Why is Senua such a qt?

why is Senua such a qt?

Attached: Melina Jeurgens.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

real genuine woman's face instead of gay-ass anime copy-paste

Because her face model is and they didn't deviate too far from it? Are you retarded? Because the answer is literally right in your picture.


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And yet the insect in your picture only looks good because it's had countless amounts of plastic surgery to look more white. Really made me think...

Not even a yellow fever retard, but if you think asians get surgery to specifically look white you are retarded.

Better than asian women.

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Because it shows what companies don't want to admit, facial scanning is incredibly limited and it takes days of working with the model to get it right. It also helps when the model is the head of the art department.

>Strong jawed gorilla
Bleh I might as well fuck a tranny

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>I might as well fuck a tranny
Yeah, you might as well since it would have about as much surgery as that thing.

she's 5/10 at best
eurasians master race

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>Union Jack on the ground and used as a carpet for muddy shoes
Based cutie.

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This woman is not mixed, she's just russian.

Playing the game now actually. I agree she's a cutie. Its because the devs made her look like a woman. They did this by just using a real person to model and then not completely fucking up her face. Its a foreign concept.

She's also the only woman that has ever pulled off the dreads look in the history of all time forever. Which is mostly because of her crazy large eyes and insanity.

Would protect from the darkness/10

Cute girls are cute!

> the people I want to fuck have dicks, but they are similar to women and this makes me NOT GAY by definition
This is your thought process.

>if you think asians get surgery to specifically look white you are retarded.
They literally do


Fucking retard

Absolute brainlet cope.

Huh, thought she was ugly as fuck. That paint makes a huge difference.

Shitposting retard

creepy SOULLESS eyes

You think people get surgery to look white instead of just good and you call anyone else a shitposting retard?
Cope more, dumb ass.

Absolute shitposting retard that doesn't know what he's talking about

Stop replying to me you fucking moron


Fuckin Yennefer!

Can Asians not look like this with good genetics? Are ALL of the ones that look like this really a product of a ton of plastic surgery?

she's cute but she also reminds me of wizzrobe


>that scene when Senua was being pecked by Valravn in the dark

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Fits here

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You're gay if you reject women based on race.
Attractive is attractive regardless.

Attached: gook lies.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

Nah, all black women look like apes and Asian women age like shit

I wish western games would model real women and not intentionally uglified SJW character as well..

and there's proof that it's intentional is when the ingame character almost always look much worse than the modap they are based off of.

>You think people get surgery to look white instead of just good
Yeah and the best looking race is white, so we both agree then

>Yeah and the best looking race is white,
>so we both agree then
Also your English is terrible, Looking good =/= mean you look white.

But is her game any good

>Also your English is terrible, Looking good =/= mean you look white.
Yeah.....that was literally the whole point of my post designed to trigger any gooklovers. If this isn't bait then you have terrible reading comprehension.
>,Looking good
You don't put a capital after a comma, especially for the verb "looking"

All these people arguing over white and Asian women, when the truth is that black chicks are superior

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>not liking strong jaws
Keep your jawlet gooks, incel.

chinks btfo

based and ebonypilled

>You don't put a capital after a comma, especially for the verb "looking"
Typo, I meant to put a period and not a comma.

Yeah the game is pretty good and not too long, combat is satisfying. The main selling point for me was the depiction of psychosis in the main character since I hallucinate and the game does it pretty accurately. The audio hallucinations are on point and were the most impressive part of the game for me. The visual ones aren't very real life accurate and more just in service of the story.

>nose has a different shape in the next cut
Not fake!!

Good luck losing your virginity

absolutely cringe

it's hysterical how yellow fever weebs can't help but immediately out themselves as weak bodied, weak minded little beta males

nah, halfricans are fine

>Nah, all black women look like apes
Everyone looks like apes because humans are apes, brainlet

All babies look like garbage.

It's basically dear esther with a sword.
So if you're fine with that you'll enjoy it.
This user is lying about the combat though. The entire system hinges on parrying which has a stupid huge window and undermines the climax of the game because you literally have to give up otherwise you will be there forever.

Not just human babies. All babies of all species look like garbage. Even kittens are hideous at week 1. Blind twitching abominations.


>Bleh I might as well fuck a tranny
We know, unironic weeb incel faggot.