What's the best game from India?
What's the best game from India?
Mount & Blade
How did he make this?
ancient indian vodoo.
Indians are so emasculated it's not even funny
Poo Simulator 2020
It's not the same without the Indian chanting in the background
But it's a Turkish game
The Witcher series
mortal kombat 11
nah rolf was more turkish/hungarian than anything
>men in one of the most patriarchal societies in the world are emasculated
What did this retard mean by this?
What's a video game with a boss like this? Fast speed and multiple universe shenanigans
Indians dont play games outside absolute mainstream garbage like Cod, fifa, Cs:go, battle royale shit.
I dont think most even know what Nintendo even is.
gaming is seen as a retarded hobby for kids
Chess unironically
calm down, hashmeer, he's just meme'ing on you.
wtf I love India now
>gaming is seen as a retarded hobby for kids
Based Indians
If you don't know the basic tools for that kind of composition you might as well be dumber than the average indian.
at least they do something right i guess
>gaming is seen as a retarded hobby for kids
Because it is?
Fun little transitions, I always love sitting down and watching these TikTok shit where they sync shit with music, something just so satisfying about it, something that satisfies my ADHD
fuck yuo
Why is everything Indians do automatically cringe?
Almost feel bad for them
Fuck you, India will have space program by 2020 and we will fuck you good.
Alright gotta admit it's quite impressive how he managed to blend the transitions pretty well
Call me a sissy but Indian men aren't BAD looking.
TikTok cancer has made /wsg/ completely intolerable. I have no idea how you faggots can find enjoyment in that annoying garbage.
They're too busy becoming a world superpower by 2020 to be making the vidya.
They are ugly, like white people, everything they do is automatically cringe as well.
All the girls in this thread please post your byutifel feet
Thank you
>India's space station
>pooh floating around everywhere
Every Indian man I ever met was weak, thin, had shit sense in style and was awkward as fuck especially when it came to talking to women. They have a poor understanding of what manhood is, and resort to female discrimination and violent rape fantasies because they can't woo a lady themselves, and have small peepees.
India has to be the worst country in the world accounting for achievements per capita
UNTIL 2020
wow fuck you. that's a filthy paki name. that's far more insulting to a indian than any other racial slur
China beats you up
I'm an Indian gamer in America who pretty much looks like this dude AMA
>India's feces now being disposed to space
>Big enough to form poo moon
It's kinda the apps that make it approachable and allow for shots to be edited together really quickly, but yeah, he did good.
Fast transitions to pop music and stupid "choreography," all presented in a fast-paced 5~ sec "music video", perfect for ADHD boys like me.
>shitskin calling white people ugly
Oh that's rich.
I used to know an Indian who was really fucking good at RTS, wonder what happened to him.
White people are based and not ugly though you fucking redditor
Based beaners putting poos and cumskins in their place.
>They have a poor understanding of what manhood is
>resort to female discrimination and violent rape fantasies
They sound pretty based to me. What's your issue, tranny? Nobody wants to rape you?
Indian men dont know how to talk to women because they are used to getting women on a silver platter and literally buying them from their parents. Most people still go through arranged marriage here and women are treated as nothing more than cooks at home.
Ironically being born in a patriarchal society also means that most men are not used women actually refusing men and not being treated as door mats hence indians suddenly look like idiots when in foreign countries.
discrimination and rape arent "fantasies" here its the norm. There's a reason why most people straight aborted daughters because they are waste of money and a burden until the govt had to pass a law to make it illegal.
kek fucking based.
Always found it weird how indians area so nationalistic when their country is complete shit
It's less nationalism and more religion and just hating others. People call white people racist when asians are way more racist than any other kind of people.
lol @ white "people" gleefully dishing out the bants in their safe space and then immediately chimping out when it's their turn
Non-whites aren't allowed to post here now go away
are you calling Yea Forums a safe space?
janitor, please do the needful
While I oppose racism, I gotta admit it would be funny if people started insulting white people in droves, if only for the reactions it would elicit.
This is one thing I'll never understand. What the fuck is wrong with pajeets, most of their country is Guatemala-tier
I don't get it. What happens in 2020
if the shoe fits
Sure, it's a safe space for cuckolds seeing how much cuckold porn gets posted on Yea Forums and on this whole site in general
Guatemala tier?, do explain please
>implying they don't already
Just live in a western country if you want to see white people constantly insulted you fucking third worlder.
It's shit
poos vowed to unfuck their shit by then, looks like they get a massive water crisis instead
I live in Burgerland, although that doesn't exactly contradict your assertion that I live in a third world country.
Poo in Loo 2: Electric Boogaloo
Your dad called. Are you a doctor yet?
Kek I love how, even ironically, Yea Forums has become muslim since the elections
Lots of time, half decent editing knowledge and good sense of framing objects in continuity with a mobile phone. With him being raised in the country he was raised in, it makes total sense.
LOL, who the fuck said that?? They still don't know how to use a fucking toilet correctly!! The general populace still thinks they'll be cursed for entering a bathroom!
based ignorant firangis
Neither does San Francisco retard but look where they are
based shitskin
Your writing style reeks of boomerism
I don't talk to my dad I hate him
Letting airplanes crash by writting non working code
are designated shitting streets a real thing?
Trying not to shit on your shoes while squatting in the street.
hidden gem
whiter than you CHI
>dude i have ADHD am i speshull, Yea Forums?? Please give me attention!!
Jesus you're a faggot
*romeo dials your gf*
how does it work?
do they just shit on the side of the street, or is it a street specifically for shitting?
Yes and no, there are specific streets that indians shit on but they don't just stick to those, they'll shit anywhere. Sidewalks, beaches, rivers, it doesn't matter to them. Why do you think India has so many horrific deformities and mutations, their shit is fusing with their dna and creating chernobyl monstrosities
Sure Indians can make a cool tiktok video and all, but that doesnt change the fact that most will be named Pudu Patel.
that dudes wife is a queen of spades and all he cares about is video games