i post all the images on these threads to reddit for tons of upvotes
it's funni bcos din is a goddess!!!111 ecks dee my dude!
So what's the joke?
Who's the black guy?
>Din's balls
Tell me more.
All these giant assumptions
How will everybody react when it's not actually ganondorf
This thread is gonna be shit desu~
How do you pronounce "..."?
What's the fucking joke?
Link gets excited when he see pots
You pronounce it like "..."
Never pronounce it like "...", only the French do that shit.
It's just so obviously Ganondorf though.
Especially with them revisiting the floating landmass concept.
Gerudo people don't wear socks so they didn't wander into his cumsock stash but rather his cum urn stash, come on guys this is Zelda lore 101.
Regardless if its him or not.
He looks really handsome in fan creations thats for sure
Exhale so the air catches slightly in your throat and then arcs through the top of your mouth.
anyone got some fukn trains they wanna share?
Ah, thank you. This makes it all make sense.
>The man exuding literal Ganon energy isn't Ganondorf
That fruit hangs so low it became a root vegetable.
Link being obsessed with pots was a terrible joke even back in 2006.
which subreddit did you get that from?
I don't really get it but playable ganondorf would be cool if he isn't actually the bad guy
This is not a good enough joke to be the central focus of two pages. You could make a good "Link breaks pots" jokes by making it more of a background element that you never directly comment on. And I don't mean a zany montage of Link breaking pots while Zelda and Dorf have a conversation in the foreground, I mean something like a situation where Link is seen near a pot and then that pot is incidentally later seen to be broken in the background.
It's simply the intention of speaking but then electing to not do so. ".." is silence.
It's fucking ganondorf, he has the forehead jewel and everything
Yeah but people still do it
But there aren't really many pots to break in BoTW and the ones that do exist rarely have anything in them.
It's not like other zelda's where busting up pottery is basically required for getting pickups.
S H R O O M S?
The concept they're going with from looks like the popular fan concept of a Ganondorf that's been around long enough to have explicit knowledge of the cycles, which usually goes hand in hand with the idea of a Ganondorf that's fed up with fighting Link and Zelda because he knows it's just dancing to divine and demonic puppet strings.
I doubt Nintendo would go for it though.
I want to fuck that Ganondorf.
and they're retarded
I doubt he would like to get fucked by a fat neckbeard.
While that comic is pretty dumb, I like the (obv. far older) idea that they begrudgingly work together just for one game.
You would be able to switch between balanced Link, magic/ranged Zelda and power top Dorf or so.
She is fucking that ganon
Wait is this a leak from the new game? Are Link, Zelda and Spirit Ganon gonna have to team up and save like, reality? From being destroyed by aliens or some shit?
Plot twist: The Ganon is gay
What straight Ganonndorf do you know that has nipple rings?
>4 pages of the SAME FUCKING JOKE
>complete lack of show don't tell or any sort of subtlety
This is why western comics are going down the shitter
hes clearly using a "persian royalty/king" theme in his appearance there. they were pierced everywhere
Like you could do any better, nigger
It lacks the first 2 pages
No, it's a fan comic. Not a very good one either.
Hell, even you could probably do better. This is not a very high bar to clear.
where are they getting that ganon is a spirit
>Din's Balls
Din is a girl though.
Din is a goddess, so she can have whatever she wants.
upvoted good sir
Where did they get this idea of phantom Ganon?
Why is he helping them?
Why is link excited over pots? You barely break any in BOTW.
You also cannot get a reasonable income from breaking shit in BOTW either.
I feel like the person who drew this comic hasn't actually played a single Zelda game nevermind BOTW.
>overthinking the simple joke of "Link is a hopeless kleptomaniac who has a fetish for breaking pots" this much
I don't get it.
>implying Nintendo is capable of making a console Zelda without the main baddie turning out to be Ganon or Ganondorf
Questioning someone's creation is the responsibility of the consumer. This doesn't make any sense and isn't funny.
300 wasn't actually a documentary, you know?
Oh. I thought it was a joke about pee pots. Like Ganondorf's been stuck in there so long.
Is just one of many cases of above average artist that's an absolute shit writer. nothing new
my man, i prefer ronnie's ideas a thousand times over op's shit jokes
thank fuck Eastern artists are saving the comics medium
I cant wait for Isekai manga #1653!
>like you could do any better
I literally make comics for a living nigger
It's still sloppy comic writing.
>Sexy shirtless Ganon
Fucking cancer.
Ronnie gets repetitive after a while
Haha I can't wait for Capeshit #57 (Reboot 23)!
It was terrible in 1998 too.
you bet
din is a goddess