>involved in the production of pic related
>about to get laid off in a month or two
Ask me anything about pic related. Fuck it.
>involved in the production of pic related
>about to get laid off in a month or two
Ask me anything about pic related. Fuck it.
Other urls found in this thread:
why are you getting laid off
Is it fun?
Favorite part?
How is your day going, user? Will you be okay after you're laid off?
how many cocks do you suck on a daily basis???
Can your please explain the plot? Is it real angels and God being the bad guys or some impostor or rogue angel?
Did John Romero make you his bitch?
R u Grill? Pls respond
its another doom game, while it looks alright who the fuck would have any questions about this, its almost as cut and dry of a sequel as the annual sports title
what the fuck is there to even ask about this game? how it ends?
Try getting laid first before they can laid you off, virgin
>make AMA thread
>never reply to anything, tab is already closed, not even getting your own (You) dose
I'll still try but not give a (You) : are the angels in the game actual angels or some "demon" corrupted angels?
Is doomslayer the same doomguy from 1, 2 and 64?
Any crossover with Quake? Because there's a fucking slipgate in the game. Don't fucking play with my feelings.
What does it feel like to be so desperate for attention that you make shit up for (You)s on an anonymous anime image board?
I’m friends with Mark Diaz. I assure you that OP is a fag and any information he could spoil is only going to ruin the game’s experience for you. If you don’t care though then have at it.
Explain the plot.
Another of these threads? Sure. They seem to want us to believe that this will answer some questions about the Slayer. So who is he? Is he really the same Doom Guy of past games? Keen's son? Or is he actually the Betrayer?
>Bethesda and Zenimax are getting rid of "liaison" roles, as they're impressed with how Id is doing things independently.
Yes. The Multiplayer sucks.
The "Angels" are led by a being known as the Khan Maykr. They're not angels in the biblical sense. Parallel to humans and Earth, there was another human society known as the Sentinels, who were given Argent Energy by the "Angels" in exchange for the Sentinels' worship, loyalty and cooperation in combat. The Sentinels began to take advantage of Argent Energy by using it to further their own society's progress. While all of this is going on, The "Angels" had a deeply-kept secret - Argent energy could corrupt weaker beings, so a lot of these "Angels" ended up turning into demons, forming Hell, and so on and so forth. The "Angels" had a strict non-intervention policy, letting nature take its course, and sometimes willingly unleashing Hell when necessary.
The "Angels" decided to kill two birds with one stone by granting the Sentinels access to Argent Energy in hopes that they would fend off the forces of Hell. The Sentinels were far more powerful than the "Angels" had thought, and their more high-ranking warriors were deemed as a threat by them. The "Angels" willingly staged an invasion on the Sentinel homeworld from Hell, which ultimately absorbed it. The Sentinels ended up traveling across time and space, settling Mars. Another conflict happened, and they seeded life on Earth, which the "Angels" were constantly watching over. When humans discovered Argent Energy, the Khan Maykr viewed it as another major issue, so the events of Doom 2016 occurred.
The plan to take Earth consisted of Lazarus Waves turning a majority of people into possessed/zombies, which would prepare massive gore nests to facilitate the invasion of demons. The Khan Maykr oversaw all of this with the intention to whisk Earth and Mars to a parallel dimension, to become part of Hell, cleaning the universe.
Fucking cool. Is Doomguy's backstory elaborated on? I hope they confirm he's the same dude from the classic games.
What are the enemies?
>Revenant doesn't shoot homing rockets
>Manc doesn't shoot two fireballs at once
>PE doesn't let souls roam
can you niggers stop falling for obvious lies?
Were non-arena gameplay even considered? Like old doom, searching keys in a maze-like levels with enemies just being there instead of spawning like in dmc?
How stocked is the break room?
That's typical in AAA game production. They hire a bunch of people, then lay them off right as the project nears completion.
>they're impressed with how Id is doing things independently.
It's like id is a good dev, unlike Bethesda lmao
>>Manc doesn't shoot two fireballs at once
They didn't in Doom 4 either. They worked more like mortars
Wasn't that the Cybermanc?
It's weird how the Prowler gets to shoot 3 fireballs at the same time and the Revenant did have homing rockets in the MP, while the Summoner just existed in general and lost souls already self destruct
For a game advertised as having "twice as many demons", it seems like a lot of the variety isn't going to be that deep
Both Mancubose functioned more or less the same, except with one leaving acid pools and having more health.
At least that one had a function
But the new Baron seems like a general replacement for the normal Baron
It probably is, but there is that cybernetic guy with the arm blades that doesn't have a name as far as I can tell. Revenants had homing missiles in Doom 4 as well, it just wasn't for every attack.
Is it going to be worth $60
Spill the beans on Switch revisions.
Btw you also started this thread before you LARPing monkey. Switch version isn't delayed.
>Khan Maykr
the stupidly on-the-nose name confirms that this leak is true
You must be legit for the story to be that convoluted.
Is it a decently long game?
>inb4 it's a reference to "Unmaker" in a similar vain to one of the bosses having a Doom 64 chainsaw
So is he Chinese or Japanese?
No it doesn't because the Doom twitter already revealed the name of the big angel thing.
Nevermind, then. Still sounds unbelievably dumb, I wish game writers stop taking old games that had literal Hell in them and making it a weird Nu-Hell where demons are basically just edgy aliens.
What the fuck is going on with that HUD. Please, please, PLEASE tell me its being replace, or atleast customizable.
PC mods when
did you expect any better from new age soi boi writers and fat blue haired females?
did they change or remove any of the writing due to the faux outrage over the "mortally challenged" joke?
Do you know Alexis in modeling?
Besides the obvious slipgate from E3, Is there anything Quake related in development?
Yes, but it's not what you might expect, or want.
If this is op, please elaborate.
I want to know all.
Two minor things other than the ongoing Champions. Both involving Quake 4.
Quake 4? Elaborate please boss
Will the game have, like in Doom 2016, retro easter egg levels?
A couple of guys working with MS on getting Q4 & Q2 working on Scarlet. It was lined up for the One but they cancelled the BC program.
Project 2 is looking into if there's a profit to be made releasing it on the Switch
Does it end on a cliff hanger for another sequel?
Wow. That fucking sucks.
So no new Quake game? What about tie-ins to Quake in Doom: Eternal?
What new Champions will we see coming in the future?
The official word is along the lines of how we love and treasure Quake, and will always be thinking of ways to keep the brand active and fun, etc.
One guy is trying very hard to get Quake 1 re-released onto everything though. He's spent hours working alone getting it running on Switch, but nobody else seems interested.
Crash, Hunter and Sarge in Champions when?
>Quake 4 on Switch
No one is asking for this
What's Archvile gameplay like? Will they be an actual recurring demon or just a boss?
Would a modern Quake port even feature the soundtrack in the game?
I know. But it's been suggested as a relatively easy project with minor investment.
What the hud has turned into makes me want to vomit
That it's thought of as acceptable is a glaring condemnation of how bad the game will probably be
They did it because if "feedback" and "it's a video game with a capital V"
sounds kino
What ocean?
But its shit, the original DOOM doesn't have a glaring HUD anything like the new one shown in Eternal.
Its like they wanted to pay homage to retro video games, but chose Super Mario or metroid as a basis to do so. Doesn't look like DOOM at all.
the story and any surprise weapons, events, etc the game might have, you autists. stop being stupid
this is what I wanna know the most. people keep stretching to pretend this is true in their minds but unless the new games explicitly say this, we have to assume doom 2016 was a hard reboot
Quake Champions says it's the same Doomguy
>Quake Champions
Are there any other clues besides the armor's design and the memes before the reboot happened that inspired it?
quake isn't a doom game. it was just a tongue in cheek nod to doom
any rumors or known information on Elder Scrolls 6 ?
>Quake Champions isn't canon despite id software never saying it isn't and the legendary skins are clearly supposed to be who the characters used to be a long time ago.
Okay faggots. Can't wait for Eternal to blow you deniers out hard.
ID Software also never said the Armenian genocide happened, are you gonna believe that too?
I wonder how much of nuDoom's lore is just ideas from a cancelled game
The Doom 1/2/64 guy isn't in any way the Doom 3 marine
The legendary skin for Doomguy is his original design form the classics, user. There's a reason why you have to collect each character's entire backstory lore before you can see what they originally looked like in the past.
Can't believe we still have retards trying to deny it's the same Doomguy yet id software is constantly making references to obscure shit like Daisy his pet bunny from the originals. If he wasn't the same fucking guy they'd just bury that part of the lore because of how goofy and outlandish it is. Use your fucking heads people.
Surprised the notion wasn't "same guy different background"
Before anyone says "because of fanservice" then wouldn't the ultimate fanservice be to make him the original Doomguy instead of some new asshole?
Doom 3 Doomguy is the only one who I think has nothing to do with the original and that skin was just there to throw a bone to fans of 3.
Can your life stop being so pathetic?
I'm feeling this is the same kind of feedback that usually dumbs down shit to the ground, like that famous HL2 story where they deleted a left turn because testplayers were too retarded
What's Tim like?
No, he is an ancient Martian Sentinel.
Read this:
then have sex.
Sorry dude, guess id wanted to subvert your expectations. There were rabbits on Mars.
Are you going to apply to Id?
With all the lengths modern is going to fanservice the fuck out of modern Doom I'd doubt they'd pull a Rian "Bad writing is good because you weren't expecting it" Johnson.
So is doom guy = doom slayer confirmed?
it's inevitable given game dev demographics, sorry buddy
The two Doom Eternal dev leads are both Texan gun-nuts so I don't think that'll happen anytime soon.
Yo buddy, got any proof that you're not spewing shit?
How dare you
Post proof or gtfo faggot.
Only one of them is Texan