Why is Nintendo promoting degeneracy in Video Games aimed at children?

Why is Nintendo promoting degeneracy in Video Games aimed at children?

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that's fanart

Sex sells

Why not?

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What does trap boy skin feel like?

tfw no link bf

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I bet he's ugly under that

Nintendo is Japanese. Japan is the second-biggest manufacturer of degeneracy in the world, right after the USA.

>Cloud crossdresses in FF7
This game is based, I will buy the remake even though it's $60 for 1/3 of a game

>Link crossdresses in BOTW

>implying that part will stay the same
im pretty sure they already confirmed they were changing it, and forced change is never good

>Gay niggers draw gay link art

Why is Link such a slutty boy?

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I hope they change it in such a way where you can choose to wear the dress for the entire rest of the game.

>all these pathetic skinny twink links
get with a real fe(male) link, boys

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That's not good for Link's mental health. He will feel too feminine and will end up sucking dick for the rest of the game.

I miss my boyfriend

>Unrealistic standards

I occasionally ERP as Gerudo Link to help anons cum.

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That's called fanart.
Learn the difference.

thank you for your service

lets be honest here. that ethics committee will have the entire section removed for trans sensitivity or something since the whole thing is supposed to be a joke haha and you cant have trans or gay jokes anymore.

with what im hearing of the expanded (read as; fan fiction) plot, the game will be too serious and have too much drama to even do that silly segment in the first place.

i watched a review of somebody who played the demo and he talked about the extra dialogue and it all sounded like terrible soap opera shit. dude loved it cause he was a shill but it sounded terrible

Do it now.

>Nintendies are just as faggy as snoygoys

Post your discord slut

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cringe tranny thread

I don't use Discord. I do it right here in these threads.

Do it now, trap

based AND redpilled

You are actually gay, you just don't know it.

I don't have my folder on hand. Sorry, user.
I try.

Because cute boys are just the best

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Why do I want to sniff cute boy?

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there's nothing wrong with this

Because they smell like honey and happiness

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you're mad because he's right.

Bananas are very healthy and nutritious

why is Yea Forums so fucking gay?
why do I have a boner?

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>one eye at the north pole, the other at the mediterranean sea
>Upper body is normal for a teenage boy, everything under the belly is that of a professional female athlete turned whore
>That weird bulge
This image disturbs me. Ehat have tuey done to him?

Link literally looks nothing like that in game.
Its you niggers making pictures that look like that.
your all trash


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we're prison gay. it's alright, but femboys are ephemeral. men age well, but they age well as men, with purely male features.

He's still a qt ingame

Prove it then.

If there's nothing wrong with it, then why do fags like get so buttblasted over it?

post body with timestamp

I see what you're doing. You just want trap pics.

dunno, but I don't care, not like I'm going to meet them or find out how they look so there's no difference from being a girl

its just natural. its why men in antiquity from all around the world happily fucked boys. its just right. they also taboo'ed yuri faggotry.

obviously the jews have flipped it on us to destabilize us and its working. we need to go back. we're getting there with the traps but we need the final push by banning lesbians

You will never pass

i'd like to see a pic of your soles

False, those 2 horny dudes look more masculine than any trap fag ever will

Sometimes Nintendo does nice things

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I want a qt autistic boyfriend

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Traps don't exist in 3D because they can't pass for girls. They're just ugly males in skirts.

>being this current year
It's a man dressing as a woman to commit shenanigans. It's literally just a joke that has nothing to do with politics.

But your children will be autistic.

You are pretending as if two extremely degenerate, thirsty perverts aren't the perfect match for knowing how to get each other off.



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Built for cock.

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>Gerudo are known for only producing women (with the exception of ganondorf) and imprisoning/kicking out men from their town
>Nintendo had a choice of having you sneak through town (which was already done in OOT) to get things done or having you disguise yourself to get in
>Thought it would be a fun way to progress in the game and this is the only section where it's mandatory to do the divine beast
>Can completely ignore it if you want to
>Somehow this is promoting degeneracy because you had a fun quest that you don't even have to do to complete the game and because porn artists picked it up

Ew even as a bisexual this is shit flat is best

no normal person would actually be avatarfagging as some anime queer.
You're a fucking freak and everyone knows it

Sex sells WHAT?!?
i mean is it a cleaner? Do you put it on stuff? Why is it a cream?

>How pitiful... To never learn from the mistakes of history.

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Sauce pls

How does one become so attracted to dick?

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God damn I wish Nightingale would threaten my balls like that.

The Semiramis and Jack ones are good too.

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astolfo is a girl tho

Sheikah Link is delicious

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I hate how Link was stolen by """straight""" trapfags that are scared of fapping to real men.

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We got an actual gay faggot here. Laugh at this man because he is gayer than the rest of us.

Nah, you guys are just as gay, the sooner you accept this, the sooner you'll get real taste in men and I'll have less girls with dicks showing up when I look for Link doujins.

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He kinda always was on the twink-feminized boy kinda deal wasn't he.


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Are you telling me with a straight fucking face right here anonymously on 4channel that you never put on a dress or girly clothes as a kid, we're talking pre-puberty here.
I honestly never did, I never liked playing dress up much, I knew some fags that did though

Am I the only person who prefers Voe Link over Vai Link?

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Twinks and shotas are still male.
Nu-Link was easily mistaken for a girl in the first trailer, that's never happened before.

no but i did pretend to fuck one of my younger sisters mlp dolls when i was in the shower many years ago
i'm a horsefucker now


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They're both good
is fine though

this is how you know traps are straight. real fags hate them because they like men

>defending normalfag think

>getting this upset over seeing actual men
Do you do this as an act on the internet, or are you really this brain-damaged?

>traps in real life
you have a better chance finding a unicorn

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Barashit like is unironically repulsive and disgusting.
is an actual man not some retarded liefeld abomination

Question: who tf cares about young children? I'm not young anymore why should I care? I got out straight, enjoy becoming a tranny zoomers.

First day on the internet pal?

You know it's gay because fags like get all butthurt and defensive over it.

i wanna lick his abs

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>thinking traps are real
post 5
fucking idiot

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post trap and femboy twitters pls

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>hurr men who are manlier than usual are so icky and freaky, I hate muscles and masculine features

>put degeneracy in game
>horny retards buy it to masturbate
not hard to understand.

Ok, I already get a boner from trap link. Stop trying to make me gayer.

Based and Nihilismpilled

Yes, thank you for stating my opinion. Do you want a prize?
All the ones I have are porn gifs and you'd just come up with some reason as to why they don't count anyway.
If you want to put 2 seconds of effort into it you can just google "effeminate men" or something

/pol/ would hate him.

Poor boy who only gets off to guys who look like girls.

>you'd just come up with some reason as to why they don't count anyway.
"they don't pass for girls" is a pretty good reason.

>Link was easily mistaken for a girl
Yea Forums is mentally disabled.

it's 2019 and people still browse Yea Forums while claiming to oppose degeneracy

oh ok nevermind you're just retarded

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That's why he's based, but not redpilled.

Just accept that you like cute boys and want to lick their tummies user

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>porn gifs
so men hiding their face?
got it

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Fuck you, Zoomer culture is great. I can be open about fapping to traps, what paradise.

No, you're retarded. If they don't pass for a girl then it's not a trap. Just a pasty nerd wearing a dress.

stop stop stop stop

>Bara shitters ruin another thread
Why are they always so full of anger and hate?

>you shit up the board with this stupid thread
>barafags shit up your garbage thread
seems fine to me

Says the one screaming and crying iover people posting men instead of girls with dicks

>>you shit up the board with this stupid thread
There is no Yea Forums left to shit up, hasn't been for years.

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Post more link

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>discord raiders constantly post garbage and shit post every thread
>bara fags are the ones spreading hate and anger
go fuck yourself

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Belial isn't a bara you fucking retard he's as ikemen as they fucking come.
Jesus how stupid are you people.

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I've embraced my bisexuality and it feels good.

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Postman Link

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No user! Go back!! How would your friends feel if they found out you wanted to suck their foreskin?

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I'm proud of you user

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t.posts off model fan art in waifu threads

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uwu sniffs bulge

>posts off model fan art in waifu threads
Is there any greater affront to God's creation than this?

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Not him but my friends are disgusting fat nerds

Crossdressing is funny, you're not meant to take it seriously

I don't post in waifu threads and if I did I wouldn't post retarded shit like that.

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I do kinda want to lick his stomach for some reason.

>for some reason.

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is that projared under that.

Are you the gay fairy? Do you just actively try to make people gayer and gayer until they're 100% gay? Shame on you.

I've only ever been like 95% gay and even then I've probably become more straight/bi since I started playing GBF.

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Because Nintendo wanted to be silly and honestly it was a pretty funny way to do it. Now all those lgbbq trannies just have to latch onto it because their lives are so goddamned bland that all they have is their sexual orientation to live on.

I feel like I've become 50% gay in the past couple of months are seeing one Persona 5 Joker doujin whilst looking for other shit. Consumed media is powerful, dude.

People who say gays are born obviously don't know what they're talking about. They're made,just as obtaining a new fetish.

I was probably "born gay" since the first time I ever put any thought into my sexuality I was already really into dicks.
Not exclusively, I actually like boobs a fair amount, I just hate vaginas.

Yea Forums unironically made me bi

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Same here user. Dicks look so hot but vaginas actually look gross
I'd consider myself more leaning towards straight than gay but I just don't get how a guy can look at a vagina and find it attractive

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Unironically same.

You're leaning gay then, not straight.

About a year ago I would never have went near any gay shit, and now I know exactly what doujin this is. Yea Forums is hazardous to my dick.

i feel like thinking penises look good is just a fucking meme. why does a worm look more attractive than a mouth for example? i think they both look rather unattractive

you know how it feels to touch a girl, it basically feels like that

>You're leaning gay then, not straight.
But I find women more attractive than men. I'm super picky with guys and only find a very small percentage of them actually attractive.
It's literally just that I find dicks more attractive than vaginas

>Dicks look so hot but vaginas actually look gross
>I'd consider myself more leaning towards straight than gay
The mental gymnastics you faggots do are fucking hilarious

>Nintendo is responsible for the mental illnesses of the other people
Hey faggot, Japan still thinks crossdressing is a joke. Stop putting your faggotry on them

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>The sexual organs of a person are the only part of them you find attractive
You can't be this retarded user

I think flaccid uncut dicks are pretty weird looking but erect ones are good.

Link is still fucking sexy in the game though.


As with all things, it's case by case. There's a lot of ugly dicks out there.

He's so hot

That's not what he said, you're just twisting his words because you're insecure about your dicklust.

irl, I basically only find girls attractive but I also find dicks kinky. Something about dicks and being taught that boys shouldn't like them makes it super sexual for me. That's probably why I'm so into 2D traps. I have never fapped to a 3D guy.

I was never straight or even bi. I can't remember being aroused by a girl once.

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>you know how it feels to touch a girl
I don't.

have you taken the horsepussy pill

I'm in the boat where I don't find 99% of men attractive and can probably count on one hand the number of men that I *have* found attractive, and the common thread amongst them is that they've had some kind of effeminate quality to them. Not just "they looked like girls", but they had one thing about each of them that marked them out as not traditionally male. Still "boyish", I guess, for the most part. Never done any gay shit but if they'd asked I would probably have given dick sucking the old college try. And shit like this is absolutely something I can jerk it to.
So yeah, if someone were to ask me to define my sexuality I'm not sure what I'd say to them. I think the zen state of being is probably just wanting to fuck everything and not labelling it.

I can count the amount of times I've jacked off to 3D on one hand and all of those instances were to guys sucking dick or crossdressers jacking off

I remember being aroused by girls a lot more often as a child, even fantasizing about being kissed and having a gf. Now I have to imagine a perfect one in my head just to jack off, and even then, a lot of the time I'll just switch to think about traps last moment.

How is it even possible that I was less degenerate as a little kid? What's happening to me?

>How is it even possible that I was less degenerate as a little kid?
I don't know what youre point is, people are almost always more degenerate the older they are.

>Thread goes from talking about Nintendo promoting degeneracy to people talking about how gay they are.

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How many of you have actually penetrated a boipucci? I've had sex with a few girls and i'm mainly straight but i've always wanted to fuck a cute girly dude and my time has come: i'll be fucking my first trap in a few days. The problem is that i don't know how it will play out, what if his face is too manly, or if he sounds like Vin Diesel? I hope it's like in my Japanese doujins

I would never fuck someone's ass, they shit out of there.

So the youngest generation is actual the least degenerate.

Interesting. it's a paradox.

I'm not gay but holy fuck i got the hardest boner from that picture.

they always ALWAYS have deep voices and either that or shitdick will kill your boner so fucking fast

user I...

i'm not gay i just want to cum in an androgynous boy's mouth so he knows that i'm a real man

Traps don't exist in 3D.

Breath of the Wild is currently the best video game ever made, though there's a good chance its sequel will be better.

deal with it #4thegaymers

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The sequel will be gayer that's for sure.

This wasn't my experience with anons using snapchat though

Yeah the whole shit situation has me worried but what about the trannies in porn? You never see a stain of that in the videos
Guy is pretty girly though, his body does look like that of a girl except no boobs and dick instead of vagina. I don't know about his face but that's what doggy is for

fucking BASTE

you dont see a thin mucous shit membrane but youll be able to smell it and i dont know why it seems to be just me but oral after anal is the most repulsive thing ive ever fucking seen

I assume people in porn spend like an hour on a bidet and go through ten towels before they take a dick. I dunno, make sure your guy does likewise.

No, I'm with you on that one. I don't know how anyone does it without immediately hurling.

Rehydrated Ganondorf will explode the internet, mark my words.

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>his body does look like that of a girl except no boobs and dick instead of vagina.
This is some extreme cope. You're fucking gay.

Fucking guys is so much better. Just make sure that they know how to clean themselves and you won't have to worry about stains.
Eating ass is kino. If you're a pussy then don't fuck him.

If he likes guys and girls he's actually bi sweatie

>Eating ass is kino.
I'll have to take your word for it. I'm not a prude but some places were not meant for tongues.

>I-I'm totally not that same guy

they also do an unhealthy amount of enemas, if you are lucky. and those are the more experienced ones, obviously for just images they literally just clean the surface. frankly i dont understand how someone could want a penis in their ass so much and thats why im going to claim that most do not actually spend that much time preparing every time some thirsty faggot wants to satisfy his fetish, and likely only clean as far as their fingers can reach


Absolutely based user. That's exactly how I feel
If it is cute I shall fuck it
I am kawaii-sexual

I'll wash the fucker myself, thanks for the tip i probably would have just liked his asshole by instinct just like that
I guess i'm bisexual but i prefer heteroflexible

False. Females have more subcutaneous fat distribution. Girl skin is softer 999 times out of a thousand.

based and factpilled

Hah, I wish I'd thought of that.

Where can I find a cute boy with girl skin?

Find a guy that started transitioning before he hit puberty

This isn't a real term.

Fuck an actual woman then if you're thinking a trap will be a perfect imitation. That's the point, it's a cross dressing guy and thats what makes it hot.

It's almost like defining it with terms is a retarded concept in the first place
Just fuck who you want and don't bother with labels

You can't. Or, won't. They're exceedingly uncommon and existing as such a desired unicorn combined with what it takes to keep it up renders the few that exist as crazy, attention seeking psychos worse than any woman.

Labels stink because there's no term for "Bisexual but most dudes are fucking ugly"


We have useful, simple terms. If you're a man who likes women and men, you're bisexual. Traps are men, liking them is bisexual, or gay if you like men exclusively.

>it's a cross dressing guy and thats what makes it hot.
Not for everyone. It's hot for me because it's an abnormally feminine boy.

You only dislike "labels" because it's a label that embarrasses you. If the label was "straight" then you wouldn't care.
You're only doing this "hurrr durr labels bad" shit because you're scared to admit you're bisexual.

>Why is Nintendo promoting degeneracy in Video Games aimed at children?
>posts degeneracy
Well first off your a degenerate. Second if that was official art you would have a valid point
>Implying porn will stop
Your a faggot LOL.

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