Game forces mechanics on you and punishes you if you don't laterally stick to them

>game forces mechanics on you and punishes you if you don't laterally stick to them

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Anything made by Blizzard Entertainment. They are notorious for forcing their customers to play their games a very particular way.

>Game tutorial shows a vital feature in a cutscene but doesn't actually let you do it so you can't memorize it

Lookin' at you Battletech

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Fuck vegetables, seriously. The only food group I refuse to eat.

the fucking monastery quest in KCD
I spend the entire game being a good christian; No sneaking, no thieving, no lockpicking. Upstanding citizen! Then suddenly I have to kill some fuckhead on holy grounds, and when I tell my lord he says "No, arrest the man instead."
Little did I know that arresting him means HAVING TO MAKE USE OF STEALTH, LOCKPICKING AND THIEVERY! So to be a good christian, I have to be a bad christian!
Fuck you game devs, don't call your game an RPG if at any point you're forced to break character to achieve a mission's goal.

Spotted the mutt

>it is recommended that 2/4 of your plate be filled with vegetables with the other 2 quarters being comprised of protein and carbohydrates
It's also the most important food group so enjoy aging at 2x the speed of your peers

>implying vegetables don't have carbs

Why not say half? Why say two quarters?

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>thinks carbs are bad

>vegetables are the same things as bread and sugars
You're either intentionally disingenuous or a victim of the ameritard education system


because the plate is divided into quarters, with vegetables taking up two entire quarters. It's meant to emphasise that this one food group is more important than any other.

That fall wouldn't kill the pigeon even if it didn't open its wings.

Not at all what I said. Read the post I was responding to.

All I implied was that it was silly to differentiate vegetables from carbohydrates. Stop coming to conclusions.

Of course the most important tastes like shit; life is a cruel joke sometimes.

Is it just me or has captcha been really fucking obnoxious today? Is Google going after me specifically or did they decide they need more free data for their machine learning bullshit?

Just eat fruit bro

>bla bla bla Jewish lies to consume more greens and be raised for slaughter
Nice try Schlomo, stick your carrots and corn up your ass and keep it away from me.

It's only like that on firefox, it works fine on chrome.

t. firefox user

Oh how convenient for Google.


Plato said that the commoners should be denied meat because it makes them strong enough to rise above their station.

So fuck off big corn

Based and redpilled.
Vegetables are actually a worldwide scam run by the jews, just like global warming with the jews wanting to sell solar panels.

ok, well your implication is fucking retarded. vegetables are a source of nutrients and minerals, bread is not. That is the difference.

life is always a cruel joke

Good in moderation, and even though natural fructose isn't as bad as refined sucralose it's still a god damn sugar and should only be eaten in moderation.

If you keep exposing me like this I'm going to have to send someone for you.

Corn isn't really what you should be eating. it's mainly leafy greens. Your body is comprised of more than just protein, you know.

Is there anything that isn't fucking run by the jews according to you faggots?
I could just as easily argue that your claim that vegetables are a jewish conspiracy is itself a jewish conspiracy.

ok jew

>game has a boring tutorial level that is in no way how the rest of the game even plays, with heavily scripted npc behavior
>it's unskipable
fuck Hitman Blood Money

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Broccoli is fucking awesome. Anyone who doesn't like it is a filthy nigger.

in the realm of man, we must sometimes do that which is wrong to ensure our survival
we are not perfect, which is why we must ask god for forgiveness

Yeah most brocolli brands inject butter in their brocolli that's probably why you like them.

>American "food"
Nah. I eat real broccoli m8.