Alright, which one of you faggots did this?
Alright, which one of you faggots did this?
Retarded PC players as usual. Not even children, but the crazy RPers that want crusades in every game that features knights and armor.
EU cs:go players
>modern ""gamers"" would rather quit a game entirely and write articles about how mean people are than handle and return the bantz
sorry it was me
Oh no, a bunch of Slavs who have no history with black people whatsoever outside of the last 100 years and have no responsibilities towards any race or religion, and also have no responsibilities towards any women outside of their own borders, are not falling for the guilt politics of dumb uneducated privileged nu-western whites and their nu-western urinalists being projected onto a foreign culture!!11!!!!1
Whatever are they going to do for refusing to police manbabies and fembabies online while still selling millions of copies in spite of powerless nu-western urinalist outrage which only gives the devs free marketing?!
>devs are not doing enough to keep the community clean
To be fair, they are making whinny faggots leave so that looks pretty clean.
Shit-talking the worthless peasant you just finished doing rightly is not toxicity, it is chivalry.
sorry for racism
More like, they'd rather quit the game if the developers don't virtue signal and suck their dicks rather than taking the initiative to mute people themselves.
based female shadow the hedgehog, telling it like it is
>2 players say they stopped playing due to "toxic behaviour"
>Lugenpresse out in full force
Is there any doubt in the mind of any reasonable person anymore?
burn journalists i stopped caring
>literally who """journalist""" says a game is dead because they don't like the """""""""racist toxic"""""""""" community
wew lad a big fucking nothing burger
>return the bantz
You act like it's ever anything more than a 15 year old screaming
And that's what the mute button is for.
The game getting minor updates and very little new content is driving players away, not "racism and toxicity". How do they explain destiny failing? Overwatch failing? They're both ultra policed against "racism and toxicity". Yet we're seeing similar if not identical downward trends in player pop because people WANT NEW AND SHINY.
go fucking figure.
just respond with a lol, keep crying or ?
no wonder you got bullied at school
This is a slam piece and paid for by epic games. I can guarantee that chiv 2 will be NO FUN ALLOWED, and be extremely regulated and supervised like siege and over watch.
>haha have sex incel have sex why don't you just have sex haha involuntary celibate can't have sex
Yes, tranny bantz are truly top tier.
Mute them, you thinned skin walking vagina person.
Seriously, if you honestly think having a mute button for players isn't enough, you should just kill yourself now because people can say/do much worse in real life.
Journalists aren't people
They definitely don't have souls.
Incel sex.
but muh safe space
I want devs like these ones to keep showing successful big profits while ignoring policing online people to showcase that representation is a meme that can go fuck its neck with a rope and that urinalists are actually powerless dumbshits when someone doesn't depend on advertising companies.
Seems many companies, especially emerging ones, have just about had it with western sjw monkey screeching.
they sure as hell aren't our kind of people (gamers), thats for sure
wow, now that is an exquisite pepe, my good sir.
And as we all know, only people have souls.
... away?
This. Anyone who is trying to argue "just mute them" has no argument and is missing the point. A 12 year old reeeing in Yea Forums speak is not bants, its adolescent cringe. Worse when adults do it as it becomes toxic at that point.
I don't want thin skinned faggots in my games
Who even reads this shit? Who goes to the IGN website or whatever to click on this shit? How do these retards even have jobs?
Self-proclaimed journalists claimed that the video game industry was dead because of some stupid shit that had nothing to do with video games, user. These days, video games are just creative writing prompts for whatever political editorial they feel like printing that week.
So, its the game dev's responsibility to show that 12 year old that being racist is wrong and punish him by taking his game away from him? Its not the parents job, but the game devs, to make sure he grows up right and functions as you and SOCIETY see fit?
you should honestly drink bleach with your lunch today
no one reads it, it just pops up when they google the game
The point is it isn't banter, you shitheads
That's okay because no one wants you in their games either.
the developers should ban these clickbait bloggers from their game
the developers should also add these clickbait faggots to the game so that people can dismember them in the game
The point is that you're a weak little bitch.
Save it! It's yours, my friend.
That is the argument though. There doesn't need to be anything more to it. That's the beginning and end, and there is literally no counter to it. Just mute them. Do what is within your power to stop the thing that you dislike. You are given all the tools in the world to stop exactly what you're bitching about with minimal effort and time invested. If muting them doesn't stop it, then you might have a point. But until muting them doesn't stop them, you have no argument.
define banter then, brainiac.
>game is about dismembering people in the most brutal way possible
>boohoo some one said the N word.
Wow, thats also a very nice dogger. You're doing me a service today, amigo
>google mordhau, kotaku article first page
>startpage mordhau, kotaku article first page
>yandex mordhau, no kotaku but torrent repack for free on first page
>duck mordhau, no kotaku
trans diddly pinheads seething
it's not that this is a new thing, this have been a meme since 2008, and no one gave a shit about it then, just now that it's suddenly "racist and toxic"
It's not the game devs responsibility at all to tolerate people raging like 13 year old shit heads and abusing their voice chat function. I like how you're trying to defend people acting like pieces of shit, you just have no substance of an argument buddy
This. PC Gamer has been shilling the epic store for months now. They also run the PC Gaming E3 show, which was sponsored by Epic this year.
Expect a "Chivalry 2 is the cleaner Mordhau we've all been waiting for" near it's release.
Me lol You nigger faggot
stop being a bitch maybe?
you already have tools at your disposal, either mute or learn to handle the banter, bitch
you mean which one of us didn't
turbofag and a nigger
Use the mute functions. Or don't play.