how do you make friends online Yea Forums?
How do you make friends online Yea Forums?
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Do you think I'd be here if I knew how?
You don't.
They have the same cons of real life people with the only upside being they're a click away from being gone entirely
Talk to people you get randomly matched with and if you’re either good at the game, funny, or helpful you’ll become friends
Google and iqdp don't work.
Find a community, join it
Brohan when
Cyclops Shoujo Saipu
is this female Ronnie
>been a lonely friendless loser for so long that i actively and purposely try to avoid people even if i notice they're being nice and trying to approach me
>unable to progress in mmos when getting to a point where soloing is impossible because of my social autism
i don't think there's a cure other than ending it all for me lads
Have you seen a professional?
You dont anymore.
Making friends only worked in the old internet. Too much noise and entertainment nowdays, people jump between 50 fucking flavour of the month things or are too busy orbiting the resident trannies.
The sooner the better user.
Or you can just enjoy stuff without needing people.
Discord killed gaming communities.
>Or you can just enjoy stuff without needing people.
He says, typing his answer into a textbox for a website with the most trite and banal of topics, which serves as an excuse for other friendless loser to interact with each other because of their need for other people to validate or listen to them.
I can't even make friends outside of games
crack jokes and work as a team in team shooters like rs2, i have people adding me every so often but i always decline since i don't want friends on steam
That's a lot of projection there user.
You put yourself out there and interact with people, either in games or in communities or discussions surrounding them. Nothing wrong with sending a friend request if you've had a fun game or conversation with someone. You can start by adding me, I'm always looking to make friends! Wex#3060
Nothing like meeting a online friend and they look at you like shit despite all the good moments you had with them
but that's the more difficult task. online communication is limited to such a narrow set of dimensions, even autists can generally handle it.
you yougins with your friendship and power of love.
back in my days we were dying alone and be happy with it.
i feel you. it feels pretty bad realizing I am too autistic to get by in online communities know for their autism. i don't use discord at all, yet all the time I come across some autists online who have a fun discord community around an interest I have.
I've met my online friend and we became best bros
It's a shame he lives in another city so we can see each other, like, once a year
Tell me how you believe that crap of not needing other people and you still use Yea Forums for meaningless conversation.
thank god i still have some of my childhood friends, otherwise I would be all alone
Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy user.
Finding people:
1) Be more willing to initiate discussion. Making friends never happens unless someone initiates. It won't always stick, sometimes you'll only talk once or twice, but that's absolutely normal and is an inevitability no matter who you are. Just keep trying.
2) If you REALLY struggle to initiate then instead, present yourself in such a way as to invite others to initiate (put that you like getting messages on your profile, enter guilds and be in sub-groups that are open to invites from others etc.). This is going to create less opportunities than 1), but is easier to do.
3) Engage in communities in general, even if they don't necessarily result in friends. You never know where people can come from.
Maintaining friendships early on
1) Be passionate, but be reasonable. A boring person who cares about nothing is not an interesting person to talk to. Do you have something you like? Don't be afraid to talk about it (unless they say they specifically don't want to hear about it). Even go in to detail about it. They might not be invested, but they'll at least appreciate you care about something.
2) Don't be a depressing cunt. I know it's easy to default to being defeatist, I used to myself, but that will only worsen your situation. That's not to say you have to be an obnoxious optimist either, but don't talk about yourself in such a way that makes you think you're worthless.The fact of the matter is no one wants to hear other peoples shit constantly. Sometimes? Sure, they'll listen, but constantly? It's a drain. I'm a NEET too but I don't present myself as "rock bottom of society" because new people I talk to don't want to hear me say how awful of a person I am.
Yeah but how do you get friends irl
All of this just sounds strictly online
Why would you want to?
I haven't met any people I like enough that I want to devote time to maintaining a relationship with them just so that we can hang out sometimes.
Social interaction is fun, but I can get all I want from anonymous social media.
Honestly no idea. Your best bet if you're full on friendless NEET is to try and find a hobby get together for your hobby of interest. Unless you live in extremely rural areas there should be some in travelable distance.
Friendship is pointless. No one is ever going to engage with you unless your some benefit to them. Either they get free shit off of you or your really good at team games and you can carry them easily. The moment you stop becoming an asset and become even a smidge of a burdern, they'll fuck off. You have a better chance finding love, and that's just as fucking hard.
Who hurt you?
Can't even enjoy escapism shit like SoL and high school waifu crap nowadays
Unable to even self-insert anymore, just depression and regret
Not him but pretty much everything I have come into contact with
How does one become this cynical?
My sister hates me for being a depressing cunt despite my honest attempts in putting myself out there and trying to socialize whenever she invites me out but I sperg out way too much.
I'm fucking doomed, this shit is so unfair, but I'm still trying hoping that I can finally see some light out of the dark tunnel and be rid of it.
A lot of people, but long story short is I had a big group of friends I treated like family. Lots of bad shit happened to me and now none of them even want to talk to me, despite one of my best friends working at the job I literally got for him.
You can't. People like you are weird losers.
My biggest fear desu
How did that happen?
I can't until I've figured out a username I like enough.
I've gone through maybe 15 names since this year began and thought each of them would stick, but one small thing is enough to reconsider and desire another. This time it's one I really like but could get me reported and banned if someone from my country is evem microscopically triggered that it's a self deprecating swear word.
by posting your discord server
Father died, sudenly had to take care of my mother whos gone senile after said death to the point no one wants to deal with her. Lost a lot of time and money since I now had to cover for all my dads normal expenses. Bit of that depression seeped out towards my friends. Suddenly im "not fun anymore" and everyone starys avoiding me.
I always make new online friends when I get into a new online game. But the moment I stop playing I basically cut all contact from them.
discord killed Yea Forums. i remember frequenting Yea Forums and Yea Forums in 2007, and you could never, ever see Yea Forums moving as slowly as you do right now. it's depressing, it's like everyone's gone off to their own little clubs, and the only people left are based/cringeposters, animeposters, cunnyposters and complete fucking retards who've been here on this fucking garbage website for over 12 years for some reason.
Depends on what you define as a online friendship.
If you are talking about something like playing online and that guy always invites you to the one game you guys met on, I don't consider that a friendship. But if it extends past that game then sure
>knew some people back from the PSN days for abou 7 years and became more or less close where we'd hang out outside of playing vidya
>During that latter part of last year - early part of this year things started to get shitty both on their end and mines
>Conversations started to become a lot more monotonous and die quickly even on the instances when I tried to initiate an get shit going
>Started to go back to how I was before I met them (be alot more quiet and talking too much)
>This would cause problems because at the time people would get incredibly pissed when I get this quiet
>Try to lighten things up a bit and verbally shitpost since me and the others used to do that when things got too tense
>Manages to have opposite effect this time
>Some more time passes and things stagnated even further
>Said "fuck it" and cut contact with them since neither of us was really contributing or doing anything with each other
>A week after one of them messages me and says they just live on discord now
>Didn't know the guy dude had a discord and said something along the lines of "did you want to just keep in contact on discord?" Since it sounded like he wanted to still keep in touch
>Hadn't gotten a response after that
Aside from that my one IRL friend from sometimes comes and visit but rarely does that now since he made some fucked up choices; living in a non functioning trailer and is on some my girlfriend's daughter shit.
I met some people on roblox in middle school and we're still friends to this day
met up a bunch of times and we were even roommates for a while
>be boring cunt that never talks
>someone randomly invites me
>says he wants to do a coop achievement in a game
>then we play some other game
>starts talking to me everyday
>starts buying me games to play
>starts sperging out about anime and other games
>all that time I just repeat to him his last words solid snake style
>he says he's having fun
>I'm having fun
Just bee yourself. Now all I have to wait for is a gf.
>tfw have the same small group of online friends for the past 12 years
>No autism
>No drama
>Only video games all night 3 nights a week
engage in a conversation and insist play a game of multiplayer.
Don't be tryhard and do some wacky shit, or as most people would call it: "Fun".
Be consistent in contacting them, but not too much. Show interest in the individual's life with video games or any other things.
You know have a friend.
i get drunk and play a co-op game like killing floor or deep rock galactic, then sometimes wake up the next day with new friends
I love how anons here are just flexing on other people less fortunate than them.
Fuck you all.
My friends always looked down on me growing up because i was skinny and had a horrible home life.
Now I look down on them with my house and good job, while they live at their parents still.
I played a team based game competitively, if you play together for 3-4 hours a night most nights a week then you'll become friends pretty easily. Eventually the team will die but if you're lucky then some people will still talk to you. You move on to a different team and try keep talking to the previous people and the new team too. At some point you'll quit this cycle and quit the game. This is where the real luck comes in, if you've bonded enough then you'll still talk to people. I played that game for five years and now I only talk to one of them, but it has been a ten year friendship. I count myself lucky, but I played with so many people that it's kind of sad that I only talk with one now.
Essentially; do something that forces you to interact with people. You will make friends.
This is what this reminds me of. I can relate to an extent. I finally managed to move past this in the last two years, and I’m living a much happier life with no regrets.
I have double carpal and witll have surgery for it soon that will see a long recovery time, but the door is always open user: SUPER chatterbox#4522