Here's ur new succubus bro
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Implying Id ever play this garbage
why they change it?
Incels and SJW have reached an agreement: sexually attractive women are bad.
I guess censorship, but who doesn't love demon titties?
Felstalkers are not dead
They didn't replace the card, did they?
it's for the Chinese
I can understand bones, but why touch wamen?
are chinks incels or sjws?
Literally Incel: the country.
All this talk of games being censored for progressive reasons, it’s all a smokescreen.
They have a stranglehold on the industry.
Not precisely. They are bowing to Winnie the pooh to get chinks' cash
They also removed blood
Looks like our red boi wasn't enough to stop them
>still supporting bl***ard in the current year
USA nuked the wrong asians. Fix it asap amerifriends.
Yep. Just gonna repost this:
Developers have two options: make a new client and update it based on Chinese guidelines, or bend-over and sacrifice artistic integrity because they want Chinamen dosh.
Developers usually put out a separate version that doesn't make China butthurt.
Dota 2 has a Low Violence mode that removes all blood and skulls. There's also the Perfect World client for Dota 2, which does this and more.
Rainbow 6 Siege almost had blood splatter, slot machines, and florescent lights of sexy women removed to appease China, but the community threw a shitfit; Ubisoft backed off and said they would make a different version of R6S for China.
But Blizzard? Nah, fuck it, can't make a separate version of the game.
>the chinese
It amazes me that China even 'exists' in today's world, it's some dystopian shit.
It's the future, user. Every government wants to be China (just not as poor).
Why did they make skeleton king wraith king if china has a low violence mode anyway?
that skull basher still has plenty of blood on it tho.
>Every government wants to be China (just not as poor
Are you retarded? China is probably the richest country on the planet if we seriously calculated all their foreign assets, and it undoubtedly has people in the party richer even that Bezos that hide their fortunes. Don't mistake wealth inequality for poverty, you fucking imbecile. Next you'll be telling me Denmark is richer than America.
>World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is the most negatively received expansion to date filled with broken systems, pointless new content, and bugs. A LOT of bugs.
>Diablo Mobile
>Overwatch "Soldier is gay, Tracer is gay)
>Heroes of the Storm
Nothing would be better than what Blizzard is doing
it´s not like blizzard didn´t already censored jaina´s cleavage and the bikini armor of night evles long before china showed it´s ugly bugface
Who the fuck still plays this shit than streamers to cash in on zoom bucks?
hasn´t revenue for hearthstone crashed hard over the year?
I hope you're not shitting on felstalkers, the most based demon
It was never explained but the most accepted theory is that blizz was pissed and Wk looked too similar to the one in Diablo
Hots was actually a good game and the devs that worked on it cared
>China is probably the richest country on the planet if we seriously calculated all their foreign assets, and it undoubtedly has people in the party richer even that Bezos that hide their fortunes.
On a per capita basis it's poor as shit, and yes it matters for the government because it means either being unable to afford large projects or having everything being jank that breaks and falls over in a few years.
>Next you'll be telling me Denmark is richer than America.
Denmark is one of the few European countries with and income level that can match the US.
This @468915814 retard defending China isn't me btw
ah ty
they're more thematically correct for the discard mechanic anyway
Why would you censor the game in all regions for china's sake instead of simply censoring the chinese release?
>shadow demon is wearing panties over his face
>doom is now bane
Maybe american hearthstone tournaments get quite a lot of chinese viewers or some shit
The actual "skull" ornament on it was removed. No clue.
Because then the chinks are going to use their VPNs to play the illegal version and the bugmen will blame Blizzard for making a different game.
wait, is that a new card copypasting an old one stats or are they replacing the succubus?
replacing it
China is having some big moralistic push against sexiness, imagining that it's corrupting people or whatever. Basically, it's that sexy things excite people, and the last time people in China got excited, they had a revolution.
I actually like the Shadow Fiend change cause it makes him look more like a raven, which ties into the whole "Nevermore" theme.
Of course, that was before Valve redesigned him and added small details - the sides of his jaw look like a raven's head.
>On a per capita basis it's poor as shit
Which is completely irrelevant, since the distribution of wealth is arbitrary and can be changed at any moment. China is not a "poor" country, by any means, so shut the fuck up. What it needs is a revolution that will destroy the CCP once and for all. The only country that's poor is one that has no resources, no infrastructure, absolutely nothing, like some African countries.
>denmark's gdp is 300 billion
>usa's is 21 trillion
What did he mean by this? I know that GDP is imperfect, but come on. You'd have to be joking to imply that Denmark has the riches of the US, lmao.
A bunch of cards are getting the blood and tits removed
How do we solve the bugpeople menace?
Censored versions aren't even anything new, why do develepors piss and moan now when they have to make a seperate version? Is it just pure contempt for their own consumers?
>new Bite
>new queen of pain
It costs to have multiple versions.
Whenever you want to change something, you need to do it twice, test it twice and release it twice. You could argue that if you plan well your code you only need to test a single module, but everyone knows that hearthstone is spaghetti code and it's a miracle that it does not just explode.
How long did it take to have more than 9 deckslots?
Destroy capitalism so that the priority of Western companies isn't to destroy the integrity of their product and satisfaction of their local customers for the sake of a market an ocean away made of insectoids. There is literally no winning while they have a 1+ billion market to fight for, trained to be drones for mobile gacha and other low-effort games.
What if SJW are just useful retards and the true masterminds behind all the "progressive" bullshit we see nowadays are authoritarian governments and corporations?
it's a bit of a reach but maybe it's to lower rapes and shit, cuz the male population of china is so big compared to female population that a lot of them buy mail-order brides
it's all just communism user
Because they don't want to spend the time (which equals money) on curating two different client versions. This was explained by them years ago when they removed Tychus's cigar from Heroes of The Storm.
>Which is completely irrelevant
Higher GDP per capita also means more money available for the government retard.
I don't think their endgame is social equality, user.
Then Japan would be today's China. Just think about it.
Are you... even questioning this? SJWs were a godsend to corporations. Now if you don't like a product they can immediately call you a racist, homophobe, whatever.
Next level of redpill is realizing the CIA is behind SJW shit in an effort to get the population to argue about dumb shit and cancel out any kind of real social progress towards redistribution and ending monopolies.
SJWs are literally some mentally-ill people on Twitter. Nobody would give a FUCK about them if there weren't a corporate interest in doing so.
>succubus is over the line
>the word demon isn't
What a fucking retarded statement. Literal dog tier. Kill yourself.
You don't say? How does that change the fact that you're a retard that said China is poor and Denmark is as rich as America? You're fucking STUPID.
to obey the fake folklore taboo China invented to force foreign culture product to be under their legal control on their land
I want classic WoW to flop so I can actually commit to my boycott of Blizzard.
Based Middle Kingdom removing degenerate works that violate the mandate of heaven.
>thought they've literally just reprinted a card that's not in standard
>mfw it's even worse
Step 1: Go to loverslab
Step 2: Get Nudestone
Step 3: Install Nudestone
Step 4: Enjoy Nudestone thoroughly.
You gotta remember that over a decade ago, there were people like Jack Thompson losing their shit over GTA. Its not just one side or the other - there will always be people trying to censor video games for some goddamn reason.
wait for a chinese recession so everyone who accepts the rule of the CCP because of prosperity chimps out (or wasps out, in the case of chinksects) again
>misstress of pain is now yassssqueennnnn of pain
They wouldn't. The problem with China is they have way too many fucking "people", which for corporations means many "potential customers/clients". Since corporations, by definition, are only interested in making as much money as possible, they bend over for the largest market.
At this point it would unironically be best for the government to go full commie and outright prohibit american based companies to sell things to "potential geopolitical enemies", i.e. fucking chinks.
If we want to cross the nude line there are shitton of eroge with card game as main mechanic
incels don't really complain about that stuff, it's because of the chinks
>t. incel
Yea but its Hearthstone, the Heartstone. Not some made up mumble jumble.
>At this point it would unironically be best for the government to go full commie and outright prohibit american based companies to sell things to "potential geopolitical enemies", i.e. fucking chinks.
They won't, because they have a vested interest in American companies and the value of the dollar. If America fails and the dollar goes down, so does China. And if you think that China doesn't control companies like Google and Amazon already with their money, you haven't been paying attention.
> Remove things to wack it to at home
> To lower the incentive to rape
I dunno chief.
Doesn't complying with these laws validate them in some way? That indicates that whatever laws they put in place, people will adapt and comply, therefore normalizing and accepting censorship, therefore ensuring more censorship happens in the future. Imagine if no developer ever complied with this horseshit. Maybe then people would be outraged enough to get involved and change their country's laws. Then developers wouldn't have to worry about making alternative versions of games, or wondering if they can sell a game in a particular country.
all communist countries end up turnining into dicatorships where only a handful of people hold all the power while 99% of the population are more or less slaves which can be killed and exploited
seething commies
>why they change it?
Tienanmen square massacre.
I think it's worse than that. I think companies and governments benefit from having people like that and actively encourage social change towards the normalization of being a mindless faggot who bashes capitalism and collectivism while buying every new Apple product, using social media and engaging in identity politics on behalf of marginalized groups.
Lots of bilzzard shills here deflecting to muh china when Blizzard is still the one responsible on how to handle their game against Chinese regulations. Instead of putting in some effort to make a localized Chinese-friendly version they shoved the censor to the worldwide audience and called it a day. This is despite HS already having a server system where restrictions can be easily limited to only the server where the chinese play.
What fucking tools.
yeah but when conservatives wanted to censor games devs and the media opposed it.
now that lefties want to censor games devs and the media celebrate it since it is done in the name of "social justice"
hearthstone is trying to get rid of it's 'T" rating
>Several cards depict images of violence: characters using blades to stab/slash each other; characters impaled by arrows/blades. Some of these battle images depict drips or splashes of blood. A handful of cards depict female creatures in revealing outfits (e.g., large amounts of exposed cleavage).
I guess they think being rated "E" will stop them from hemorrhaging players
Doesnt make sense. Why change the english text if its the chinese language only need to be change?
cope, tranny
Yep. We've come full-circle.
Nigger, you're talking about a country where the populace sent death threats to a streamer and where she had to quit streaming forever because she sang the anthem in a way they found was 'comical'. It wasn't even meant to be offensive, she was just doing it casually for fun. This is the level of insanity in China. And if you think the Chinese are somehow against the government you would be DEAD WRONG.
Read a book, faggot.
Lifestealer and Clinkz both look cooler as well as Vladimirs offering
they actually believe a single kid on this planet got prevented to play heartstone because of its rating? Jesus fuck, and we though "don't you have phones" was just a blunder.
Obviously, everything is a product under capitalism, including anti-capitalist rhetoric. It's why you see people going around wearing Che Guevara shirts.
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
Uh huh.
>And if you think the Chinese are somehow against the government you would be DEAD WRONG.
I somehow doubt that. I can't imagine the Chinese would be thrilled about not getting to play a game they like because the government had to protect them from the tits and blood any more than anyone else. It's probably a vocal minority of SJWs who actually support these policies, just like everywhere else in the world.
b/c they don't want two separate iterations of Hearthstone, they want one, for everyone.
maybe they cared but communist exp and pure team based moba with barely any 1v1 outplay potential is aids to play
>Socual equality
china where you can literally skin a dog alive in the middle of the street and nobody cares..
a little skin on game characters? thats crossing the line
we really live in clown world
lol kek american company bending over to communist demands once again
but also wtf I love the Succubus
>Blizzard in 2019
Daily reminder WoW Classic will suffer same fate.
>upload picture
>post has completely different picture
stellar site you have going here hiro
We have lots of people in the US just as insane, the only difference is the government doesn't sanction and encourage their insanity to the same degree.
>China poor
>Denmark as rich as America
>over 5% of American debt is owed to China
>after interest and other fees 22trillion owed low ball
Denmark even being relatively powerful nation finicially is a fucking joke you are definitely a retarded Commie
why now?
hasn’t it been like this for years?
I don't know about that. People said cheeto Hitler would put all the gays in forced labor camps and deport all the blacks and Mexicans, and people like Pelosi and Maxine Waters play into this and feed these delusions all the time.
Okay user
>be Chinese citizen
>wow all these sjws are trying to censor my game
>China stop censor my game like you censor all of tianmen square
These people aren’t aloud to think. They know the government knows best and not to question what it’s doing
Why doesn't blizzard just become a Chinese company at this point
>Implying we don't get closer and closer to china everyday
>Implying things are "getting better" as the years go by
>can't read
>calls others retarded
Well, that's true, but those people in the US would be seen as retards.
Where are the comparison pics for non-faggots?
I used to be quite moderate but this is really getting out of hand.
the absolute STATE of nublizz is staggering
Being threatened if you don't think a certain way doesn't mean you actually think it. It may appear that a lot of them support censorship or something, but that's because the people who favor censorship are free to vocalize their opinions. To be fair, all I know about China is what I see on ADV China on youtube. (I knew about the girl who sang the anthem you referenced earlier.) Based on the impression I get from his channel, it seems that only a small vocal minority is actually encouraging this shit. I mean who would actually be stupid enough to argue against their own rights? The Chinese even mock white liberal cux, calling them bugmen. I think that says a lot about what they truly think.
Chinese Lifestealer and Clinkz look rad as fuck tho.
You have it backwards, the SJWs here fall into one of two categories: chink agents and retards that fell for the chink agents shit
>YFW you didn't fall for the Hearthstone meme
gwent a dead niche card game which brings no profit for CDPR has different version for China but blizzard who millked billions from hs is too greedy to make different client, i lost the last bit of respect i had for this company
>they have a massive female shortage
>I wonder why
>Use of the Word "Kill"
What are they too lazy to dub this shit?
do chinks even play Hearthstone? dont they all just play auto chess?
china was already a thing then, also use this '
cute. CUTE!
They did
I mean they "readjusted the art" as they say
chinks play everything. I hope and pray for the day when some high up at blizzard decides to go out with a bang and posts that chinese copypasta to every single online game they have.
at least post a before/after version not everyone has played your shitty online card game
This can't possibly be correct; I see you guys asserting this all the time but in truth I'm from Asia and all the East Asian nations love making pure fucking smut. Japan, South Korea, China all churn out bikini armor women without really flinching. So either I'm misinformed somewhere in all this or you Americans are just cucking yourselves and blaming it on the Chinese.
In support of my assertion, here is a screenshot of the first few results j see when googling "Chinese online game female". Inb4 >phoneposting
don't put the blame on others, you are just a fucking dumb bag of shit.
>all communist countries end up turnining into dicatorships where only a handful of people hold all the power while 99% of the population are more or less slaves which can be killed and exploited
doesn't this literally apply to every single country on this world?
this is what happens when you pursue lu bu
It's because you couldn't use skins on the Chinese censored version. He was coated head to toe in black armor and it clipped with everything.
I mean, I backed up my claim there. The rest of Asia doesn't "bow to China" when it comes to making tiddy art, and even China itself produces a whole gotta tiddy art. If you wanna ignore it and continue to blame another country for your own country's cuckoldry, that's your own fault. Don't put the blame on others, you are just a fucking dumb bag of shit.