Heres your strong badass women bro

Heres your strong badass women bro

Attached: huntdyke.png (1420x1080, 2.34M)

Finally. Its what we always asked for

queens literally slay, YAAAAS!

>guys our game isn't dead enough, what do we do
>I know, pander to SJWs

Hoe hoe hoe hoeee *clap* *clap* hoe hoe hoeeeee

>need a female character
>make them ugly

glad i didnt bought it

Game is so fucking boring i don't even know what playerbase they are aiming for PVE is trash and theres barely any PVP going on in a match
Theres a reason why this game is dying

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looks good. will add more variety to the hunters u encounter. it's just cosmetic

>westacuck devs

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Funny, because the girl is asian.

Yeah they make ugly in all flavors
and the black girl is full on wearing a blackface lmao

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lmao gooks btfo

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liberals are the real racists

Thats a chinese mongoloid it makes sense because of all the gook workers in america around that time but its also true that chinese are considered one of the ugliest among the asians

>gook women
even the worst black woman would be fuckable if 99% of their face was plastic

The one on the right is confirmed natty.

I'd gladly sacrifice gaming in its entirety to spite rejects like

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that's pretty much what you're doing already, resetera


rent free

are you ok buddy?

What is this game?

Hunt showdown

Being called an adult virgin on Yea Forums isn't an insult you fucking moron.