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Other urls found in this thread:

give more money to (((NVIDIA))) goy

this! so much this!

so its like rtx 2080 remaster?

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wasn't there some issue where the 2000 cards were getting too hot and burning out prematurely?
sounds more like fixing a design flaw.
>starts at ONLY $400!
and console owners think they aren't going to be paying 800-1000 bucks for the next gen that boasts they're better hardware than PCs

>no 2080ti super

On the good hand RTX 2070 Super looks decent this time.
BUT still worse than a 1080Ti and overpriced.

The titan rtx is the rtx 2080 ti super

>and console owners think they aren't going to be paying 800-1000 bucks for the next gen that boasts they're better hardware than PCs
They aren't. With the high amount of production and the longevity of the platform, why would they have to pay a premium?

Ok I know nothing about graphics cards but I'm building a PC at the end of the year. I need a graphics card that can run modern and future releases like Sekiro, Mordhau, and VR games but can also reliably emulate older games like gamecube and PS1/2 games. I'm skeptical on Nvidia because there seems to be a lot of jokes about their graphics cards catching on fire or something, so I normally do AMD but I'm willing to listen if its for a card that will last, especially since we seem to be hitting a cap in graphics so I don't think I'll have to upgrade cards for a long time. Help me out friends

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What's the difference between super and Ti?

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Radeon VII

Desired framerate?
What CPU are you gonna pair it up with?

Ampere when, I want RTX that isn't shit

I don't want a jet engine that overheats.

How many GB does the 2060 super have?

Reccommend me a CPU too.

No idea probably just going to buy some monitor for cheap
>Desired framerate
60FPS I don't ever see the need for higher
no idea about those either probably just whatever my friend has, but his PC is about 3 years old


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Lol poor fag

>rtx 2060 more powerful than 1080

Just get a 1070.

Nvidia xx70 and higher are quite good. You could also get an AMD RX580.

For CPUs either Intel 8th gen or higher or AMD Ryzen 3000 series

Who else am I going to give money to? My wife and her son, forget that I'm a treating myself this summer.

Just visit

Literally made and maintained by /g/ to stop retards like you seeking computer build help.

2070S can do 60fps 1440p with ultra RTX, it's already good enough

Attached: untitled-2.png (715x824, 53K)

>and console owners think they aren't going to be paying 800-1000 bucks for the next gen that boasts they're better hardware than PCs
They won't, because these "powerful new machines" are just gonna be more of the same "running in 4k* and 120fps**"

*upscaled to 4k
**not 120fps

1660 for 200
or 1070 if you can find it for 200

Or like PSVR, 90FPS in 1080i.

TFW when I can't upgrade my video card because I bought a prebuilt water cooled rig and it seems too complicated to mess with.

>being this much of a pussy bitch
nah im jk user don't fuck with it if you don't know what you're doing

learn what to do then fuck with it you pussy

Ryzen 3600 for the CPU.

2060 super performance will probably be a lot cheaper by the end of 2020 though.

Wait, the RTX 2080 ti is $1200 and the RTX 2080 super is 700? Why is the ti still almost double the price?? Are there comparisons of the 2080 ti vs the super?

What about VR? Should I go higher than 1070

3072 CUDA cores vs 4352 CUDA cores

2080 Super is 2080 replacement, not 2080 Ti

If you get a Vive a 1070Ti/1660Ti is enough.

Wait why are they at 20XX now? Weren't they at like 10XX last year or something

looks like it will be 8GB

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>RTX 2060S is the same MSRP as the 4-year-old GTX 1080
>slightly faster
Okay Nvidia..

time to mine some more crypto

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I wonder what prices would have been like if AMD released the 5700 cards at $200 and 250-300 which is their real worth instead $400 and $500.

Now they just fucked prices again and their new GPU line is DOA.

A new coin needs to be released and a cheap GPU that is profitable to mine with needs to exist too.
GPU mining is no longer profitable with the usual coins.

I don't know, just seems crazy to me they're trying to charge that much in a market that's frankly saturated with GPUs following the mining craze. $400 is a lot to ask for an entry level GPU with plenty of gently used 1080 Tis and RX Vegas floating around

Isn't this basically a big middle finger to anyone who already bought a 20xx card? Like we already knew this was a bait generation but this is like a direct insult to anyone dumb enough to fall for it.

I have a 1070 and it works ok for VR, but something better than it would definitely be an improvement.

the people who were stupid enough to buy a 20xx card will be stupid enough to buy a 20xx super card as well

The performance increase from 1060 to 2060 was 50%. The price increase was 75%.

The performance increase from 960 to 1060 was 75%. The price increase was 0%.

The performance increase from 1070 to 2070 was 30%. The price increase was 20%.

The performance increase from 970 to 1070 was 50%. The price increase was 10%.

similar for the others too. nvidia are just being jews and they're trying to justify it with this rtx feature no one cares about. do not support them. just buy second hand or buy old stuff.

They thought the ShitCoin miner gravy train would last long enough to make the resulting price gauge the new standard. The prices are completely artificial now. They can suck my dick. Their new 2080 cards aren't even worth 500$.

> 2070 SUPER is basically a 2080 but $200 cheaper

Thank god I waited

What a shit show. Some test show the 1080 is better then the shit they are pushing. Also who the fuck has that cpu? Even with their baked tested it's a fucking travesty.

Attached: nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-super-1920x1080-performance.png (850x805, 90K)

i mean trying to rely on price memory to sell product is smart, but thankfully they aren't really getting away with it. thank god there is nothing good coming out that requires a GPU upgrade (besides maybe cyberpunk)

Should I upgrade my r9 390 for a 2060 super? Is it particularly difficult to switch from AMD to Nvidia?

I can only find the 1070 for about the same price as the 2070, where can I find it cheaper?

If you've got the money, why not? That's a sizable performance upgrade. It's not particularly difficult; install card and uninstall AMD drivers, install Nvidia ones.

Just make sure you have a CPU that can keep up.

Great, more $1000 GPUs so I can still play Age of Empires 2 and Homeworld.

Big fucking whoop. Make some good games instead you fucking shits.

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Imagine people that bought a regular 2060

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Imagine people that bought Jewvidia past 970

im happy with my 2080Ti

What's your CPU MB PSU?

Pc illiterate here. Can I get a simple rundown on those cards? Will probably make a new pc buy the end of the year, so do these new cards change anything in regards to wanting to play at 4K 60 or will the 2080ti still be the best for that?

nvidia is a graphics card company, genius

Why not skip to 3080s?

>buy this overpriced shit to get a minor ~10-15% performance increase over your current 1070/1080 card
come on now

2080, 2080s and 2080ti can all do 4k/60fps but 2080 might struggle from time to time. They're all overpriced and gay. Now is a bad time to buy a high tier graphics card.

>Should I upgrade my r9 390 for a 2060 super?
What games do you play or do you even intend to play all the new shit?

true. I am still rocking my 770 GTX with 4 GB VRAM and my fucking 2500k with 16GB RAM. All the games I was interested in are running fine, even on 2K resolution. I hope HITMAN(reboot) will run on it. Wanted to upgrade but those retard prices are just uncool. Will wait for the new AMD CPUs to release and then get a new system, will probably be an NVIDIA GPU though,but we will see. Hope the prices and their stock value drops even more until then.

1060 - used to be good value but crypto ruined it
1070 - used to be good value but crypto ruined it
1080 - enthusiast gpu, used to be ok but crypto ruined it
2060 - overpriced, barely more powerful than 1070
2070 - overpriced, about as powerful as 1080
2080 - yikes

as for the TI's, imagine the same GPU but slightly more powerful and more expensive. it's just a really shit time for GPUs right now no matter how you look at it. the best value is a cheap used 970 or a 980 if you can find one, but neither will be powerful, just good value

Call me when I can get an RTX 2070 for $350 (the price they should have launched at.

Ok and maybe they should spend some on game development and not just hardware.

Because right now PC gaming is a fucking joke. PC exclusives are made to be playable on Intel HD cards and otherwise it's just console ports.

Because they don't ha e a choice.

>crypto is the cause of price inflation

if you want 4k60fps ultra then the 2080ti is your only bet and even then it's generally on average only maxing out no higher than 70fps on modern games.

Can I buy used and not have it break down on me?

here's your GPU demand bro

probably, though there is some debate about whether the GPU being used for crypto will have reduced lifetime. even used GPUs tend to be overpriced, though

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Console gaming is also a joke, and I say that as someone who owns a Switch and a PS4.
Believe it or not, gaming in general is a joke ATM.

Yeah sure but atleast console gaming has remained the same in pricing.

We have an extreme inflation of GPU prices and for what? So we can play those console ports at slightly smoother frames? There has never been so little reason to upgrade PC components as today. Most of your 2013 shit probably works just fine today aswell.

Based. Gonna cop one of these to play Cyberpunk (GOTY) with all its ray tracing glory

>that JUST hair
>all those 570's
>came in a goddamn buisness suit

what a fucking joker.

>Yeah sure but atleast console gaming has remained the same in pricing.
Not really, early rumors are already pointing towards $600-$700 for next gen consoles.
I can't wait for them to launch personally, since it means retards like you can fuck off back to consoles where you belong.

>he's excited for yet another CDPR downgraded consolized travesty
You learned nothing from Witcher 3.

Nice, think I'll get one of these.

New good, old bad.

You call me a retard yet you're the one defending the absolute state of PC gaming.

The PC platform has lost all identity and personality in favor of lazy console ports and overpriced GPUs. There is nothing inherently PC anymore. Maybe except free-to-play games for Brazilians and Russians. PC used to spearhead numerous genres back in the day. Now it just plays second fiddle to everything.

The same applies to consoles, nothing but garbage AAA games and ports of games that are better on PC.
If not for DQB I wouldn't even own a modern console.

>Ryzen 3600 for the CPU
Lmao. Enjoy your stutterfest.

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It mostly is.
Prices inflated due to crypto, but then retards kept buying thus showing that Nvidia and AMD can get away with higher prices and people will still buy, thus setting the new norm for pricing.

>memory latency
like that means shit

The 2060 was never a 1080 replacement you dumb ass. The 2060S is better than the 1080 in all of those benchmarks as well.

>mfw got a vega56 for $210
dabbing hard on 1660/2060 wojaks. call me when nvidia switch over to HBM and 7nm

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t. brainlet

should i even bother upgrading my 1080 non ti?

>doesn't even say what memory was used

so now normal lineup cards are released immediately as ti and tis are now released as supers?

>Imagine being a 2060 buyer and now missing out on 2GB more Vram

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Not at home but I have a ryzen 1600x and a plenty big psu. Don't recall the mb at the moment though.

These cards are out just in time for AMD to shit all over them

I still use a meme 970 card and it just works.
There really aren't a lot of games which need more than a 1080.

yeah swapped that one out for my 1080 user just because i have a 1440p 144hz screen

in all honesty is there even a need for the SUPER cards?

why did they even go BACK to only 8gb? not go UP to like 16

Muh RT cores and GDDR6. PS5 and Xbox one 2 will have more vram than these cards. Best to wait till they are out to match it

Nah, RX 5700 may not even be able to match a 2060.

im not sure about that. we're getting close to the theoretical limit for size reductions of transistors, so increases in performance will mostly come from larger die, which are expensive due to high binning rates, and maybe just the production in general. idk how well the process for the latter has been advancing recently

Nothing uses 16gb for gaming, even at 4k. They are saving a couple of dollars in production costs.

so in all honesty wait until the generation after muh super cards?

When, now that the competition is gone, their midrange cards cost twice that of a PS4.

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AMD and NVIDIA both have a ton of memes about housefires, theyre both outdated at this point and not an issue. listen to

Does your dad work at AMD?

This, and I'm fairly positive there's a backroom price fixing deal going on between jewvidia and AMD, to explain why AMD's typical better-bang-for-your-buck quality seems to have evaporated, and now they're all only ever just slightly less expensive than Nvidia's offerings.

Really annoying time to upgrade. My hardware's getting a little old and I'm trying to decide whether to get an RX580 or 1060 or something else entirely in the moderate price range.

How's that been working out? I'm interested in a 1440p monitor but I'm waiting till I upgrade my GPU.

So you'll be using a 970 until Intel cards come out? Don't say you bought a Navi card, that'd be just sad.

Is there even a way to game at 4K 100+fps using AMD?

dual 2080Tis can.

I'm in a hard position too. Going to get Ryzen 3 because I need more cores (VMs, game servers, video rendering, etc) and my current i5 is struggling with it all. Was looking at getting a new videocard while I was at it and I may just hold on to my shitty 950GTX since it's hard to justify yet another $400+ on top of the cash I'll already be spending on the rest of the build.

4K is a meme

pretty amazing honestly, i waited too but cashed in cause saved up some money, now waiting if i should cash in a newer TI version and just never upgrade again ever

HDR1000 Monitors when?

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Just bought a 1660 ti after using the same 660 for like 7 years. What should I play first to test it out?

its not but its also not viable because sli/cross fire has limited support and the future is software bridging not hardware.

so what exactly is ray-tracing, why is it being marketed so heavily, and why does it justify such ridiculous prices for memecards

Is this just another gimmick like when nvidia was shilling that physx bullshit years back?

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>tfw still sitting on a 770
One day.

Is there any point to getting a RTX 2070 super over a 1080 Ti at this point?

>Is this just another gimmick like when nvidia was shilling that physx bullshit years back?

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Na like late last year they started launching rtx (or raytracing) 20xx cards. The old lineup was gtx 1050 up to 1080ti. Now it's rtx 2060 up to 2080ti.

You can't tell 1080p and 4k apart in a blind test if you aren't allowed to shove your face up to the monitor

Their current "mid range" cards are 1070 tier and are far stronger than a PS4, a PS4 pro, or an XboneX.

Rtx 2060 should even be better than gtx 1080ti I think.


It's just slightly better lighting that kills your performance

Idk tho

Of course you don't. Only a retard would think a 2060 is 1080ti tier. You can even look up benchmarks to see how fucking dumb this statement is.

>and are far stronger than a PS4, a PS4 pro, or an XboneX
You'd expect then the card alone costs as much or more as a complete system.

dont fall for the 144hz meme. fall for the 165hz gsync meme

even worse

so is it going to be more powerful than the 2080ti?

It's a more realistic way of rendering lighting and shading in games, i.e., it looks more photorealistic. In the past, it took too much computing power to do it in games, but RTX got it to work somehow. However, you definitely paid for it, and Nvidia priced it higher than they normally would.

The meme is that no games supported it at launch except for a FFXV benchmark, and if a game had it then it ran like shit, even at 1080p. A year after the launch there are some games utilizing it, but still not many. I guess you can play Quake with it on but who cares?

So I would say it's better than physx once it becomes more common, but for now it's only a marketing meme.

i tried the free weekend a couple months ago and i averaged like 30 fps, sometimes 60, with constant drops into the 20s on this machine

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No. 2070 and 2080 will be replaced with 2060 Super and 2070 Super respectively.

Wat? Bro, the 1080 Ti was neck and neck with the RTX 2080. Nowadays, the 2080 probably did slightly better in new games with updated drivers, but I'm talking like a 5-10% increase at most.

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And I won't ever have to upgrade. I can guarantee the best gen will be weaker than 1070's and will only be 580 tier at best.


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Is it worth upgrading GPU now or should I wait until the next consoles specs get released so I can match them and ensure I'm good for at least a full generation?

>try to sell off a used RTX 2060
>nobody will take it because it “sounds too loud and smells like burning”

we already had this meme ages ago and it fail into obscurity, it's not our fault consolefags are only catching this up now.

Yes. Your 2080 will get picked up by our return crew momentarily.

You could try pawning it on eBay to recoup some of your losses and just get a 2070 super.

will my i5 4590 bottleneck the super 2060

Forgot to add

>too afraid to install on new pc because I keep fucking up because retarded.

yeah sure lad and my i7 3770 and 1060 has steady 60

consoleshitter is mad
it sure is summer

WTF, I just ordered a P100. Should I cancel the order and wait?

I want /pol/ to go back to when it was about family values.

i swear to god. i think the game looks good, and i wanted to play it. but whether i used extreme settings or low settings, it'd drop into 20fps constantly. it was a free weekend so obviously it was a brand new install, so i just assumed everyone playing was either a masochist or SLI-ing 2080tis

>We have an extreme inflation of GPU prices and for what?

Because GPU companies actually managed to trick normies into thinking they need high-end GPUs to play Fortnite on their 1920@60 monitors.

Graphics cards are the biggest scam in PC history, you literally have to spend money (buy overtuned gigantic monitors) to make your overpriced cards use even a fraction of their power.

send from my gtx680

Holy fuck. And here my dumbass is saving for a 2080ti build. They got me bros, I'm buying a 2060 super

>been using a notebook all my life
>still waiting for the right time to build some shit
It's never a good time, is it?

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>gpu goes in 1 slot 1 way
>fucking it up
you are not retarded bro, just a fucking idiot.

No. I built in January and got a i5 9600K and RX590. Now under 6 months later I'd get an AMD Ryzen 3000 CPU and Nvidia GPU like 1660(ti) for the same price and probably double digit performance gains.

>muh new cards
I'm still doing fine on a 7850


I completely screwed up putting in a new processor in my old pc because of the fucking cooling fan and I just bought this pc last week.

It currently has a 1060 so I’m just gonna hope it does the trick. Plus I don’t want to install the 2060 just for my pc to tell me I don’t have enough watts on my power supply.

Yes i too also know the human eye cannot see past 30fps and 720p

What's the best price:performance ratio right now? Is a 2060 Super at $400 (plus some for other manufacturers) worth it over like a 1660 Ti at ~$270?


And yet many of the best games of the gen are console exclusive. You can't really say that about the PC in the first time since forever.

Has more to do with the fact all AAA games are literal shit not worth playing

The vast majority of the best games this gen are multiplats, the only good console exclusives this gen that aren't from Nintendo are Bloodborne and maybe GR2.
Everything else is trash that's outshined even by indie games like Risk of Rain 2.

No. Outside of objectively bad times, like crypto price gouging and shit, if you're just waiting for a time when you won't feel any regret within six months to a year, there just isn't.

Now is actually pretty fucking good though. Everything is at perfectly acceptable prices. You can get:

16GB DDR4 RAM for $70
500GB SSD for $77
1660 Ti for $280
Decent MOBO for ~$150
Decent CPU for ~$250
Modular PSU for ~$90
Case for ~$100

So for about a grand you can have a PC that will run just about any modern game. Better deal hunters could probably make a better PC.

Thanks to all the 2000's beta testers

>longevity of the platform

lol, ps4 pro & xbx made the base consoles obsolete after 3 years

Now is the time for me to decide if I wanna do it this summer or wait until xmas

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>with ultra RTX
Nah. Close though.

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Please don't get a Radeon 7, AMD fanboys are honestly really pathetic & try to get people to suffer with them, AMD GPU's are fucking trash at the moment & overpriced as well

Get the Super 2060 & Ryzen 3600 on a budget, Super 2070 & Ryzen 3700 if you got a bit more cash

My experience has been that components don't drop much around the holidays. My recommendation is to start now and buy piecemeal as you spot good deals. Just keep an eye on RAM prices, those can shoot up unexpectedly.

If you have a PC, maybe focus on components you can start using now like the SSD and/or PSU.

>buy budget parts but get a MOBO for overclocking & shit

Nah, you can cheap out on the MOBO

Maybe they fixed the memory problem

I'm still on that as well, but starting to consider finally upgrading.

The real reason I've been sluggish on it is that there simply hasn't been any new cutting-edge games in years that even draw my attention. What games have I played recently? Morrowind, Deus Ex, New Vegas, Dark Souls... last modern games I played were Doom 2016 and DX mankind divided.

I'll probably finally upgrade when Cyberpunk releases and I get an idea of what's necessary to play that.

waiting for 2080 super then i decide if i get one or go for a 2080 ti

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8GB VRAM makes the 2080S a rip off for 700 big ones, wait until 2020 with the 3000 series

ssj 4 vs ssj god

no. i need to play control, modern warfare and doom with raytracing on

When I was looking I was looking at the i5 9600k, so I figured it's good to have the option but yeah, you could go lower on the MOBO. It's been awhile since I looked honestly.

>wasn't there some issue where the 2000 cards were getting too hot and burning out prematurely?

I have a Gigabyte 2080ti and it's never gotten over 75c, it's throttle is 84c. Rise/shadow of the tomb raider on max settings will make this things fans go like a jet engine, yet it never once throttled.

I suspect the burn out cards were probably bad batches caused by slopping quality checking to meet early demand. It's also possible the burnt out cards were from miners, and since that's basically gpu abuse it doesn't really count.

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>literally the same as 1080ti
so its nothing, no reason to upgrade my 1080ti

these guys are Australians arent they

Doom uses AMDs vulkanAPI. I think you mean Quake for RTXon/fpsDOWN

And Halo 5 and RDR2 and GoW and Splatoon and BOTW and...

quake uses 100% raytracing
all other games use it for just one part of the visual presentation
metro with rtx on is playable in 4k with 75~avg on the 2080 ti if you turn on DLSS

>Losing 60%+ of your performance for dynamic lighting
Thanks for beta testing, i'll buy the full version next year when its out of early access.

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>is playable in 4k with 75~avg on the 2080 ti if you downsample it
well no shit

RTX is so fucking retarded holy shit

Literally "buy a new GPU goy" the graphics setting

>tfw my GPUS still hold up

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As opposed to giving money to whom? AMD?

google dlss dumbo

enjoy those temps and power consumption

Well not like you can't use it on older Pascal GPUs right now. Go ahead and try what comes out of it without dedicated cores.

whoa... only 1200 dollars for a single piece of hardware to get 60 fps at 1080p in the latest games!

pls tell my why anyone would buy this instead of a PS5 which will be 400 dollars and have 4k/60 games?


It's blurry looking garbage.

Good goy, keep paying for those 2080Tis, with all your shekels. Be sure to post your K/D in Fortnite too!

Runs cool and quiet with a proper undervolt. My Vega 64 draws 190W while beating a 1080 by a long margin.

Because the PS5 will run games at 30 fps and won't have any options for 60 fps.

>400 dollars

oh no no no

the scarcity was artificial
the coins that made up the majority of the market cap increase couldn't be mined by GPUs, or were Ethereum tokens (which normally can't be mined unless the developers do some stupid shit like the 0xBitcoin guys, who made a copy of Bitcoin on Ethereum, because consuming twice the energy = twice the fun)

DLSS is turboshit. If you want RTX and 60 fps you shouldn't go over 1440p.

>It's blurry looking garbage.
used to be. they optimized it and theres barely any image loss now.

>Runs cool and quiet with a proper
thanks for proving me right

>Good goy, keep paying for those 2080Tis, with all your shekels. Be sure to post your K/D in Fortnite too!
I don't play Fortnite. In fact, the only 2 multiplayer FPS games that i've played over the past 10-12 for more than a few hours were Overwatch and Battlefield 1, and I didn't particulary like either of them

not anymore

>buying intel in current year

it uses some sort of oily filter & then a sharpening filter on top of it, it's crap

$700 for a 2080 super.
Anyone buying this will not be playing in 1080p my friend

>bought a 2060 a few months ago

I'm legit mad, but not that mad because this card is still going to last me for a good while either way. Just try not to think about it.

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Lmfao the Nvidia shill tranny janny banned me for the Tiananmen pasta.
Good goy, ten yuan have been deposited into your GeForce account!

my cheapo less than 600$ entry level PC does 1080p 120fps easily

it has been fixed like a few months ago
in metro in 4k theres barely any image loss. it was only ever bad for low res tho

I'm still using a 980 Ti I bought back when it launched 4 years ago. I only play at 1080p 60fps so it's still good enough. The current cards are pretty disappointing.

I wouldn't mind upgrading to 4k but what I want to do is wait until we have cards powerful enough to max things out at very high framerates at 4k. That way I can buy a card and be able to run new games at 4K 60fps at max or near max settings for a few years without needing to buy a new card like I've done with my 980 Ti.

why would they
goyim will buy anything they shit out by now, why decrease your margins

What’s next after RTX and ray tracing.

Is that crypto bullshit still a thing or did all those fuckheads finally off themselves after losing all their savings?

From what I see, things like PSU's don't change in price that much

What’s there to even improve with PSUs?

>Why is the ti still almost double the price??
because nuvideo has no competition in the very high end. If you want something as powerful as 2080ti without buying it, you can get .... ? nothing user, ammyydd provides nothing.

Not much, I'm just saying the prices are pretty static so I'm probably gonna buy it first.

more RGB

>tfw in a year or two the 2080Ti will be obsolete just like the 1080Ti is now

>tfw 1070 barely makes it on bench marks anymore

might have to get a 2070 super

>Was about to upgrade with the new Ryzen stuff
>Now this

Attached: 1560780609328.jpg (716x768, 120K)

Nvidia will release 7nm GPU products next year, everything becomes obsolete as new product transitions happen and old products are phased out and discontinued, this is nothing new

I'm guessing that "super" cards will never make it into gaming laptops, since TIs usually don't.

Next year should be great
>7nm Nvidia, should be a proper step up not 5-10% gains like 1xxx>2xxx
>AMD arcturus/full RDNA
>Intel XE gpu
This gen cards prices will drop like a rock


>4K on a ~27 inch monitor
waste of money

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1080p tier cards don't matter when all the new cards are being advertised for 1440p and 4K.

Why does AMD even bother?

>not wanting high dpi
at that point just get a tv my dude

Nvidia obviously.

Guys I just put on new thermal paste but the temperatures are the same, wtf?!! what do i do

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I bought a 1660 a month ago.

You didn't put enough on. All you have to do is put some more paste in until it cools off.


oh... oh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA no please... you're killing me... HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I beg you... no more HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

>Sales are down
>What should we do
>Released another version of a card no one wants

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mayonnaise is not thermal paste patrick

>implying nvidia won't handicap their GPUs to make sure they are only a 10% increase
>release less handicapped versions later at higher prices

>push mid and high range up with 200 to $400
>revenues drop

Yep. Praise Oligopolies!

>Now, we’re introducing new GeForce RTX 20-Series SUPER graphics cards, which increase performance by up to 25%

Jesus christ people still fall for this shit? No fucking wonder the market is as ruined as it is.

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I just bought an RTX 2080.... I guess I may as well return it at this point and wait.

lol why are you so fucking stupid? didnt you do any research before buying?

ha my gtx 970 is still super power and there is still no need for me to upgrade

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>buying new GPUs when over 5 year old GPUs run everything just fine at 1080p
Only idiots who fell for the 27" 4k monitors meme actually need top of the line GPUs

Any reasons to upgrade from 1070 in 2k19?

You can call me stupid, but I had already planned on returning my GPU anyway after the news or just going with the Nvidia step-up program.

If you think medium-high on 1080p is fine then no it's still great.

Same here, brother

Why do poorfags get mad when people use anything other than 1080p 60hz?
t. 3440x1440p 120Hz MegaChad

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Only 120hz? Get on my level, I'm at 144hz.

my the RTX 2060 was never really a good deal in my view. The low 6GB was such a cheap move by Nvidia.
And now with this? Its like they dont give a shit about their loyal costumers anymore.

What about 1440p then? Does it not exist?

>its like they dont give a shit about their loyal costumers anymore
This made me chuckle on multiple levels son.

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what is a good 1440p 144hz monitor?

that doesnt cost $1000

>still can get 60+ frames at 1440p on a 1070
Get fucked Nvidia. I'll be dropping you on my next upgrade.

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>I'll be dropping you on my next upgrade.
For what? Intel?

I'll wait and see, but I'm sick of their complacency and jewing.

This is why I''m against the high resolution / high framerate meme right now. It's all still relatively new tech and the manufacturers are taking the opportunity to price gauge the fuck out of it. And that's on top of the fact that going with higher than 1080/60 would require me to get all new hardware when my current setup is fine for what I got.

Nah, I'm not budging on that shit until I can get a high res and high refresh rate monitor for cheap and when we're at the point where mid-range GPUs can actually take advantage.

The LG 27GL850 is coming out in August. The PG279QZ is also good. Depends on if you want freesync or gsync, not that it matters a ton now that Nvidia 10 series or higher cards support freesync.

What settings do you use normally in games? I have a 1070 but I want to get a 1440p/144hz monitor.

Very High

>still playing on 1080p
>still buying RX580
enjoy having x1x tier gpu while the next gen utterly demolish your current pcs

>Next gen consoles do 4k(Native) standard

PS: XboneX is gonna be fairly weaker than PS5/XboxWhatever, and can run games like RDR2 beautifully in native 4K.

While some upscales will happen for maximum effects in some games, most will be 4K native.

You are saying to accept LESS than consolecucks

Console 4k is being played on 55" and up.

Is it weird that the thing I was most impressed at by RTX Quake was bots from 20+ years ago had the brains to duck? It was like a painful reminder that AI has gone downhill.

You do know you can PC game on a TV right?

I hate sitting at my desk, I connect my PC to my TV and use a controller from my bed.

I pretty much only play RPGs and Action games though, so I don't really care about m/kb controls.

>You do know you can PC game on a TV right?
Exactly. 27" 4k monitor is a waste of money.

because of diminishing returns. shit's not worth it. and this trend is killing future proofing since they can always shill increasingly more demanding shit like 8k when they reach performance cap. I upgrade my gpu every 5 years and I see people already calling some gtx 1000 series "too weak".

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That's gay. I only play at my monitor. Hell, even console games I prefer playing on my monitor.

It's nice in the sense you need absolutely 0 anti aliasing.

But gaming on a TV from a distance, that's pretty much also true.

I am tall as fuck with back pain(And not good 6'2 tall, I am 6'8 and it's gay. Would rather be a manlet)

I could maybe invest in an expensive desk chair but eh.

LG 32GK650F, Acer XF270HUA

With Gsync enabled you will be fine

Bruh literally just put your monitor on some textbooks to raise it up.

Yawn my 2080ti is still faster than a 2080s
Rx570 if poorfag Vega 56 if midfag and 2080ti for high end
Nothing else is worth buying

Still on GTX770, but I think I'll wait untill the new consoles are released before upgrading

SotTR uses RTX only for shadows and no other lighting. Metro would be a much better benchmark because it actually uses RTX for global illumination.

used 1080ti. i dont think they were ever cheap enough to warrant GPU mining, or its possible i got extremely lucky with a card that works perfectly and is still under manufacturer warranty

you can get a < 200$ card for that

2070 super is a good option between 56/2080Ti, faster than a 1080Ti

>got a vega56 for $210

>16GB DDR4 RAM for $70
REEEE i paid twice that in october
>500GB SSD for $77
1TB m.2 SSDs go for 90-100 now

Is the 2070 SUPER the best 4K/60 card?

>atomic heart
>quake 2
They are really reaching

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*at RTX

I waited for 1000 series, then bitcoins, I waited for 2000 series, now the super series comes and I want to wait for the 3000 series... it never ends..

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my 16GB costed me 110 euro in february and one of the sticks started giving me errors already, fml

I got a GTX760 with an i5-4440 and I struggle getting 1080p/60fps with alot of recent games.
Recommend a good upgrade for someone who doesn't care about the 4k meme.

not only

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just buy a 1080ti if you really need a card or wait for a sale on a 2000 series on boxing day.

R5 1600 + RX 570/580 or GTX 1660

Just further fragments product tiers and incremental price creep upwards and its a bad idea
Like what intcel did with their line up essentially killing hedt with i9 but making too many skus under it as well its just shit
Amd and co have the right idea simple tiers minimal naming fuckery

i'm gonna finally upgrade my 2500k to a ryzen 3000 when its out. So yes.

convince me to buy or not by an RX580

1000 series are no longer in stock where I live. I had hoped for a price drop on 2000 series witht the supers... Alas no I suppose.

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feels pretty good knowing my $520 gtx1080 was a fucking deal and will carry me through this shit gen of cards.

>paying 2000 bucks for a meme plus 1500 for the monitor
I refuse to believe there are retards that do this

Stop using Intel retard

holy fuck how long did you look for that obscure fucking game jesus
a 1080ti does worse in it than a normal 2070 that's a toplol from me

Now this is peak Benchfagging

With the 2070 Super revealed, is a used 1080ti a dumb purchase?

you have to give price m8


500 bucks

Only if it's over $500. I haven't seen any that are on eBay though. The 2070 super is marginally better, but will probably be better as it gets more driver support, and you still get RTX and DLSS.

Get the 2070 super instead imo.

i mean if you can find a 2070 super for msrp, I'd go with the newer card you know wasn't possibly part of a clapped out mining rig.

wow, i can spend all this money to play shadow of the tomb raider at an 5 additional frames per second
thank you based nvidia

>New AMD gpus are garbage so Nvidia can continue to overcharge the fuck out of their gpus

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As a Radeon VII owner I agree with you, I am just trying to justify this purchase. Like yeah, that 16gb vram will probably come in handy in the future but we live in the now where even the 500$ 2070 super has better performance.

I'm still using a 770.

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how is it garbage when we have no actual benchmarks, you fucking retard ape.

As much as I enjoy upgrading GPU's, my 1070 I got on big sale last year kicks the shiy out of everything. Unless I get a much nicer monitor I dont get why I would need to upgrade anytime soon.

Because NVidia is gimping the old cards. Reshade already has a ray tracer you can inject into any game and performs better than rtx.

>Halo 5

>Console exclusive

At what point does CPU become the main bottleneck? Still running a 2500k.


Hate to tell you this m8, but it's already basically confirmed that next gen is going to have sub-RX 5700 performance, meaning at best around a Vega 56, at worst around an RX 590.
Which would make them slightly better than the XboneX.

2500k already is, I can't wait to replace mine.

Didn't know you were too retarded to use google so there you go

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I love how console manufacturers keep trying to push for this 4K shit when they still haven't been able to get 1080p running stable.

lmao enjoy Splatoon2 single player on your amazing switch emulator i guess

>Not just FFXV, but it's shitty benchmark, which is so notoriously awful that most outlets outright dropped it

I own a Switch m8.
I will however pirate Splatoon 2 since I don't care about paying $20 a year to play online with children, trannies, and retards.

okay lol

nice cope but it's still a console exclusive

Oof, it's okay user, maybe one day you'll get a job.

anandtech has no bench, df, no random guy on overclock, hardforum etc. I cannot believe you actually take this stupid shit seriously. its like you post stuff from wccftech and go "guys this legit"

you're the one bitching about $20 a year

Unfortunately it's a pretty mediocre game, just like the first one.
But since I'm not a single-platform pleb I don't need to pretend that mediocre games are actually amazing.

>moving the goalpost

Probably because you've only played the glorified tutorial they call the singleplayer lmao.

Nah, I don't pay money for trash.
Not interested in a $20 tax for shitty P2P trash.
Plus, online console gaming is absolutely awful.
Nah, I played online on a friend's Switch, unfortunately it's still pretty shit, just like the first game.
I also own a WiiU, which collects dust after I hacked it and played the 10 games worth playing on it (except BotW and Bayo 2, which I emulated on PC).

>no 2080ti super
>no additional RT cores
>just another Jewish refresh, no new series to make RTX not retarded
>have to buy an RTX titan for like 3K to get the best gaming card, pushing price tiers even higher for full chips

fuck nvidia, just keep buying 1080tis, it's all you need and it's a better value across the board. vega56 and below are also a steal from AMD if you're ok with that performance.

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Haha, I'm waiting for the next hardware refresh from both AMD and Nvidia before I upgrade.

the only great thing about splatoon is the gyro aiming,other than that......

>hurr this game sucks the only thing good about it is the gameplay

durr, also Octo Expac and the new Salmon Rush mode.

>all these 1660 and abore recommendations

bro if you have a 50hz monitor a 570 is probably all you need. pair that with a cheap mobo and a low-end ryzen 3 or i3, that will play basically anything at 1080p and get 60 at high settings.

Gyro aiming is a neat touch and vastly better than an analog stick, I also liked it in BotW.
Shame more games don't use it to make up for how shitty controllers are for anything that requires aiming.

Are you sure? On what games is your CPU bottlenecking you?

>Gyro aiming is the only aspect of the gameplay
What's it like being an invalid?

he's been spamming it across /g/ too ever since it was shown how good ryzen 3000 is. kinda sad, he's looking for any way out so he can keep being an intcel.

>Nah, I played online on a friend's Switch
I'm sure you did ;) still a console exclusive

Too bad we'll never have a proper gyro aim game that can utilize the substantial resources available on PC because nobody on that platform strays past the couple of KBM multiplayer games they like.

>tfw bought a gtx 1080 last year and its not even as powerful as the 2060 SUPER series

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It's the biggest one, but I love how the goalposts had to be completely recontextualized once you pcf*ts get told how shit your platform really is at this point.

its one aspect and its only a good thing cause its the only console games that have it
yeah,ironic that PC (a place that doesnt need gyro aim) is the only place you can naively use gyro aim in just about any game buy mapping the gyro to a mouse.

What's 1080Ti compare to in the Super line?

>I only play KBM cuz it's the bestest

lmao grow up

between 2060 and 2070

radeon VII is a useless card unless you actually use it for compute/work, even then the cooler is fucking loud. but the rest of AMD's lineup? vega54 and 590 are kinda pointless but not bad cards. the 570, 580, and vega56 are an amazing value though, they hit way above what you can get them for.

Or mainly because KB+M aiming is already better than gyro.
It only works on consoles because you have to make up for the godawful analog sticks.
But yea, console gaming is largely shit nowadays, we went from the PS2/Xbox/GC each having upwards of 25 worthwhile exclusives to an entire generation with less than 25 worthwhile exclusives across all 3 platforms.
I would say it's sad, but consoles really only exist to sell sports games to idiots nowadays.
Even on the eShop the top-selling games outside of SMM2 are ports of games that are better elsewhere and sports games.

better how?

>Tfw bought a 2060
>Had huge coil whine problems and huge heat problems that I returned it
>Got a 1660Ti instead because it was cheaper and ran about the same without the rtx tax

>This happens

Thank God I didn't stick with the 2060, seemed too suspicious.

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well it is better though coming from someone who played on consoles most of my life.
and i dont only use kb and m i also use a steam and DS4 controller as well but thats for when im more relaxed.

the 1660ti is also a massive waste of money

should have got for a 1070ti/vega56

how bad will a bottleneck be with my i5 4590

More precise, less natural sway, much better sensitivity control, generally speaking it's just much better for, y'know, actually aiming.

you can't because everyone held on to their 2070s and didn't buy 20xx, lol. in the used market you want to look for cards people are dumping, that drives prices down. so not only older cards, but cards people will ditch if they're in an upgrade path. so that's mining cards and highest-end where people always upgrade to the latest, that's why the 1080ti going price has come down so much compared to it's initial price, people ditched it for the 2080ti.

Oh shut the fuck up. 1070Tis are all used for cryptoshit. Dumb ass nigger.

that CPU might be underpowered for a 2060s or higher, might as well upgrade to ryzen 3000 too, check if your mobo got a BIOS update for it.

so basically you rely on precision like a crutch got it.

the 1000 series was actually great though, people who bought a 1080ti early have had the longest laugh.

If you don't play every game with a DDR pad and a touchscreen then you're just a scrub relying on precision as a crutch.

i5 4590 bottlenecks a 1080, so yeah it will very noticeable. I have this cpu, can't wait to upgrade it to a 3900X in a few days.

Maybe it's the Xbox Beta app thing. I noticed it was taking a ridiculous chunk of CPU in task manager when I was playing a game earlier and thought my graphics card was crapping out.

actually in my experience a touchscreen isnt that bad for aiming the problem comes when you have to aim and shoot at the same time

yeah i don't have money for that, maybe the 3600x

>a touchscreen isnt that bad for aiming
Oh, so you really ARE a scrub.

no,thats just how a touch screen works,it basically just works like a trackpad.


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and to think console makers are trying to meme borh rtx and 8k next gen

So the 2070 Super is probably the best one here right? Or should I just spend a little extra for the 2080 super even with the 8 GB Vram?

GPUs that work well tend to work for a long time, almost as long as processors, definitely longer than most motherboards. if a GPU fails, it usually happens early. usually the thing that fails on GPUs is the fans too, not the GPU itself. in this sense mining cards are pretty safe; after all, they have been tied and tested in a sense. miners also tend to undervolt their GPUs, so you're unlikely to encounter heat/voltage damage. I would be much more suspect of a cheap as shit card that had been OCd very high for a long time. buy used cards that are known to be good, or from series that are specifically designed to be overclocked. I have been using used graphics cards since the hd7000 era and have never had a problem. in fact all my GPUs still work even my first ever, hd4650, which makes a great test card because it's so small and outputs HDMI and VGA natively.

>25% more performance
LOL they are already gimping the shit out of everything

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pretty sure even a $90 570 would be an upgrade over a gtx 950, and I've seen vega56 used go for only a bit over $200, and that will almost always beat a 1660ti which goes for about $250 starting (used on both obv).

>AC: Odyssey still runs like shit

>super mega gpcu
>asfinbxi wke dfsf
Man fuck these tech naming conventions. What the ever living fuck does any of the shit in this thread even MEAN?

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>Ubisoft game runs like shit
Quick! Alert the press!

ray-tracing has a long way to go, you're going to see that being improved for many years to come because the complete process is extremely taxing, the current implementations are almost hacks in themselves. even in metro where it's actually used for global illumination, the implementation is about 1/100 as intensive as it can be to get actually accurate lighting. as for what else, I think finally using higher-res assets on everything. it's gong to be intensive and the file-sizes will be massive but games that have full 4k textures like FF15 already are some of the best looking games. I remember the original (unreleased) rage running on those full on megatextures was over 150gb in just textures or something.

>$700 on a 2070 when a superior 1080ti goes for like $500


What exactly is the point in these cards

jewing retards


as soon as you can get that monitor for cheap the standard will be higher just like it is now. a fancy high-refresh 1080p monitor is like $200 and a 1440p one is like $400, not a huge amount, good monitors have always cost more than $200. you used to pay $400+ just for a decent 1080p IPS with a full 8-bit panel. it's only ones that are ultrawide/4k or have very advanced features like HDR, strobing, local dimming, huge size, 240hz etc that are $600-1500.

>got 1060 last year
>have exactly 0 need for anything more powerful

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>mfw vega56 was only $240
yeah i think we skipping this generation of gpus

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I have a 1080 and VR is 99% perfect with the vive. If you're getting a vive, get a 2070. If you're getting something with a beefier resolution, get something even bigger

>tfw I had to buy a 2060 because my gpu shit itself 2 months ago
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little bit salty but I can't upgrade from 1080p 60 fps now anyway so I guess there's no point having a faster card

Is that real? Based Westwood

we do,just look it up if you dont know.

What did he mean by this?