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I miss Battlefield 2142
we all do man
we all do.
I play Battlefield 5 a lot. It's a shame they fucked up pre-release so much because it's a pretty good game. The tanks are the best in the series and are almost like Warthunder. The gunplay feels better and hitchable AT guns and AA guns and the building mechanics are pretty fun.
Dice LA is finally involved and I hope maybe more people try it out with the new content coming
No, you haven't been good in over a decade.
what are some ALIVE multiplayer shooters like battlefield on PC currently? It seems like they die out in the first week
Not since 4.
Although I did play, 1.
user dont-
Well I wont blame EA alone. It was a mix of EA and Dice Sweden that fucked up. Mostly Dice. Dice LA literally is who makes every BF a success after launch.
Gameplay wise the game is an improvement. No 3D spotting was a great choice that really affects the game. I honestly don't think people who have played the game can call it bad compared to 4 or 1 based on gameplay. The issue was the cosmetic and female stuff ,and the cosmetic stuff that was in the reveal isnt in the game. There are only helmets and uniforms. There are no robot arms and stuff.
>It's a shame they fucked up pre-release
Meh, somebody should have stepped in and said "hey, maybe alienating the people who buy our games isn't such a good idea and maybe delivering an ultimatum like 'don't like it then don't buy it' isn't a good thing to do for sales" If you ask me, they got everything that was coming.
>Frostbite saga:
Battlefield V > Battlefield 3 > Battlefield 1 > Bad Company 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Battlefield 4.
>Refractor saga:
Battlefield 2 > Battlefield 2142 > Battlefield Heroes > Battlefield 1942 > Battlefield Vietnam >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Battlefield P4F.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
is bfv really that good?
how come it didn't sell jackshit and everybody hates it?
Yeah I get it. Having played a lot of it I do want to say the next game will probably be even better if they keep and improve on what they tried with 5. Hopefully they learned from this and maybe more people will be interested in the next game.
>Battlefield 2 > Battlefield 2142
You proved yourself wrong almost immediately.
your kdr is 1.11
how do you justify yourself?
terrible ranking, i suggest necking yourself
he's a console faggot
People hate it because of how they were treated pre-launch by Dice. The actual gameplay is very good. Playing 4 and then 5 back to back it makes it very obvious how much 5 is an improvement. The gunplay feels better, the vehicles are way better, and the building mechanic actually adds more dynamics to the game.
No 3D spotting makes stealth more possible and flanking more of a thing. Its probably the biggest improvement
You made me look at my stats and I never have before. That is usually about where I am in games. Never a negative KDR but not too high either. I kill myself a bit to redeploy to get tanks I call in, and didn't realize until recently they have a redeploy option in the pause menu. So that doesn't help
Also this, I play Siege and stuff on PC but I have a 770 so I got BFV on my PS4.
>Dice LA is finally involved
Good, maybe the game will be worth a shit after 2 years of actually adding content.
Why is DICE Sweden still allowed to make games is beyond me
>Fires one shot into an objective
>Squad wipes galore
The churchhill croc fucking sucks compared to this
EA fucked up hard marketing it as well as development. Deciding to make all the maps be random small skirmishes and even pretty much fake scenarios was bad, the SJW shit was bad.
Now its been recovered and is being slowly saved in terms of new content but EA takes the blame for fucking up sales.
Nobody thinks BF1 is good.
If you think BF1 is good you're an idiot. The grenade spamming is the worst ever, the random bullet deviation is as bad as CSGO's and even worse is the gun range. The only viable way to play is as a sniper, because literally every other gun the bullets will not fly far enough to hit people.
Besides the maps being gorgeous, its by far the worst first person shooter maybe ever made. It's like nobody actually sat down and played the game or previous Battlefield games. In that sense, the gameplay of V is a massive step up from 1, they just fucked up the maps and marketing.
It's still very much alive tho, BFV.
fair enough
have fun
I dont know user, BF1 Europe on PC has way more servers and players on low hours than BFV.
you don't even love yourself
I can't explain BF1's success. Maybe people just really like the idea of a WWI shooter, but its really fucking bad.
And yet it seems like every fps with the worst shooting mechanics has the most players. I think PC gamer poorfags are just retarded and only play the 1-2 games they get for free.
i like shooting people with the at rocket
you're dead to me
>Seen the massive hype for Battlefield 1
>Fell asleep during the campaign
>Multiplayer is a mess post-patch
I try but these incompetent swedish niggers keep fucking up bfv with every patch
i know it was a meme but i miss levelution
it was fun to watch and it gave the maps some character
I'll never play a shooter where all guns are held slanted and gay
only webm I see from this failed game
I will never understand this.
The only thing they get right, supposely it's bad and has no place in a ww1 game.
But yet anything else is bad because HURR DURR HISTORICALLY INACCURATE.
Off yourself.
>i miss levelution
fuck you and everyone like you
>I can't explain BF1's success.
sounds like your opinion is just wrong then
I've lost complete interest in BFV. I really enjoyed the past few battlefields, but I just can't enjoy BFV.
I'll give a fuck when the game has asymmetrical warfare. Both sides having access to all the weapons is retarded in a WW2 game.
you're going to see japanese in european maps and germans in pacific maps
have fun
I like battlefield 1. I love killing blobs with the bomber aircraft or pick the mortar truck and play point 'n click for the rest of the match.
Bf5 is a bugfest, and the woman soldiers are plain nonsensical. Better have niggers than womans to be honest.
It was a marketing masterstroke after CoD Infinite Warfare’s blunder
Basically incels got triggered by the the female amputee in the cinematic trailer and boycotted it thinking it was sjw propaganda and labelling it historically inaccurate. The game itself is pretty good. I don't know any bf game that's historically accurate. It's not supposed to be. I couldn't care less.
I like both games but I like bf1 more. Kills are more satisfying. I love the chime every time you kill someone. Kill streaks are way more fun.
Yeah I miss the server crashing or dropping half the clients too.
I can't even remember the Levelution events anymore, aside from:
1. Knocking down campertower in Shanghai
2. Boat beaching itself in Parcel Storm
BFV is okay but I can't fucking run it despite having a 6600k, and I can't play BF3 anymore because the newest windows update fucked it up, so I'm stuck playing BF4.
I miss BF2, 2142, BC2 and BF3.
It's mediocre. We're just at the point where the only people who proactively want to discuss it are the remaining loyal playerbase. So it seems like people are more positive about it now since everyone else has moved on to other games.
My history with this game
>got free with card
>looked at number of keybinds
you can patch the nogs out as well
>I think PC gamer poorfags are just retarded and only play the 1-2 games they get for free.
There's probably something to this.
Was it one of those games that was bundled with every graphics card?
End your life
I play it like a couple of hours every few days because I get bored and just want to play something easy that I don't have to pay much attention to. The optimisation is absolute garbage though. This game literally made me buy a used Intel xeon (for actually pretty cheap) to upgrade my 5 year old i5 because I used to get stuttering out the ass with the i5 and it was literally unplayable. I'd be shooting at a guy and the game would literally hitch and freeze for like 3 seconds and then it would smooth out and I'd already be dead. At least the xeon fixed all those problems I have no issue with stutter anymore but my performance still isn't great I get around 70-90 fps on medium with a 1070 in dx11 mode but when I change to dx12 mode I get 100-120 fps but dx12 mode is unreliable and sometimes has texture flickering issues and in firestorm I still get stuttering like crazy but only in dx12 mode (so its dx12 problem not CPU problem).
Fuck off shill.
I actually enjoy BF1, it's not a Battlefield game it has that war feeling of being an absolute clusterfuck
What do you mean? Is there a mod for that?
lookup battlefield 1 realistic soldiers mod and run it through frosty mod manager
Does it add more nogs and poos to the Middle East maps?
>how to get instantly banned: the guide
the ottomans still have black troops iirc
So was 5
>you have been banned for EXTREME RACISM
Battlefield 1942 and 1 tried to preserve a semblance of accuracy. For fuck sake it had a LORE TAB with hundreds of historical accounts ranging from weapon specifics to the role of nations and people in the war
Battlefield 4 was the final nail in the coffin
2142 and bf2 special forces were the final hurrah
there are servers up right now
I kind of view V as a 1970s ww2 exploitation film and I enjoy it. Girls are rare and optional to play as and I don't mind qt german heal sluts. Cosmetic criticism was listened to.
I want to like BF5, but I really just can't get over the customization. The British side has the wildest, strangest assortment of gear from multiple countries, theaters of war and time periods that doesn't cohere into anything close to resembling any WW2 era army.
Something I've always loved about Battlefield was its depictions of a chaotic, all out war between real-world factions that took place in real-world locations. US invasion of Shanghai in Battlefield 4, US vs RU on the Iranian border in Battlefield 3, US invading Pacific islands occupied by the Chinese, Chinese and Russian forces going at it in the Chinese country-side; etc. They all felt like real-world "what-if" scenarios and all the armies had plausible (albeit a bit overdesigned) soldier designs that didn't require any suspension of disbelief and didn't take away from the atmosphere of war between the involved factions. Of course the action is unrealistic, but there's a major difference between realism in presentation and realism in gameplay, and the gameplay is the right balance of grounded and "holy shit these are some really intense back to back gunfights."
In Battlefield 5, however, it all just feels like some random "Red Team vs. Blue Team" scenario where each faction is just a random hodgepodge of different things. The Germans are usually okay, but the British side just looks horrific, and it's more so the gear than it is the women and minorities (which isn't my biggest gripe but is still annoying to see in a WW2 setting). It takes away completely from the game's atmosphere and makes it just seem like some weird-alternate history scenario that doesn't appeal to me at all.
Plus I also liked each class having a distinct silhouette that you could identify in game.
>tfw australian ping makes it unplayable
battlefield 4 was legit the worst game in the series
battlefield v comes second, but it has a ton of potential
bf3 and bf1 were the best nu-battlefield games
I'm guessing it's just not possible to have different models on different maps using mods because if they were going for full 'realism' they'd make the British classes two Indians, an African and a British guy. Britain didn't use colonial troops in Europe (apart from a couple of months in 1915 when Indians were brought in because they were running out of trained and ready British soldiers), but the fighting against the Ottomans in the Middle East and Germans in Africa was colonial troops all the way down.
DICE really should have done it that way in the first place, it probably would have stopped a lot of criticisms over race in the game.
Yeah the Germans have great cosmetics but the allies are weird. The new GI stuff looks good.
>british soldiers
>using USA clothing
This is why BFV sucks.
They aren't labeled as British but yes it's odd but it's not something that makes the game suck for me. They are just Allies in game. I just find the cosmetic stuff not a big issue. The game itself is very good
>aren't labelled as british
that game is complete garbage and a total snoozefest
>GI stuff
>British side with british flag and accents
That's exactly what I'm talking about mate. It just looks stupid
>bf1 is complete garbage and a total snoozefest
I like how Day of Infamy handled cosmetic customisation of a WWII game, you choose from a variety of regiments for each side instead of choosing individual items from scratch. Of course having all these different regiments mixing together is still unrealistic as all get out but it gives each team a unified aesthetic (since they all share most of the same basic gear) and everyone looks like they belong in WWII.
I mean that's part of the weird thing. The game is like a toy soldiers sandbox thing and while I enjoy it I get not liking it. But I don't think it's fair to not also take into account the gameplay when saying if it's bad or not. I would love for them to lock it down more but how far do you go with that? Weapons too?
>british soldier literally has a coat with "Slay for the Queen" written on it
5 seconds in and you can tell nobody gave a shit about anything during the development of this game
The allies and germans in BFV have their own cosmetics but it's not era locked or anything. So like Allies are getting GI stuff but America isn't in yet
you can stop defending this shit anytime, user
and this is only the beginning, given they have already confirmed they wont split the factions when the nips\yanks come in december
gonna look fucking amazing to see japanese troops and tanks in Rotterdam or german tanks\planes in Iwo Jima.
just give up, bf1 is way more historically accurate than this shit, and saying that is already a big stretch
>>british soldier literally has a coat with "Slay for the Queen" written on it
That's actually embarrassing.
Honestly I don't care. I enjoy the gameplay and I admit it's like a child playing with toys and it's a negative. I still like the gameplay loop. You don't have to play it.
i cant find a lore tab in either game
australia and new zealand also fought extensively in the campaigns against the ottomans. probably the most retarded thing in bf1 is the black german soldiers. how would the colonial armies even get to mainland germany through the naval blockades?
>australia and new zealand also fought extensively in the campaigns against the ottomans. probably the most retarded thing in bf1 is the black german soldiers. how would the colonial armies even get to mainland germany through the naval blockades?
The main issue is that there isn't a single map of the escapes german colonial army in africa got into during the WW1. And that would have been cool to show in a DLC why germans had those black guys among their ranks.
I'd find it a waste of resources to make all these vehicles and weapons and then limit them to a few maps that maybe won't come up a lot. Maybe not so much if they were just cloned reskinned existing ones and maybe that would be better, but they won't be.
>nobody mentions how germans in bfv have only white male options, while britons can choose between 4 different nationalities other than white