

Attached: vivaldi_2019-07-02_19-03-53.png (638x555, 407K)

why would you kickstart something and then request a refund? were you an idiot after all?

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>still getting millions of dollars for being Epic exclusive
They’re literally only doing this for the PR, and on the off chance that most of the disgruntled backers will forget about the refund anyway.

>you will get the disc version for PC
>with nothing but the EGS installer in it

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>Company pitches game claiming you can get it for steam as an option
>Decides to make it epic store exclusive then says no refunds will be offered
>Massive backlash from fans causes them to realize this is retarded to do and will cost them more in the long run
>Decide to do the right thing and let people get refunds like they should have from the get go
>OP stops sucking every cock he can find just long enough to post that we should apologize to them for doing what they should have from the beginning

because you paid for something promised and they deliver something else, also yes backers are fucking idiots

Hello Oji-san
Hi Ryo
Can you tell me where I can find the Epic Game store?
Epic game store?
Hmmm... have you tried asking Chinese people?

>epic shills

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>EGS: shoots you with gun
>backers: wtf?
>EGS: heh, I'm so sowwy

No, thats not how it works
They apologized when the backlash was too big
They are still assholes