How's that backlog going, Yea Forums? You make any progress before adding a bunch of games during the summer sale?
How's that backlog going, Yea Forums? You make any progress before adding a bunch of games during the summer sale?
Why do you ask me questions you already know the answer to?
ive been too busy lately
My computer reaches 98c on every single game I play so i'm waiting on some cooling devices to come in (:
I've been playing a lot of MHFU online with friends. I'm not making backlog progress, but I'm having fun.
Playing through the entire kh series. Almost done with dream drop distance.
>How's that backlog going, Yea Forums?
I'm honestly just ignoring it at this point. I play whatever seems appealing at the moment. I can't be fucked anymore
cute snek
So you've got like 200 more hours to go?
Getting longer everyday.
I'm trying to get the platinum on the ps3 version of Skyrim. Kind of losing steam honestly.
abandon all delusions of control
I don’t “add” games, PC Mutt, i buy them and own them, unlike you.
I'm on the PC nigguh, I'll never finish the backlog so long as i'm alive, the frequency of releases is bigger than the frequency of of finishing that shit, and I still have the cocaine urge to play certain old games from time to time like pic related.
Even on Linux i can't keep up.
>So you've got like 200 more hours to go?
Nope. Made a bit of progress on it but then went all-in on catching up in FFXIV to get ready for Shadowbringers.
I'm open to recommendations about what's the best of my list to prioritize once I finish with XIV for now.
Whether or not they're installed doesn't mean anything. None of these I've played substantively.
Are the dim titles shit you are yet to play? If yes, then Dark Messiah is a must this instant.
Dim titles are just ones I haven't downloaded/installed yet. All of them are ones I've yet to play. As I said -
>Whether or not they're installed doesn't mean anything. None of these I've played substantively.
I like everything else Arkane has made so I'll probably go for Dark Messiah near the beginning of the backlog. Thanks user.
meant for
You're trying way too hard m8. Whatever's bothering you, I'm sure things will get better :)
You could finisher FEAR in an afternoon. If you've never played it, I say down that one immediately.
I'm trying to get through Lobotomy Corporation. I don't care if it doesn't have achievements.
Video games.
Yes, this is a video game thread. Well done, user!
70 games in the backlog and it's not going down, they're just too old and a chore to play, I'm only excited to play something new, guess I'm just burnt out from gaming
Started fear 1 and re 1 remaster