>Wind's howling
Wind's howling
Not bad?
Did the creator sign off on the rights to this? I know he gave cdpr the game rights, but netflix has television rights?
>no beard
>one sword
>studded(?) leather
I swear people who make these threads are paid shills.
I fucking swear it.
No doubt, the only reason this shit exists is because Sapkowski wants compensation for the huge success of the games. CDPR should've just paid the man what he deserves, he doesn't deserve to get jack shit for his work because he made a stupid decision long ago opting for cash instead of royalties.
Arms are heavy
>that wolf medallion
fuck this show
>no beard
whites not allowed
they couldn't even bother to get a proper medallion. this shit is gonna be minimum effort
Why don't they just hire a regular looking white girl???
I know nothing about the books but for me as a game fan Calvil is looking good as Geralt.
Shame about Triss and Yen tough.
oh fuck I didn't even notice lmaaaoooooooooooo
Well as long as I see him nude on a unicorn I watch it.
Ciri is cuter and paler than that creatura desu.
this is young geralt, you stupid fucks who literally only played witcher 3 and probably haven't seen the first page of any book
only one sword
and holy shit THAT MEDALLION
Play witcher 1
This is your Yennefer for tonight, bro
The novels are pure trash. Witcher 2 and 3 are the only good things out of this franchise.
Apparently in the books he kept the silver sword on the horse. And the medallion is also how it looks in the books.
Seems stupid IMO since most people only know the games.
And your Ciri (Her face looks like a mask tho, weird)
if they were going with the books look why are his eyes not glowing and his skin not pale as a corpse
Atleast Yenn is cute but I still hate the casting choice.
none of the games are good
Too young
Billion times better than the novels and this abortion of a show regardless of your opinion on them.
>not appreciating Witcher 1
I want zoomers gone from this place.
enjoying some tabasco sauce i see
Looks too fucking old. Also not cute enough.
Everything about the show looks shitty and awful but at least Cavil looks cool here. although those early promotional videos and stills made him look like a really bad cosplayer at one of those college anime conventions. And I've just noticed that his medallion looks like the mortal kombat symbol and I'm giggling endlessly.
Why would CDPR give him any money in that case? How much did he sell the rights for?
His own dumb fault cause he didnt think video games were legit.
sauce nao
Speaking of 1, anyone who picked anything else than Order is a flamboyant niggerfaggot
>he doesn't deserve to get jack shit for his work because he made a stupid decision
He deserves dying poor and alone because he LAUGHED in the faces of CDPR when they offered him royalties and said he wants cash because he "knows" the game will fail.
Man's a scumbag.
>Not picking neutral for the best armour in the game and also because Geralt would never pick a fucking side in such a petty conflict.
>Also picking Order who were creating mutant experiments and thievery behind the schemes.
i didnt pick anything untill the game kinda forced me to take the side of the elves since it made the order look like the bigger stupid idiots
I didn't respond to you because I don't know how to answer that.
i can
because most netflix adaptations suck dick
His eyes look normal wtf
why is whitewashing bad but brownwashing ok?
And even when he got his money after suing them he still shits on the trilogy and games as a medium.
He's also a bitter commiecuck but that's secondary.
It's not an effective shill tactic to spam the product until everyone gets fucking sick of it. Everyone else in the thread is mocking the show anyway.
Nah, you can clearly see the cat pupil in the left eye.
you are a fucking moron, read something for once in your life and stop trying so hard to fit in faggot
I've seen better shit on etsy.
Both looks perfectly fine, unlike Geralt.
>you're a moron if you don't read absolute shit-tier genre fiction novels for retards
what a sad thing to be elitist about
Why do you post trannyera's approval as if it means something positive?
because white are privilege.
Imagine having those opinions. All the women who have been cast are fucking hideous. I don't want to see any of them naked. But you just know we'll get plenty of Cavill ass shots and shirtless scenes. This must have been their plan all along: make the women undesirable so that no one complains when they sexualize the men alone and not the women.
These posts emanate SÓY. Remember boys, fuck nonhumans and everything they stand for
Ashkenazi Jews.
>Freckled bitch
It's a fine casting
It's a poo in loo you mutt.
>shit talks the legitimacy of the series
>lmao wtf nerd who cares
The Chad Monster Slayer
The Virgin Street Shitter.
>a show that sexualizes men only and it's in my lifetime
why is she wearing a shitty dress?
Just in this Picture. Also at least she's not a Nig
>All the women who have been cast are fucking hideous
Witches have to be hideous. Yentafer is a Jew. Triss is a plain ginger. Fringilla is a treacherous bitch, fitting for a nigger. Their true faces will be revealed in this based show.
Enjoy the taste of victory today, homo. Tomorrow you'll taste the rope.
not gay bruh
You're too young to remember when female villains were sexy.
>no one complains when they sexualize the men alone
nobody takes women seriously, that's why
>ruining the best part of The Witcher series
It's another episode of Netflix ruins everything with their sjw garbage
Fuckin Jackie Chan Adventures shit
everything from first time cosplayers to asmr youtubers are better witchers than this.
That fucking medalion jesus
>Dat medallion
Did a very boring and bad first-year art student designed that shit?
They aren't adapting the games, they're adapting the books
The medallion is how it's described in the books, the game is the one that got it wrong
if you don't care about the books and only care about the games the show is literally not for you so there's no reason to care and you can just move on with your life
can't wait
If you're going for a book adaption, make it a book adaption because Geralt didn't look like that in the books
You're saying that that's ok but making the medallion look less shitty is not
Are half of the characters also niggers in the books?
Do they wear this nutsack armor?
I couldn’t believe how many people online were defending him saying things like “well no one knew it would be successful! He should get the money!”
It’s not like CDPR was making a game with the express purpose of bombing as hard as possible. I guarantee he was still making money anyways because the games drove interest in his books.
Dudes a prick
It's an expertly made armor of Nilfgaardian elite soldiers. The curved relief helps to deflect swords.
this is how it's described in the books, if you complain you're an illiterate
>Are half of the characters also niggers in the books?
noone is a fucking negro
Why the fuck would they adapt the books? They are awful crap written by a slav boomer who managed to fuck himself over because of "videogames bad" retardation. The plot is shit, the fights are dumb and most of the characters are shittier.
Adapting the games that made this shit popular and which 99% of the audience are more familiar with seems like the smartest choice.
>I guarantee he was still making money anyways because the games drove interest in his books.
for sure he printed millions thanks to the games advertising his novel, had it not been for CDPR it would've remained at best a niche
CDPR doesn’t want Netflix taint
with the scent of poo and curry
big, black and phallic. oh my.
lol it's literally dick'n'balls armor
Well, you can't really hide Cavill's features. Every part of the dude stands out from his face to his bulkiness.
Thank you muttistan. Very cool.
I just have no sympathy for this guy. Dude sold the rights for what? 10 grand?
And then sued for millions because he realized he made a bad deal?
What court thought it was okay to rule in his favor? I can’t even say I’m a big fan of the games or anything. This just makes zero sense
>video games = source material
Read a book, nigger.
>why is donating money to the poor good but donating money to the rich bad?
>they are niggers in the books
STILL the superior version
writers are biggest egomaniac cunts on earth
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
They don't like white people OK. But there are literally thousands if not millions of those other race females who look infinitelly better than those fugly actresses. This is not only about race. Those people literally hate beauty.
I'm a curry shitter and even I think she's too much of a poo in loo to portray Yenn.
They're white in the books. Fringilla and Yen are pale with black hair. Triss is a ginger.
>Ciri kinda looks older that Yen
>Yen in general looks like a 15 year old girl
Even if that girl was the palest most slavic looking person on Earth and not a poo in loo, she'd still look way too young to play Yen.