>A main character
>Two love interests
>Is somehow respect
All while being 5'7
How is this possible?I know it's a video game but come on now.
>A main character
>Two love interests
>Is somehow respect
All while being 5'7
How is this possible?I know it's a video game but come on now.
Japanese are manlets. If the character doesn't get respect, Neither will 90% of the japanese.
Heights are adjusted to be more realistic in the remake. Cloud is 5'11 now.
Women care way more about a handsome face than height. As long as you're not a midget women won't care how short you are as long as you're handsome. Just look at Kit Harington.
>Still a manlet
Do women also like twinks that look more feminine than they do?
Women like Kit Harington because he is a famous actor. It doesn't have to do with his face, which makes him look like he's constantly constipated.
Kind of. Have you forgotten just how many fucking fangirls both Cloud, Sephiroth, and all the other pretty androgynous anime males have?
Really? It seems like all the fangirls prefer seeing him getting fucked by Sephiroth or Zack meaning they see him as the "girl".
Dont watch game of thrones so dont know these but post more of girl on left
That's Kit's wife. We've all seen her naked on the show. Her nude scene was hyped to hell. The reality didn't live up to the hype. No one ever mentioned Ygritte's nude scene again.
>caring this much about the height of a fictional character
If I had to describe it, she looked like an emaciated corpse.
Of those 4 , who had the best nudes?
>be me
>be 5'8
Why am I here? Just to suffer?
Corpse. Goblina. Chubby. Weird tits, but smug about it.
It's the face dude. I'm 5'5 and I've had girls that were like 6'0 with big titties all over me.
Have sex
>Tifa and Aerith both go for the short skinny asian twink
>when the big buff black man Barrett is right there
Totally unrealistic
That only happens in the interracial porn you watch. In reality, everyone skips on the the nigger and goes for the caucasian six pack chad.
And then you wake up...
asians dont care about height, they're all short. surely this is obvious?
How short are the women?
Like 12 year old girls
Unless the caucasian is a manlet in which he might as well be a little kid or they want to be his faghag if he's twinky enough.
Kit Harington example, this is true but only up to a point. No two women are the same so preferences do vary, but in general if you're 5'7" or taller and have a nice face, you'll probably draw attention. However, if you can couple a nice face and physique with a good personality (and/or exoticism,) you stand a better chance at dating a woman even if you're 5'5". Certainly, you stand a better chance of it with that than the awkward, acne riddled, somewhat pudgy 6'3" guy who can't read a mood to save his life and can only talk about stuff like vidya and computers.
Probably the same height. There is very little height difference as long as there is no other health issues. Short people are malnourished or have some other defect.
example aside*
are you 12? what kind of questions are these?
Japaneses in time were 5'3"
Handsome samurai actors are like 5'7" to 5'10"
Basically you take the same face and personality and put one in a manlet body and the other in a 6+ ft. body, and nearly all women will choose the taller guy.
Rich/handsome/charismatic short guy vs poor/ugly/autistic tall guy is the only time the manlet has an advantage.
Under 5 foot
For asians 5'7"+ is tall
Usually depict 6'0" males as gigants europeans.
Sephiroth get 6'6" to make look him as another specie.
why is Yea Forums so insecure about their height ?
>Aerith 5'4"
>Tifa 5'6"
>Cloud 5'7"
Only manlets. Which they should be.
He has only one love interest, which is someone he knew as a kid. Aerith doesn't and never will count. She's more like Cloud's guardian because he reminds her of Zack and possibly knows he's also fucked in the head. A retard wrangler of sorts.
r9k post, incel post, pol post
Yea Forums is a gateway to other boards.
He has the swagger of the 6'2 chad in his head
Also Zack is over 6 ft, which is acceptable height.
Poor Tifa.
Quit being a nigger. Unless you're 5'2" and sniff paint nobody cares about your height.
They did it to trigger incel lanklets.
I'm 5'2 and all my girlfriends have been around 5'11. Having a good personality and being funny works
This desu. Also helps if you're "foreign" or "exotic"
It's called being good looking dumb ugly coping lanklet
Lanklet incels cope with muh height while ignoring the countless manlets with GFs they see IRL
So much anger in that tiny body
Citation needed. He's absolutely tiny compared to Barret, and Barret isn't even the tallest FF party member.
You Americans obsession with how tall is someone is fucking annoying. Why are you so obsessed with it anyway?
I don't disagree but isn't it a bit ironic to use Cruise as an example considering how he's instant assblast sensitive about his small stature and how he has always insisted on being artificially made to look taller in all of his movies? He's incredibly insecure about his height. Hell, Top Gun is a fighter pilot movie and even in that one he couldn't bring himself to play a character of his actual height despite the fact that fighter pilot training literally favors short people.
The nigga crashes through her roof like Zack with his sword strapped to his back and is also a soldier, she knows something is up.
>Two love interests
3 Actually, if you are willing to raise that.
Incels desperately want to believe that it's their looks/height that is the problem and not their insufferable whiny personality.
It's a Twitter/Tinder meme.
"Be 6ft or it's over" isn't in touch with reality.
Im 5 7 and have had more girls hit on me than your pasty lanklet ass.
He's pretending to be Zack, who is a giga chad. The most attractive thing to a woman first and foremost is confidence that borders on arrogance. It's called playful mastery or something.
It's true geneticaly, but the chad confidence can bypass natural selection, women can just be as nasty, open, and gross as they want because of the modern era.
Cruise still had women screaming for him even when jumping on Oprah's couch
No it's just that FACE is vastly more important.
Height is more of a requirement but it's not the end all be all
inb4 remake lets you fuck the entire party Reeve included
nothing bypasses natural selection retard
if ugly fat short mexicans reproduce more than tall white chads, it means the former are more genetically fit for survival
Well that's it exactly. He doesn't need to be insecure about his height but he always has been and always will be. People don't actually care. The only one who cares is him.
Source: My ass.
He's still tiny compared to barret who is like 6'5? He's a little taller than Aerith and Jessi when standing next to them.
Why would they make him taller anyway?
He's a celebrity and also extremely rich. They weren't cheering because he's a manlet.
Different user but I can see them changing Cloud's height a bit to fall in-line with the Buster Sword and all the other blades Cloud wields.
I’m 6’0” in shoes :-( and people almost always guess I’m 6’1” or 6’2”. People don’t know shit.
>Projection: The Thread
He was also tiny in that recent Nomura illustration with Squall.
What’s the perspective? Squall has been retconned to 5’10” (originally 5’7”). He shouldn’t tower over Cloud.
Well, Squall is 5'9'' if memory serves right.
you're a dumb lil incel aren't ya fella
This thread is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen
You are all sad sacks of shit
Cuz it's the only thing some of them can brag about in their miserable life.
If squall is 5,10 and Cloud is still 5,7 then that is about correct.
>originally 5’7”
My player handbook says he is 177cm, that's 5'9'' unless the american version says otherwise for some reason.
Squall was never 5'7". My European FFVIII manual, which uses centimetres just like Japan, lists his height as 177 cm, which is 5'10". Blame your shitty freedom units for any confusion.
Is Cloud the shortest FF protagonist along with Zidane and Vaan?
Terra is shorter (5'3), that is if you consider her the main protagonist of FF6.
Yes. Plus Lightning and Terra, but they are girls.
5,7 with the msot recent being 5,8
5,8-5,9 with the most recent being 5,10
Seems he’s been 173–177cm, or 5’8” to 5’10”. So 5’7” was wrong. Sorry.
>that cut off Locke
holy shit he's tiny haha!
As two people above pointed out, Squall's height was always 177 cm in most of the world. The "retcon" was caused by the originally crappy conversion into feet and inches for Americans.
Being a little guy with huge sword is a trade mark of his. He's a super soldier infected with alien cells. Who cares about realistic?
IIRC the official height order goes Cecil > Squall > Noctis > Tidus/Bartz > Cloud/Zidane > Lightning > Vaan > Terra.
>Who cares about realistic?
Square Enix does. Being small isn't necessarily important for him anyway, so long as he isn't fuck-huge. It's not like he's Zidane or a Moogle.
He's taller than lightening and Terra.
Same height as Lightning, I thought
You can be short and get women easily as long as you have something going for you. Guys who complain that their height keeps them out of dating are guys who have nothing going for them, and would rather blame a factor beyond their control than admit that they have a garbage personality and lack any ability to take care of themselves.
this is bullshit. I was about 5'6 for most of my highschool life and I had absolutely no luck with girls. During the summer after my senior year I had a growth spurt and hit 6'1. Ever since then I had 2 girls just walk up to me and give me their number.
Incel propaganda
That's the thing, height will always be an advantage. If you don't have height you have to make up for it with personality or money.
Why do you want to change it then? We already saw the trailer and he's just a bit taller than Aerith who is 5'4". This discussion is pointless.
Nah. Lightening is 171cm while Cloud is 173cm
>garbage personality
Stop this meme, you don't need a good personality to fuck women. Most women themselves have garbage personalities.
You just need that inner confidence and self esteem and can communicate clearly that you want to fuck.
Short PLUS garbage personality is an awful mix. Being tall is a bonus that might make up for some of it.
personality means jack shit. women dont care about your feelings. They want someone strong who they can lean on, someone they can depend on, someone they can vent about their anxiety on. If they detect any semblance of weakness or sensitive emotion on your end, that's instantly a red flag.
>He's pretending to be Zack, who is a giga chad. The most attractive thing to a woman first and foremost is confidence that borders on arrogance. It's called playful mastery or something.
Except he doesn't. Zack's personality is lively and basically that of a Japanese Shounen Manga Protagonist with a strong sense of honor mixed into it, but in general a friendly and agreeable guy you can rely on (though also got a bit of a dorky side). On the other hand the guy Cloud pretends to be is a cold, indifferent, hardass who has a tendency to look down on others. I have no idea where people get this idea that Cloud "pretends to be Zack". That's not the case at all. Cloud only uses Zack's "identity" and mannerisms as a SOLDIER to portray himself as the "perfect SOLDIER 1st class from Cloud's childhood imagination" rather than Zack himself, which shows from the fact that this personality got a lot of traits from Cloud's childhood mixed into it.
I mean if you play the Kalm flashback for the first time and see "Cloud" there, normally your first thought should be "Who the hell is this guy? That doesn't sound like Cloud at all! What the fuck could have happened to have such a radical change in personality!?", because in the flashback we got actually Zack as Cloud remembered him with Cloud superimposed over him, unlike the before where Cloud was only copying the mannerisms of a SOLDIER from Zack.
garbage personality does not matter, social skills , inner game and intent to fuck does.
If you need 100 points to bang anyone, a good face gets you 25, height gets you 50, bad social skills is minus 50. Inner game and not being socially inept can easily hit 100 on their own. The only way you can fuck that up is if you're a combination of horribly fat, deformed, and stupid.
Nigga that's not Zack at all. He's a fucking Chad, in crisis core and before crisis he flirts with everybody , even the player if you're a girl. He tries to wingman for cloud too. It's too the point when the soldiers figure out he's got a new girl they tell him to give her the "ol vitamin ZACK".
Clouds personality is such that he's a almagam of everything he wants to be as a soldier and what he thinks soldiers are like.
>They want someone strong who they can lean on, someone they can depend on, someone they can vent about their anxiety on. If they detect any semblance of weakness or sensitive emotion on your end, that's instantly a red flag.
This. Don't listen when women say they want a man in touch with their feminine side, or a sensitive guy who will listen. They say this shit consciously or subconsciously so if you believe them and act that way, you filter yourself.
Yes, they do.
Fags are actually much more attracted to gigachad than typical women who fight for pretty boys. Doesn't mean they wouldn't like being suddenly taken by gigachad. But the focus on this type of man is, if anything, a sign that the chinese cartoon imageboard still has an overwhelmingly male userbase.
this is all wrong.
Confidence >height>looks for women.
Same height as Tony Montana.
Would you rather be tall with an ugly face OR short and good looking face?
depends on how short/tall you're talking. 6'4 with an ugly face isnt as good as 5'10 with a good looking face, but if you mean like 5'4, i'd go with height.
Japanese like to make male characters manlets so they can pretend that short guys can be cool and heroic too. It's a way to cope with their own shitty midget genes.
Pic related, the "greatest mercenary" in the world has to wear boots just to be the same height as his love interest. Lmao what a joke.
How ugly and tall/good looking and short would i be
Emilia isnt chubby you fucking faggot.
Right, he's a "playa" too, forgot to mention that. But that itself doesn't define his personality. It's a part of him, a major part even, but there are more nuances to him than that, including the things I already mentioned before.
I never said I WANTED it. But you're right: this discussion is pointless, as is this thread.
Short men r cute