Minecraft bugs villager nether

He deserves to become a Meme

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dis is a gud mimi :DDD

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Yeah boiiii

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villager in nethers

It's shrinkage from the hot air

nigga with the brain melt

This villager is an alabama nigger lol

based underage poster

So what do you exactly do in minecraft. I understand is you mine for ores then upgrade your items. What next?

maybe in 2010 but it's 2019

Build a portal to another world and use items you find there to build a portal to the final boss arena where you fight a big dragon.

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you search for villages full of jews

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Build shit

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bump for this epic bread


It's so god damn stupid you got a laugh out of me.


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What mods are good? I want to be engineer and build cars and mine lots of stuff with big machines.

Build a little house near a cavern
Mine the cavern
Get bored and quit

this thread is filled with literal twitter underages

user have some fun once in a while

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The only good one in this shit thread



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This is worse then bucky and even the fucking creator/shill admitted that was shit

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That's legit funny.

cause a villager genocide until you find one that sells the mending enchantment

Hey guys can I be a meme now

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Fucking hell

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fuck you


Wait a second you can't use beds in the nether

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