Persona 5 The Royal(when it releases)

>Persona 5 The Royal(when it releases)
>Project Diva: Future Tone
>Gravity Rush 2
>Project Sakura Wars (when it releases next year)

Literally the only 4 games worth owning for the ps4. And 2 of them arent even out yet.....keep in mind this is 6 years into its fucking lifespan. How did Sony fuck up this bad?

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>Weeb thinks his weeb games are system sellers

Attached: smug.png (628x501, 473K)

Aren't all of these going to be playable on the PS5, though?

your argument is god of onions, easily the weakest game in the series. Westerns haven't made a good game in over 15 years

OP said games worth owning, not system sellers.

>He cried, while God of War outsells all of his weeb games and becomes the best selling game not only in the series, but one of the best selling games on the console period

Attached: laughsingod.jpg (740x414, 70K)

Same thing. If a game is good enough to sell you on the system it is on, it's worth owning.

Asian women are ugly as fuck

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>Same thing

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Shitsona games are awful dogshit.

gee I guess FIFA is the greatest game this gen

>Oh wow, that game makes me want to buy [platform]!
>Not worth owning though

Attached: confused negro.png (300x256, 102K)

fuck weebs


>Horizon Zero Dawn
>God Of War
>Infamous Second Son
>Yakuza 6
>EDF: Iron Rain
>None of this are worth owning
>Somehow his mediocre 6/10 weeb garbage no one gives a shit are best sellers and the only decent games in the system

Attached: cool-bug-facts-you-stupid-dumb-gay-dickhead-you-absolute-41130420.png (500x606, 81K)

Wasn't Future Tone coming to switch too?

God of War enjoys universal acclaim, even here on Yea Forums. Only contrarians and weebs who have never played it call it an outright poorly made game. FIFA is an annual release that caters to a very specific (and widespread) niche market.

Oh you're right.
It also won hundreds of GOTY awards.

Correct, none of those are worth even downloading if they were free on PS+

Shit, it is??

My bad, was a new game called Mega39.

You're defining 'system seller' as a game that makes you, specifically, want to buy a system, but the actual common definition would be a game that makes a large number of people want to buy a system. Games that fit that definition can be anything from genuinely good games to complete and utter fucking crap, therefore you can't use it interchangeably with 'games worth owning'.

Bloodborne and maybe but maybe Horizon, the rest are trash

Damn you’re cool.

Cheers man.

How does a bad game sell systems? Can you give an example of such a game?


>One of the most beloved video game franchises ever conceived is bad

Jesus christ, I know this is Yea Forums but come the fuck on. The games have been getting worse lately, though.

Haze, Halo, FFX, Persona 4 Golden, wii sports really any of the wii games thinking about it.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad
You need to give compelling arguments to prove it's a shitty game but you won't, if Pokémon was bad then nobody would buy it

Have you actually tried playing a Pokemon game instead of jerking off to furry porn?
They're not good.


Uncharted 4

In what ways are they not good? Be objective, please. "Boring turn based combat" is not an objective criticism, for example.

So games that aren't bad

Haze might have sold a few systems on hype alone, but after its release it was universally panned and no one thought of buying a system to get to play it. Meanwhile, God of War is still driving people to get a PS4 to play it.

Turn based combat is in fact an objective criticism.
How about it also having the depth of a puddle, terrible balance, terrible stories in each, almost all Pokemon have shit designs, challenge is nonexistent, boring world design and the fact they have been regurgitating the same shit for 25 years.

>Meanwhile, God of War is still driving people to get a PS4 to play it.
I think you mean to press play to watch it.

Please refrain from commenting on games you have not played, user.

>Defending modern Pokémon, of all things
Even Reddit has stopped doing this so I can't even tell you to go back.

Attached: Knives.png (375x325, 25K)

I think you should gb2reddit if you want that.

No, it's a butchered port with half the songs missing. Nintendogs will eat it up because the Shitglitch has nothing else

I didn't defend modern pokemon, though. In fact, I explicitly stated that the games have been worse lately. All I said was that Pokemon sold and has been selling systems for decades because it is a genuinely good franchise. That might be coming to an end though.

Bloodborne is game of the generation user. That weebshit is also disposable.

>unironically posting console war shit
Pretty sad desu desu

>half the songs missing
Source? I thought the switch version had around 100 songs? Or are you just talking out your ass?

For me it's IZ*ONE.

Attached: [ Fancam ] 181111 IZ_ONE 아이즈원 영등포 팬사인회.webm (1106x966, 2.8M)

post video games

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Pokémon has had maybe three genuinely good mainline games. The rest range from enjoyable but mediocre to genuinely shit, and it's the genuinely shit ones that have historically had the better sales.

Future Tone has 240 songs.

That's a Chinese woman. They're extremely plastic.

>hes including both future sound and colorful tone

dumb weeb
probably a 500 pound fatlus fan

Why would I not? Both of those combined are still $10 less than the butchered Shitch port costs. Nintendo tax is real

Attached: 1556748327724.webm (720x1280, 2.75M)

she's not even ugly without the pounds of makeup, there are a definitely better examples you could have posted

Fuck yeah video games

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sony doesn't have these video games
if they have any at all

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