Going to spend about $2700 (including accessories) building a computer

Going to spend about $2700 (including accessories) building a computer

I hope PC isnt a fucking meme

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it is, if you end up spending so much

>spending $2700 on a moba mmo machine

smart user

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wait until 3rd Ryzen chip you mong

Spend less and it won't be a meme

to play what?

You're just gonna play console ports and a multiplayer game until you get burnt out and realize there's nothing else on the platform. the exclusives are all trash that appeal to hyper autists.

Even if you spend between $1000-2000 building a PC the money you save from Steam sales makes up for it bigly.

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Post specs.
I hope it includes BD drive.

>paying that much to play indie games in 4k

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The actual games on PC are much cheaper, especially if you're a patient gamer. Whether it be Steam sales, Humble Bundle shit, key sites, or any other sales in other digital stores. Hell, I got Sleeping Dogs and all the DLC for $2

And I haven't even touched on settings or mods. PC gaming is legit man.

You forgot to add about 50 more genres and subgenres, programming, game development, modding, freedom of choice regarding OS, freedom of choice regarding stores, freedom of choice regarding hardware cooling, free online play, freedom of choice regarding storage capacity, free emulation, free backwards compatibility, and freedom of choice regarding controllers as well as their adjustment through a variety of software.

OP listen to
it is absolutely pointelss to spend that much unless you have a specific goal that requires all that computational power.

you don't need to spend that much, don't fall for the high end meme

A cheap gaming laptop and a Switch is all you need to play the actual worthwhile games now. PS4 exclusives are trash and everything on Xbone is trash.

>"PC gaming is cheaper than console guys!"
>Look up parts for 1440p ultra setting gaming PC
>$1112 USD minimum

Fuck off with this shit.

Get AMD parts, because fuck Intel and it's much cheaper

>3000 dollars to play video games

I spent 1000 and my pc can run anything at 60fps. What do you need to spend 2700 on lol

I spent about $1500 on my pc 4 years ago, most of it went towards a 980ti. Still going strong and I max out every game I play.

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PC master race and all that, but if you are going to buy a new PC you should know what the fuck you want to play with it. if the games you want to play are accessible with less expensive PCs then what the fuck are you doing?
dont take my words too badly, theres probably a game you will want to play in 4k/60fps that will need that kind of computer, but first you should find the game, not make the computer.

the price is worth it since all games on pc are free

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Raytracing at 60 fps

>don't fall for the high end meme
go big or go home poorfag

1440p max setting 140fps


>buying games

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If all you want is 60fps, even $1000 is too much.

oh yeah? max out a game like ARK: Survival Evolved and see if you get a consistent 60 fps

Don't bother. If you want to play most games at max (including AAA) you can do so at the $1700-2300 range shown on logicalincrements.com (even cheaper if you scope out deals for individual parts):

Running Bad Rats on highest settings isn't a return on investment in any way but ok

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not really, you need to look at efficency/dollar
Like hell I'm buying a 5000$ Nvidia GPU which only gives 5 more frames over their 2000$ GPU

If you purely go by performance I think you hit heavy diminishing returns after ~1400 Euro.

>max out anything
maybe minecraft at 720p.

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Actually don't do that. That's far too much for a meme

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I recently built a $600 PC, with a 1060 6 GB, four months ago. The most demanding game I've played since then was Trails of Cold Steel. I spend most of my time shitposting and watching anime than actually playing Yea Forumsidya.

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You should probably have some games in mind you're planning on playing before you build it.
I remember buying stuff for my steam account before i even got a PC just so i'd be ready.
Too many console friends build a PC, only play multi-plats, and then complain because they couldn't be fucked searching around.

msi gtx 2080
i7 9700k
aorus gigabyte b360 motherboard
gskillz trident z 16gb ram
850w ps
1tb ssd
3tb hdd


Enjoy your retro survival roguelikes


are you running 2 GPU?

That's not $2700 my dude. Does it even reach $1.5k?

On one hand, that's too much money.
On the other, you'll still get your moneys worth because 99% of all PC games+games for emulatable systems are free.

>b360 with a 9700k
hope you weren't wanting to OC.

You dont need to spend that much.

I spent $1400 in 2016 (and I didnt need to spend this much I just wanted that Phanteks case) and all my shit was top of the line for the time.

he did say including a monitor,KBM, and whatever else. I'm pretty sure he bought a pre-built though.

>tfw one click installs for emus with lutris on Linux
feels good

The meme is that even with that you're not going to get a top tier PC and accessories, ie good speakers, headphones, monitors and whatever else. Fuck.
Throw in an Index as well while you're at it.

$2700 (usd) is also including shit like pc case, w10, 2 monitors, new desk, new headset, mouse and keyboard

I also live in NZ, everything is ridiculously marked up in price. 2.7k usd is about 4k nzd

>Being this oblivious

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reminder we even BTFO'd the handball meme

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>paying for windows
you zoomers are hilarious.

new AMD CPUs coming out in a few days

3 bucks on ebay

I'm guessing you are buying a monitor stand and two monitors.
I'm also gonna do this when I upgrade next year, 1 ISP monitor as portrait that can be adjusted easily on the stand and one good TFT landscape for gayming, both 1440p and not above 27".

Console plebs claim PC has no games.
By that logic anything that is not a Ps4 exclusive is not a game.
Therefore Ps4 literally has 10 or so games.
I guess that also means that if a PS4 games eventually comes to PC it stops existing and gets erased from your memory.

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Spending anymore than 1000$ on a new rig is fucking retarded.
Anyway PC sucks these days and with the price spike it isn't worth it.
You're better off buying a next gen console, as the gap between PC and consoles becomes thinner, for the better and worse (decent playing condition on console/ shitty exclusivity practice popping up on PC)
You'll be set for the next 5 years a 1/5th of a PC.

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>i'm a poorfag so everyone else needs to be too
dumb poorfag

>price spike
Where were you when AMD BTFOd both the GPU and CPU market?

At 1/5th the price of PC*
And this will stay true for as long as game development focuses on console.

Throwing your money out the window because you don't know any better is how you become a poorfag.

Wow a 50$ difference, what a bargain.

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There are a ton of games on PC not on console. Spending more for a PC is natural if you want to play those games at higher quality levels.

>Wow a 50$ difference
It is litreally a 500$ difference you dumb trannie

Even if you SOMEHOW don't like gaming on PC, it's still the perfect toy if you're at all creative.

actually suggesting people buy consoles and literally spend 100s a year on sub fees is anti-advice that would make you suspect of trolling.
Also next gen consoles are going to be 7-800 so you're literally buying a worse, locked down entry-level pc.

And all the good games on PC that are not on console are not resource heavy, a 300$ PC can run them.
You don't need a 3000$ 4channel machine

go back

>spend 100s a year on sub fees
Why would you play multiplayer games in the current year?

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Anything over $1200 is a meme computer.

is this nigga for real

Yep, an actual game machine. Unlike the competition.

>buy a console exclusively for single-player games
fate shit has melted your brain.

Spent $800 on a PC in November and now I play every game at over 60fps, high, 1080. You absolutely do-fucking-not need to spend $3k.

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>i have a pc from 8 years ago and i can still max every new game
This is a blatant fucking lie unless you fags are only buying 5 year old games on steam sales. Are you not playing the games windowed? How do you watch streamers on the other monitor while you play?

>consolefag who is about to be scammed into an always-online cloud gaming generation with no choice talking about playing conditions, exclusivity, and choice
I'm gonna score your bait 2/10.

>How do you watch streamers on the other monitor while you play?
kill yourself zoomer


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Those are console tier settings, thank you very much. 60 fps is only acceptable for 1440p and above. Shitty 1080p is only worth for 100+ fps, and only a small number of games benefit from this anyway.

Get with the fucking times, old man. Nobody plays their games full screen with surround sound speakers anymore.

You mean from pirating.

>thinking everyone is a braindead zoomer like you

Mods and postprocessing shaders are essential for playing any modern AAA game

Fuckin lel

>not playing games always in full screen
How the fuck you get immersion? Not even "borderless windowed" is enough, it must be full screen

>curently planing to spend 600$ on my first private PC in 18 days
dont yet know what parts I will buy since lot can happen in 18 days,
only thing I know I will most likely aim at second hand parts
any tips?

Save your money. With that budget, you won't be able to play anything on even decent settings.

up it to 8-900 and you'll have a much better time.

Do you realize that there are sales on console too? You all saying like games much cheaper on pc, but I own both and the games cost the same, sales on ps are amazing

Not really true. You need a good PC to handle the massive hordes in They Are Billions for example. There are plenty of PC games like that which push hardware to its limits. Also, most console games are on PC and run better there as long as you have the PC for it.

>console sales
do you ever get anything higher than 25-30% on things that aren't a decade old?

Oh god, it's like saying that you bought PS4 for $3k because you bought TV and comfy couch. That's not how it works.

Where are those sales where every game costs $0

I spent around $1k in 2013. With proceeds from selling my old GPU, I upgraded to a 1070 when they released. I still outperform PS4 Pro on EVERYTHING. Plus, cheaper games and free online.

You have to be black, but they exist.
Pasty white boys are not allowed.

why are you building a PC? what games do you want to play?

I see so many people building a PC but when asked this question they have no answer. Then they come back 3 months later saying "wow i regret builting a pc wtf im going back to my ps4"

>$2700 in a pc
You already fell for the performance meme user, it will only get worse for you

My king.


for example?

Days gone was 40% off this summer sale and it released in april

How about yellow?

AAA games on steam used to cost $49 and the sales were only amazing because of the flash deals.
Anyone that still thinks steam sales are amazing got memed on by oldfags and actually fell for it.
pic unrelated

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>a "hyped" exclusive nearly half off that early
that's good though i guess, just a bit odd because i don't think any other sony exclusive ever had that.

I spent $800 on a mid-tier rig in 2014 and had to upgrade the graphics card in 2017

Cheap PC gaming is a myth, but I don't regret building one at all.

>intel cpu
>nvidia gpu
This isn't 2012 anymore. Get with the times

How the fuck does someone honestly spend 2700 on a fucking computer? Are you being memed into buying the absolute top-of-the-line shit that depreciates in value as soon as it hits the shelves?

I bought both GoW and Spider man 50% off, and Playstation Hits are amazing too, bought Bloodborne goty for 15$

who /dual AMD waiting for Zen2 and Navi/ here?

I like building them as well. Upgrading when the time comes and replacing the ones that wear out. I find the whole thing enjoyable. Same on my truck, just good for tinkering.

I'm considering upgrading my stuff, but money is tight and I'm looking to get something that's a good bang-for-your-buck value. Currently still rocking an OC'd 2500k and HD7850. Don't yet see any reason to replace the CPU/mobo yet since they still seem to work just fine and AFAIK nothing except paradox mspaint map simulators are CPU-bottlenecked

So what's a good option? RX580 seems pretty good for the price, thoghts?

if you just want a GPU bump, yeah 580/590 are fine. They're comparable to 1060s/980s.

>buying Windows

>just save up more bro
nah, it will quickly turn into snowball effect, from 800 to 1000, from 1000 to 1300 and so on,
as somebody who earns 550$ maximum monthly and who have to pay rent to his parents, and who doesnt have any computer since last month because laptop died on me, 600 bucks is maximum I can afford
I might actively upgrade it as time goes,
I dont really care about modern games anyway with few expectations

It's really not.
8-900 is the actual right spot for a nice build. Anything above is superfluous but nice.
600 is gonna give you a pretty static build you won't be able to do much with. And you'll most likely have to go mini/micro to save money, and deal with a non-SSD boot drive.

Waste of money. You only need to spend 600-800 on a pc that can then emulate 90% of games, play all pc exclusives (most of them are autism simulators from the 80s-2000s) and play modern games at at least 1080p and 60fps. Spend the rest on some gucci loafers.

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clearly theodore

OP here, thanks to the anons who gave genuine advice/feedback. I could probably find shit cheaper other places but im too fucking lazy, and spending $4000 on pc related shit will be another good reason to hate myself

Anyway its 4 15am here, goodnight


You'll get a pretty nice PC for that money, but you shouldn't buy things if you have no use for them.

wow user, fucking 99% you just said is possible on a toaster laptop

the only thing that matters when buying a gaming pc are the current gen games

Worth it for 4K

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No, it's Alvin, he's the boss so he knows how to get what he wants.

Your post is built on the assumption that what Alvin wants is what's the best.

wow, you are a fucking retard

steam summer sales were literally the same as days of play sales. Games on pc are no longer cheaper now that the platform is more popular.

On the other hand if you have friends with a ps4 you can share all of your games in a way where even both of you can play them in the same time, even online, and you can also share psplus with one person.

if you just have one friend with a ps4 then it is by far the most cost efficent platform since you can share everything without restrictions/ being kicked out of them if the other acc is online.

A 500 dollar PC beats the next gen of consoles.


pc games are always on 100% off sales, you're lucky if you come close on console

you do know there are other things you can do with your PC besides video games

the fuck are you talking about

I compared dozens of games, it was literally the same fucking prices

So, yes, it does.

>M-muh sponsored e-celeb says

Jack shit worth listening to.

>he doesn't know

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lol cope

that's still about 1200 too much.
go to pcpartpicker and work it out.

indeed, we're 5 days away from legitimate benchmarks coming out
if they don't surpass Intel's best, they'll at least be within spitting distance while being cheaper.

t. amdcope with 1600, hoping the 3600+ can push ps3 emulation over the edge

now show me the cost when they're not mass produced loss leaders

oh right, you mean pirating

well, I guess you can hack a console too, tho ps4 hack is not up to date. You can even install linux on ps4 and play steam games on it, but I don't think these are good arguments when discussing platforms of choice

Wait for Ryzen 3000 processors, wait for Nvidia super instead of RTX.

you have memed PCs yourself
fuck are you buying with 2700

super IS rtx you mong, and benchmarks came out today

How is it not a good argument? It's much easier and more feasible to pirate on PC than most consoles. You can save far more over the course of a generation that way. not to mention the fact that a PC can be used for other things and not just games. A console user still needs to purchase a computer, even if it's not a powerful one for gaming.