Thread about vydia

>thread about vydia
>0~10 replies, archived
>thread about porn/traps
>300 replies, active
Why doesn't Yea Forums like to talk about vydia?

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I want nessa to fill me up with her futa cock

What's the point?

I like how Riesz tummy is slightly chubby, like it's made for hugging/burrying your face in it.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums like to talk about vydia?
Because there's nothing to gain from that, the only way to get enjoyment out of vidya discussion is by riling other people up and watch them be mad. Or by pretending to be mad.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums like to talk about vydia?
It does. That said you are right that porn and other off-topic shit gets too much attention. Mods are also at fault for simply not removing the most obvious rule-breaking content.

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This. People treat Yea Forums like blue Yea Forums, which wasn't necessarily bad up until gamer gub.

That's a lot of meme girls!

There isn't always stuff to talk about with video games. Old games have been discussed to death. Mario Odyssey is only 2 and a halkf years old but it's impossible for us to talk about it because everything that could be said about it has been said 5 times. So discussion usually focuses on new games and there isn't always something interesting releasing.

>Brown girl still the best

All is right in the world

Mods allow it and then sometimes they don't. Literally inconsistent and ban people for stuff they don't agree with.

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>12 hours 539 replies

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What's wrong with talking about a cool character making it in a crossover fighter?

They just get archived in less than an hour because Yea Forums is the biggest board on this site but still only allows 10 pages of threads.

Imagine being so retarded that you come to this shithole to discuss video games.

I need names for research purposes


Seriously? It's literally your average 90s animal character, literally nothing special boomer

You should at least know two of them

This is nu-v. New ownership, new horrid fucking zoomer population and an overdose of onions.

>Have friends, a gf, a job, apartment
>Still addicted to anime girls

You truly are here forever but it's great

Oh, so we can only talk about video games if they're from this year.

From the left to right:
Riesz (Mana)
Nessa (Pokemon)
Reisalin Stout (Atelier)
Zelda (Guess)
Tifa (Guess again)

Post more mods.

The male sex drive was an evolutionary mistake.

If you want some, you should just ask.

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>mods are cucks
How is this news? Btw everybody itt is getting banned.

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>bakemononster vanished from the face of the earth before he could draw more mod-tan
truly the worst timeline

I recently got banned for that for the first time and I've been posting in off-topic threads for ages. Why now?

Dude, you guys don't shut up. That's the problem. You're just like the K.Rool fags. Every single day, there is at least one thread up talking about how he's in the game. I don't see Ridley fags doing that and they suffer more than anyone else.

i had that exact ban lol

>talk about video games

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They ban me for the mother reply post. I don't get the inconsistent with these guys.

I got banned from Yea Forums once for "spoiling" a manga chapter that came out 2 years ago. The mods are complete fucking retards

>all have cowtits
Next thread

Vidya taste is subjective
Love for porn is universal

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Why would someone go into a thread without being caught up first? Are people that stupid?

That's not the point. It's not that you aren't talking about videogames, it's about the spam. Everyday, there is more than 5 smash threads, we only need one. Look at the Super Mario Maker 2 thread. There is only one thread, despite it being about play other people levels. They don't flood the board with things that can't be discuss in one thread. It's the spam that make everyone, including the other Nintendo fans, to hate Smash on this board.

Why is it like 99.9% Japanese when a video game character is pretty?

more like why do jannies delete threads with discussion

I got banned from all boards for saying "nigger" on Yea Forums. I also got a ban once for asking about games that feature Office Ladies as playable characters.

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>DOA thread with discussion
>Skullgirls thread with no fat shit and discussion
>Bayonetta thread with discussion

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Nessa is 10 year old like any other pokegirls so there's no way she has tits that size.

No she isn't