ITT: kino game mechanics
>play japanese game
>find a hot spring
>it slowly refills your health when you stand in it
ITT: kino game mechanics
>play japanese game
>find a hot spring
>it slowly refills your health when you stand in it
>japanese game has game mechanics
It's always surprising when that one happens.
nothing like when i press the jump key and my character jumps pretty kino if you ask me
this but unironically
most of new games wont have the jump mechanic
i need it, even there are no jumps on the game
>person asks if you want to go on an adventure or save the world
>say no
>game over
>play japanese game
>find a hot spring
>shoot enemy in arm
>enemy can't use it to aim gun or weapon anymore
>shoot enemy in leg
>enemy limps
And I'm always disappointed when hot springs don't heal in games
>Lifesteal mechanics have reversed effects on undead
>Healing mechanics have reversed effects on undead
>Revive has reversed effects on undead
>Shoot a bad guy as he starts doing that slow-ass dodge roll
>Doesn't die until he finishes his dodge roll
>enemies use tactics together like a SWAT team
MGS2 was great with enemy AI. What other games do this?
>not having a gasoline powered gamer chair
this is the reason why you're always at the bottom of the scoreboard, scrubs.
Where's her nipples?
>Play Japanese game
>Every other sentences some elder says no war crimes ever happened
>Posters translate to the Rape of Chingkong city as fake news
>Elder men being sexual with oddly young looking girls who look 11 but say they are 500 years old
>Suicide option when entering forbidden forest
>Side Quests are having job you hate to please father honor
>Laugh at Europeans for being invaded by browns... while QT Jap girls ride white man cock while you study to prove war crimes fake
>Japan level
sounds kino. what game?
>throw healing potion at undead type enemy
>it dies
>that one shack in Severnaya that's filled with desks and bookshelves and has a model helicopter on the desk
>if you shoot anything it all explodes in a chain reaction that kills the framerate for a minute and leaves a greasy cloud of smoke
Fucking love Goldeneye.
There is an incalculable level of seethe in this post
Japan does action mechanics better than the west. That's about as obvious as the west doing shooter mechanics better than Japan.
in the wet
>That's about as obvious as the west doing shooter mechanics better than Japan.
Only in regards to First Person shooters, which the west unquestioningly has dominance over. If the Japs learned how to make FPS, it'd be another genre overtaken.
True. Unfortunately, first person doesn't seem to sit too well with Japanese sensibilities outside of Wizardry clones.
i think japan has a major motion sickness problem overall. this is why so many nip games don't let you move the camera faster than a snails pace
FEAR is the only one I can think of
>healing doesn't hurt zombies, it heals them
>game has a bestiary
>game uses screenshake JUST right
>game has vending machines
>you can activate them and eat the food to gain 1% hp
>game has cans you can kick
>You discover the monster's secret weakness by defeating a large amount of them and then looking in the bestiary for information
>You can feed wild enemies to become friends with them
this one makes no sense to me. atleast monster hunter makes you research the monster itself not just kill it over and over
>This gives you bad karma
>game lets you pet animals and play with them
Hate how Twilight Princess is branded as soulless so often when you can pick up cats and play fetch with a dog.
>game has a casino
>you can abuse it by savescumming
>shoot a red barrel
>it explores
>shoot red barrel
>it doesn't explode
>shoot a red barrel
>it actually start a boss fight where the red barrel is the boss and when he dies he explodes, if you are too close it can kill you.
>stab a red barrel
>it explodes
Sounds like those kamikaze fuckers that scream bloody murder from Nier Automata.