>Almost 4 million makes a 60 hours long RPG at best.
>Not even 1 million makes a 160 hours long RPG.
Why are Slavs just better at game development and budget management?
Imagine if they got 4 mil for Pathfinder.
>Almost 4 million makes a 60 hours long RPG at best.
>Not even 1 million makes a 160 hours long RPG.
Why are Slavs just better at game development and budget management?
Imagine if they got 4 mil for Pathfinder.
where are you getting these numbers?
HLTB and as pick related kick-starter.
Also i acualy played and beat booth games and the DLCs.
And the numbers more or less add up.
Why is game length the only factor you're considering?
hiring californians is more expensive than hiring slavs
Josh Sawyer did a kind of post-mortem talk on Deadfire where he mentioned how shitty management was, having to implement voice acting was extremely time consuming for instance.
Games are realy similar when it comes to grafics.
And booth where buggy as hell on release.
Pillars does have slitly better combat.
But Kingmaker has better dungeons and role-playing options.
>Pillars does have slitly better combat.
Ugh no.
Because life in Russia is much cheaper.
What worth does a game have other than the amount of time that it wastes for me? The only reason most people play games is to accelerate their death.
Last time i checked, Sawyer revealed that they burnt all the money on voice acting and trivial shit instead of funneling to important stuff like a proper naval combat, what we got was something he scrambled up at the last minute because he had no money left.
I fail to see how Obshitian could rack up so many disasters and never ask themselves why and if political correctness is a hill worth dying for, sure they were acquired by Microsoft but it doesn't seem to have changed things for the better, we'll see what happens after the release of OW i guess.
Pathfinder was funded by mail.ru group or my.com as westerners know it
Thought the first pillars was good if a bit generic, deadfire fucking sucked
imagine playing pathfinder
Nethack is free and you can play it forever. I don't think you understand game development.
>measuring anything by game length
What a brainlet
160 hours of stronk females and sjw bullshit, yes. Don't forget to fund the sequel btw shitlord nazi.
PoE2's development was a mess.
>Sawyer threw away all the feedback that Yea Forumsfags and Codexfags sent him regarding the game' beta
>listened to discord instead
>full game comes out not only with 90% of the bugs the beta had, but with new bugs as well
>but now just with more gay in it
Can you use White March companions in base game?
No, they just have a significantly lower cost of living in Slavland. So 1 mill for slavs is fairly similar to 4 mill for commiefonians.
1 million dollars is a LOT in shithole countries. In my country I could hire a team of 15 people in my game studio and pay them very good salaries for 3 years with that money. And still have 100k left.
of course, not sure why would you want that though
>160 hour long RPG
It better be a fucking masterpiece of Leo Tolstoy caliber with amazing gameplay, for me to sit down and play a game that is 160 hours long. Having a lot or content doesn't mean a game is good.
He was also really fucking bitter about D:OS2 decimating them, and how they had to try to be more like it. Also, he came off as a cunt that whole talk, talking down to people all the time and saying shit like the systems were to complex for people to take advantage off.
They funneled a ton of money into navel combat, but they made it how Josh wanted it to be not what people found fun or what was shown. All navel combat had to be was boarding shit.
He said the slav game had 160 hours, not the obsidian one.
isn't obsidian based in california?
there's your answer OP
Yes I've played 2 hours of pathfinder.
>4 out of 5 available companions are stronk female feminist types
>Leader of the first clan is a female
If it smells like shit and acts like shit its probably shit.
The college girl wannabe literary type narrator of PoE2 made me mute the voices.
>the systems were to complex for people to take advantage off
>enemies have sky high defenses
>cast debuff spell to lower their defenses and try to land the good stuff afterwards
>miss, miss, glance, miss, glance, glance, miss, miss, miss, immune
Did the whole elements countering each other actually work at all?
I never bothered to learn it but chucking fire spells didn't remove the paralyze from the freezing fireball spell
Phil spencer is a massive feminist cuck obsidian will just get worse.
>They funneled a ton of money into navel combat
Man, I fucking wish PoE got navel combat, all games should let you have navel combat with your waifus
>enemies have sky high defenses
Huh, I played as a Cipher and found the game really trivial, it was so easy to get most of my will-targeting abilities to hit.
Yeah but on the other hand one of them had to use pathfinder and the other one didn't.
There's only one winner.
Now the game is in an actual playable state, it's certainly better than every other isometric RPG that has come out in the last few years.
Did they unfuck Cipher? When I played PoE1 they nerfed Cipher mid playthrough so hard it was useless so I dropped it.
>Start a new game to try the new turn based mode
>works fine with a few pathfinding bugs but nothing gamebreaking
>after 20hours or so everything takes forever to kill
>notice I'm glancing every fucking attack and the "chance to hit %" I get when hovering over shit is hit+glancing chance instead of hit chance like in normal mode
what difficulty?
Everything under POTD is braindead easy
>4 out of 5 available companions are stronk female feminist types
I'm calling bullshit, It would've been 5 out of 5 if it was Pathfinder.
Ciphers were never useless in poe1, just the fact than they can cast shit without running out of resources make them top tier, they're just a bit weak against bosses
pathfinder isn't that bad it is somewhat of a sidegrade of 3 and still better than 5
Reminder Owlcat Games got absolutely fucked by Paizo shitting the bed with 2e and were forced to release it early.
>talking down to people all the time and saying shit like the systems were to complex for people to take advantage off.
Funny thing is in the backer beta many of us understood the systems just fine and reported how unfun they were. Didn't matter yeah as people noted. Sawyer listened more to discord than people doing the math and actually testing, at least until a mod made it fucking obvious.
Ciphers got nerfed into being useless by Josh like a month after launch. He even talked about it in his 50 minute talk.
I dont know if they got unnerfed but they were definitely fucked hard with that patch so I couldn't even play anymore.
Your opinion is objectively wrong, and I shall destroy you, your family, your tribe and your people for it.
Legit though I hate it. It's everything wrong with 3.5 but distilled. All D&D past 2e was a mistake for which our ancestors paid and we shall pay doublefold, but PF moreso.
>I'm calling bullshit, It would've been 5 out of 5 if it was Pathfinder.
Cause it's the slavs implementing it you can later tell them off when they fuck up or give you lip instead of just nodding. "Pathfinder is for everyone no bully" would be the result of a US product.
Quick, someone fill me in: Has Chris Avellone done anything wrong or is there still hope for a good fallout? Sawyer turned out to be a fraud...
>Chris Avellone done anything wrong
No but be forwarned saying his name three times on /v summons some autist that hates him.
Doing anything in this pretty princess parlor always triggers and summons some autist or another.
What? They were deleting steam and reddit posts about sjw shit in their game.
The class is fine, whispers of treason is crazy good for its level, recall agony is good all through the game, their beam thing deals insane amounts of damage(around 200-300 base damage over 10seconds), ring leader is gamebreaking good, amplified wave and desintegrate are great if you get a couple good crits in a row and need to dump focus fast. After you reach end game time parasite and reaping knives will let you spam your powers super fast not caring about your focus at all.
Sawyer lowering the duration of some of their low level CC didn't break them at all, you just can't rely on a single cipher to CC encounters on their own
what? they said they have been given the OK to keep using 1e for the sequels
Literally 20 minutes after that 5 stronk women point mentioned, for example, at the outpost, the barbarian gives you a speech about how woman don't need no man and you can shut her down leaving her sullen and shocked that someone called her shit.
>They funneled a ton of money into navel combat, but they made it how Josh wanted it to be
They were pretty obviously fishing for which Adventure Path to adapt afterwards with their survey, what with the question about "which subsystem would you like to see introduced". If they end up picking Jade Regent, hopefully they rework the caravan system. It's kind of a ballache as written - which sucks, because Jade Regent as a whole is actually pretty good.
>Why are Slavs just better at game development and budget management?
Slavs are paid in potatoes.
Obsidian should relocate.
>Why are Slavs just better at game development and budget management?
Because there are less of "them" in the east., to pocket all the money.
Think they just ran out of money.
Can't see Pazio forcing 2e when it's 1) in testing and 2) received so poorly they are making huge rewrites.
Cute girls wanting to buy cute shoes?