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Poor doto getting cucked once again by the riotniggers.

Steam's revenue stream is making Valve lazy and complacent.


people have known this for years now, try and keep up

>has beaten TF2 in peak and average player count
>"its a failure"
Where's the joke

>get a game made for you by chinks after your own cardgame is fucking dead after 2 weeks
>literally don't change anything but make the UI mobile friendly despite saying that you're marketing the game for PC
>get absolutely blown out in playercount by some third party company full of people that do literally nothing all day
>and the shitty chink mod is still the best version of the "genre"

Bros, I'm noticing a pattern here. Could the Dota "lore" as an IP just be fucking shit? Dota is popular but not because of the mostly uninspired not-WC3 toons. Just make something new, retards. You know, like you did before at some point.

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90% of the appeal for dota is the gameplay
if you make something dota related without the dota gameplay its probably going to get shit from dota players
also, autochess is a shit flavor of the month game that only relies on luck

>matches too short to leave on in the background so I can't just let it go and get other stuff done
>runs like trash on phone
>the meta is stupid
>just streak until 50 gold and then build something with heroes that hopefully haven't been taken by someone who's about to get knocked out
>put Kunka on every team and receive wins

It's almost like autochess only became popular because of dota players, despite not playing like dota at all.

yeah, how many of those same people are still playing autochess instead of the real game?

>matches too short to leave on in the background so I can't just let it go and get other stuff done
wait intervals are easily the most irritating aspect of the game. you're constantly waiting through these small 5-10 second widnows between phases, which adds up to plenty of downtime in one match, but the game is too fast-paced to allow focusing on anything else in the meanwhile. hearthstone, for example, makes you do plenty of things in a row in your turn, and then makes you sit out one to 1,5 minutes for the opponent's turn. it's way more relaxing and pleasant.

>Where's the joke
In the OP

>with heroes that hopefully haven't been taken by someone who's about to get knocked out

How does that work, is there a common pool of heroes that all players share?
I thought what you get is random.

The hero pool is shared and any heroes someone owned go back into it when theyre knocked out

So how many of hero X is there in the pool? Should I be looking at what others buy to make an educated guess as to what's left?
Because in my last game a week ago the last 4 players were 4 magic nuke teams, so that doesn't make much sense.

Don't understand how this style of game could've gotten so popular. Got bored after 2 matches. Also matches are way too long (like 30-40min? wtf).

It's just way too passive and repetitive.

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It lets MOBAtards feel smart because it has chess in the name.

Yes you should be looking.

Its literally just a modern version of those tower defense games you played on the computers at school instead of doing schoolwork.

The maximum number of heroes present at once I've seen was 13. I think there is some randomness to it and that the average number is around 12.


It's because you don't know how to play, obviously playing two games would make you bored when you don't know what you are doing

If the other guy has level 2 Doom on the field, say, and 1x level 2 Doom + 2x level 1 Doom in the barracks, does it make sense for me to steal any Doom I see to deny him the upgrade?
Never thought about the game in that way.

realm royale had 100k+ players and look at it now

>It's because you don't know how to play, obviously playing two games would make you bored when you don't know what you are doing

Dude, it's basically just drafting a team while spending as little gold as possible and then watching units smack on eachtoher. Over and over and over again.
It's boring because the player doesn't have an active role and from a strategic perspective it's not even on par with chess (which just makes the entire thing horrendously dull).

yeah, absolutely.

in fact, you should always buy out the shop when your bench space allows it
>if you want the unit, it makes sense to buy it
>if you don't want the unit, you've now guaranteed that that specific instance of the unit cannot appear on the next reroll so odds for other units is better.
>and you can always resell units for full price

if you wait for the wave to start before spending gold, your interest level will stay on whatever level it was before the wave started.

>Doom Dooms a Veno ward or Treant or one of Lycan's dogs

>all assassins jump on a crystal maiden put in the corner to bait them
>they have to slowly walk to the actual main group of the enemy as it pommels my supports

Its literally a PvP tower defense game, but more interesting to look at. Nobody goes around saying how basic and dumb tower defense is, even if it has as much, if not objectively less, depth than this.

Is that why you haven't won any games yet?

I won both of the ones I played and then uninstalled because I was bored out of my fucking skull because of the lack of depth, strategy and input.

I'd rather spend hours playing online Go sessions than play that boring shit again.

>Assassin jumps on KotL
>he ejaculates in the wrong direction and hits nobody


I want to like it and I hate myself so I'm still trying to play it but it's real bad right now
>rounds are just short bursts of doing things while games take way too long like you said
>the game itself is all about picking passive bonuses for characters you can't control
>RNG flowing out of your ass with hero behavior and which heroes the game will give you
>maybe Kunka boats that treant twice in a row
>try to watch streams to get a hold of what the game is about
>it's the same shit as those HS streams I watched back when the game came out
>"OOOH, I'm taking a big calculated galaxy brain risk here by rolling the dice"

>LITERAL mobile game that plays itself is the next hottest thing

I'm out. Fuck this industry.

i think there is definitely skill involved with the game since some people just do win more games than others, but learning to play the game right is kind of an unintuitive and slow process due to all the rng. sometimes you play right and get hosed by RNG, other times you play like a greedy retard and get rewarded for it.

Everything valve has turned out in the past 8 years has been following a trend

Dota is a shit IP and I'm tired of seeing it. Dota players only want to play Dota valve can you make something original for fucking once?

dota is such a shit IP. nobody cares about the plot or lore at all, why not just ape blizzard and make it valve allstars or some shit.

Underlords is the most unengaging braindead shit. Dots heroes have retarded design and are aesthetically disatasfying. Teamfight tactics is actually fun, hence why it already has literally millions more players than underlords

It also feels like you shouldn't do anything because of interest
you pray for the game to give you free upgrades while plodding over to 50 gold
then maybe you start doing something from you pile of fuck you money

Sometimes people just wanna chill with their bros user. It’s nice to play a game that Can engage your mind while also doing stuff on other monitors or eating

i've played around with the thought that how well could auto chess work with the half life IP. it would've certainly garnered a tenfold amount of excitement at least.

I like Dota 2 lore, those comics are great.

Autochess only appeals to chink bugmen. Doesn't matter what coat of paint you put on it.

>Engage your mind
>RNG draws and you only really have to care about collecting more of the same hero that you are banking upon, heroes of the same type to get the type bonuses and equipment is similarly braindead

There's nothing even approaching intellectual stimulation in this "genre".

>Dots heroes have retarded design and are aesthetically disatasfying
Shit taste

Dota lore is like a paragraph and some responses, maybe a comic book or two
Compare it to LoL it's like a children's drawing compared to a amateur art piece

I mean DotA is chink dominated so where's the harm in Valve actually targeting their demographic?


>100k players online

RNG hates me!

Agreed, i have 5000+ hours in dota and couldnt care less about shartifact and blunderlords, havent even tried either of them and have no intent to

But LoL lore is an everchanging tumblr fanfiction though. As a matter of fact it was used to be so shit they completely overwrote it, forgetting to erase certain snipets, like the mentions to summoners, in the way. They've even rewritten specific characters after that massive change.

>it's another episode your enemy has multiple 3 stars and plows your front line ezpz

if im not mistaken the distribution is tier1=45, tier2=30, tier3=25, tier4=15, tier5=10

>Game is called League of Legends
>Riot retcons that titular league from the lore, leaving the actual fucking title of the game to be meaningless

oh god it took me a while to register you're calling dota's lore a child's drawing instead of league's

holy shit

league's lore is so trash dude

Player count has nothing to do with success. Underlords is a failure no matter how you look at it, while TF2 is still one of the most popular and beloved games of all time.

>guy has 2 2 stars by Round 4
>hes your first opponent

I think leveling up troops was a mistake. It removes the strategical aspect of evolving your lineup and instead turns the game into a slot machine of fishing for specific heroes. It locks you into certain alliances and removes any creativity from the game.

At the very least, level 3 should not exist. Level 2 should be the maximum.

That's just not true, though. All of the streamers came from HS as they jumped off that boat, and that's how most of the word got out to non-DotA players. If you use your brain for even half a second, it'd be obvious that most of the autochess players aren't DotA players anymore. There's a reason Riot bothered to clone it and a reason Underlords is actually doing well in its mobile release.

Dota lore isnt shit its just that it's difficult to compete with LOL. people who play dota will definitely prefer this over TFT but casual players/twitch streamers will always prefer a more popular game

when DAC was a thing everyone was on board, it proved that there is nothing wrong with Dota lore and stuff
But now the playerbase is split and TFT got the bigger portion of it because LOL is more popular.

2 days until big patch.
Are you ready, underbros?

>Enigma does midnight pulse over black hole


They said every season will rotate heroes abilities and items

Agreed, I'm sure you can win through better positioning and mechanical knowledge if you're really good, but a lot of the times to me when it comes down to the final 3 if I don't have any level 3's I'm simply just going to lose. I'm only Lieutenant 1 though so I'm trash.

Aside from a few exceptions, Underlords heros' spells seem way more impactful than TFT spells to a point that you can build team comps around spells and not just synergies like in TFT. It's a shame TFT is more popular

is it true that valve censored several of the female characters to no longer show of cleavage or skin and also reduced every womans breast size?

Didn't know that, good idea desu.

That solves the problem with having to add variety.

just beat a guy with early 3 star axe
i had no 3 star units
you need skill

>This week's update will arrive on Thursday. We're currently wrapping up a few experimental features we'd like to get your feedback on, and they require a bit more testing before we put them in front of you.

>Features to look forward to on this Thursday's update:
>Warlock Alliance rework.
>Warlock Units tweaks.
>Shaman Alliance rework.
>Shaman Units tweaks.
>3 New Items.
>Tweaks to the Alliance Items and how they work.
>Tweaks to Win and Lose Streaks.
>Large Scoreboard.
>And some experimental features.

>The week after you'll see the release of progression and what we call the Proto-Battle Pass. This beta Battle Pass will let us iterate on the system with you and get your feedback on what works and what doesn't plus what kind of content you'd like the Season 1 Battle Pass to include.

>See you all later this week.

What could experimental features be?

>What could experimental features be?
hopefully something that'll make spying opponents more convenient

you can tell that theyre very excited to work on underlord because the playerbase is much bigger than artifact
valve is hungry


which is something they should have realized about themselves, and realized how detrimental artifact's business model was for its future in all regards

>No Bloodbound rework

Artifact could have had the most generous business model ever, and Artifact would still be the most cancerous game to ever exist. Fuck Valve, fuck Artifact, fuck Dota 2, fuck Underlords, and fuck everyone who enables the most cancerous video game IP of all time.

They really need to make a 33 and 66 hp mode, matches with full 100 hp takes forever.

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t. chink spy

Artifact wasnt a bad game, it was just insane to expect a card game with a buy in to work. That and trying to treat it like it was a real card game and refusing to nerf cards until they got heavy criticism.

dota 2 is the most consumer friendly moba. valve's dota is hardly the most cancerous game IP.

>Artifact wasnt a bad game
Fuck off retard. Artifact is cancerous.

Anyone who defends a MOBA that forces you to buy characters or do an asinine grind to unlock them one at a time is a paid shill.

>brand new game vs 12 year old game

This is killing me idky


volvo kill kotolo and knights pls

literally millions

and that adding more stuff will eventually make really hard to get sinergies going at that point.

cope harder valvelet, riot always wins baby

this is why you keep him tucked in the corner with his own tank
I always have a tank on my backline next to my SF or Kotl or whatever unless I know for sure there are no more sin teams

the unit with real targeting issues is Enigma, holy fuck that guy has lost so many games for me by just putting black holes on a hilariously low number of targets

not a bad idea, seeing how the best time to play auto chess is if youre waiting at the dentist office and shit.

t. bitch. League is based, Dotard is cringe.

Just finished at #1 bros. I find 4 trolls to be the single strongest alliance. I also really like Warlocks, but apparently that alliance is getting redesigned in today's update.

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New items in this yet?

valve are fucking stupid because they basically 'outsourced' the lore to the community

without someone unifying it and guiding it, it's just a fucking mess. shit fantasy lore pisses me off

Will Underlords popularity rise again with the battle pass next week or is it game over?

trolls and warlocks aren't great unless you have a good base of DPS to benefit from, trust me I've tried running early 4 trolls or 4 warlocks so many times to terrible results

that being said, I think they are the best lategame additions to your synergies, and I love pivoting to 6 warlocks which is completely unstoppable
watching Enigs health shoot to 100 after his ult and stay there is a great feeling

Its already top 5 on steam consistently, what more do you expect

Cosmetics when

not only that, its pure rng and you're just playing against all odds which most of the times are already predetermined to fuck you in the ass if the enemy doesn't play for the very first time.

If it's pure RNG, I'd be winning 1/8 of the time. Instead I had something like a 90% winrate up until Lieutenant because I came from previous autochess games. Pretty sure I maintained a 90% top 3 rate straight to Boss too.

This. I'm Boss IV and when I tried Auto Chess on a phone emulator I was stomping people, and I wasnt even playing that well because the Engrish kept catching me off-guard.

Whenever they start doing battle passes

>tfw arc warden with refresh and crystal maiden

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What is the appeal of these kind of games, it's boring as hell. I'd rather watch real chess.

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>Watch Admiral Bulldog do it
>"If this game doesn't take skill why do I keep winning"

>tfw upstart posts
thats some noob shit that never works in high lobbies

Of course it doesn't cause anyone with a brain can see it a mile away.

but how would you counter it if the enemy already has arc warden?

do you make a post like this every time you find a new genre you don't like?

Autochess is legit the best in the mobile games genre. Quick games thay dont require precise controls. No P2W mechanics.

Youre fucked if you didint build AoE

a single medusa 2 can counter it alone, and she usually has a tide there to give magic res and aoe stun along with a windranger and a kunkka 2 that aoe your whole team down, so unless your frontline is tanky as fuck then youre gonna get crushed

Why is Bloodcyka Human when he has dog feet

haven't seen any kotl+knights wins in big boss games, now Razor? That homie is insane I tell you.

while Windranger, Drow and Luna are not human?

>Quick games
>Over half an hour per game

Windranger is my wife and best girl.

Well they should be quicker.

Valve should speed up the animation by 2 and have modes with half health

>three elves
>one undead

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Slow down bucko SHES MINE

anyone have that fanart with a sunglasses windranger holding a shotgun? Shit was cash.

Who is an elf? Drow Ranger is legit human raised by the Drow.

Drow is legit perfect. Every time they put her in a game she's broken good, and still great even after being nerfed.

Why's she all purple then? Fucking subhumans.

She was raised by the Drow, who are trollish and repulsive in their own right, but she is not a Drow.

The "lore" is a mess because it's missing a greater story that unifies it and makes people want to connect with it. I know next to nothing about LoL so i can't comment on that but what makes blizzard still be as successful as they are is because their games created unifying stories and worlds that people love and want to consume more of, Dota does not have any of this. Granted, blizzard is falling apart now but the reason they've stayed so strong for so long is their foundation, dota has no foundation other than TFT which has nothing to do with Dota 2 and Dota 2's succsess is riding on Valve and the legacy of Dota 1 alone, which isn't enough to pull whatever numbers LoL is pulling.
However, Valve clearly has no intention of making any singleplayer experiences that will make people fall in love with the Dota world so it's bound to lose interest

I wish valve would make a game for actual humans again instead of chinese and russian cockroaches.

Chinese and Russians aren't Turks.

Dota's lore makes a whole lot more sense than Overwatch Lore.

Their attempts to expand on the lore work well, the comics are actually great, but they dont have too many of them. Its a shame since a solo story of Timbersaw is all I want.


I actually think they're excited to work on Underlords because the team is being headed by Bruno, and this is literally his first major project with Valve. Bruno's a genuinely nice guy and probably doesn't want to let people down.

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Statsman is doing this? goddamn good for him!

Him and Adrian Finol are the faces of the dev team working on it.

No wonder it's bad if some professional memer made it.

>muh lore in moba games

who the fuck cares about this stuff

>90% of the appeal for dota is the gameplay
And since the gameplay is absolute garbage, then the game has absolutely no appeal

>Hating the small stuff like Tusk and BBs perpetual bar fight or Timbersaws fear of tree people
Screw you I like fun

Which is why it's played by millions while the gay shit you like languishes in obscurity, of course

The problem is that Dota lore is just a bunch of short stories, and the overall story is basically 'God exploded and two fragments were a moon that fell to a fledling planet that mind control heroes to fight each other'. The story lacks any real humanity or pull.

That said, Underlords is exactly the kind of story they should be doing -- a small conflict in the grander setting that introduces new powers and new settings. I thought Artifact would be this but instead of some casual card game people play in the Dota universe the lore ended up being LITERALLY -- "We play cards to control time LMFAO". Just fucking stop with that shit and make a coherent story.

Its hard to tell an actual story that would work with the gameplay of Dota. Thered have to be a reason why Doom will fight for the radiant and another day for the dire.

Underlords needs PvE content. Something like Slay the Spire.

Sounds like the same problem Overwatch faces.

>Which is why it's played by millions
So is Heroes of the Storm

>he isn't playing mech chess right now
whats it like having faggot taste

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