Senran Kagura

Reminder that Burger Ninjas are a thing

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Americans can't be ninjas because being loud and obnoxious is counterproductive to stealth.


>how can let them know that this ninja is an American? oh I know,just slap a American flag on her bra lmao
fucking Japan

>a burger ninja and native burger ninja will never team up to beat you up

Senrans aside, I really like the idea of a Native American-themed ninja. Like Connor from AC3 but with big titties.
>bow and arrow
>tomahawk instead of shuriken/kunais
>wilderness/ranger skills

can't blame them, americans don't have recognisable culture after all

american flag bikinis on blonde chicks with huge tits is the hottest thing in the world
if you don't jerk off to something like pic related on the 4th you don't deserve to call yourself an american.

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Dallas cheerleader is Yoshimitsu. Trail of Tears is Matsuri.

They should have her be the pilot of a giant football boxer robot that dual wields giant revolvers while riding a flying surfboard.
It's the only way to achieve MAXIMUM FREEDOM.

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This, the Japanese-made American anime girls are truly the best, I'm Canadian and even I can't resist them.


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This isn’t even freedom’s final form!

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Don't forget it's piloted by a cowboy boxer New Yorker that gets powered up when big tiddy American women sing him the national anthem. G Gundam is the fucking best.


I keep forgetting that Indians were a thing in Merica

Reminder that I love my wife Homura.

I'd rather have sex than jerk off on the 4th

G Gundam is so fucking good. I love how batshit insane it is. There's a fucking Windmill Gundam, that shit is amazing.


And if based Andrew Jackson had is way there wouldn't be anymore I can guarantee you that

They should had done something with them instead of having the main characters lose their status to other jap girls

Oh yeah 4th of July is coming up

One of the recent spin-offs upgraded the Tequila Gundam, they gave it a banjo and coffin to pay homage to Django Unchained.

So do the Americans.

I'm not even a burger but this man is absolutely right

Why are amerifats almost always depicted as blonde and blue-eyed even though that's like a miniscule part of their population?

Well what happened, what do Indians do nowadays?

Live in reservations and getting drunk I think

I love half of the New Wave chicks. I can only pray that 7even includes a decent amount of them as playable

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Because national stereotypes.

They're cucked. They stay on their reservations and drink mouthwash all day thanks to the overpowering fear of the white man permanently engraved into their genetic code.

Patriotic as fuck.

That's not true, she's also blonde

Also the casinos. And I think they prefer "Native American" these days.

I feel bad for amerindians in general. They really got fucked.

Native American girl is cute

This is the sexiest Who Wave.

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They pretty much don't exist anymore anyways. There's like 500 of them and they live out innawoods in Oklahoma getting drunk and keeping to themselves in their sectioned off areas.

They're pretty efficient ninjas in coastal areas, they blend in gatherings of seals very well.

Reminder that it was Japan who made Metal Wolf Chaos.

It's probably the most American vidya in existence

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>tfw your country is represented by a gipsy
>a cute one with big tits

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They shouldn't have trusted the Anglo menace

>post yfw "if you're going to punch me 10 times at once then I'll become 10 gundams to counter your attack!"

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>Playing through shadow hearts trilogy
>Can't wait to get to the third game to see this native hottie.

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>port got delayed into 2019
>doesn't seem to be coming out on the 4th

it hurts, I just wanted to party

you'd be surprised how many people still envision americans that way, europoor

>a cute one with big tits

That's how gypsies get ya.

I'm not patriotic at all but American flag bikinis are ridiculously hot


IIRC it got delayed because they're also making a Switch port

>tfw Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken

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The last time I saw Americans at the beach I thought a pod of whales had beached themselves.

I bought Burst Re:newal, Is it fun?
Also i might buy valkyrie drive

Im going to fug the Fuga after marriage

you browse the internet too much

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Why is she black?

Every time I look at these kind of games, I envision the same fat anime figure collector from Paranoia Agent playing them.

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have you seen some of the ninjas in SK? There isn't anything stealthy about Daidouji. She'll walk up to you in broad daylight and boldly state she is there to kill you before splattering you all over a wall. She is like that orc from Oblivion.

Attached: Daidouji.jpg (512x512, 32K)

I hope you bought it on PC user

My brother.

I'm not even American, I just fucking love your skanky ass fucking denim shorts and flag bikini wearing big tit blonde bimbos.

why is that soda cup labelled in fucking daedric text

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ugly fat bitch

Non-American detected.

make em wear a cowboy hat and a gun

>she's so patriotic the front of her hair is shaped like an eagle

Most American post of the day

its the summer sale, of course i did.

So is the next game going to be kart racing?

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It's going to be a graveyard manager simulator.

I love my wife Ikaruga!

Nigger the only thing you need to be a ninja is not tell anyone you are a member od a ninja clan, if there's still a ninja group out there i bet they are mainly hackers stealing secrets from companies and selling them to the highest bidder.

I give you 24 hours to get out of America before i have your commie ass executed, and just to show you i mean business now its 24 minutes.

There are more natives now then there were at the height of colonization. They're not going extinct, it's just that they never adapted to civilized life. The government gives them free money and they spend it on booze.

Fuck you, racist fuck.



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Damn that chick on the right looks like that one South Dakota boat in Azur Lane

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>tfw there's not a lot of blondes in your area
I hate this jew-spic shithole called South FL

Because she will look no different to Japanese Ninjas in Senran Kagura.


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>Senran thread
>its shit
Well im sad now

masta asia is best boi

>senran is shit

In other news, water is wet


Complain about being represented on media
Harassing kids who wear MAGA hats

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But he is the best boi

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>game represents you
>game doesn't represent you


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>He isn't decked out in US Flag paraphernalia 24/7
So close to the 4th and you choose now to be this unpatriotic?

With your girlfriend wearing an american flag bikini, right?