Bloodstained Switch port is a mess compared to the PS4 version

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Yeah, no shit, we've known about it since last week. It's even more embarrassing because the Switch version is the best selling version, and it's goatshit.


any op with an article pic but no link should get a 7 day ban


Inhumanly based

You know the replies/posters info at the bottom of the page can help you out there, newfag.

>ringer icon clogging screen
Snoys are the fucking primates of the internet.

Yeah, that's pretty firmly established. Get the PC version.

I remember your thread from a few days ago ringer poster

This. It's free.

Why would anyone expect the switch version of any game to be good?

You just announced a sage your post will be moderated before the article


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>all the seething nintendo fags in this thread
based fucking op

why do you keep posting these shitty screen shots?

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Could you have possibly taken a worse screenshot

Because it's a 2D game.

The PS4 and Xbone versions aren't exactly great either. The only version that's been properly optimised is PC.

Because for nip games the switch version ends up being the definitive version with exception to capcom.
Guess we can add Iga to that now though.

Holy cope lmao

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Charge your phone

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Its not the first time he's done this. It has to be on purpose right? no one is this retort it right?

That does it, I'm getting the Switch version of bloodborn just to spite all the sonyfags who say it's worse.

Because it's not a demanding game at all.

>All the Nincels who take the thread seriously because the mere mention of Playstation sends them into a tendie-fueled rage.

Imagine being this insecure and perpetually butthurt.

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Big Oof.

Only 3 times as bad? Pssh, the PS4 Protato's resolution is 4 times as bad as Xbox 1 X

If they were known for their high IQ, they wouldn't be playing very easy games designed for kids

What the fuck is an xbox and where can i find a history book to read about it?

Do you even know what 2D means?

The issue here is that you guys are console waring instead of blaming the actual developer

It's a game played on a 2D Scale, which the switch has plenty of that look better and runs better

A fucking Wii U game with high detail like Tropical Freeze runs better than this paint pastel eye sore

How bad we talking here?

Why so mad?

I think its because Switch owners have no standards. The vast majority of the library looks/runs like shit WITH downgrades.

>Because for nip games the switch version ends up being the definitive version with exception to capcom.
Such as?
Even Dragon Quest looks to have performance issues/downgrades with all the fluff content they added.

Hmm op has taken a bait thread from last week and combined it with another hoping to create an even bigger bait thread. Let’s see how this plays out.

Nincels are so far keeping it alive with their low IQ butthurt.

Well nincels are basically subhuman so it’s no surprise.

I played it for the first time last night. I didn't experience any lag. I only play in docked mode, though. Will it start lagging later in the game? I killed the naked sea demon and went to bed.

It's still a 3D game with 3D models rendered in a 3D engine.
If the devs can't work with the engine well enough to port it to Switch it won't matter what perspective you're playing the game in.