What is the Reddit of video games?

What is the Reddit of video games?

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Memelands 2

that logo is so shit

anything with corgis



All Western games

Yea Forums


all japanese games

your favourite videogame of course

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how fucking dare u

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He's right, though. Pootis, guys! Pootis!!

any game i don't like

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Unironically PS4. Censored, commercial interest, LGBQ, and reaped of any actual freedom.

it's memorable, it's a character and ez to memefy for marketing team

wheres super smash bros?


your favorite game

Yea Forums

Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim. That's the trifecta.

last of us 2 or wolfenstein 2

or this actually. LGBBQ heavily censored far left shithole

Sunset Overdrive

your favourite game

>played witcher 3 but didnt play first and second game
>only play open world games like skyrim or far cry
>never ever played RTS, racing or at least grand strategy game like civilisation or anno
>gave up finishing hollow knight or cuphead because it was too hard
These are the symptoms of reddit

Smash bros is too hard for redditors.

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super smash bros of course

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Agents of Mayhem

Any walking sim. And Portal.

reddit the console: switch
reddit the platform: pc

Any nintendo game. They're designed to be played by tranny.

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>portal 2*

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Thief: The Dark Project
Ultima Underworld
System Shock
Red Dead Redmption 2


West of loathing

these desu senpai

yes very true

Man why does this have to be true. I fucking love wargroove but warcorgis and red noses are reddit tier shit. I just want a good advance wars clone.

>smash bros is too hard for redditors

okay faggot

you mean actually pretty good but gets shit on by Yea Forums?
Red Dead Redemption 2

what's wrong with that?


I only shit on RDR2 because I am sour grapes that I only have a PC and rockstar hates PC.

Probably, but I enjoy the Pootis.
It is one of my favourites memes

God of War
The Last of Us


WoW Classic.

every video game
every single one

I dunno but Yea Forums the musical is a whole month reddit invasion.


your favorite game


Fallout76 (playerbase is reddit incarnate)

You must play it to understand

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Borderlands and Skyrim.

Yea Forums Yea Forums