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I know he claims to have had a heart attack recently


So when will Snorlax hit the bucket boys?

>selling your soul to satan

Not even once.

Reminder that all homosexuals have souls their souls to Satan.

in 5 minutes if you don't buy her blankets

He's not dead yet

I think you mean
>selling satan's soul

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He tried but satan didn't want it

> He

>the average transbian

Will the Sneed shit on Yea Forums ever die

Even the totem is telling you have sex (with your hand).
Can this poster get any more btfo?

Is CWC gonna die around this year?

Wait, something happened?

That's what you get when you cut off your dick. You disrupt the blood flow and it ends up clogging your heart.

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he joined the 40%

I don't understand, what happened to MetalJesusRocks?

he got the small one pregnant now his wife wants alimony

Will sonichu be included in the next sonic game?

They still Banepost. Yea Forums is absolutely terrible at letting memes go.

Just like the rest of Yea Forums post-gamergate


>A lying retard claims

Oh wow lets believe it

will i fugg any bitches this week?

>mfw Chris could die of heart failure before Barb

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Will Democucks get BTFO in 2020?

will i stop being racist but not be a soiboi?

>Got Kelsey pregnant
Fuck, God for him, man.

Is knuckles a faggot?

will Yea Forums talk about video games?


Will ever get good at art?

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Don't you mean Punch Sonichu?

Will comfy simpsonsposting be back someday?

lets hope he'll get a place in heaven, he obviously couldn't control his retardation, and either being some tranny

am i gonna make it

Am I going to lose my job?

Nobody checked 'em yet?

Look at this big guy


Am I a normie oh sonic god?

oh no

Satan, should I kill myself?

I forgot about CWC because there's thousands of him on the Internet now and they all call themselves transgenders.

Did he seriously castrate himself?

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I read that as ask the sonic team


You tease.

Is there any big news about him?

Let's pretend Chris-chan died today: Would the mods/jannies actually give him a sticky here?

>CWC dies before you
>his whole cwc parallel universe is actually true
>when you die 50 years from now, you don't end up in heaven or hell, because his sonichu army took over and rule the afterlife now.

Will I ever be fit?

no, he cut into his taint

Great thread.

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Are all jannies brapfags?

Childhood is knowing Chris Chan is weird, but Adulthood is learning about Erik Mokracek is weirder.

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is the totem reliable?

How do you think Barb will take the news?

Na, he's older then 80% of the current userbase
Hell, nobody even remembers shit like the great 7chan migration anymore

is it happening?

Will I find love before I kill myself

Isn’t he in his 30s? There’s no way he’s had a heart attack.

>filtering sonic, btfo, oh no, normie

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Why do even visit this place?
also post filters, or dis you Just filtered the totem image hash and it's replies?


I still think Baneposting is funny

if etika under the thin guise of "he's an oldfag" got a sticky; chris chan had better get a fucking sticky

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I don't give a shit nor want to read what you facebook little shits asked the totem.

Will she dump her boyfriend and be with me again?

Will I ever meet my waifu irl?

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Are the sad times going to end soon?

will ffxiv shadowbringers be the best mmo of the year?

Claps have heart attacks in their 12, it's like a puberty ritual.

will i ever be truly happy?

He's a landwhale.

Shit, I don't know why but Chris dying before Barb is sadder than her dying first.

Yeah, he did not have a heart attack. I know he isn’t exactly the healthiest individual, but you need to be beyond morbidly obese to have a heart attack before 50.


Mods only stickied the nig because redditors were flooding the board and diverting the shitposters' attention to a single thread is better than deleting a lot of minor threads, God this place got too big for it's own good. I honestly think some countries should be range banned from making threads.

Will i ever find love?

Will I ever get to lick cute anime feet irl?

See you in heaven user.

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Will I fuck Lesley in the future?

will we all make it?

will the division 2 developers unfuck their game?

>friend is a psychologist
she told me barb dying would be the best thing to happen to chris. He would most likely end up in assisted living and finally get some much needed treatment and care.

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Having a heart attack before 50 does not happen unless you’re extremely unhealthy. Chris is certainly overweight, but he’s not at the point where he’d have a heart attack at 37.

Will it happen?

no fucking way man
i knew people in HS who were like 300 to even 400lbs 15 years ago and they aren't dead yet.

chris is like 250 or something, he's fine.
until he hits like 50.

It's entirely possible to have a heart attack before 50 if you're genetically predisposed to it.
That said, it sounds like Chris just had unstable angina. He's probably just a step away from having a heart attack.

Will I finally have the courage to kill myself and take myself out of this nightmarish existence?

I expected this to be honest. Took them forever on the first game too.

No, no, nooo... LOL!

doubt that, chris did have people "helping him" but he is so fucking mega autistic that they just take his money and say "yes, we are getting somewhere" @50 an hour.

Will chainlink be worth $1000 EOY?

I do too and always will. It's just been going on for so long.

Can you kill Masuda and give us a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game?

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Do you like fatties?

What is this?

Will I marry christ-chan?

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Don't do it

gotta beat the fucking niggers
just beat the fucking shit out of them

Ahhh, muh boy. I wouldn't expect anything less. LOLOLLOLOLERI11

He's more likely to die from sepsis from repeatedly cutting himself near where poop comes out.

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will I fuck Sofia this week?

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thanks user,have a nice day

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It's not only about weight, stress plays a major role. Some fat dudes are really, really chill and this partly counteract the risk.

will I lose my virginity before my 21st birthday?

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Is this graphite on the roof?

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assisted living isn't like that tho. It's more like a mental institution by what I understand, where he's constantly monitored and treated. Not like the quacks who he would irregularly go and see.

>fucking up your neck thinking youre being healthy by standing at your desk

You can do it user I believe in you and so does Jesus.

he was born a white male which has almost double the suicide rate and he's still alive. Transitioning made him even lower risk.

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everyone can only dream this would be the best for him

my motherboard fried and i have been without a pc for 3 months, ive been buying used mobos off aliexpress and i have never regretted something so much because of the waiting in shipping, then i learned that my powersupply was the cilprit, i got all the pc parts needed for my pc to work, but the motherboard and im losing patience, will i get it? and fast?

Should I continue?

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Am I going to be stuck in deadend jobs forever?

Will I finally have sex?

what STRESS does CWC even HAVE?

fucking manufactured bullshit stress probably.


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