For anyone who still plays it, two new costumes to shill the new movie have been released
Spiderman PS4 new costumes
Other urls found in this thread:
the mcu spiderman movies is worst then amazing spiderman 1
HC was alright
>more mcu shit
It already has the almighty raimi suit what else do you need
The Spider-UK costume is in, isn't it? Does it give Spidey a British accent? "OY M8, ITS YER FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPOIDER-BLOKE! WHERE'S YER CROIME LOICENSE?"
huh. i just played this again for the first time in months to start the last DLC, guess i picked a good time. makes me wonder if they have any other dlc planned for the future, or if they wanna wait til the sequel
>Raimi suit
>no swastika
Neat. Now they won't take up space for the new costumes on the sequel.
it was a different time
JK Jonah is back on the menu boys
Sequel probably, though I'd like the newer Superior suit. But then they'd have to change his webs to black and that's probably more work than a simple shader adjustment
>raimi suit
>bagged man
>future foundation
>stealth suit
this is better post game support than any other sony title and it's all free
Yeah, and swastikas are just as taboo now as they were back then. That's never stopped Crazy Sam Raimi.
Unrelated note: if Raimi ever has another daughter he should name her Doe.
>worst then amazing spiderman
No, not even close.
Anyone who actually says shit like this is just butthurt over the MCU. Andrew Garfield is the worst Spider-Man ever
To be fair most of the post-release suits were to appease fans
I hope they add the Symbiote when they announce Spider-Man 2. That would be a cool promotion thing.
Stop turning Spider-Man into fagbait
can't, its going to be heavily tied into the story of the 2nd. Did you beat the game and see the after credits scene?
Nice. I was hoping they'd add that red/black suit, it looks pretty slick. Raimi Suit is still the GOAT though.
>Spiderman ps4 in july 2018
Bro, just let it slide, ps4 is dead
God Tier
>Spider-man 2
>Infinity War
Great Tier
>Spider-man 1
>Civil War
Good Tier
Eh Tier
>Spider-man 3
>Amazing Spider-man 1
Bad Tier
>Amazing Spider-man 2
Haven't Seen Tier
>Far From Home
It's weird how much better the Russos are in the handful of minutes Spider-man has in their 3 movies than his actual Sony films.
He swings around in a skintight suit and squirts strands of sticky white goo everywhere. Sometimes he squirts dudes in the face with it. Plus he can't seem to hold on to a girlfriend.
>July 2018
Bruh its 2019
I like the both of 'em. They come with any special abilities? I may get back into it at some point. Was the DLC worth it? I'll probably stick with the Future Foundation suit though.
Not true to the point even Stan Lee disagrees with you. ASM1 was a good rom-com, but it's a better rom-com than Spider-Man: Homecoming is literally anything. At least in ASM, Garfield actually suffered a bunch. Homecoming is so fucking cringe.
>Homecoming is so fucking cringe.
you have to be 18 to browse Yea Forums
So what are you doing here, sport?
>least in ASM, Garfield actually suffered a bunch.
they literally have Peter Parker rescue ANOTHER KID from getting bullied by Flash Thompson because it wouldn't be believable to show MegaChad Andrew Garfield getting bullied. He's literally the worst fucking actor to portray Peter
Homecoming is cringe. MJ is a huge virtue signaling dyke. Peter is a little beta bitch boy who never gets shit on by life and everyone always forgives him. Flash is a fucking POO. The only based thing was Vulture.
>even Stan Lee disagrees with you.
citation needed
Am I wrong though?
You should get your memory checked.
Do your own research. Look up when he was asked whether Spider-Man should be bi or not.
At least Holland actually looks like a high schooler. Garfield and Toby looked like fucking 30 year olds in their movies
I thought he was a fine Spider-Man, just a shit Peter Parker.
You should get yours checked dumbass.
He's shit at both
Fucking zoomer get out
Surprising nobody, Mysterio is a bad guy and betrays Peter.
Sweet. Thanks for the news OP.
I liked the ASM1 costume. It was a good change of pace.
Ben Reilly Spider-Man and Alex Ross.
well the old hunter wasn't free and its quite expansive but it makes bloodborne a 10/10. Same with hzd dlc. Don't forget the 2 years monthly free updates on gt sport where you get new cars.
>Getting excited for DLC
>Elder God Tier
Ant-Man & The Wasp
All scenes with Ant-Man in End-Game
The Russo's did better with Dr Strange too.
Just imagine if they had done Ultron instead of him being ruined by Whedon, could've been one of the best MCU villains.
Say what you will about Garfield but you best not be hating on based Tobey. The early 2000s were a different time. 30 year old men could play high school students and no one would bat an eye.
>it wouldn't be believable to show MegaChad Andrew Garfield getting bullied
And then he literally gets his shit kicked in and humiliated in front of the entire school. Did you forget that part?
Not MCU, but spider-verse was god tier imo
I'm still hoping that Ultron is still around at some capacity, just so someone more competant can handle him, hell make him the villain for Antman 3 just to pay tribute to his comic book origins.
>It's weird how much better the Russos are in the handful of minutes Spider-man has in their 3 movies than his actual Sony films.
You can't be this retarded. Sony has made 6 at this point and the majority are better than Russo garbage.
>black and red suit
>It's weird how much better the Russos are in the handful of minutes Spider-man has in their 3 movies than his actual Sony films.
Why do you think they were chosen to juggle 8 main characters in IW? They’re just not comfortable managing characters that are Superman-like OP.
Imagine being so contrarian you think the Amazing Spider-Man movies are better than anything.
Sony made 2 good Spider-man movies, Spidey 2 and Spiderverse, so they are on par with the Russos.
>It's weird how much better the Russos are in the handful of minutes Spider-man
>taking off his mask on every single scene
>muh daddy Tony
>muh iron spider kid gadgets and tech suit
Nope, Tom Holland has a great potential for the characetr but MCU's Spidey is a shittiest adaptation Spider-Man ever. And yes, TAS were worse "super hero" movies but better and more faithful "Spider-Man" movies.
human spider would be nice
not even for raimi memes I just love shitty homemade suits on supeheroes, I spent like half of the PS4 game playing in that thing from homecoming
yeah homecoming and far from home were ok, the only really bad movies were spiderman 3 and asm2, its just that ASM1 was still better. It just told a better story and while the peter was an unlikeable asshole he still had an interesting story arc with his uncle and gwen and her cop dad, compared to the whiny mcu peter (miles) who just complains about adults not taking him seriously. HC is still 6/10 for me but ASM1 edges out with a 6.5.
>Yea Forumseddit-tards are a bunch of cringey MCUck faggots
im so shocked
there is one plotpoint that makes ASM1 one tier worse at minimum than HC by default.
Property of Peter Parker.
Except for the shit animation
>more faithful "Spider-Man" movies.
Not really. They focus way too much on Peter's parents and they've never really been important to Spider-Man.
Russos directed that one, dumbshit
>>taking off his mask on every single scene
But Toby Spider-Man did that shit all the time.
>shit animation
Pleb detected
Its a pet peeve I have with most superhero flicks.
I have standards, fucko.
Give me something like the Osmosis Jones film again, Hollywood, please
Are you fucking retarded? No. They absolutely did not.
Nice, maybe I'll use it for my NG+ playthrough.
>They focus way too much on Peter's parents
Just fucking read what you're saying. Those TAS movies were focusing on Peter's story on a personal level and they still had a heavy and faithful focus on his supporting cast.
What does MCU movies focus on? Fucking Tony, Spidey turning into Iron Man Jr. and working with SHIELD and a bunch of literal whos as supporting cast. These movies clearly weren't made by Spider-Man fans.
Yeah, at the end of the movies and it was inconsequential for the most part, Tobey's Spidey had a top priority for protecting his identity. Meanwhile Holland's Spidey obsession with taking off his mask made his indentity known by:
>All the Avengers
>All the Guardians of the Galaxy
>His fat friend
>Aunt fucking May (and she's fucking ok with it?? Goddamn these movies)
>Top SHIELD members
>The entirety of Wakandian warriors
>The entirety of Asgardians warriors
>Literally the whole fucking world according to FFH
So where's the PC port?
>Aunt fucking May (and she's fucking ok with it?? Goddamn these movies)
To be fair pic related and JMS-era May are THE best interpretations of the character, bar none.
You can't call the MCU Spidey flicks bad for not following the comics when they just adapt and remix material from certain runs (World tour, SHIELD partnership, Peter and Tony mentorship relations) While praising an iteration that heavily tones down and recontextualizes Peters whole origin (Peters spy parents and the fact that he is somehow a a chosen one because his blood)
>Those TAS movies were focusing on Peter's story on a personal level and they still had a heavy and faithful focus on his supporting cast.
The supporting cast in those movies are pure shit.
You cannot tell me with a straight face that you actually cared about his romance with Gwen in those movies.
>it's okay when Disney d-does it!! yaaasss bros, wholesome I love u 3000
Discucks should be fucking gassed
Based. Disneyfags and Yea Forumsmblr about to seethe.
Only one good Gwen and it for shit sure wasn't in those movies.
lol only Disney properties I watch nowadays are the marvel flicks, their current animations and SW are a joke.
In time, my child.
Gwen was kinda cute in Spectacular.
This game's Peter is the best incarnation of the character since the Raimi movies.
Fight me faget
>It's okay when Sony does it!!!
I thought this board hated Sony and shit like the Emoji movie?
Are you really so contrarian that you'll defend them just to spite MCU fans?
>Best since Spectacular Spider-man
Fixed it for you
it all makes sense now, the sony shills are defending Sony as a whole, not just the PS4, the console war has reached a new height of pathetic.
It's a shame the they decided to adapt the runs and stories Spider-Man isn't loved for.
Eh, she was alright. Liz was better. Punk-Alt Gwen gets my dick and then some.
Probably don't wanna retread already used storylines that early after a reboot, that was what the Webb movies were about to do if they were gonna do ASM3 and ASM4 like they planned.
>The supporting cast in those movies are pure shit.
Still better than MCU. At least they had Harry, Gwen, Flash and the most of important side character of them all: UNCLE BEN. How can you have a Spider-Man without Uncle Ben? That's like a Batman without his dead parents or a Superman that isn't from Krypton. I swear these MCU shills never picked a Spidey comic in their life.
>A Batman without dead parents
Yeah, I am so glad that we have to rewatch that every single time a new reboot comes out, as if we all don't know his origin at this point.
>I swear these MCU shills never picked a Spidey comic in their life.
>It's a shame the they decided to adapt the runs and stories Spider-Man isn't loved for.
That's because Disnoy only cares about getting asses into seats for the spectacle. Ironically though, Thanos was the best part of the Infinity War/Endgame duology
>he should name her Doe
Are you baiting or do you have taste this fucking garbage? The animation in Spider-Verse is some of the best in the industry.
>Free new costumes
This is always a good thing. I just picked up the game during the Sony sale and this pleases me greatly. Even if I am not the biggest fan of the MCU. They are supporting their game still (with free stuff) and that should be praised.
Probably just a zoomer Raimifag.
They're free so I literally can't complain really but more MCU shit does not make me want to replay the game.
Holy shit, fuck off.
>The animation in Spider-Verse is some of the best in the industry.
Its choppy as fuck, practically 3 frame.
Zoomers are the ones who defend MCU """"""""""""""Spider-man"""""""""""""".
fuck capeshit
>god, great or good anything tier
Nigger, Zoomers don't watch capeshit.
user, that is LITERALLY the chosen stylistic choice. They animated on twos instead of ones to lengthen out animations and feel more like a jump from comic panel to panel.
>play Spider-Man PS4
>no Venom-suit
>MJ is a huge virtue signaling dyke
I can give you only that.
>is that nigger the supposed-to-be Hot Redhead Mary Jane?
>no, she is not Mary Jane, she si another character called MJ that has the same role adn function as Mary Jane but instead is an ugly nigger.
>says he played the game
>didn't pay attention to the ending
The reason is right there
Black suit user, not Venom suit.
>Do your own research. Look up when he was asked whether Spider-Man should be bi or not.
Still no source.
user who cares about canon, a suit turns Spiderman into a flaming ghost
Zendaya is the whitest black person I have ever seen.
>this is better post game support than any other sony title and it's all free
Well, compared to the overpriced short DLC, we deserved this free stuff.
>Still no GOTY edition
Will it ever coming out or they leave Spider-Man as the only first party exclusive without an actual complete edition with all the DLC included?
Don't you mean spirit?
Hopefully the next game the symbiote suits (Fingers crossed for spider-carnage and Toxin) give you symbiotic attacks. What would they have given the black suit in this game besides a piss poor suit power?
And she is still ugly as a fucking shit-throwing monkey.
>brought back JK as J Jonah Jameson
>turned into an Alex Jones parody
That’s a monkey paw if there ever were one.
eh Spiderman PS4 did the Alex Jones parody before, and I can swear atleast one modern comic have done so aswell prior.
Is the joke that it would sound like Doremi?
Not him but I wouldn't say she's ugly. Her personality is though and having an MJ that isn't a red head should be illegal.
Best post in this thread
I'm not gonna say she's gorgeous but you have to be gay to not want to to stick it inside her.
How long does it usually take for a complete edition of a game to be released? Is it possible they're waiting for the one-year anniversary?
you forgot spiderverse
based ANTS
savior of the entire universe
It honestly is the only game I'm genuinely jelly about not getting on PC from PS4. Other games would be nice to have but I fucking love Spider-Man and the fact that this game has so many costumes is literally my fucking fetish.
I also love that they included the Cyber Spider and Armored suits which have always been my favorites for how "90s comic" they are.
I would love to see one more inspired by McFarlane's run with the giant eyes and shit.
The ASM movies have the spider being created by Peter's fucking dad.
Explain how that shit is """"faithful"""" to Spider-Man at all.
The next game will obviously focus on the Symbiotes. I wouldn't be surprised if he got the suit during the story honestly.
But will it have the Venom logo?
fuck off Disneycuck, go play on your Switch
Mysterio was done justice in far from home but the movie sucked desu.
>felicia is even called busty in JJJ's infowars show
>the actual model has no tits
nani insomniac
wasnt the "journalist" that claimed she was raped by traffic cones in GTAV the main writer of the DLC?
The suits look pretty nice.
Haven't seen the movie so I don't know if there's some justification for it but the Stealth suit is weird as it's barely a Spider-Man suit aside from the eyes
The upgraded suit looks good, although I don't really like that the spider on his back is just a bigger version of the one on his chest, I liked how it looked on the Stark suit more.
She has a nice ass though
it's why the felicia stuff is so out of place in quality compared to the rest
felicia should be oozing sex appeal. she represents the opposite of girl-next-door mj that peter wants. she's the hot babe that spider-chad can fuck on a rooftop and not call her the next day and she won't care
That's exactly what a modern JJ would be though.
>it's why the felicia stuff is so out of place in quality compared to the rest
I don't know what game you played dude but everytime felicia was on-screen my dick got hard and I was spamming the share button when I anticipated a good ass shot.
Insomniac are patricians who understand the beauty of the small tits thicc thighs combo
felicia has always been known for one thing and it's not her ass
I don't think its an awful interpretation of his character. Besides, its obvious we're never getting a better version of him than the raimi trilogy
two things*
I know, and it would have been great if she was hyper sexualised. But still, they didn't completely take away her sex appeal altogether
>SM: With great power, comes great responsiblity.
>TAS: If you can do good things for other people, you have the moral obligation to do those things. Not choice, responsability.
>MCU: lol if you can do the stuff but you don't, then the bad thing happen and that's on you.
Who did it best?
Thats for the sequel goyim.
>Felicia is literally captain america with tits
>is she and spidey fucked they would create the ultimate warrior
what are the chances that this game comes to pc?
remember that sunset overdrive was a Xbox exclusive and that got a port
The level of autism in this post and sheer ignorance to the meaning of not one but TWO jokes has me seriously considering whether or not the poster is mentally retarded or an expert level shitposter
The textures on the suits are insane.
Looks like real cloth on the left.
Move over faggots, the real tier list is coming through.
Far from home goes in the same tier as homecoming.
Actually kinda excited for the multiverse shit, MCU Fantfourtstic will be good.
>SM: the perfect original
>TAS: awkward rephrasing of exact same thing
>MCU: same as TAS, except young spidey is saying it which is a nice twist that excuses the awkward phrasing because hes just a kid
Raimi always wins
I'm still waiting for that myself. Even if the DLC is said to mediocre, it would be nice to have it included for free. It'll probably be announced either in September after it's been out for one year, or just before Christmas in general. But by then, I'll be paranoid about a PS5 remaster since they used Spiderman to test it out
based ant-bro
Still waiting for a Man-Spider skin.
There's already a homemade suit in game. Pic related.
swap gotg and civil war, and move the original iron man up to excellent and you have the same ranking as me
This is clearly bait.
Where the fuck is the symbiote suit?
>put le meme redit epic dance off movie in top tier
yeah, nah.
He literally mentions that he spent most of the game in that suit in his post, user.
He's just saying he wants more options.
>GOTG shit tier
Oh fuck, you made me physically cringe. Please eliminate your existance.
It's my genuine opinion as someone who has watched all of these films. Feel free to post why you disagree.
Stan Lee said Holland Spidey is what he envisioned for the character would be like on-screen perfectly
never ever spockfags
eat shit slott
As spider-man or as peter parker? His peter was too chad to be OG peter
>MCU: same as TAS
Finally another black and red suit, gonna use this a shit ton, the other one is ugly as sin tho, looks like an unfinished noir cosplay
I think youre confused with Garfield right? cause Holland isn't a chad Peter
you're right, I got them mixed up
>spider-man and spider-man 3 are not good
fuck off
Nah, both the suits are really nice tbqh. I'm gonna use the fully black one and roleplay as a thief just parkouring around
It really is such a cool fucking suit.
I'm actually relieved. After the Skrulls in Captain Marvel I just want bad guys to be bad.
>mcu shit
fuck off, the new movie is also pure trash
fuck marvel and disney! i don't give a crap about avengers or tony stark so stop shoving this shit into movies that should be about spidey
I just wanna know if he actually has any powers or if it's all special effects shit. I'm kinda fine either way.
new movie is the best live action spidey movie
If you don't mind the spoiler His powers are all fake, the creatures are all illusions from tech he invented (he made barf)
Is the Nick Spencer run any good? I really liked his Superior Foes and The Fix but the art on ASM makes me leery.
Thank god
Spoil me, does this have any multiverse shenanigans? Or was it just a ruse?
Not that user, but no. I was quite disappointed. The only tie to the Raimi films is that JJJ is played by the same dude.
Another lie by Mysterio. There's some Arkham Scarecrow like scenes done with the illusions which are cool
do re mi so la ti da
Oh yeah user because Asgardians and Wakandans are definitely gonna remember what he looks like amongst that huge battle.
Thanks anons, seems like once again i might see this movie just for mysterio, just like how totally not hobgoblin vulture was the best part of homecoming
Yes, the autism in your post is indeed impressive. Thanks for making me laugh user.
>MCU: well mr Stark said..
>real tier list
MJ is not girl next-door level of beauty.
she is star model level of beauty
>felicia is even called busty in JJJ's infowars show
She is.Just not in the game hue. Which is good, because game-Felicia is an absolute fucking cunt.
She does. And with an ass and thighs like that, who needs tits? Where my legbros at?
is the left one in the actual movie or from the video game. the cg lighting is so bad that i cant tell the fucking difference anymore
girl next door is a catch-all term for more down to earth personality and can still be good looking, which obviously mj is
kate upton is a good example of a "girl next door" face because she looks more wholesome and "obtainable" as opposed to traditional exotic euro/brazillian supermodels like
Both pics are from the game.
Homecoming is the best live action Spidey, Spiderverse is the actual best movie. Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina were the best parts of the original trilogy, Tobey Maguire sucks as Peter.
Homecoming got us the spider-bro suit power. It's deliciously broken, but I legitimately wonder what the Raimi suit power would have been. Infinite webbing attacks? Infinite slow down for perfect dodges to replicate the spider-sense scenes from the movies? Burns and Allen jokes?
>Say goodnight Gracie!
Well Microsoft has always been more open to eventual PC ports of their games. Sony essentially never has.
tell that to heavy rain, beyond two souls and detroit become human
Zero. Insomniac said it will never leave Sony.
all fair takes. garfield sucked as peter too
he looks weird bald still
he looks like he fits the role like a glove still
they better use him more in later films rather then just throw him away for the cheep info wars gag
I don't think anyone likes him as Peter. I do like him as an actor though.
>tfw all of these Homecoming suits
Really want some /ss/ with Carol now.
it's a rethorical question
You're a rhetorical question.
Stfu whore
I've been enjoying it so far.
>mfw people unironically dislike Homecoming because of petty "muh childhood role model power fantasy" shit
Seeing a young suburbs Spider-Man that's actually a total greenhorn fuck-up was refreshing as fuck. Not suprised capeshit fans hate it though.
While Spider-Man 3 was "Eh" as a whole, the Sandman scene / all of his scenes were the best one(s) in any Spiderman movie.
>JJJ always ends up being right
>so does Alex Jones
I don't see the problem nigga
The new suits look okay. Dunno why they even add the stealth one in. Stealth in this game is garbage
>tfw Stan never got to make the second Toei-produced Spiderman show like he wanted to
>tfw we will never get his vision of combining japanese action with american writing
It's not fucking fair lads
>no web wings on the new main suit