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what kind of wife would Bayonetta be?


Jeanne's wife



Bayo 3 never ever.
I'm pretty sure that Astral Chain simply replaced it as the Swith Platinum game.

Wider than Bayo's pussy.

It will release

Is it worth buying a Switch for this? I need mommy in my life

you shut your whore mouth. bayo 3 is coming

I unironically did that, played mommy's game, zelda and posted the switch on ebay


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well I mean, you can get the first 2 games for just $60 but I mean, idk if any console is worth just 2 games. if you aren't into at least 5 games on the system, i wouldn't recommend buying it

but bayo 3 is releasing on switch so you'll just have to buy another one

So how would the gameplay evolve for the third entry?
Also is Bayo 1 okay to play on mouse and keyboard?

>bayo 3
thats not happening user

Maybe a wii u

shut up shut up shut up! mommy's coming back! she said she would. she's just out killing angels

I never tried it. I assume it's functional but considering Bayo's really movement and positioning based, 8 direction digital movement would probably limit you a lot

didn't somebody leak gameplay details about bayo 3 here before? something about us getting to play as rodin i think

That song was so much better than the first

Let me actually visit the moon.
Give Bayonetta a handsome male rival like Jetstream Sam.
Make Jeanne playable in the story mode.
Make Balder the new unlockable character.

you're insane. fly me to the moon was better

have sex

No, it got annoying as fuck after a while

>Make Rodin the new unlockable character
Fixed that for you

I thought luca was bayo's "rival" even if he can't even compare

It's workable but I feel that it's better on controller

yeah I could see how that would happen when you're getting your shit stomped in by angels. git gud, you little shit

There are tons of encounters and it plays all the fucking time

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One issue with bayo is that having on top of only 4 movement keys there are essentially 5 action keys unlike DMC where you really just use 2 or 3 out of 4 for a cool combo, it'd definitely take more effort to learn than controller

He can't fight so he's more of a sidekick.

it's okay, user. it's okay to have a different opinion even if it's the wrong one

Sure, after everybody is wiped off the map.

so jeanne is the rival?

Yeah basically, but since they're cool now we'll get fresh OC's, or maybe not