12 years since the last Metroid Prime

>12 years since the last Metroid Prime


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Other urls found in this thread:


>console fps
>still more fun and innovative than 70% of pc fps shit released in last 4 years

2D Metroid is superior, go play those instead.

You can play both, there aren't THAT many Metroid games and if you're not the sort of person to give a fuck about 100%ing or speedrunning them, you can be done with the series in a week. Business week, too. Blast through Federation Force and Other M on the weekend if you really must.

It's best played on PC with mouselook controls though.

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>implying that's not how I played through prime series

Metroid Prime 3 was bad.

The sky world was neat, aesthetically. Nice ambience.

was released on the bad year

>One absolutely in the works
>Ugh, dead seriesss whyyy
Stop it.

I like Bryyo more.

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I tried to get Metroid Fusion, for some reason I can't. I played pretty much any other 2d Metroid, recently Samus Returns. Maybe I replay that or Zero Mission.

I believe that Metroid 4 comes out when I see something more than a png that you can put together in an hour.

>*to get into Metroid Fusion

super metroid is overrated. I enjoy fusion, zero mission and AM2R all more than super

Holy shit what. I never heard of this before.

Prime 4 is at least 2-3 years away isnt it. Its probably going to have shit performance on the default switch.

>You can play both
Good pos-
>play Federation Force and Other M
Terrible post

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It's pretty new.

I would not recommend Other M with anyone.

Just watch this:

ZM > SM > P2 > P1 > ZM > P3 > Metroid > ROS >>>>>>>>>>> Samus Returns > Other M

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Samus Returns was essentially a 2D Prime.

Hollow Knight > SOTN > Aria of Sorrow > Your entire post

Federation Force wasn't 12 years ago, silly

Federation Force isn't even that bad of a game. It just isn't a Metroid game. It could've been anything else. ANYTHING ELSE. Star Blasters or something, Nintendo. Come the fuck on.

i thought the space pirate homeworld was rad as fuck. I played the games when i was a kid and I always thought combat with the pirates was so cool

>play on PC
>game lags like a bitch when theres a loading section

No, it's genuinely a bad game. even if you took everything metroid related out of it, you're still left with a piece of garbage that would barely even qualify as shovelware.

You want a good spinoff, I unironically recommend Metroid Prime pinball, because it's still a good game even if you took everything metroid related away from it. That's the thing about spinoffs. They have to be good on their own merits before you try and pass them off under a brand.

>you're still left with a piece of garbage that would barely even qualify as shovelware.
Seems to fit the rest of the 3DS library just fine...

you can just emulate the wiimote with your mouse why would you need this

Metroid Prime Pinball just makes me want to play an actual physical pinball game.

meant for

>An hour
Holy fuck did you eat glue your entire life?

Because it feels awful. This way it totally controls like a normal m&k fps.

>no additional info on Metroid Prime 4 during E3

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I'd play the shit out of a 2D "demake" of the Prime games desu

Anyone into Prime speedrunning? I've been dipping my dick into the original and doing an older route without OoB stuff and it's a ton of fun. Got my time down to a 1:10 IGT and I'm curious what your best times are.

Let's be honest. It's better to have silence then have them start spewing shit to try and hype a game that's years off.

>the e3 "leak" was right about nearly everything except for Metroid 5

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They could have at least gave us some concept art.

The list of games Nintendo has officially announced, then canceled is so small it can fit on one hand. The fact they said it's in the works means it's being made.

I'm thinking about doing a glitchless run, do you have any videos or anything with the route you use?

I don't get speedrunning. Even if you're autistic enough to get a world record, how is it any fun? your clout will be stolen by someone else anyway. Fighting games I get, the actual game is fun and you don't have to be the best in the world to have some good times in the community.

>The list of games Nintendo has officially announced, then canceled is so small it can fit on one hand


I can't think of much. I do remember one game that Nintendo announced that became something completely different than what was announced.

Still waiting on project H.A.M.M.E.R.

This is the route I use. It uses stuff like dash jumps and even ISG, but they're really not difficult. They just sound complicated.
I highly recommend watching the video(skip through parts you recognise) and learn this simple route because it's a lot of fun to try and optimize based on your own skill level.

>I don't get speedrunning
>the actual game is fun and
There you go.

speedrunning seems more like work than play

I think you're confusing speedrunning with stuff like streaming WR attempts. There's a lot more to it than aiming for the top.
Just trying to beat your favourite game as quick as you can is challenging, therefore fun.
Besides, competition is at the very core of video games, so it makes sense that we'd find new ways to compete in games that don't have a distinct vs mode. Of course it takes dedication, but for some people that only makes it feel more rewarding.

that's why it was good

speedrunning is complete autism at this point and ruined by insane trannies on top of that

not a fan of how much more segmented it was but the environmental aesthetics were top tier in that game

Metroid Prime 2D has been a thing for some odd 15 years.

The franchise peaked in quality with Other M so they realized it was all downhill from there and decided never to make one again

r-really? Is it a Super ROMhack?

It's a fan game from like 2004. If I remember it right, the guy at the helm of AM2R, DoctorM64, was working on Prime 2D as well.
It was a huge deal in the Metroid community at the time. I remember downloading the demo in 2006 or something and being absolutely amazed at how good it looked.
Truth be told, it was janky as all fuck and things didn't really advance past the Frigate and early Tallon.

Thanks user, I'll give it a try

The hardest part is making the bomb jump back up to Sunchamber after Flaaghra(to set the trigger for the artifact to appear in the boss room), getting to the Plasma Beam from Tallon Overworld without the Spider Ball and finally surviving Phazon Mines to Omega Pirate.
The rest can be time consuming, but nothing that you shouldn't be able to brute force your way through.

>Other M


I'm casual as fuck so I just use the floaty jump technique to trigger the sunchamber artifact.

I got 1:53 and I'm cool with that. I don't need to do any better.

>the floaty jump technique
Tell me your secrets.

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If you do the fast flaahgrah trick then one of the mirrors stays up. If you do that then you can clip out of bounds in the sunchamber. If you touch the water when OoB and then get back into the world, gravity is massively lowered until you touch water or a level transition happens.
Then you can just fall through the artifact trigger, land on some convenient geometry and jump back up to re-enter the sunchamber.
Costs several minutes but it is pretty easy to pull off.

Oh, that's pretty interesting. I knew of the floaty jump trick in Prime 2, but had no ideas that was a thing for the first game, or how complicated it was in comparison.
I usually get the bomb jump version 2/3 of the times I try, but it's still pretty frustrating to lose an entire run to that shit. You never really go into Chozo Ruins after the Flaaghra fight so it'd cost several minutes to backtrack to the artifact if you fuck up.

I guess this is an IBBF route then? I'm not very good at wallcrawling so I prefer to wait to get the ice beam.

No, I don't do the IBBF OoB stuff, because I suck at it. There IS a route that does that OoB stuff AFTER Flaaghra, but I just ignore it entirely and take Ice Beam the normal way, before getting the PBs and entering Phazon Mines.

Most of the time I don't even go for speed, I just experiment with different routes. I do it a lot with Super and ZM, and it's quite fun.

For months I've been sitting on a 23% run in Impact Crater because I can't beat Metroid Prime.

what kind of new abilities do you want to see in metroid 5 and prime 4? I'd like a more versatile use of the grappling beam to grab and throw enemies or immobilize them and also maybe an energy sword of sort for melee combat

Speed booster

what went wrong?

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A Zero Suit segment

I said new

What is that?

I think his point wasn't that they're necessary but that Metroid isn't a big or long series even if you play them.

the director of the Prime trilogy's new game

Just... fucking boring. No real movement to it, combat was a chore, mechanically felt cheap, no visual or real asset variety.

Just a cheap, forgettable game with no strong director voice behind it. Go figure.


I'd like to see a more interesting take on a gravity/spider ability. Something like a magnet power-up that lets you change gravity or walk on walls could be neat.
In general, anything that can bring some new movement techniques into the mix is well welcome in my eyes.

>director of the Prime trilogy
I thought that was Tanabe


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what does tanabe do besides threaten to call miyamoto into the room

I hear he's a big soccer fan

look at recore

that's what retro studios without nintendo looks like

Didn't he die?

Metroid Prime series is western

Me too

Is it anything like prime?

Yes but I'm pretty sure Tanabe was attached in some capacity throughout

i have to assume inafune was responsible for a ton of mismanagement during that project

Not to the first game, at least.

you can really tell

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>12 years since

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Based, fuck ugly bitches

yeah right

the former retro guys also made a batman metroidvania game without inafune and it was even worse

It was a few levels of the Frigate, I remember playing the piss out of the demo and loving it
Too bad it's literal vaporware

I'm honestly surprised the only 3D Metroid fangame was something made in Game Maker 9, especially after all these years. At least the other handful of 2D fangames were fun for how short they were kinda

No, just some of the devs I believe

Jedi Fallen Order will be more similar to Prime 3

it had keiji inafune's hand in it. he has the reverse midas touch

Liked it more than 2. Dark World and the keyhunt can go fuck itself.


>NES Metroid
>above Samus Returns and ROS

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>satania poster
like clockwork

Fair enough, I like the oppressive atmosphere of the dark world and you can get some of the keys earlier I believe

your post makes me think that you played prime with the assist on and that's the very very wrong way to play it

Half of 2d metroid is a linear shitfest, especially fusion, with zero mission being far too small in scope. Only super measures up to the prime games

I'd flip it around and consider that you have worse taste than a satania poster.

>I'd flip it around and consider that you have worse taste than a satania poster.
Ok retard

Did you have to stop eating shit to make this post?

No, I had to stop fucking your mom for a moment

>muh nonlinearity
Typical retard

Tanabe is the producer. For some reason producers are the one in charge at Nintendo, not directors

That so? I'm surprised you had it in you considering your sister always told me how small yours is.

Semi linearity is fine but fusion is far too guided. 2/SR to a lesser extent as well

Producers handle the money so they have more power than directors

But at Nintendo they have more input for the games than directors

NES Metroid fucking sucks bro

Metroid Prime 4 got announced. Just be patient. It's more than the 2D fans are getting.

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Good. Prime ruined the series.

But SR came out not too long ago

The last announce i heard about was a year ago when they said "im sorry, we currently didnt work on it"

>Metroid > ROS
Woah, come on.
Metroid pulled that "lmao I'm an invisible block you have to bomb or shoot to proceed" shit constantly, M2 got rid of all that shit and unlike Metroid, 50% of the OST doesn't suck dick.

Sure it's a bit more linear, but Metroid 1's maps are mostly just straight gauntlet lines, it doesn't get many points for that.

Retro takes a while but they have never put out a bad game. Prime 4 will be amazing we just need to wait

>just watch this 2h+ video on why a game is bad, instead of actually playing a game.

metroid ii's OST was terrible bro, there's like two good tracks in the whole game

>>just watch this 2h+ video on why a game is bad, instead of actually playing a game.

except that 2h+ video is the movie mode of Other M, all the cutscenes and some gameplay. Which is something you can unlock within the game itself

Samus Returns isn't a good example of a 2D game. It's another shitty game using 3D graphics but trying to imitate 2D movement. Like Other M.

What happened was the oversight team in Nintendo didn't like the progress the team was making, so they scrapped the entire game. They gave the game to Retro Studios and told them to start from scratch. Being a fan of Metroid Prime, you should be thrilled they gave it back to the original studio.

It was just mediocre.
Compared to a whole bunch of youtube.com/watch?v=XGgvHDnTg84

There's at least a melody here. More than can be said for everything other than the main theme of Metroid II.

Metroid II is a perfect example of atmosphere. Yes, it's not something you listen to by itself. But it works for the game perfectly. And the two actual themes it has (opening and ending themes) are some of the best songs in Metroid. And I'm pissed that Samus Returns replaced the ending theme.

>Being a fan of Metroid Prime, you should be thrilled they gave it back to the original studio.
I dont know about that, its not like its my absolute favourite franchise. Waiting 10 years for a game kind of bores me off. Dont get me wrong, im happy the game will be good, its just that the waiting time makes me not wanting to care anymore.

what the fuck have they been doing

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This game wasn't good but I had fun times fucking around with it with friends.

But it still uses it to create scenes better. Metroid 1 never did anything that could rival Return of Samus' last area.

>NES Metroid fucking sucks bro

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Hiring art directors.

SR was good enough to tide over my Metroid itch for a bit, but now we're near 2 years out and I'm starting to get antsy again. I was really hoping they'd at least announce a Trilogy remaster at e3 but we couldn't even get that.

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I wanted to play NES and GB metroid but couldn't because no map. How am I supposed to play this shit with no map, memorize every corner of the entire game world?

OG Metroid has several ROM hacks that add maps. Just use one of those.

If rumors are true, they were working on their own IP and it devolved into a complete mess. Nintendo was developing Prime 4 in-house and fucked up, and asked Retro to abandon their project and help develop Prime 4, essentially swooping in and saving their asses.

It's not great. Enemies are sponges, levels are gauntlets, lot of obtuse bullshit over hiding progression-required blocks.
Not to say there aren't a bunch of great NES games. Hell, I'm sure there's still great Atari 2600 games. If I search hard enough.

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They made Donkey Kong games. Now they're working on Metroid Prime 4.

GB Metroid isn't so complex that you need one. Good luck with the NES version though with blocks that look just like every other block but are breakable or just cosmetic.

Okay, you're correct when you put it that way.

Sure, those are some minor issues, but that doesn't mean the game sucks.
It still has some of the best atmosphere in the series and probably the only game aside from RoS that actually make the player feel lost and desperate.

Correct tastes coming through.

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GB Metroid is actually pretty linear, as long as you know what the world map looks like in a vague sense you don't need the fine grained stuff.

the level design is just terrible

It's the worst Nintendo series debut

>Half of 2d metroid is a linear shitfest
Just like the Prime games.

That's fair. I also wasn't the poster who randomly threw out that "the game fucking sucks, bro".

*that's why it is shit

Prime 1 is pretty nonlinear. At least if you play the original version.

The Prime games are linear as fuck. It's impossible to do major areas or bossed out-of-order without glitches.

Us 2D fans want actual good games dude

>2 above 1
Majorafags of Metroid.

Super Metroid is the only game in the series where you can do out of order bosses and also have more than two bosses to choose from.

Reminder that only zoomers like the Prime series.

>How am I supposed to play this shit with no map, memorize every corner of the entire game world?
For Metroid II, yes. A large part of the fun is exploring the world and learning to navigate it. Metroid 1 sucks for this though because it uses the same textures everywhere.

To this day, I mostly ignore maps in Metroid games and try to learn the terrain just by exploring. They're such short games, I get more play time this way.

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nope there are no rom hacks with a pause screen map

The problem with Super Metroid is that literally the entirety of its intended sequence breaking (mockball is a glitch) come from being able to walljump up Red Tower for early Power Bombs, which 99% of players are never going to do. I guarantee you every single 1st playthrough did Kraid->Phantoon->Draygon->Ridley as the boss order. Same goes for major upgrades.

Zero Mission actually encourages sequence breaking and has entire rooms dedicated to traversal for doing the bosses out-of-order, it has better level design that makes non-linearity far more likely to occur. The only problem is that there's 2 bosses and the epilogue is linear as fuck.

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i bet you retards like console fps like goldeneye, turok, perfect dark and timesplitters
Yea Forums is dead.

Yes, there are.

The maps are tiny as fuck, it's not hard to remember where shit is if you're paying attention. Just remember to bomb every dead-end wall/floor in Metroid 1.

I forced myself through that whole fucking game hoping that it would get better at some point.
It didn't.
It's shit.
You're shit.

Zero Mission also locks you into Ridley if you go down there. Which can be a game over on hard mode if you haven't collected enough missiles to defeat Ridley.

I doubt it's literally impossible if you're short on missiles. You can probably collect enough in Ridley's hideout to beat him.


That’s the trade off I think. Breaking it into planets really makes it gamey but we get aesthetics that can be completely unrelated and wild. Homeworld and Elysia couldn’t be the same planet. Fucking love the environments and mini lores.
That’s another downside. We only get shortened versions of planet lore since there’s more than one. Shit, there’s a lot of lore that just got cut for length.

t.prime zoom zoom

>(mockball is a glitch)
I don't really see how this matters. If the game is good, the game is good, and it doesn't matter whether it was on purpose or not. Particularly when the tech is as intuitive as the mockball is.
>The problem with Super Metroid is that literally the entirety of its intended sequence breaking (mockball is a glitch) come from being able to walljump up Red Tower for early Power Bombs.
Yes, too much of the game's sequence breaking options revolve around Red Tower. You can enjoy quite different experiences depending on whether you go to norfair first or whether you climb the tower at the first opportunity, though.
I'm considering making a minimal romhack that would make it possible to head east from the ship landing before having entered Brinstar. I think it would make the sequence breaking options more interesting without changing the heart of the game.
>hich 99% of players are never going to do. I guarantee you every single 1st playthrough did Kraid->Phantoon->Draygon->Ridley as the boss order. Same goes for major upgrades.
I don't really see what the problem is here. For me what sets sequence breaking apart from regular nonlinearity is that there is actually a sequence to break - that's what makes it more rewarding than just a level select or an open world.
Super Metroid tutorialises much of the sequence breaking tech just a little after it would have been useful, which IMO is what makes it clear that it's about replay value more than anything else.
>Zero Mission actually encourages sequence breaking and has entire rooms dedicated to traversal for doing the bosses out-of-order,
To me this actually feels like a bandaid over poor level design. Super Metroid has more sequence breaking options and it doesn't depend on hidden rooms and bombable blocks to do it, just quality platforming with emergent solutions.

Ridley's AI is actually incredibly easy to exploit. Are you sure you can't leave Ridley's lair though?

>ZM > ZM

>Are you sure you can't leave Ridley's lair though?
I tried. But the Bee boss crashes into the wall and blocks your exit. And then backtracking through his lair takes you to a section of Ridley. And I think the only way out is using the Screw Attack you get after beating Ridley. If someone else found another way, I'm all ears.

There are missile blocks near the screw attack blocks that you can use to get out but I'm not sure what the trigger is that opens the back room where the broken chozo statue is.

>If rumors are true
there's no credible rumors about retro studios

last year all the trannies from the vidya press were convinced star fox grand prix existed

prime 3 is the most linear and it's less linear than SR and especially fusion

>Super Metroid is the only game in the series where you can do out of order bosses
only via sequence breaks, you can say the same about prime

Explain how you will get better games than SR when Sakamoto directed it?

Sakamoto directed what many consider to be the best game in the series (Super). He didn't direct Samus Returns, he was an overseeing producer. I don't get your question at all.

Sakamoto wasn't in change and even if he was, SR is still a mediocre piece of shit

>Sakamoto wasn't in change
You really are a moron aren't you?

yes he was, producers are the one in charge at Nintendo

Yokoi was in charge of super, the guy is wrong since sakamoto was producer on SR, not director

Yokoi was "in charge" of Super, but it's well known that he had very little to do with it's development, threatened to cancel it several times, was always angry every time he checked in on it, and legitimately believe no one would find the game fun.

How so? I don't eat shit off my plate like Modern nu-Metroid fans defending bad games.

I'm not defending anything. I'm just saying, Sakamoto was in charge of SR.



>Yokoi was in charge of super
He was the producer, yes. Much like Sakamoto was the producer of Samus Returns. But Sakamoto was the director of Super Metroid, as I said.

>the guy is wrong since sakamoto was producer on SR
I literally said that in the post you're quoting...