Will next gen solidify Nintendo as the platform for casual and children's games...

Will next gen solidify Nintendo as the platform for casual and children's games, and Sony as the platform for hardcore dedicated gamers who want old school challenges? Serious question, where does that leave Xbox?

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Xbox is for dumb americans who want to "support american" with a made in china pos with no exclusives

It baffles me how people don't take Nintendo seriously enough. There's clearly money to be made there yet they continue to ignore the untapped goldmine in favor of the gold mine that has already been stripped away by the countless big wigs there.

Uhh, that is more casual than gacha.

>hardcore, dedicated "gamers"
>trannies who are into pozzing and public exhibitions for 5 or so years, larping as people who play videogames and asking Papa Snoyny to protect them from mean Japanese games with beautiful women


Lol no


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Nobody mentioned CDPR


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I accept your concession

What's challenging on the PS4 aside from Bloodborne and DMCV?

Xbox is solidified as the console with the best value in terms of subscriptions and most powerful I guess.

>Says the seething manchild.

>snoy censorship

As long as Sony keeps censoring, no. All the games worth a shit are on Switch and PC

How the fuck does sony have the balls to say this RIGHT after they make a statement about censoring games for the sake of children.

I love how they keep saying "hardcore, dedicated gamers" are their target audience, when really they mean "walmart gamers that exclusively buy western AAA shit"

'hardcore gamers' are playing all the shit you are censoring, butchering and ignoring in your normalfag marketing, sony

sony has bigger marketing budget and more grafixx which makes devs think they must be the best platform, even though that's literally all they have over nintendo.

Nintendíes has literally nothing over Sony except maybe a cardboard box.

>speculating that things will be the exact opposite that they are now because you're a gullible faggot.

Sorry, I've got a switch because I want to actually play games, not watch movies where I occasionally choice a dialog option.

Xbox will always be the middle child.

Life is Strange 2 has an onscreen underage sex scene with an older woman grooming a teen minority and that's okay, because France is a ~strange and exotic and mysterious place~

Japan made a game with a cute girl so they're all pedophiles, all their games must be changed or censored

Switch has no games

I'm not going to engage you in any sort of debate if you use retard-words like "nintendies". You're an adult. Behave like one.

games on nintendo are allowed to have titties

your weak ass memes have no power here.

You know that it's impossible to take you seriously when you constantly bring up Life is Strange 2, right? Like you fags have been harping on that one for what feels like forever, and it just hasn't caught on, yet you insist. Try something else.

It doesn't have to "catch on", it's fucking hypocrisy so it's going to be cited as such. It proves that there is obviously a push by Sony to only permit their flavor of degeneracy. Anyway you're right I shouldn't harp on it in this thread, I was simply responding to that particular poster in agreement about how stupid Sony looks acting like they are "for mature gamers" while also shitting all over anything "mature" that isn't AAA western garbage like Mortal Kombat or The Last of Us

You always burp it out like people need to agree with you, so yes, it does need to catch on, otherwise you just look like a retard whining on the internet, and I'm fairly certain that's not your goal. If you want to convince people that there's a hidden agenda, then it behooves you to try multiple angles, instead of constantly using the same one that has failed time and time again.

Correct. If we're talking about the Switch specifically, there's a lot of potential for Switch exclusive games. It's already been shown that indie titles, for example, can outsell other consoles on the Switch due to the nature of the system. If developers made games tailored to the Switch hardware I believe they could do very well.

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I'm not talking about 'hidden agendas', the issue is normalfags won't acknowledge any double standards and that is just the most blatantly clear cut example, MK11 doesn't work because for some reason everyone worships MK as some kind of incredible series and nobody cares that children play it, though the hypocrisy of promoting that at Evo or E3 but shaming Japanese games for having big tits isn't lost on me either.

I agree with what you are saying but what am I supposed to do? This is not a situation where people will listen either way, people don't even seem to know or care any hypocrisy is happening