talking of titania normal?
>tfw keep rewatching the ending
i havent felt so in awe at a video game in such a long time holy shit
Hopefully we get Thancred killed in Eden since it's not like he's leaving the 1st unless Ryne somehow manages to get into the source.
I actually made it like 10 minutes ago
not sure what you mean by every thread
this but MNK
I'm doing more dps for less work though
ERP and cosmetics
Just finished Shadowbringers.
What a fucking ride.
I want to protect him.
Is one of the melee using the LB on one of the adds?
Play WHM.
HW and SB both launched with 8 dungeons too fucking retard.
They fucked it all up to begin with.
>He doesn't go kupo for kupo nuts
I like Thancred now, Y'shtola on the other hand...
If ShB couldn't save her from being shit I think she's a lost cause.
Way ahead of you.
It looks great but the actual layout is fucking awful.
MNKpill me on Shadowbringers.
An arduous grind through an okay singleplayer rpg where you occasionally queue up for dungeons and bosses with complete strangers who you will never see again in between countless "kill x of y" and "talk to me" quests.
You will continue playing because you're under the impression that the real fun starts at endgame, but it's the same with less generic quests. Theres no pvp worth playing and it's hardly an mmo beyond playing dressup and glorified chatroom outposts.
No one was. That's the whole point. Well maybe except Elidibus.
Emet was such a good character. I did not expect him to be that was when he first was introduced in SB.
Battle changesbare by far the worst part of shb. Everything else is ffxiv at its absolute finest.
Why does the grass texture still look like PS1 graphics?
>final boss dies
>city full of ghosts with infinite creation powers still exists
This better be addressed in the story later.
extreme dungeons would be more than enough
How far does the trial extend? Isn't it to right before the final dungeon of the base game?
I wanted to get this game and level but realizeed I have to get through mainstory quest of heavensward +stormblood before I even begind to level up. i'm already too behind.
Are Blue Mages cucked forever at 50?
>spend so much time on EX fights that you start to fuck up the simple mechanics
i spent 4 years doing shiva circles, how do i fuck this up now. kill me
>couple/or friends play DNC + DPS duo in PF
>DNC always buffs their DPS partner regardless of how much of a shitter they are
it's being raised to 60 in 5.1
Only level 35 out of 50
All of the Ranjit encounters should be half of their fucking duration. It's annoying enough how many times you're forced to fight him.
>Could tell who has done Leviathan EX because they wipe in the normal version
It's always interesting to watch.
I would consider that a variant, just something that brings dungeon content back into the fold after you hit a certain ilevel but not required so people don't bitch about it.
I think Mythic+ has ultimately been healthy for WoW because it promotes diversity in end game content and people who don't have raiding guilds just a smaller group of friends can still work at something.
all content is still relevant even at max level, just spend a month or two on the previous stuff and enjoy the experience as you unlock and explore the game
It was already addressed. The Aumarotite creation magic power is exactly the same thing as primal summoning. Except that their internal aether is nearly infinite so they can just do it from themselves without sucking aether out of the land. The city is a primal.
Yea it’s a pain in the butt but he is cool.
I don't know, but the ground textures in this expansion in general are some of the worst the game has ever seen.
settle for a roe
So probably not through the base game at that level then. Still sounds like you can probably get a decent amount out of it. Only thing I don't like is SE's retarded enough to disable the social aspect of an MMO trial. They did the same thing with DQX and I couldn't even complete starting town quest that just consisted of telling an NPC that it's dinner time.
>implying the thancred fight wasnt fucking kino
Should've protected him back on 2.x, now you can't. It was removed.
Half of the 'roleplay' encounters feel as if they should be at least 66% of their current duration.
He's easily the worst part about ShB.