Females out!!!!

Females out!!!!

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Blown the fuck out how will roastie ever recover

ok thats kinda cool

Incredibly based thread. Fuck niggers, fuck jannies and fuck roasties!!!

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Ok. Gabe was right to throw all his time and money into vr.

Besides the based nature of the webm, the combat seems pretty cool.

what game is this?

holy fuck

Thanks, I'm gonna send these to Anita :)

please do I want another shitshow

Finally. Things have been boring as fuck.

You must have a fun life
just like me ;_;

Why so violent?

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why are you posting a roastie, nigger?

i have never seen a vagina

Is this a battle rape simulator?

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Game: blade and sorcery would be nice If you nigs would learn how to use google.

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Just like my japanese animes

that's a long title

imagine the porn you could make with this

Hope you remember it

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Have sex incel


Very kino Patrick Bateman

Broke her neck when he put his hand in her head after he pulled the dagger away

nice dude, there needs to be more violence of female characters in video games, its actually more realistic and puts soul into the game

>men get blown into bits with explosive
>arrow gets stuck to corpse
>bullet in head when headshot

>everyone is a soulless ragdoll

I wanna see mercy get beheaded

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im sickened but curious..
Source on that pic user?

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Girls are for hand holding, not decapitation!

it's shota raping a corpse
Hyouchakubutsu to Itazura

ITT: sad incels.

I don't know why but I wanted him to slice her tongue after that, then slice her across the face build a bonefire dab her in oil fuck her one last time and walk away lighting the shit.

fucking guro fags have the worst taste

I'm not really an incel but I find some of these to kinda give me a hard on.

I'm pretty sure the company she started is going bankrupt.

damn, skyrim sex mods have really come a long way

>didnt gut stab her and then fuck her face while her life drained away


im sorry i asked

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All women are queens

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Some are, others are normal, others are whores.

At least these women look attractive, I'd prefer to do this to Ubisoft characters.

You guys would never do this to a real girl like webm related right?

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What are you implying you fucking

proved his point

No, I'm not a fucking psycho, I leave the virtual world in the virtual world.
Wait, what did you said about that webm?



For someone who hates black people, you fucking incels sure love to use their words to berathe women.

If she's trying to kill me with a sword? Yeah lmao.

That's pretty cool.

Somebody send these to Anita!



blacks are experts at female degradation.

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wow you really poked holes in their sense of self there. you're really on another level from them!

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Is it worth playing Dead or Alive if I just wanna hit women

same people that say they hate niggers and then "based"
what do you expect?

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you didn't post the worst part of this article
the judge ruled that the recording wasn't enough proof and sided with the girl

Why yes I am, thank you for noticing how smart and woke I am.

I would like to torture and kill stronk pandering and or "waifu"trash ubipoo characters.


>not instantly recognizing fucking google it you nigger

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So you're saying that women shouldn't feel pleasure in sex?