And... STIIIIILLLLLL Undisputed Dragon Engine Worrrrrrrld Champion....!

And... STIIIIILLLLLL Undisputed Dragon Engine Worrrrrrrld Champion....!


(seriously Judgment fucking sucks in comparison to this remake/game)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw making my way through the series and still haven't gotten to 5 yet
I'll catch up some day.

They both sucks. Series died with 0. 5 was the peak. Ichiban will also suck.

ha don't sweat it man, they're huge games ESPECIALLY Yakuza 5, like holy shit that game is looooong but also good :)

Nah. They're clearly holding back something for Shin, Judgment is lacking in nearly every way and its clear considering this is an annual series, they want to make Ichiban special so they can make 10 more games featuring him, not like with Yagami.

>They're clearly holding back something for Shin

It's cute that you think that.

Are you kidding? Kiwami 2 is garbage.

>most refined yakuza game ever designed
I know Yea Forumsfags hate on yakuza a lot but this is objectively false

can you explain as to why you feel that way or are you simply ignorant?

Because it's nothing more than wishful thinking on your part. Every DE game thus far has been mediocre to just plain bad.

Except 0 was the best in the series ?

The whole ending sequence was so comically bad it actually blew my mind.

>most refined yakuza game ever designed

You're actually retarded if you think this.

No, 5 was the best. 0 is 5lite.

5 was trash as were all the other PS3 games.

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Dragon engine combat is worse than ps3 engine

You can all suck my fun having dick.

>5 was the peak

Yea, I love that shitty dream town with saejima and the garbage Haruka parts. The story being stretched way too thin was awesome too. A masterpiece.

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>playing Yakuza for the story
>being upset by a 20 minute dream sequence in a 100+ hour game
>hating the idol minigame

Yikes, the only bad thing about the game is Haruka's idol part taking up Akiyama's chapter. That's it. Everything else is great. Not a single Yakuza game has a good story.

I feel people who dislike 5 are secondaries who didn't play the series in release order, so that's why they don't understand what makes 5 so great.

>>playing Yakuza for the story
it's fucking Japanese telenovela in video game, of course the story is important

its true and Yakuza 0 is right behind it, keep seething fag

so yes its just ignorance then, okay cool.

Don't forget the hunting that takes up a quarter of the game.

>But you fight a bear!

Yea, nah.

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You're ignorant for thi king they can still deliver after 4 consecutive shitshows.

>golden castle out of nowhere
>ninjas and tigers
>everybody is Korean and a sibling
>lol I betray u
>no I betray u
>no I betray u with bomb
>lol bomb was fake
"2 is the best game in the series"

No it doesn't. Also, hunting was fun was fuck.

After playing the PS2 games, you come to realize how unimportant the shit story it. 3 and 4 just push that even further.

You fight a tiger in 2, so I guess it's shit now too, as well as Ishin because muh bear.

I'm just saying the bear didn't make up for the shitty hunting minigame that took years to finish just to get the fucking idol scene.

Judgment is my favorite of the Dragon Engine games. I find the writing much better than most Yakuza entries, and I personally find the story and characters more compelling. The new gameplay sections are very simple, but I like how that results in more variety throughout the main story. Aside from tailing missions, the repetition hasn't felt too annoying for me so far, compared to other Yakuza games where you just beat up guys in the same boring ways for the most part. I like the idea of populating Kamurocho with NPCs you befriend; makes the city feel more bustling beyond scripted NPCs walking around. As for combat, I'm in the minority since I've always preferred the Dragon Engine. I used to always get bored by the fights in earlier Yakuzas--now the ragdoll physics help keep the button-mashing more interesting to me. Bouncing off walls and enemies in Judgment is the funnest it's been, I hope Ichiban can do that in his game.

All the Dragon Engine games have the same problems of unstable framerate and jarring cutscene transitions with a lot of loading screens. That removes hope they'll actually bother to polish the basic foundation in Shin, which is too bad. I think every Yakuza since 4 could've used another 6-8 months to feel less like quick rehash

Attached: Judgment_20190701184415.png (1920x1080, 957K)

No one on Yea Forums really cares about story.

Yakuza's shit writing doesn't suit a detective game. There's no fun doing actual detective work or even thinking about clues or what's happening when everything can be undone at any moment because of bullshit twists and melodrama. And of course the usual piss-poor combat is there with no improvements, they just added a new way to do ebin finishers as if these games weren't easy enough.

The mandatory hunting segment was short as fuck. Sounds like you just have brain problems.

>no karaoke

It'll never be good.

That's another flaw, especially since NPCs mention going to karaoke which is like rubbing dirt in the wound

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

The biggest flaw is not being able to date Saori.

Attached: rate my saori.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

yeah... u right

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awful secondhand opinion list

Based and Redpilled

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FotNS is shit tier. The wasteland driving is ridiculously bad

When the fuck will SEGA announce the remasters for the western market?

I dont know if I can believe that OP, Kiwami 2 was pretty underwhelming. Granted I still havent played Judgment.

>FotNS above 3, 5, Kenzan and on par with Judgment

Is Kiwami 2 as resource intensive as pcgamingwiki claims?

yes, the game is horribly made

Fairly, there's some cases of microstutter when using heat moves and there's one AA setting that completely tanks the framerate, though the resolution scaler can help.

but Yea Forums told me the japs know how to make games and western devs are incompetent

Japs can't into PC for the most part.

it was ported by poles but dragon engine is a mistake regardless

Dragon Engine struggles to run on base PS4 and can only handle 1080p 30fps on PS4 Pro. You have to keep that in mind with future DE games on PC.

My favorite part is when Kiryu and Sayama are making out with thta cheesy J-Pop music while Ryuji's corpse is lying just a few meters away

The story def went off the deep end around the last quarter.

It's a completely mixed bag. You've got Square being so incompetent nowadays they make Ubisoft look good, and on the other hand you've got Capcom putting everyone in the world to shame squeezing 60 fps out of games that look better than Sony's first party games that run at 30

Good but vanilla Saori is the best

>best gameplay
>actually challenging gameplay
>it's shit
Never change, Yea Forumsreddit

Nah dude Judgment is the breath of fresh air the series needed.

How is it the best?

This. It had the best story, characters and dopest choreography. While it got a bit crazy toward the end, it didn't feel like it was going full retard like Yakuza. If only the side cases weren't so boring and there was actually finger snapping good music and not boring shit that just fades into the background.

neither of those is true


>Yakuza but with more awful chases and no karaoke

it's a fart

Has the most diversity in combat. Tons of context sensitive Heat moves, aerial combat, juggling, bosses actually present a threat.

>Only a secondary could dislike the "more, but bigger" model being taken to the extreme.
Nah, bitch.

judgment is kino, its just that chapter 1 is really slow

>Chases are bad
You could've at least brought up an actually problematic mechanic like the two different lockpicking mini games, or the mode when you follow someone. The chasing was always fast and not nearly as offensive as any of those were.

You feel wrong. But feel free to stuck your head in the sand when someone says that Yakuza 5 has shitty story and bad design at times. Helps you cope.

have to agree with this most of the soundtrack was a disappointment

these are probably the best 2 good tracks in the game

Hunting was at least comfy, can't say the same for Haruka's "gonna sing one song 90% of the time" adventure.

chases have always been garbage, but I guess you've only ever played 0

that's what happens when you replace the actually kino music with literal garbage

Hi, reddit.

When will it be on sales ?
I like Yakuza and all, but I don't know if I want to drop 60.

I think OST is pretty alright, what I hate about it is that best tracks are wasted. Like that second one you posted, it plays during 2 really dumb and brief fights near the end - and that's it. What the fuck, you can feel that there has to be some sort of long battle sequence for it, it's in the name, dammit.

I actually liked side cases and how everything fits together in town. Finally.
But those taiking episodes overstay their welcome pretty fast. I get what they wanted to do and show, but god damn are they long and uneventful.

Dragon Engine sucks. Makes it feel like I'm playing a lame musou buttonnmasher.

Hi, argume- oh wait..


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>downgrade the ever loving fuck out of the graphics in Judgement
>still runs horribly, but now it looks bad

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I have yet to play any games with it but why is the DE so bad? Is it because Its super physics based? Just makes the combat feel worse? Have the devs addressed any of the criticism that seems to be around it?

Kiwami 2 doesn't actually fix the issues with 6's combat.
Judgment tweets it but it's still not on par with 5/0/ishin.

best song

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I don't argue with retards who can't read.

It's not bad but getting blocked by an enemy basically stuns you momentarily.
Judgment adjusted it to be far less annoying.

Hopefully the PC version will come out soon

Dragon Engine is fantastic. There's nothing wrong with it, it was just a bit rough in Yakuza 6 because it was a new engine and they hadn't had the time to develop it properly yet. In Kiwami 2 and Judgement it has finally been developed to a point where it's a lot better than the previous engines.

Post your favorite yakuza series tracks please i need some really rockin ones for lifting

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The engine itself is fine, but the combat sucks. Even in Judgement.

Fuck no, it's still clunky as shit in K2, even at 60fps.

How did they downgrade it, though? Daytime scenes look way better than identical scenes in 6.

>How did they downgrade it, though

sorry didn't know you're blind

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Sorry, didn't know you have no arguments.

They downgraded the lighting when compared to 6.


I'm just saying I wanted to see comparison. I hated the way daytime looked in 6 and in Judge Eyes nighttime looks more sterile than in 6.
Better than Kiwami 2 and fucking green tint at least.

and shadows
and textures
and shading

>combat still revolves around relying on throws to win because constantly being combo broken


Maybe you just need to git gud.

at what

>git gud
>at an entire series with pause healing

>Still no option to adjust sfx, voices, and music volumes.

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sorry to busy rehashing the same city for the 50th time

That's the absurdity of this user who is so crapola that they can't even handle Yakuza combat.

>playing Yakuza for the story
...why else ? the fucking gameplay ? lmao

it's all depending on the engine. the RE engine runs on magic

The Fox Engine was great for it's time too

Yakuza requires absolutely no skill.
6 and K2 have the worst combat in the series because of your combos being useless, and having the least amount of Heat moves, and the fact everything is just crowd control.

like shenmue, the draw is the side-content and virtual vacation aspect

why do you type like a fucking mongoloid

is it too much for your brain to comprehend ?

Stop spacing question marks.

what if I don't ?

There's nothing to handle. 6 and K2 just have the least enjoyable combat. It's Kenzan melee levels of bad.

The engine and all its improvements are fine because it's modernizing it and letting them get away from a bunch of stuff like stiff enemies who attack in an order you can easily predict, enemies who have very specific pauses so Tiger Dropping can be learned and abused very easily instead of the randomness that is in the Dragon Engine that you can only kind of lead on, loading screens to enter buildings, the ability to grab enemies on slopes, the ability to actually climb over objects without a contextual scene, and so on.

What it does wrong is during fights enemies will randomly block you which causes you to recoil backwards and leave you open to attack for one second. You still keep your combo progression but in Judgment specifically it can drop Tiger's combos for some reason and a lot of the higher tier enemies like the fat guys or the bodybuilder-esque guys will get hit twice and then bounce you every time you go for a third hit on them so you're stuck either starting a combo away from them and then doing finishers once you get close or just praying they do the glass shatter guard instead since in Judgment it's a 50/50 shot it shatters instead of blocking.

This is something they're obsessed with keeping for some reason, I don't get why, they band-aid it by giving you the extracts in Judgment that just cause every guard to break for 30 seconds instead but that's not the way to go. We need to either keep these glass shatter guards which don't break the flow of combat but still prevent them getting hit effectively bringing us back to the old way of guarding except now the enemies get staggered, or just straight up go back to old guarding where enemies just guard forever if you just attack them from the front and maybe get broken occasionally. Getting blocked and recoiling while enemies hit you isn't a fun experience.

The only thing I'm noticing on a Pro is it looks a bit blurrier than 6 and K2. I don't think it's a resolution thing.

then you legitimately suck dicks

based resident yakuza tripfag moose

Why do people say "git gud" when talking about a game series where it's practically impossible to lose? It's casual as fuck. And everyone knows it.

because they're idiots

okay ?

there you go

Drone racing too hard

>Tanimura wasn't guilty at all and acquitted because it was a false claim by a jealous friend
>still replace him

asians are such fucking tools
they literally can't think outside their insect hiveminds

Its just a beat em up/brawler. They were never meant to be hard outside of arcades where they artificially increased difficulty to jew you out of money.

It makes them feel better about playing a game they know is casual. Never forget that Yakuza games are really popular with women.

Isn’t judgement the closest thing to a tough yakuza game because of the mortal wound system? And they decided to really jack up enemy damage, which only matters for nutters that do no healing outside of restaurant runs like me.

>5 was the peak
this but unironically

>bullets cause mortal wounds

People who leave their agencies before their contracts are up are basically blacklisted in the entertainment industry which is what he did on top of that whole scandal which was proven false. The guy in this webm also did the same thing because he didn't like how his agency was treating him and basically started up his own agency while writing books and helping out his idol wife. He still was only able to get like two roles (One in an American show and in the Black Butler live adaptation in Japan) despite it being well over 13 years since it happened. Toei didn't even call him back for the latest Kamen Rider anniversary series despite him literally posting more or less every day on Instagram in-character and even speaking publicly about wanting to join them but they got another character instead which, while not a bad thing, it still sucks.

Mortal wounds are definitely incredibly rough, getting hit once by the boss in I think chapter 3 once is 70% of your health gone and those guys with guns in chapter 6 can take off a third of your entire bar. The damage is normal for spinoffs though, both Kenzan and Ishin have you taking roughly this much, and both BP1 and BP2 have you taking loads of damage from a couple hits with your body parts breaking if you get hit by even one street object.

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we went from Virgin Yakuza to Chad Detective who smashes 19 yo pussy

based as fuck

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I don't think it's possible for a jap to be as manly looking as Kiryu in real life. He's perfection.

thats because Kiryu barely looks asian at all

doesn't compare to Majima who was smashing (formerly) 17 year old idoru pussy

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>Yagami smashes everyone but Saori
Truly the worst taste of protags yet. It nearly matches Akiyama wanting Yasuko of all women when Hana is right there wanting to get financed.

Attached: Best pair.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Skinny Hana is fucking cute, would wife.

you just need this user
I use it too

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Shin is supposed to get some news on the 10th, but it's probably them just revealing who won the audition so don't get your hopes up for a trailer.

0 = 5 > 2 > Judgment > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1

>you can still hear it around clubs in Judgment

Akiyama clearly takes inspiration from Pierce Brosnan so I doubt he wants that.

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Why does it feel like people are starting to unnecessarily shit on 1 kiwami recently.

Where did I say Kiwami?

based devs not listening to shitters like you
Judgment has the best combat to date, 2nd is Kiwami 2

I think Hiro mangled your post, you probably meant it to say:

0 = 2 = 4 = 5 > Judgment > Kenzan > 6 = 3 > 1 > Dead souls

I'm curious what Shin is going to do since they have to some interesting stuff in store if it's going to be a rebirth kind of deal. I hope the friendship stuff from Judgement comes back in Shin

I just assumed since everyone knows the original 1 is so archaic at this point its not even worth listing.

Yakuza 0 looks pretty ugly. Do the graphics improve in the other games?

1 plays fine, I started the series on 4 and had no trouble getting into the original. It's a little stiff maybe, but totally fine.

>Koga goes full Arase in his second phase

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No, I just didn't bother listing Kiwami because it's non-canon. I was only listing canon entries in the series.

Friendships will probably come back considering Ishin, 0, K2 (Because of 2), and Judgment have all done it. It seems like they want to keep that system in place, even in 6 you have the friendship with the people at Snack Bar though obviously it's not exactly the same as the other systems. I'd be more surprised if they didn't to be honest.

0's a PS3 game and these are games made on lower budgets so they don't exactly prioritize graphical fidelity. 6, Kiwami 2, and Judgment are on a new engine that has some better graphical things like dynamic lights, dynamic shadows on virtually everything instead of just players, enemies, civvies, and objects you can pick up, and obviously upgraded graphical fidelity. The AA on the new engine is the only real problem right now, it's still quite rough, and unless you're on PC the DOF is brutal.

It most certainly doesn't play fine by today's standards but whatever. The only reason to ever go back to 1 is for the hammy ass dub with Hamill.

>hating yakuza 1's kino dub



How is Judgment combat-wise? Im worried about only two fight styles.

>It most certainly doesn't play fine by today's standards but whatever.
What a bitch attitude to have.

It's crazy how likable literally the entire main group was in that game. I thought each of them got a fair amount of screentime too (even if Sugiura gets a bit more than the rest)

It's good.
There's loads of contextual heat actions and lots of cool moves, especially with best boy Kaito. also you can get triple finisher early on which is nice.

Attached: Kaito.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

While 0 and 5 were my favorite, you're a faggot. Kiwami is underrated here for basically being a 0 expansion and Judgment added soul back to the series after the Dragon Engine removed a lot of it

PC port when? Kiwami 2 spoiled me, no way I'm going back to the fucking 25fps PS4 Dragon Engine games.

Guess that means 0 is trash then since that's a PS3 game

Great. Again, the only problems are you bouncing off of blocks like usual and Heat gain is really slow (Though I still don't have the gauge upgrade so I'm sure that'll help a bit). The two styles actually work well, you use Crane for groups and Tiger for 1v1, and you can swap instantly on finisher attacks to keep combos going which is incredibly useful on bosses. Both have enough variety to work with and all EX Actions work on both styles, some just gain different animations depending on your style. The mortal damage system is also incredibly rough and fixing it is expensive until you start tackling a lot of Side Cases so you tend to be more careful during fights where it can happen to you. Pistols for example permanently drop a third of your health until you fix it up though they're not too common so far, and getting hit by a boss' special attack (Which is telegraphed) can cut anywhere from 40% of your health to 70% of it off permanently unless you have first aid kits.

All you need to know is that throws are back in.

>Kiryu is OG Ultra.
>Kaito is Ginga.
When are we getting a Rider? There's already an entire Sentai in 1.

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>While 0 and 5 were my favorite, you're a faggot.

>5 my favorite
>you're a faggot

I can't take anyone seriously who unironically likes 5. That game was dogshit start to finish, seems to me like the only people who defend it are literal "just turn your brain off bro"-tier morons. It's the epitome of quantity over quality.

>That heat move where Kaito uppercuts a guy in the air and you kick him down

>That heat move where you jump over Kaito and kick a guy behind him while he drop kicks a guy behind you

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way to invalidate everything you say

>the drunken master heat move

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I don't exactly have a least favorite aside from 6 and K2 being the low points, I enjoy every Yakuza game. But I felt having multiple cities was the right step for Yakuza, although less characters would be better going forward. Also had my favorite minigames and gave me more reason to keep playing beyond the story than other games in the series. That said, I don't care about your opinions since you type like your whole life is a "just turn your brain off bro"-tier moment.

Sounds good.

>K2 being the low points
What the fuck, how? K2 is easily second best behind 0, I haven't seen anyone say anything bad about K2.

i'm amazed by the fact that they got a pop superstar to play the main character in Judgment and then they removed karaoke from the game.

What the fuck? Yakuza 2 had a great story.

>Kaito using the Brawler moveset
I loved this. Kinda weird that Kaito never mentions Kiryu at least once, considering how much of a LEGEND Kiryu became, especially in the Yakuza world. And the biggest insult is that Kaito has a bare back. Where the fuck is his tattoo? He was yakuza for a really long time before getting expelled.

I hope Ichiban runs into kaito or yagami in a sub story.
Also fucking bring back tatsuya.

It was a wise move to avoid budget bleed. Besides only bakamitais like karakoke.

Kiryu's mentioned in the Tiger Drop description at least.


I don't like Kiryu's moveset in the Dragon Engine. I hate bouncing off of enemy's blocks and how bosses ragdoll from simple combos and fly around the arena like a fucking rubber ball. It was hard to take the Ryuji fights seriously when he crumples up so easily like I punched an inflatable doll. That, and I prefer just about everything soundtrack-wise from the original Y2.

Did every yakuza need a tattoo? Would seem a bit weird for newbies to already have full body markings like the old veterans. And then there’s someya who didn’t have one and said it was falling out of style.

See, there's the problem. You seem to have mistaken the focus being on "story" rather than on melodrama and hype moments.

If you watch As the World Turns and some bitch bursts in during an important business meeting and says "I'M PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD" and the dramatic music plays as it cuts to commercial, that's not a good story, but that's exactly what the Yakuza games are. I'm not saying I don't like that, but I'm saying none of the game's have good stories.

For me, it's Kamurocho Junrenka, the best karaoke song in the series

Oh yeah, what's Shioya's moveset? That overhead punch is so familiar but I can't place it at all. I know it's from a boss in one of the games. One of the bosses is definitely using Amon's quick punches from either 5 or 6 as well, I think that was Shioya but it might have also been Higashi.

Someya was a very progressive kind of businessman, Kaito's an old school brawler. He'd have at the very least have a partially finished tattoo.

It's Watase's with a bit of Awano since he also reused Watase's moveset with the exception of a couple of new attacks

Yeah I agree, Rikiya was a young yakuza and he had a back tattoo. Although Yakuza 3 takes place in 2008, I think so I guess things could be different now.

its fucking retarded
imagine the guy singing Judgment shinpan
and kiryu walks into the karaoke booth and they do a duet

Attached: goro.png (281x326, 104K)

This. I need something to tide me over until the 3/4/5 remaster arrive. I'll play the remasters on PS4 since they will be at 1080p60, but I can't tolerate the Dragon Engine on PS4.

Hoshino is a lucky man.

>>lol I betray u
>>no I betray u
>>no I betray u with bomb
>>lol bomb was fake

This is pretty much every Yakuza game.


Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

Yep, there it is. Thanks man, this was bugging me since I fought him the first time.

Sega made a big stink about how Yagami isn't a dragon for a reason.

The games have strong moment-to-moment character writing but the stories are almost always contrived nonsense. The last act of Yakuza 2 and its attempts to tie all of the plotlines together with nonstop last minute twists is a trainwreck

Werent bullets also seriously dangerous in 0 as well?

They did a lot of damage and knocked you down but not to this effect. Yagami literally takes like five to six seconds just to recover and you take mortal damage from it to top it off. You could also just straight up block bullets in Beast and Tiger Drop them (Though I would assume Yagami can Tiger Drop them as well because you can still dodge them with sways).

I know this is a remake of the original PS2 Yakuza 2, but are there any fundamentally different additions?

Should I emulate 2 or play Kiwami 2? I heard Kiwami cut out an area or something like that?

>Should I emulate 2 or play Kiwami 2?

Yea Forums in a nutshell

>"On July 10, we will announce the supporting actress for the new title, as well as share the latest information on the new title, so please look forward to it.”
Who knows how substantial the information will be though

I couldn't finish Kiwami 2, og just feels like shit to play.
That might just be me, but I didn't enjoy it all.

agreed, this is pure heatmove kino

Attached: Judgment_20190701121154.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

The Last Assassin > Fiercest Warrior

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So what are the chances that whoever they cast in this game will just be disregard in Shin 2 so Ichiban can have a new heroine?

>Shin 2
>implying people won't shit on Ichiban so hard that they'll be forced to scrap him after a single game

It's missing Shinseicho so the acupuncture place, shogi, and Granny White got moved to Sotenbori. Because of this the story also changes a bit so that you can find the surviving Jingweon member through a puzzle in Sotenbori rather than climbing the Shinseicho tower and going through a bunch of phone calls.
The Marietta has been replaced by Four Shine which continues Sunshine's story from 0 and is the same gameplay-wise as it. The Marietta is still in the world there's just nothing for it anymore.
Adam has been replaced by K2's take on Clan Creator. Again, Adam is still there, there's just nothing for it.
Several substories have been combined to be one big one instead of several smaller ones and new substories have been added because of this.
All the hostesses were removed in K2 so you don't go to any at Shine, Jewel, or Prime.
You can't lock yourself out of Amon for making a bad choice in a substory.
You can't lock yourself out of Amon for continually talking to the bouncer in front of Riichi Heights or whatever the mahjong place in Sotenbori was called.
Because they don't keep track of individual Heat Actions anymore and bosses have their unique ones intertwined into cinematic events instead you can't miss any Heat Actions.

Both 2 and K2 are worth playing, just like 1 and K1.

Attached: YAKUZA KIWAMI 2 Hotel District_.jpg (1920x1080, 506K)


i really hope that happens
his visual design is absolute shit and he is ltierally just nigger kiryu

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

Oh, and Majima Saga is in K2 to explain how Majima got hold of Kamuro Hills and ends Makoto's plotline from 0. I keep forgetting this every time

>Already the main protagonist in his own mobage spinoff
>well received by JP audience
Yeah, not happening bucko.

>Both 2 and K2 are worth playing
>just like 1 and K1

>1 and K1 both worth playing

If we end up getting a Judgement 2 then I hope they revise the entire trailing system.

should i skip kiwami and just play kiwami 2

>Keeping her original hairstyle
Good taste, so did I.

niggas really be playing the same game over and over

If you played yakuza 1 sure.

If you're already thinking about skipping games then just give up on the entire series.

>Went from "not know what the fuck I'm doing" to slightly understanding what I'm supposed to do but still lose 9/10 times in Mahjong.
I feel so accomplished bros...

Attached: 1521888819852.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

Attached: PCSX2 Screenshot 2019.05.28 - (1920x1080, 417K)

Why is Saori so ugly?

Is this an in-game screenshot?

Game looks like it's fucking 720p. Hilarious.

i just finished yakuza 0
please tell me i'll never have to do anything like that real estate shit ever again
loved the cabaret club though

When the fuck are they bringing 3/4/5 remasters to the west? I want to get into Yakuza already but I don't want to settle for ps3's silky smooth framerate when a better option exists.

real estate no
cabaret yes in Kiwami 2 and FotNS

you already played every single other game in the series, user


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does that mean they are all like 0? that's fine with me but that real estate grind was fucking awful

Just skip the PS3 games altogether, they're shit and basically not worth playing.

You get the best possible experience of Kiryu's saga with just 0, K1, K2, there's no need to taint it with everything that comes after. Play those, and then play Judgment and wait for Shin Yakuza.

Real Estate and The Marietta are the worst it gets in terms of the big minigames, though Marietta's way more involved and there's a lot of micromanagement so maybe you'd find that fun. Hunting and Street Dancing can be a bit dull too but Hunting can be made silly because you can ignore what the guy says about "Respecting nature" and all his grandstanding and just shoot every animal in between the eyes while placing traps you never recover and he doesn't care. Street Dancing repeats the same songs so it gets quite frustrating with how many times you do the same ones, but the stories are nice so it's a trade-off really. Other than that not really.

they're the exact same fucking games.

real estate never comes back but cabaret does

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Judgment is shit, but so is Kiwami 2, the new engine is trash.

>he thinks the real estate grind is bad
>he's not experienced clan creator or bouncer missions

Attached: yakuzabog.jpg (900x649, 72K)

Real estate is way worse than those though

that's rad

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Nice edge don't cut yourself

Attached: vivistop.png (353x439, 72K)

get the fuck out, you never finished clan creator

You first, you cocksucking drone.

It really isn't, real estate is on auto pilot, go do shit while it's building up, check things off the completion list, your hands are almost completely free. It sure as fuck ain't for clan creator the abominable bouncer missions.

really makes you think

Attached: 20190512144028_1.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

clan creator is a lot easier and less time consuming

Y6 one is straight up easy and hardly going to give you any headache

I did, and I can safely say that real estate is the worst mini game since the hostess creator from 4.

>clan creator is a lot easier and less time consuming
>less time consuming
look at him and laugh.

how the fuck can it be easier than real estate ? real estate is just go there, do that. are you talking out of your ass ?

Clan Creator in K2 only gets bad near the end missions and it's just fine in 6. Bouncer Missions are just tedious, but they're still gameplay. Real Estate is just a menu simulator with time limits.

Started playing Kiwami and I find it better than 0. How come people say 0 is the best?

>How come people say 0 is the best?
newfaggotry and hyperbole

>you didn't play the bad games years ago therefore your opinion doesn't matter

Attached: kiryu.jpg (1081x669, 63K)


They have good taste unlike you.

Well if you didn't play them then your opinion is pretty worthless. That's how it works for every game.

>Bad games
No such thing, all the Yakuza games are fun and worth playing.

No idea I thought 0 was pretty damn boring too
>muh empty lot
>muh blind girl

You choose units, dump dozens of it on the battlefield and see the fight play out.


Anyone hating on 0 is doing it to be a super cool, hardcore big dick contrarian. Just because it's one of the only yakuza games to break into the major mainstream in the west, and for good reason.

>why won't you eat shit, you can't know what it tastes like until you eat it.

Attached: kiryu3.jpg (400x400, 20K)

>uses the shit analogy
As expected of you, shitposter!

So, finished Judgement yesterday, was pretty good. Hoping they'll maybe crossover some characters from the main series when the inevitable sequel comes. Made me look forward even more to Shin Yakuza, though. Hoping to get more info on that soon.

This is correct, but some are also mad at the influx of people who've only played 0.

>You can only hang out with Saori if you pay them $8
Lame. Looks like the paid orbs were actually just extracts so I guess outside of Saori and the DLC drone frames/statues you can find the rest of the stuff in-game for free. I'm pretty sure you can just buy all the clothes from Le Marche and I'm convinced you can probably get the other paid stuff for free as well considering the play passes have permanent variants in-game.

Attached: Saori.png (982x544, 260K)

>but some are also mad at the influx of people who've only played 0
I'm not mad at those people, I'm mad at the people who have only played 0 and yet shit on the rest of the series even when they haven't played those games and also act like 0 is a 10/10 masterpiece Citizen Kane of gaming with no flaws.

>went back to 0 after kiwami 2
i think i prefered the single fighting style of kiwami 2. it just feels faster.

Bump 3 up to Mid Tier and I'd say this is pretty solid.

>feels the need to point this out
This your first week on Yea Forums?

Lol wtf why is that paid DLC

Saori > Amane > Tsukino = Sana > Nanami

is there anything as good as the kuze theme

Attached: file.png (254x100, 38K)

Yes, please berate me daddy.

Update With Gunfire from K2.

Attached: y0hours.png (252x115, 37K)

the fuck? judgement is good as fuck and shits on the other dragon engine games

It's not another Kiryu game so the contrarians hate it. Watch as all the Yakuza threads on Yea Forums devolve to shit now that his storyline is over and they start focusing and new characters.

Attached: Judgment_20190702142651.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

>saori is for hoshino
Game just dropped to a 0/10


What was his problem?

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They’re so used to 6 and k2’s combat that the refinements in judgement are considered bad

You get like 5 girlfriends in the game. Let Hoshino have his fun.

>Letting Hoshino get the best girl.
He can take anyone else.

>God Tier
0, 5
>Top Tier
6, Judgment, 2
>Mid Tier
4, 3
>Low Tier
1, DS

>yagami(35) fucking a 19 year old girls brains out

>No Saori
>No fucking Mafuyu, despite the teasing she was still into Yagami
God damn you, Nagoshi

>Both Kaito and Yagami don't think she's as attractive as Mafuyu.
Philistines, both of them.

Attached: Judgment_20190702145541.jpg (1920x1080, 472K)

>doing the Majima Saga after having finished the game
>mfw I do "As long as you're happy" in the karaoke

Do yourself a favor and do that one, even if you dislike karaoke.

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So judging from Hoshino's anime moment in court where he looks at his kanojo to get confidence and "powered up", how much do you wanna bet Hoshino is actually a chad and has a mega dong?

How the fuck do I increase the number of bars the EX gauge fills up?

Well, he says he's fine only being a sidekick for his entire life and he refuses to do anything unless commanded so I don't know about that. He just acts tough when push comes to shove but regularly he's just wishy-washy.

It's a big change in a very stable series, it's doesn't run in all its potential on today consoles and was a bit "clunk" on its implementation. I feel that Kiwami 2 on PC was very well made and they had certainly improved over 6, ichiban it's where we are going to see it's full potential.

>unlike in real life
Fucking kek. Didnt catch that when i saw it the first time.

Nice Blog. Too bad your opinions are shit and Yakuza is better.

oh i know *exactly* how you can repay me

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Fucking terrible zoomer-tier advice, christ

you willing to buy everyone a ps3 and the games then?

Can I do this in Judgment
want to fap to these with my gf and swap cummies

Upgrade your combo speed in Judgment, shit gets fast too

i'm not playing judgement tho.

I'm doing the side case were you look for some triad bosses cat and I'm stuck on the millenium tower bit
They even put a fucking decoy cat in this motherfucker
Where is the cat please tell me

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? and besides that, how did you not know the PS3 games are getting remastered when it was talked about in this very thread?

I'm a retard and completely misread your post

if you're so tilted because people haven't played the shitty ones, why won't you pay for them to do so?

>liked K1 more than K2
what's wrong with me?

Attached: kage_boonshin_no_yakuza.jpg (220x250, 11K)

>disco dancing minigame is shit
>but has the best music

Attached: kiryu4.png (425x356, 229K)

k2 felt a bit more tedious than k1. forcing me to do golf, baseball and mahjong for substories wasn't fun, and i couldn't be fucked grinding out all the bouncer missions.

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look how cool/gay i am

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Did you really think that was a good comeback? I don't give a fuck about your shit opinion on the PS3 games and I'd rather you don't play them, honestly. It's just terrible advice to recommend skipping good games instead of trying them for yourself, especially with remasters on the way.

>I don't give a fuck
your tilted replies say otherwise lol

All I care about is other people missing out. I'm content knowing your brainlet ass will miss out, however.

>"damn, this is actually pretty good huh, much better than any of the kiwami games"
>find out you can't date Saori
Yeah never mind, another day another rehashed RGG blunder. What the hell is wrong with you, Nagoshi?
Jokes aside though, Takuya Kimura is a fucking horrible voice actor and Yagami's design sucks ass. Otherwise the game's amazing.

Attached: D-f4PBcX4AAsqT0.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

i think I have the exact opposite complaint. Aside from the bullshit bouncer missions, I liked doing all the side stuff and I felt like the CP list was way too easy to 100% which kind of killed my enthusiasm for doing my legend playthrough. plus, i really did not like what happened to Ryuji, whom I consider to be one of the more interesting antagonists in the series but they just sort of tossed him at you without any real development which made his fights feel way too underwhelming

Just did all the girlfriend quests for Sana and it's super stupid that all of it happened within one night, despite her talking about the dates like they were days apart from each other.
Quests should only advance to the next stage if I sleep.

>Yakuza threads became absolute shit after PC release
Hmm really makes you wonder

you're giving out mixed messages
>and I'd rather you don't play them
then you immediately say
>It's just terrible advice to recommend skipping good games instead of trying them for yourself

Literally about to start this tomorrow when I finish Yakuza 0. I own the original on PS2 but have not played it. So far I've played Kiwami and Zero loved both, of course 0 is far superior.

Some of the post have we worried. I'd happily play the original first if recommended. Just assumed the remake would be better/improved.

I agree with you on his appearance.
Looks way too much like a boy band member as opposed to a private detective.

play the original first
the remake isn't terrible but the original makes for an infinitely better first time experience of 2's story

agreed, that's actually something I dislike in all of the Yakuza games, it throws off the immersion, like when you make friends/ally with some clerk but you just enter and exit his menu 14 times and the quest concludes but he says something like
>you've been coming here a lot lately
no. I've been standing right here the entire time.

another bitter consolekek, thanks for beta testing
>30 fps

I'd rather YOU don't play them because you're a tasteless faggot. For people actually interested in this series of great games, I think the entire series is worth trying.


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lol seething.

why bother playing 1 and 2 if the kiwamis exist? or are you going to pull the OLD = SOUL NEW = SOULESS argument?

Do not listen to the consolekeks. They want you to waste your time with the inferior version of the game because they are fucking bitter af. The reality is 99% of the game is identical to its Kiwami version. There is no reason to play the shitty version unless the only games you play are Yakuza and want to blow 70 hours into a game you'll just turn around and play again.

golf and baseball are fun as fuck
especially baseball since its no longer as shitty as it is in K1 and 0

Play 0 and drop the series there. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.

You're lucky if you manage to finish even just 0 without getting bored. But remember, the other are all far worse.

isnt kiryu 24 in 0 so like 45 in the later games? does not look it!

lol moving goalposts

I was talking about the PS3 games since there isn't, and won't be, remakes of them any time soon. You're the one bringing up the PS2 games and strawmanning me you dumb faggot. I think the PS2 versions should be tried out for fun, especially Yakuza 2 which genuinely was downgraded in a lot of ways in K2 but it's not as important as playing 3 to 5.


japanese people age slower.

Attached: chiaki3.jpg (768x1024, 112K)

Happens to all game threads. PC fats are bottom of the barrel worthless shitstains.

All of Kimura's voice acting sounds so quiet compared to the rest of the cast. It's weird.

>I think the PS2 versions should be tried out for fun
why. kiwami exists.

Why not? Is there some rule you can only play one version of a game you enjoy? I'm not even postulating that they need to be played to completion, just seeing how it was all done originally and how much the series has progressed is worthwhile for any actual fan of the series.

This is the copypasta of diminishing returns

Cope, insect

t. fat poor manlet mutt

>Why not?
why should i play a thing when a near-identical better modern version exists?

Everyone already knows 0 is the only one worth playing. Why do you think the sales are so much higher for it than the others?


I literally just explained that in my last post, illiterate zoomer. Nice that you're dedicated to your moved goalposts and keep focusing on the PS2 games which was besides my original point, though.

But in this case it's true. 0 is the best one and the sales reflect that.


>when someone says 0 is the best

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

so does that mean you have to live in a mud hut for 40 years, before getting a proper house?

Worth it for the outfits, not for Saori.

Has nothing to do with the Yakuza series of games, I know it's hard for your ADD-riddled brain to stay focused on this discussion but try harder.

is there a Hit the town with Kaito DLC?

>Has nothing to do with the Yakuza series of games
but you claim i have to experience the inferior version first, rather than skipping to the improved modern version.

Judgement looks like shit at night.

You look like shit all hours of the day

But it looks like shit during the day too

It's a shit comparison, zoomzoom, and I didn't say you have to play the "inferior version" first, learn to fucking read.

Just because it's modern doesn't mean it's improved. This is 100% zoomer logic. The combat in K2 is far clunkiee than it is in the fucking original PS2 game.

Attached: 1475232219395.jpg (920x730, 97K)

>and I didn't say you have to play the "inferior version" first
yet you started to LITERALLY SEETHE when people mentioned kiwami.
do you need a safe space to calm down?

lol no, is this some weeblogic
K2 is the best Kiryu combat
Judgment is best yakuza combat

if Ichiban cant wallrun and vault over people its gonna bland as fuck

what're you, 12?

>Just because it's modern doesn't mean it's improved
i trust you're not using a computer to type those messages then. or living with proper running water or sanitation.



dont burn yourself out dude, they'll still be there

>K2 is the best Kiryu combat

No, that's 5.

>they'll still be there
just like your virginity LMAO

Point it out, retard. Prove it. All I was complaining about is skipping the PS3 games which you keep ignoring. You're the one going on about the Kiwamis.

that has nothing to do with the topic at hand

5 has way better Kiryu combat, better heat moves and enemies don't turn into ragdolls after basic combos so you can actually pull off cooler shit.

the wall running is absolutely pointless
I think I've used it about 6 times in my two playthroughs

>good anything


>living in caves?

He's baiting.

2 was my favorite.
How close is the battle system in the remake to the original?

Are you being retarded for any particular reason?

Are you such a brainlet you can't formulate an argument without resorting to memes or horrid, invalid comparisons?

>Judgement sucks

Attached: 1561053142563.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

>unironically defending shitty rigid glued to the ground combat that feels absolute both in and outside combat

i was right, weebs. since only japanese games have the same shitty system. thankfully based RGG moved away from it

I keep seeing this webm posted, and I still don't understand why.

Now try again, but in English.

just ignore the retard


will the reception to yakuza 3/4/5 be better when the new and shiny 60fps 1080p version comes out

yakuza threads peaked with 5's localisation, but 0 was the best game
i don't know how people can even dispute thise

Kiwami 2 came out which is the best Yakuza game, so not hard

all of those things are good yes


how to beat yakuza 0 amon

Kiwami 2’s combat is a straight downgrade and it barely keeps 30fps. I haven’t played judgement yet, is it really bad?

the 0babbies

The reception on Yea Forums and otherwise wasn't bad when they came out aside from 3's cut content bullshit. I'm just glad we're getting 5 back for some of the best combat in the series, beats the fuck out of 6 and K2.

Just read that they wont remake the PS3 games. Literally why?

playing judgment right now on standard ps4 and it runs better than 6 and kiwami 2
no fps issues yet

3 was shit when it came out, before anyone needed 60fps to enjoy a game. It's fundamentally shit.
A shit game is a shit game no matter how high a resolution it runs at. Unless you're a PC autist

>no fps issues yet
lol at least dont lie

They're getting remastered and they haven't aged enough to be worth doing a full remake.

Kiryu amon, use beast and spam grabs to skip he first half. The helicopter part is a puzzle boss, use rush and get the drink that drops from the helicopter to be invincible and keep getting it. Majima amon, you kinda have to play it cheap with his fourth style’s perfect counter(lockon+heavy). Basically tiger drop spamming except with majima’s version.

I don't understand what's so good about 0. It's 5 with less content. That's it.

Also threads never peaked, they just went to shit when 0 got insanely popular.

crane style Ex-Heat heatmovei is absolute one of the best ones

Why aren't you playing it on PC? If you manage to get 60fps, it makes the game bearable. There are also visual improvements, and music replacement that makes it tolerable.

>Also threads never peaked, they just went to shit when 0 got insanely popula
this so much


babby's first yakoozie

is the Dragon of Dogima/Mad Dog style worth unlocking before the fight?

>0fag pretending to know how threads were

how cute

Less content is good for Yakuza games but the autistic people who sink 100 hours into tedious repetitive tasks will never accept this.

Even hyper autists got sick of how much boring shit there was to do in 5.

You have to unlock mad dog to fight majima’s amon anyway.

>tfw bought 5 Remaster instead of Judgement for $20 less

Looks like I made the right choice.

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>Less content is good for Yakuza games

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this is -20/10 bait

there is no 100 hours of content in yakuza games
just because you are forced to play mahjong and puyopuyo for 60 hours doesnt make it 60 hours of content
is a shitty grind

Okay, Mr. Yakuza expert.

>forced to play mahjong and puyopuyo for 60 hours

Which game does this?

all of them for 100%, 6 and judgment has puyopuyo
and only if you are going for 100% you are getting much playtime from Yakuza games otherwise main story is 10-20 hours and most of those are cutscenes


oh, you're retarded. nevermind.

nice counterargument lmao

Kiwami wasn't terrible unless you've played 0 and really, that was its biggest downfall. So much of it was re-used from 0 and it even seemed to take a bit away so if you're coming directly from 0, it just feels like you're playing the exact same game but less of it.

>Yakuza games otherwise main story is 10-20 hours

nice strawman roflmao

I played it after 0 and liked it much more. At least you feel like more of an Yakuza and the combat is better. Less boring padding too.

>yakuza gameS
>posts 1 that is the exception
really grasping at straws here

judgment is good, but fuck me i can't be fucked replaying it due to the tailing missions and detective elements.

Kiwami is just plain terrible.
It has nothing to do with 0.

but there is barely any tailing and only in the beginning
inspecting is super easy and quick

>gets BTFO

there's tailing throughout the whole game.
the last one lasts fucking ages since the guy decides to go around the same block like 3 times.
the inspecting is ok the first time, but it feels like a waste of time the second time around since you already know the solution.

not even close loser

Only 3 mainline games are under 20 hours, disregarding the remakes.


Why can't I into batting?

what game are you batting in?

>inb4 they don't count

not really
all of them except 5 and maybe 4 are easily under 20 if you only do the story
if you skip cutscenes then you can divided it by 2
with 1 and 6 being the shortest ones


just look up a guide for the batting cages, since the pitches don't change when you restart the course.

I didn't even post the right link, retards.
If you just search Yakuza, you'll see the the only mainline games under 20 hours are 1-2-6. Excluding Kiwamis.

>50 hours of absolute shit
another reason why 0 is far superior

What a compelling deconstruction.

Buy the gloves and golden bat from the old man in the hallway of the batting cage building.

It's disappointing that the combat goes full retard again in Judgement. I like how grounded it was in 6 and K2. Now you can breakdance your way across the entire screen to effortlessly kill groups of mooks again. Yawn.

t. the man with no taste

yeah i hate fun as well

>6 and K2
>grounded in reality
Kiryu literally superman punches people in Exheat finisher

I know, god forbid there be actual tact to combat as opposed to just button-mashing to fly all over the screen.

Despite how fun the ragdoll can be, it is not grounded at all.

>when you can start glowing blue all of a sudden and kick people five metres down the street

you can always play Dark Souls and tactically roll and then attack lol

started ishin last week. not knowing the dialogue sucks, but the game is great.

yeah brainless button-mashing is so fun

according to Yea Forums yes since Yea Forums loves to praise Nier Automata as a masterpiece

I don't think the Yakuza fanbase is in any position to mock other franchises for their combat, especially when Yakuza's combat is even more brainless than BamHam.

>most refined game
But thats not black panther or ishin though

Yakuza fanbase is in a very good position to do that because the combat is fun
just because you are a retard cant have fun with it only describes you



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Completely subjective, and has no bearing when talking about the depth of combat.

>hasnt even played all the games in the series
>thinks he can give an opinion on the series

>look I posted it again

well yakuza has deeper combat than Roll Souls so its okay once again

daigo was actually pretty competent in this one though.
he fucked off earlier on because he knew about the shit going on but got fucked over because of the conspiracy within a conspiracy bullshit.
i agree about the yume shit and ending being retarded, but people should really pay more attention to the plot if they're going to talk shit.

Attached: uwot.jpg (1080x603, 107K)

>replying to a stale as fuck image that holds no bearing

Don't bother.

>there are people that spend hours mastering minigames for a platinum



I'm a brokefag and have the old ps4 model, what would I need to disable to smoothly play through Kiwami 1? I also have GTX 770 Yeah i'm brokefag which I have Kiwami 2 on. if there's any settings for that I could tone down? Thanks in advance

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0 had a god tier story
1 was pretty good
2 a little bit below it but still good

3,4,5 and 6 is when the train derailed and killed the franchise dead
Now people mostly like the series for majima and kiryu memes

Tatsuya stopped a conspiracy inside the tojo, stopped martial law in kamurocho, became a world champion boxer/mma fagg and is the current champion of dragon heat (a tournament that supossedly helps the tojo greatly) and he still never gets mentioned just like kaoru/cia nigger/baseball hobo
Shit happens in the yakuza series

Attached: Yakuza-Live-Drama_11-08-16.jpg (600x338, 35K)

>*presses triangle for magic combo finisher*
>autobounces off blocking enemy
>*Extreme Heat Mode activates*
>"Mhmm....mooks bouncing off the pavement....Dragon Engine™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Haruto"
>*follows quest marker*
>street punks rendered in Dragon Engine™ appear
>"Shibaraku netero"
>*presses triangle and sends punk flying at 120 mph, does a cinematic heat move crushing the mooks' skull*
>"Mhmm....Dragon Engine™ pretending to be RGG Quality™......better tell Nagumo about this"
>"Come on, Haruto"
>*holds X to run to Hiroshima*
>"Just some ragdolls posing as Street Punks™ in the Dragone Engine™, here's proof *runs, kicks enemy and goes sailing fifty feet into the air*"
>"Chapter 10: Blood Law" Complete
>1000000 yen received

Yeah real great fucking game you have there, beats the fuck out of Judgment you tasteless dumbass.

I think 0 is so hyped up because it was the best mainline story, with the least amount of retarded shit. That's really it.

I still think Kenzan, Ishin, and BP have better stories/plots though.

>god tier story

It was okay at best. It only holds up because the story in these games is absolutely retarded. Nothing has killed the franchise.

probs never gets a mention because it was developed by the def jam devs.

>Kiryu is getting Tetsuya'd

Attached: 1559105261971.jpg (480x480, 53K)

I despise 0fags.

Sorry, the realistic fighting game never happened
Prease understand

Attached: gay rasputin boss fight.webm (604x340, 2.95M)

>Real Estate and The Marietta are the worst it gets in terms of the big minigames
Surely you mean Real Estate and Clan Creator

>best combat in the series is in a spin-off

Attached: 1559224671166.jpg (690x720, 77K)

Surely you mean ADAM.

Atleast kiryu lives on though tiger drop and gatcha shit
My boy tatsuya and cia nigger on the other hand....

Tell me user, do you fight for your YUME

Am I the only one who thinks Fist of the North Star is a great game?
Yeah the wasteland driving is meh but I feel the rest of the game is solid

It's okay. That's how I feel about it.

its ok if you need to get your Yakuza fix and i like the different take on combat

Nah, it's a very good game. Definitely one of the best combat systems in the series and the bosses were especially good

>that chime that plays everytime you have a (thought)

no idea. it's especially annoying when they just repeat shit that you already know

>one of the best combat systems in the series

That's sad.

No, that's rad.

Bosses and fighting were good
Story and side storys were meh
But fuck the wasteland

>he doesnt know
Silly gajin

there's literally nothing fun about combat where you don't even have to think or look at the screen to win
>but dude le ebin finisher animation
entertaining once or twice but honestly who cares when there is literally no challenge, not even slight

>not even 100 posters

dead series that peaked with one game

Don't forget menu healing with your 100 healing items.

The mortal wound system automatically makes Judgment more challenging than 6 or K2, and the discussion was about 6/K2 somehow having better combat than Judgment.

>implying golden castle wasn't awesome

It's good to know they're there in the unlikely scenario that an enemy actually hits you

But what's fun about beating up a bunch of enemies that aren't even attacking you? This is like the "no child left behind" approach to gameplay

>final boss gets back up and restores his health after you beat him
wasn't ready for that at all

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>mortal wound system

retarded gimmick that never comes into play

the fuck you talking about? It happens pretty often, though it should be more frequent. Haven't tried ex-Hard or whatever it's called in this one yet so I don't know if it happens more there

>final boss isnt an autist, a faggot, an incompetent idiot, a guy with mystical powers, only pretending to be a bussinessman but im actually /fit/ or a manchild
>just a normal serial killer
Bravo orange man, bravo

considering how easy those attacks are to dodge, they're a non-threat really

>It happens pretty often
wow you must be awful

>Judgment is har-

Lmaoooooooo this game is a joke.

Oh, yeah that's true enough. I don't know if this mechanic will be in Shin Yakuza but I hope they make them less telegraphed

you can't beat mahjong.

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