I picked up Killer7 on the steam sale due to some user reccs, played it for about an hour and have no idea what the fuck is anything. Some gimp keeps saying "master we're in a tight spot" and then I went into TV and now I'm a luchador with grenade launchers.
I'm not really feeling it at all, is it worth sticking with or is it just going to be more of this in the name of harman or whoever the fuck that is
>HELP THIS GAME IS TOO WEIRD FOR ME What are you, a brainlet? I order you to become a patrician right now.
Dylan Diaz
Imagine being this brainlet.
Elijah Rivera
Killer 7 is not for everyone and if you didn't like the story or the weirdness, just refund it.
Carter Perry
The game never makes sense. It's all style over substance. If the style doesn't work for you that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that.
Levi Garcia
I don't mind weirdness but I have no idea what I'm even supposed to be doing, there was just a head in a dryer with a ring in its mouth. If I'n a brainlet for not understanding why then fuck it, Im brainlet as fuck.
Noah Williams
I really dig the style of the game. I just hate how big the levels are in relation to how much control you actually have. I stopped around 5 hours in but I'll start a new try sooner or later.
Jaxson Scott
This is my favorite game.
Jose Green
play silver ziken and FSR in japanese first
Dylan Diaz
I'll play if for another hour and see if something clicks with me, I want to like it
Give it up, the game never gets any better, one of those suda51 games that everyone praises so much but has shit gameplay
Bentley Walker
I can't remember the video I was watching but the narrator made the claim that the moon's before the mission are foreshadowing. They never elaborated what and I honestly have no clue what the moons are actually hinting at. I think it may have something to do with how the mission is going but it's sort of hard to connect a color and foreshadowing.
This game has a beautiful sense of style that no other game can rivaln
The story and setting of this game is the real draw, the gameplay is just okay but I really enjoyed it. The first mission is basically just framing, it doesn't explain anything at all. Basically you just need to know that they can see the heaven smiles and kill them, no one else can. It helps to know that Harman vs Kun is basically an ongoing allegory for east vs the west. This is probably the only thing the game doesn't outright explain. Things like the ghosts talking to you does get explained. I'm pretty sure Travis tells you right at the start that he was the boss' first kill. They are remnant psyches of people who have died.
Iwazaru is explained in the game's physical instruction manual, along with a lot of the characters abilities which don't get explained in game. I don't know if the steam release gives you a copy of this. Basically he is just a helper there to give you hints but there is more to that revealed at the end.
A common place to get tripped up is when they start mentioning Japan's United Nations party. This isn't a party in support of or backed by the UN, it's a party whose platform is uniting all countries under Japan's flag.
Carter Brooks
I think he just means it is forshadowing for the scene where Emir is looking up at the moon in the flashback mission. The moon is a big thematic symbol in a lot of suda games so I wouldn't think to hard about it.