How will the good-thinking crowd recover ?

How will the good-thinking crowd recover ?

Attached: mordhau haters.jpg (369x350, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because its not enough to be in agreement, there must be total and absolute subjugation to our powers of bitching.

They'll forget about it because they don't actually play the game and will just find something else to bitch about in a day or two.

Just use mute

Might actually buy this if they don't make a 180 in the next months.
Best thing about a lot of online games is shittalking.

fucking based. I guess I should play their game again

based, its the best option for smalltime devs too. You dont have the manpower to police anyway unlike blizzard do overwatch.

This is cool of them. Too bad I'm not interested in these types of games.


use mute button you triggered faggots how hard is it

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They will add future releases from the devs to their shitlist. There's a reason why CDPR is being attacked by the 'gaming press' right now instead of celebrated, despite having trannies on their staff and being open and nonjudgemental about sexual and gender variation in Cyberpunk.

There is also have a motivational filter.

wtf, fucking BASED

buying mordhau right now

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I'm offended and triggered by furries making anthropomorphic animals into a fetish, ruining my chances of ever getting a half-decent Redwall game. But I'm not a total shithead and realize it's a niche market dominating a genre/style and I'm powerless to change that.

This. Fucking this.
These brainlets do not buy or play video games.

What is it that people who find this stance objectionable actually want? How about the polygon writers of the world just make an article saying "ban everyone that upsets me or you're a racist" since that's their fucking opinion.

There's already 2 threads on this incel

Am I reading right? 89,99€ for the second south park game?

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>How will the good-thinking crowd recover ?
Complain 2 more weeks until CNN reports on it. Then Mordhau will be forced to do something

It's 8,99 ya dumb fuck.

why would they be forced to do something

it's gold edition, so based game (60) + season pass (30).

i wanted to grab it sooner but the price was unironically outrageous. now at -90% this is an insta-buy for me

Alternatively wait until the next school shooting in which a person was shown to have played the game and shitposted alot

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Here's a pic of the guy who wrote the article

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top kek

He's talking about the default price which is €90, although it does include the DLC, it's simply not worth it at even half that price.

>devs so lazy they are not even putting effort to make their community decent
And dropped

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stick to overwatch

lowest settings?

if you don't like "toxic" players go play overwatch faggot

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They are, they're basically telling the whining faggots to fuck off, it's the most effort a dev has put into making the community of their game better for a long time.

What do you think Sherlock

the people who are offended are not players of the game

I'm talking about the base price you big silly geese
Thank you. Fuck me that is retarded


>"Just use the mute button lmao"
>But I don't want to feel safe! I want vengeance!
I'm confident that these are the same fuming faggots in the MW2/Halo trolling videos years back. God, they're so insufferable trying to police the community. They are only getting themselves worked up over nothing

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this made me want to buy mordhau

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>developers get scared of 12 game "journalists"
>developers start doing shit for people who don't even play the game in a few weeks


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Stannis lives!

The game already sold like 1.4 million units in 2 and a half months, I'm sure the devs don't particularly care about a few gaming "journalists" whining on the internet.

>just ignore things you dislike. censorship sucks
>devs why are you niggers putting in females, trannies and other skin colors! boycott! that flag is pro-lgbt!
when will /pol/niggers outgrow this phase?

>devs why are you niggers putting in females, trannies and other skin colors! boycott! that flag is pro-lgbt!
Source? I just googled it and couldnt find any articles
Also searched the forums and steam discussion and still couldnt find anything about this

yeah, the players are making the game and can make those decisions. meanwhile you have the choice to just ignore trolls and yet you screech autistically while your gaping wound in your crotch quivers in pain

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You're the first one in this thread to mention /pol/



not buying a game is not the same thing as asking the game to be censored

And it won’t matter because nobody except trannyera and other journos read/care about journo articles.

The issue isn't whether something is added or removed, its political pandering. Adding niggers and females to a setting in which they have no business being and censoring (((hate))) speech is fundamentally the same thing - promulgating a political agenda.

imagine being a clickbait blogger hahahahaha

>lmao just ignore it if it triggers you

That's because its false. Nobody is doxxing the devs and threatening boycots over some shitty flag unlike the SJWs crying about something that they can censor themselves (mute)


tranny cope

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God I love being a PChad.
This is why dedicated community servers will always be superior to consolenigger matchmaking.

That's how it's supposed to be. Good going, devs.

>I love sucking on Sam Hyde's 2 inch dick
Fixed. As I said, FUCK OFF YOU TOOL!

Based Mordhauggers

>buy game
>expected to be the one to make it playable
pc gaming is a joke

gee, anyone else find it mighty suspicious that the entire gaming "press" has published a hit-piece on the same target at the same time again?

why are you using vsync, fucking retard

its 2019 and only now some people realize that steam discounts are a joke since they have made up "before" prices.

>game so shit they have to pander to DEUS VULT alt-righters
they are so easy to manipulate

>game has mute function
>never use it
>complain about toxicity
what the hell? do the niggas who complain even play games?

Somebody link that article where it states basically the sole reason overwatch hasn't had enough development going on is because they're too busy combating trolls

tfw community servers are the last refuge for the wuhyte mang

Thank god for that.
We need less consoleniggers like you on the platform.
I hope more and more start seeing PC gaming as a joke so we can finally rid the platform of faggots.

kinda off topic but
does the game run worse after the last update?
went from averaging around 90fps to 60

that's literally illegal, at least in europe
but nothing is going to happen because "it's just a video game"


Just further proof that the Left wants authoritarianism, but only if they're in charge.

Yes, people who care about games will play on console people who only care about screaming NIGGER on the microphone while not caring about games will stay on PC.

the ''fanbase'' has a sub 70 IQ anyway.

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Because I get retarded frametime spikes without it retard

Those are probably just Russians

enjoy your input lag. And literally how poor piece of shit you gotta be to not afford computer better than that?

underage I guess

I'd like to apologize for the bigoted remarks in this thread. They're really disrespectful.

just read the discussions on steam, it made me buy this game

>movies with QTEs

My computer is 5 years old you retarded nigger, sorry I don't blow all of my money the moment a new shiny is laid before me like you. I'm upgrading to a 3900X and a 2080 SUPER once they both come out

I'm not even white and I love them because they're the only places left that feel like a community.
Going to a community server is like going to a bar or a club and shooting the shit or dancing with random people and having fun.
Playing online on consoles is like going to a bar or a club and sitting around awkwardly, only interacting with people in your immediate friend group and awkwardly dancing with people without ever making eye contact or speaking to one another.
It's genuinely awful.

>be user living in medieval England
>the french are about to invade
>get drafted to the battle
>the king brought many men to the battlefield across the county, some women were screeching about wanting to join the battle but quickly went silent when they were notified they would be in the vanguard
>its the dawn of the battle
>the numbers are even but we have the advantage of having set up a defensive line among the river
>minutes before the order to charge arrives the absolute madlad Ahmed yells "FUCKING NIGGERS"
>it was heard by everyone including the french king who quickly runs off to the pope and demands action
>we get banned from the battle
>the french won and now we need to farm onions beans for them

Attached: not like this.png (205x246, 8K)

Most retards nowadays are used to being babied instead of learning how to be as self sufficient as possible.

Yeah for sure I will buy for the same reason. I am not running around telling nigger but do like the banter of online games. It's just not worth a ban if everyone is a fag who can't take a little bit of heat.


A sensible chuckle was had.


Reminder that Chivalry 2 is an Epic exclusive.

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yeah i agree with you all the way. desu the discords for community servers are filled with diversity ironically. Chileans, Vietnamese, chinks and even Canadians all gather for the usual bantz and gaming.

One of the biggest complainers has over 150 hours in the game.

smartly built 5 year old computer can easily run shit like mordhau. but enjoy your wallmart shit I guess.

>they cucked for no reason

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They will regret that.

How uncommon

no one cares

I will, enjoy being a stupid faggot who will be broke and in debt for the rest of his life

Yea, they'll sit on their 1.5 million units sold and reflect on how they fucked up by not babysitting grown men and women on the internet.

She (male) obviously cared enough to make a big deal out of it

No bans and official apology?
That's basically admitting they support all the bullying, racism and homophobia. Oh the devs are also rapists who hate women.
Boycott this game.

not only they don't play. but also don't buy the damn games

Gaming "Journalists" are really useless nowadays. They're just relaying whatever news they're told to, they're not investigating or anything.

Damn, they just blew out all the baiting journalists.


Sure M. Kotaku.

based bait user

Love it

Who cares

Oh no, a bunch of Slavs who have no history with niggers whatsoever and have no responsibilities towards any race or religion, and also have no responsibilities towards any women outside of their own borders, are not falling for the guilt politics of dumb uneducated privileged western whites and their western urinalists being projected onto a foreign culture.
Whatever are they going to do for refusing to police manbabes and fembabies online while still selling millions of copies in spite?

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>They're just relaying whatever news they're told to, they're not investigating or anything
Journos serve two purposes nowadays, none of which involve research or in-depth coverage of a game - marketing and activism. See a game/dev you don't like? There's nothing easier than contacting all your journo friends to publish hitpieces on the same target, maybe the dev will fold. Need some more clicks? Cry about vague topics like "accessibility", "toxic culture" or "problematic content". That's it.
This is why articles like that recent one about Bioware and Anthem often blow up like they do - it's simply uncommon to see some good coverage of a story by game journos (even though that Bioware article was still written by some fag on Kotaku).

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>family immigrated to america in 1940 from eastern europe
>I am somehow still expected to feel guilty about native americans and black people

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>a bunch of Slavs who have no history with niggers whatsoever
This infuriates me as a Slav. Why must The Witcher or Kingdom Come have blacks if I saw maybe 2 negroes in my whole life of living in Slavland NOW, not 7 centuries ago like it was with Kingdom Come. Also, why is it always blacks? Why no activism for Asian representation in medieval Europe, or Australian abbos?

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>This game has trolls in chat!
>Just use the mute button you retard.

And this is why I get all my vidya news from weebs.
Fuck gayming journos.

How the fuck is this real

Then don't sell it to them.
>bawww I want their money tho!
Slavshit as usual

Liberals hate asians so they dont care about them.

gawker media is a real shitshow

We do have a history of blacks actually, but it only started in the last century with us training them and arming them as insurgents against Westerners under the Communist program.

I don't mind a few blacks coming here or seeing them if they are willing to assimilate properly and not engage in chimpouts, what I do mind is dumb retarded white westerners projecting their white guilt and telling us that we should accept a flood of millions of blacks in the name of WESTERN guilt towards them. Nah man, that shit ain't gonna fly.

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the chad unbiased weab vs the virgin onions faggot kotakuck

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>Get raped
>lol just don’t go outside bro

Literally enabling nazis

>Kotaku writer talks like a black woman to sound more hip and woke and that’s a good thing

>Mordhau players do the same by using the word nigga and it’s some bullshit

And? Its one person.

It's video games, not real life.
Mean words in video games never resulted directly in real life harm.

Just carry your CCW how is assault even real haha

just buy gmod it has way more shittalk and way more game for way less muns

reminder that it's important to protect and support devs like these

ur right slaves arent white

Based, fuck the crybabies

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>Promote tolerance and diversity
>Suddenly Muslims and sharia
>No more rights for gays and women anymore
Can't wait

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So why do these idiot devs even talk to "gaming journalists", no matter what they say and how sensible it actually is, it will get taken out of context because it doesn't agree with Kotaku agenda. It's bad pr so I guess its good pr

Why did you make up some random argument to attack? Are you a schizo?

>why is it always blacks?
Americans harbor tremendous white guilt over slavery and the civil rights era. There are people who, to this day, argue for reparations to niggers who were never even alive back then. As soon as another police shooting occurs, the old can of worms reopens once again.

Whenever someone insinuates that shit, you curse them to their face in your Slavic language, and if that doesn't shut them up instantly then you tell them precisely that your people were busy being invaded/enslaved by either the Mongols or the Muslims for 5 centuries and upwards while the West was having colonization parties outside of Europe. Just brand them as uneducated swines who don't think to identify who they are talking to before opening their farty mouths as the final topping and then move on.

why do leftists always bore you with neverending droning

nigga I ain't got time to read this shit


Reads like the rambling of an edgy 12-year-old who can only have power fantasies online because it's a tiny atrophied pygmy offline.

Reparations is getting set free and having access to everything the Western World has to offer.

We could have easily exterminated the niggers if we wanted to just like the arabs did to their slaves.

They should be thanking us for eternity.

It is cringe, but it's the only way to combat dumb uneducated nu-western cringe, you gotta speak to them in their own cringe language to shut their farting up.

I know you're memeing but please don't give them ideas

They fall for bait.

Nu-Yea Forums will think this is unironic

>get allegedly raped
>don't got to the police so at least dossier evidence exists even if it's ignored
>sit on it for 20 years instead

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He's a trans fag what do you expect.

Fuck it, buying it right now.

You will never be a woman

>you gotta speak to them in their own cringe language to shut their farting up.
I dont think so. If you use their words and belief system, even if the intention is to use it against them, you will still become them.

>There are people who, to this day, argue for reparations to niggers who were never even alive back then
Really? On what basis? Is it like Germany that had to pay (or do they still pay?) reparations to some jews?
Do all blacks get paid in this fantasy, or only those that had slaves in their family? This is such a bizarre idea that I'm really fascinated by the thought process of those people.

Calm down sir

OP is a gay /pol/ falseflagger

Fuck off

Ignore and sage all /pol/ threads

>Access to everything the Western World has to offer

You're right, too bad it took until the late 1970's to fully get there; barring the ongoing Voter Disenfranchisement and the losing War on Drugs.

>"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people," former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichmantold Harper's writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.

>"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

I want devs like these ones to keep showing successful big profits while ignoring policing online people to showcase that representation is a meme that can go fuck its neck with a rope and that urinalists are actually powerless dumbshits when someone doesn't depend on advertising companies.
Seems many companies, especially emerging ones, have just about had it with western sjw monkey screeching.

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Because America is obsessed with niggers


>If you use their words and belief system, even if the intention is to use it against them, you will still become them.
Pretty much impossible due to my history.
We hate Nazis and Communists equally in this part of the world, and we are naturally cautious of Capitalism instead of being blindly passionate due to Communism's influence, and it's tough for a dumb western white sjw to wrap their mind around this combination.

Is Yea Forums(nel) shitting the bed again?

Buh Buh Buh BASED!

I thought that's literally how Dota 2 worked for years and I haven't seen anyone throwing a shit fit over that.


is Yea Forums lagging for you?
like loading very slow without finishing?

it won't

Use the mute function instead of driving the wedge of thought control down everyone's throat?
Haha, surely you jest.

It does. Some for a couple other "counter culture" websites.

how will they handle multiplayer without the steam api doingt all the work?

Not just Yea Forums, other sites too.

discord is down

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I would say dedicated community servers, but they'll find a way to fuck that up.

It was on cloudflare's end it seems

>One of the biggest complainers has over 150 hours in the game.
Woah 150 hours since release ? Truly the most devot of fans.

It's the chinese I bet

which ones?

Kiwi Farms, but it might just be Null's anglo menace being at it again.

I dont understand this obsession that Americans have with the word nigger
Is it that bad?
to me it has the same value as "hotdog" or whatever

All the ones using the dogshit that is Cloudflare.

probably some DNS server problem.

>How will the good-thinking crowd recover ?
Blacks and women are getting added to the game. They won.

It's alright I guess to have these thirdie containment games where people who otherwise would shit up real games can go sperg out.

I get it, when your playerbase is a bunch of toxic tards it makes sense to cater to said toxic tards. This is what you get with multiplayer games on Steam these days. Luckily real multiplayer games that non-awful people play come out on platform like Uplay, Bnet, Origin and Epic where devs care about their players and community enough to not let a vocal minority of shit kids ruin it for everyone.

I was personally relieved to hear that Chivalry was coming out for Epic store because of this. I don't really know how their platform and moderation culture works but it can't be worse than Gabe's shit.

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Too late, the devs responded to the bait. Now it must be milked for clickbaits and made into an ongoing story.

Good riddance, thanks for doing exactly what I wanted and stay gone.

The dev already apologized about the remove woman and nigger option only a matter of time lmao

Oh no. Whatever will happen because one man got mad.

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lol literally seething

If you dont cave, there will never be an actual consequence.
Only those that pay the bill actually got any leverage here. They have as much power as you give em.

The problem is that they force it on everyone else while no one gives a shit except them.

its an important word for blacks because it represents them taking something back from the slavers that held them for 400 years
I agree with you though, its just a word

This is why I stopped playing and games that are remotely normie

OH no not the gaming media!
Will this also mean they wont be featured on myspace or on sunday newspaper?

Exposure by literaly whos is irrelevant.

No you dumb conspiracy faggot. It's just cloudfare. Kys.

Alright, is this game good? I think I'll give it a go now.

We can't just use a "mute" button, because the people complaining are redditors and resetera because someone said nigger. These thin-skinned bitches have a hard on for banning everyone and everything who doesn't suck cock. Even in video games redditors try to ruin everything. Every time I enter a game I make sure to say nigger and tell redditors to fuck off.

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Grow a fucking pair and mute if you hate hearing people call you names, you fucking faggot.

Welcome to the internet before your faggot snoy kind took over.

It's clunky beyond imagining but fun enough

Mordhau is dying quick Literally lost 80% of the fan base because of all the cancerous spinfags

This news is a sunny window on the days before everything got to shite.

By tweeting snarkly comments in a few months when the devs cave in

Oooff yikes

whoever this guy, hes in this thread right now, laughing his ass off at you people


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Nah, it's the other way around.
The dumb western SJW Offense Police responded to the bait of Slavs and now the Slavs are banking on the free marketing with the perfect excuses:
a] We don't want to police manbabies and fembabies.
b] We laugh when you accuse us of being Nazis since the Nazis tried to eradicate us.
c] We laugh when you try to race-guilt because we don't give a shit about races like you do as our history doesn't warrant it.
d] We are realistic in that we only politically care about the women within our borders and don't care about wasting time on foreign bitches, especially western privileged ones and their dumb privileged opinions.
e] Most importantly outrage culture can't affect gaming finances like it does youtube for example because we don't need ad companies to be successful.

>Now it must be milked for clickbaits and made into an ongoing story.
*ongoing Free Marketing for the game.
Outrage Culture is the best marketing possible.

It's all so tiresome.

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This is the kid who D/C's after I rip him off his horse with the Billhook and teabag while spamming the laugh emote

>One is reasonable, one is not.
>One is professional, one is not.

Based nichegamer

It's you.

Reminder this game will be dead the second Chivalry 2 drops. Any money spent on it now will just be wasted in a few months.

It's a coincidence. Those idiots can't bee that organised

The only thing dying is itself because they're fucking retarded and going for a quick cashgrab

>harvesting hate clicks is the only viable business model
>only viable business model

>in the day and age when SJW publications are all dying out despite hundred million dollar injections by the 1%, while shit like FOX is constantly increasing both viewership and profits because they decided to take a more moderate stance and act less outrageous than they did in the past when they were full retard
DUDE... GAWKER media group even without the Hulk Hogan lawsuit was losing values, then Fusion media group bought them and took on the plague cancer to themselves start dying, meanwhile Salon Media Group is pic related, and let's not forget about NeoGAF pedo urinalists and male feminist rapists.

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>meanwhile on leddit....

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I don't think people are going to just download Epic store just for Chivalry. Enjoy your game full of fortnite players.

wait what, don't tell me chivalry is already confirmed for epic store exclusive

Finally some good fucking journalism

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Calling it now, Chivalry 2 will be offered for free 2 months after its release.

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>closet right-wingers
This game is literally KC:D's multiplayer mode. Making it is more telling of character than a tiki torch.

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>fishhook theory

Pc retard seething. Keep playing your indie, early access and mobas i guess lmao

alt right leftists like safe spaces also alt right safe space are only okay for us

>literally KC:D's multiplayer mode
Play the game

This is actually what happened to "Warhorse Studios". Check Kotaku or similiar sites - they never advertised their DLC after the "controversy" of no niggers in czechia.

So you can call me an n-word? No thanks.

Can we have female knights? i like girls.

yes that is one of the features supposedly coming

Do the people complaining actually realize how much active development effort must be in place to create, maintain, and support an automatic moderation system?
Using mute is ideal and leaves the onus on server admins to enforce their own rules while leaving bandwidth for the actual mordhau devs to work on new content.

>I don't mind a few blacks coming here or seeing them if they are willing to assimilate properly and not engage in chimpouts
Big mistake friend

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Nice now the question is, are the girls cute?

So long as it means I don't have to deal with retards like you, I will.
Consoles work as a great containment platform for retards who would otherwise shit up PC gaming, now if only we could get all the gaming journalists to fuck off to consoles as well.

because lefties are children that need to be kept safe and anyone that says anything they dont like needs to be banned from the entire game forever

Any game that doesnt let me murder niggers and women is trash. Boycott this garbage game.


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>the absolute madlad Ahmed yells "FUCKING NIGGERS"

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>bruh monkey

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I'd rather kill myself than deal with that shit.

> telling the whining faggots to fuck off

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I'm about as cynical about woke media as the next guy but that's real rich describing FOX as moderate and less outrageous.

Also, you are comparing niche websites with nationally syndicated TV station that's two decades old.

>that's real rich describing FOX as moderate and less outrageous.
Good thing I didn't then.
>Also, you are comparing niche websites with nationally syndicated TV station that's two decades old.
Nah, i'm also comparing CNN and MSNBC who have seen massive drops in viewership, are sacking more urinalists than ever before in the thousands especially after the Covington debacle, while FOX is experiencing the opposite.

Also if I was an Amerishart I'd be voting Tulsi.

this game exists because TBS (chiv developers) are incompetent fucktards that haven't produced a single good game

It's real! Stop this timeline.

>Good thing I didn't then.
you're right tulsifriend, I read your post too fast

>150 hours
That's supposed to be a lot?

Yeah Giantbomb refused to do a quicklook because I quote "they don't support racist assholes".

based as fuck

>almost no niggers use black skins in game
>no women
>bunch of sjw's gets salty at devs because some people get to use chat for fun

triternion dont care about your political scene at all

Reminder that every Democrat on stage raised their hand for Healthcare for illegals. Even Yang.

Just always remind yourself that 80% of Kotaku's views are paid for by the parent company.

The witchhunt begins
I give it 48 hours before they crack.

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What's the meaning of this? Non-burger here, but I assume this isn't about simply giving healthcare to illegal immigrants, seeing as it's obvious you should give it to them (just as you would give healthcare to any other form of criminal or convict).

Damn, this shit is scary. How do you think the gaming media choose their witch hunt target for the month? I wonder if people are buying into their propoganda or not. I mean, you don´t care at first, and then you might wake up and see them targeting something you like. Shit is almost scary. Especially when you can sway the whole targeting with money, connection and just general "you with us, or you against us" mentality.

What did the devs do to get targeted?

We know exactly how they chose to target them, and you're a racist for even knowing why.

can I just have a few games where shit talking is still allowed please? literally every fucking sterile AAA multiplayer game is a safe space now

Pretty much anyone that says no to the mafia

Slavs please stop squabbling over your slightly different ethnic subgroups, form a pan-slavic empire and eradicate the decadent west already

It gives even more incentives for people to try and cross the border for neetbux. We already have 10x the immigrants than our border infrastructure was designed for, and that's with the catch and release policy. Drug mules and traffickers are bringing random children with them because if they get caught that child excuses any legal consequences. Now expect the number of crossings to grow exponentially due to these new rewards (healthcare, automatic citizenship, etc)

>What's the meaning of this?
It was a Loaded Question for the smear merchants. Those who are aware of this fact should also be aware which of the candidates would never actually go through with it in the event of candidacy pulling through.

Did they push the question on both groups or only on the 2nd group debate with Yang in it?

Absolute fucking heroes the mordhau devs! sick of all this safe space shit where one offended waste of incoherent molecules can cause someone to lose access to something they paid for due to not being able to handle banter! There is a mute button for a reason they can fuck off to overwatch or some other sjw game!

A civilisation built on being mean to 50% of its people isn't worth keeping. Yes, the era of unhinged toxic masculinity is ending but only to make place for a better, nicer one. For everyone.

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I have 250 and I'm one of the biggest non complainers
So there

wow why would you want to be mean towards the people you are brutally fucking slaughtering?

You're not allowed to use naughty words while you're cutting peoples limbs off and stabbing their eye sockets.

Cringe and EXTREMELY bluepilled

I only watched for Yang so I don't know about the 1st group.
The anime poster ladies and gentlemen

Oh, so it's just Republicans being retarded about healthcare again then. Bloody hell, no other country makes this a political thing. Japan and Switzerland are conservative as fuck and they have nationalised health insurance.

I hope this this is ironic

Is there a more based video game company right now?

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gonna get this game

How can one game and company been so based?

Best project I've ever backed. Gives me hope that Kickstarter and indie dev isn't doomed.

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>reading comprehension
I'm not talking about nationalized health insurance in general, I'm saying that it shouldn't extend to criminal trespassers

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no one asked you, virgin.

>Mafia will break your arm
>Will heal with time
>Gamejournos will will witch hunt you to social death
>Will cripple your future forever without being able to get work ever again
>Will send treats to your entire family tree
>Will fuck your current workplace up by sending fake shit to the boss

Remember, they harassed a porn star to death cause she was against bisexual male stars (aids).

hi SJW cuck here - I play Mordhau too. Just want to let y'all know I'll be playing Mordhau more often too now, in spite of these fucking journalists making a story out of their destruction of a good game and an indie developer. I couldn't give a rat's ass about women or coloured people in this game. It's just good plain old fun.

Also all these QQers crying about the toxic community in game etc? Just ignore that shit jesus christ. Play the fucking game stop focusing on the chat channels. I've played for hours, I'm not even that good, and no one has come at me for any reason really. I mean one time I asked why the pings seem so high in-game vs the Server Browser and some guy gave me a dickhead response - but I didn't let that derail my whole fucking experience. JFC people.

>Japan and Switzerland are conservative as fuck
And tiny as fuck and not filled with a bunch of non-tax payers.

>I only watched for Yang so I don't know about the 1st group.
I'm asking because Tulsi's group was followed by no reactions happening pertaining the existence of such a question for the next 24 hours.

I can only assume then that the "rockstar" they are looking for is in the 1st group when they sabotaged the 2nd group that way, or they were hoping to make it easier for Kamala Harris if they caught anyone not NPCing in the 2nd group.

>alt right leftists

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>grrr duck niggers theyre so violent and mean
> i want to be violent and nean online!
Are all rightys just failed niggers with bbc envy??

why do Medieval games always attract the alt right crowd?

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Every day these people sit on social media and look for targets to dogpile outrage on.
If nothing happens for long enough they start eating their own because they will absolutely find someone among them who has stepped too many toes over the party line.

So to answer the question, it's anyone who sticks out unless there is currently something bigger going on, drawing their attention.

How can that possibly be perceived as a bad thing? It's literally the perfect middle ground, the three trannies that play this game can have their pozzed shit and everyone else can have their historical aesthetic. Only issue I can think of is that the different character models might get a little fucky with client side physics

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Only time when white cucks had any power. Theyre an irrelevant race now and even a whiteoid with a sword will get his ass beat by an unarmed black chad.

Its why they dont want blacks in game. A black with a weapon is capable of killing 20 armed crackers

Not all, there are some who are just libertards who want to be allowed to do all sorts of dumb shit because their moms were too controlling.
But russians certainly are niggers, just with snow instead of sand.

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They aren't attracted as much as they are moderated into silence in every game that is wasting time and money trying to look like a clean and neat normalfag hobby.

>that footwork
I'm impressed desu

No matter what they did, there would be something to complain about. Being a more in this group is fun.

>150 hours
and others have fucking 500. Your point?

This is not about left or right, is about being a person with a brain or a idpoltard.
The far right would do the same if they were as rich and powerful.

Unfortunately a lot of epic racism is born from warhammet memes and that spills into tg territory so thanks to le ebin degenerate niggerhammer the alt right flooded the medieval crowd. Shame because it wasnt like this in the 80s but now these fags sre appearing in d and d settings too

nice projection weeb

Can we have some fucking content now

Because medieval times were peak rightwing:
>church in power
>strong hierarchy
>near-zero meritocracy, most rulers are born, not made
>strength praised, intellect considered detached
>almost all work is physical and so "honest"
>heavy punishments for all sorts of crime
>arbitrary rules, heavily enforced

They want to go back to good ol' times when god was real and Earth was the center of the universe.

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>implying they will
They already have an army of retarded Yea Forums dick suckers defending them. Lmao they wont do shit. They banked on the retarded pol crowd and now theyre gonna run with the cash

>I don't mind a few blacks coming here or seeing them if they are willing to assimilate properly and not engage in chimpouts
Imagine actually being this much of a monumental fucking retard. Well I guess you don't

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>why does [not a moderated hugbox] have alt right crowd

God is real and racist will most certainly go to hell.

Forgot the screenshot. But yeah. Shits gud

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I know this is bait, but any other non-white anons find it utterly hilarious how white women and feminists seem hellbent on undermining the men who are least likely to treat them like shit?
They shit on betas, they shit on white/Asian guys, they shit on #niceguys, they shit on literally everyone equally.
Which makes me wonder, why do so many betas still act like betas thinking it'll get them pussy instead of just treating women like trash (since that's what they want)?

Gonna post some of the comments

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Not scamming people out of their copies for saying "fuck you" isn't pol

>Will send treats


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>chungus chillzone

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This post is such a transparent larp i phsyically cringed. Also betas/nice guys usually have deceitful and manipulative personalities that are just as bad as normalfags if not worse.

Absolutely based.
This is exactly what every other dev should do instead of waste manpower and resources on creating Big Brother "wrongthink" censorship.

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I'm really glad that Yea Forums found its outrage material for the week, I was really getting worried there.

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Fuck off falseflagging tranny.

Read something other than genreshit you embarassing dweeb

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Their bullshit starts to make sense when you approach it with their assumption that people are basically so weak and pathetic alone they'll mindlessly consume whatever the group tells them to

>cdpr attacked by idiots
And CP2077 pre-orders are through the roof. I don't think CDPR gives a fuck about leftist virtue signallers (and I hope this will set a precedent), they know they're going to make a boatload of money on the game

I wondrt how racist fags would feel if someone stood behind then everyday and kept calling them fat ugly balding losers

One Angry nigger confirmed not /ourguy/

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dead game, no one cares

Yeah but they apologised for assuming my gender joke they made on Twitter and turned cyberpunk into trannypunk so fuck them

Will we get bikini-mods?

Why do you think they live in their basements :^)

>using nigga in a positive way is bad

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Well, can I mute them so I never have to hear them like I can in this game? If so, I'd do that. If not, it wouldn't be remotely close to the same.

I'm none of those things so it would be okay. Probably just annoying at most

This. Devs tryinf hard to bank on the Yea Forums and 8 chan crowd. Its embarassing

I bet 1 or 2 people actually play


Only if your a wh*tey

>What is it that people who find this stance objectionable actually want
another game dev pushing their marxist propaganda
Its all about controlling what people are allowed to see

It was during the E3 PC Gaming conference. The conference was invested by Epic Games and a lot of the audience was a lot of people in their 30s-40s with some older than that and it was held in a room unlike the other conferences. Given that nobody yelled Tiananmen Square Massacre, it's safe to assume it was a fake audience. They announced a bunch of exclusives, and Chivalry 2 is one of them. I heard the CEO who worked on Chivalry was a real piece of shit, if a former art guy's blog posts are to be believed

Why don't more devs do this?

>women and people of different races
Not so based anymore.

Upon reading this I just purchased this game.

If you're a woman (especially a white woman) then your opinion doesn't really matter.

based, makes me want to buy the game
how is it, Yea Forums?

>implying I'd care what some faggot I don't know has to say
Helps I'm only one of those things as well.

I want black people but only if they also bring the exotic weapons, I want my scimitar god fucking dammit

the absolute state of """""journalism"""""


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How do you think I ended up on Yea Forums in the first place?

that picture is way too wholesome for Yea Forums what are you doing

Oh no no no no no! LOL

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THANK FUCK some people still have A BACKBONE.

Someone tell you to kill yourself? BLOCK
Someone tell you the N word? BLOCK
Someone harassing you? BLOCK

But that's not enough for these people because they're not interested policing others, they're after power.

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And that is supposed to be a lot?

i wouldn't have THAT much of a problem with nigs in medieval games, if they didn't blackwash european history and made it clear that they're moorish warriors or whatever and not knights

>who edited all the women from Endgame

Watch they add other options that let me make everyone I see black, or asian.

Not really, jesus was co-opted by cunts nowadays.

Says the nigger buying pre-built

unironically based

Based CHIV 2 will kill this shit and autonban all polhau owners

Just fucking release some well designed maps how hard can it fucking be you have fucking chivalry as a template already reeeeee

Why do these people still use snowflakes in current year?
It's such a dated meme, it's like they got a hip words memo after everyone stopped using it.

Don't forget the rampant death

that literally every day on Yea Forums you faggot

and i have 422 and i just mute if i get angry
what's your point?

Social Media was a mistake
Games journalism was a mistake
The iPhone was a mistake
Youtube was a mistake

The Problem is we have journalists pretending to be gamers
What we need is Gamers pretending to be journalists
That is how game journalism should be.

Telling people to stop saying the word "nigger" by banning them has nothing to do with diversity. I assume you're not American, you people never are. Stop pretending like you know anything just because you can understand English.

look at these retards taking the bait

Too busy banking off free speech retards

You should have purchased it before you begin with you niggers, it's great.

something tells me that sjws will next pressure valve to force censorship standards on all multi player games sold on their platform

>giving a fuck about input lag in a casual mosh pit game
next youll be talking about framedata
fucking idiot

There was an edit that removed anything brie Larson and apparently all the gay shit too. I don't watch cape shit so i didn't download it.

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un-equivocally based

>can't write
>be a gaming journalist

>can't design
>pander to outrage culture rightards

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>God dammit, I was totally going to play this game that's been out for 3 months but totally decided against playing it because the devs said something I don't like about people not being policed!
Mmm, okay.

I wanna see it and see what changed

It's lost all of its meaning. Snowflake meant that everyone thought they were special and unique. Not fragile and to this day I'm still mad that it's gotten used like that. The left literally can't even use our own memes even when it's spelled out for them

nigger is a bad word user

I think it'd be kinda cool if they did add characters who were arabs or black, asian and Indian and then add equipment/weapons/armour from their cultures too.

It could be like For Honor but good

>muh cultural marxism!
Holy shit you really believe in that? Lmfao. It's ok user you wont be a teenager forever.

All those years we joked about mr bones wild ride all those jokes we never realized even then we were memeing things into reality. I want off Mr journos wild ride.

>almost half the internet uses shitflair
>takes down that half when they have outages or get dossed
this is what happens when you rely on one entity

haha, what a baby faggot

not him but ad hominem won't prove him wrong
fuck i took the bait didn't i

>game journos think 150 is a lot

didn't take two get sued for doing this with GTAV in a sale a few years ago?


Cyberpunk has always had trannies, shut the fuck up. It's a world where people get modified into fucking cyber furries for pete sake.

*beats your head in with a pipe for disagreeing with me and throws cement milkshakes
yes..very kind people

shut up tranny

Already happened, everyone developed a thicker skin forever ago, and this muh toxicity shit didn't effect people, then mainstream happened.

Nah mate, you are the monumental retard for not knowing that niggers act meek when they are in the countries of white niggers who are known to be savages and don't owe niggers shit.

Tolerance for intolerance is the very opposite of niceness.

Because they purposely overfed africa so they could have billions of low IQ nogs to use against the west as biological weapons.
...but first you have to let them in user... they were always there anyway... just look at your games and movies.

I hope this becomes a industry standard.
chivalry 2 has a big up hill battle to fight so I hope they follow suit if they ever feel like adding women

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I'm gonna buy this now. We are gonna win /pol/bros

>Telling people to stop saying the word "nigger" by banning them has nothing to do with diversity.
You're right. But the people beating the drums the loudest about it being a bad word(which it is) aren't actually interested in it not being used to attack minorities since they themselves use it plenty because they're a bunch of rich white privileged racists who want to worm their way into positions of power.
And i don't need to be from the same continent as you to figure out simple shit like that.

>We could have easily exterminated the niggers if we wanted to just like the arabs did to their slaves.
if we had we wouldnt have to listen to them now.

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There's no way for that to happen since journalism is a super fucking common degree and there aren't enough places hiring except for fake game news.

Do devs have any kind of responsibility to manage their community? Why or why not?

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fuck off

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You could have left our shores anytime
We gave you an entire nation
You CHOSE to stay with your white masters
And I love reminding black people of that fact... The real blacks left when they could.. all the black americans here now, descended from Uncle Toms who loved their white masters too much to leave.

t. redditor who gets bored of memes within a week



How is anyone suppose to know that until they're out you stupid fuck?

>Someone holds an opinion I don't like, that means I get to physically assault them, proclaim my acts are righteous, and then when they retaliate I can demonise them
Very fascist, nice.

If your opinion is that some people shouldn't exist, at least not near you, then it's not valid. That's like having the opinion that grass should be blue except with a twist of infantile malice.

>Remarkably, white liberals were the only subgroup exhibiting a pro-outgroup bias—meaning white liberals were more favorable toward nonwhites and are the only group to show this preference for group other than their own.

>someone decided that I was a "tranny" (I am trans IRL but like no way for him to know that)

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My opinion is that pedophiles and furries shouldnt exist

They better all be running around with frying pans as weapons

Even if they did have a responsibility they don't have the resources to actually do it so it's a moot point. The game provides all the tools you need to avoid seeing any naughty words in chat, either by disabling it completely or muting individuals. Complaining about a problem that only exists because they've refused to use said tools is a them problem and they should have been told to fuck right off.

I dont buy that guys false equivalence but you cant pretend that there werent threads here for a week screaming about boycotts and refunds after that trans flag in Hat in Time

ngl the lef scare me with just how violent they are, sure the right might mock and harass you but least I don't have to worry about getting my head smashed in by a mob


Yes, and I wish you didn't exist but what can we do? Not much beyond doing the best of this sub-optimal situation we call life. Coexist.

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even the good ones will start voting and advocating to let the bad ones in.
Just like mexicans in america wanting more illegals

ah just like modern africa

>If your opinion is that some people shouldn't exist, at least not near you, then it's not valid
So Antifa? The ones proclaiming anybody who doesn't think like them is a fascist and then proceeds to yank people out of cars and beat them up? Who dox and demonise those who think they're insane nutjobs?

>Nah mate, you are the monumental retard for not knowing that niggers act meek when they are in the countries of white niggers who are known to be savages and don't owe niggers shit.
Same reason why niggers working in Gulf Countries don't chimp out. Since there are no guilt ridden white cuck nigger lovers in the Gulf, Arab overlords deport them immediately if they act like western niggers there.

opinion immediately discarded

>muh antifa
I'm not sure if the remote risk of you getting whacked over the head with an iron pipe is the best way to go about it even if you probably deserve it. While their effort and dedication is admirable, I don't think Antifa can solve anything. It's a job for the government.


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You voocaroo nigger is the biggest and the most issuferable fag attention seeker in this goddammit website. Worse than any kind of namefag that already posted here in 16 years.
I hope your vocal chords explode go fuck yourself.

You only need one person to ban reported people (with screenshots) when they say things that go against the devs own terms of service. They certainly don't have the resources to monitor and find these people on their own on every single server but dealing bans when reported or actually implementing a report feature that collects all the necessary data involved in a offence and dealing the ban is possible even on their dev scale. It's not like it all has to happen at once. Just plow through reports and throw the hammer down as you go.

Constant fucking blatant hit pieces, it's vile.

there was a leaked image you dumb fuck, but like the cock eater you are you only talk with your ass then later you use your head to think, you dunkey ass cum dump.

Wow it's fucking nothing

Did the person attack you first, or did they hold an opinion you didn't like?

It's like Gervais said, it's truly incredible that people like you want language to be considered on par with physical harm, and then go around beating people half to death with bike locks.

>b-but it's so haaaaard to manage our community waaaaah
bullshit. just make a filter that bans anyone who's using racist slurs in chat
also inb4 steam blocks the game lmao

>How do you think the gaming media choose their witch hunt target for the month?
GameJournoPros 2.0

>A terrorist group is admirable

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my guess is that it is a snigger

game journos should be fucking culled

>lets just have the government punish wrongthink
Great idea

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>kotaku in charge of being unbiased

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After the way the left have acted, whatever the right do to them is well deserved

I didn't know Manly Tears plays archer in Mordhau.

No because they cucked out by adding them to begin with.

>onionwest urinalists in charge of making accusations of alleged words spoken by developers without any video or sound evidence

Get raped and never go outside

This post is peak embarrassing

If your opinion is one which realisation is violent or inhumane then yes you deserve it a little batting or milkshaking from a purely moral point of view. From a more pragmatic stance, the best thing for you and me and everyone would be better education in the first place and failing that some government reaction (fine, prison etc). You know, same way we usually deal with delinquents.

However, if your opinion, in 2019, is that Ricky Gervais is funny or poignant then you deserve to die whether or not you're a full fledged bigot.

No one is going to lock you up for thinking the wrong things. It's saying things that can instigate violence, bigotry or other inhumane behaviour that's the problem.

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unexpected POE

>You only need one person to ban reported people
Do you actually believe this? Like do you actually think dealing with hundreds or thousands of reports, bans, appeals, false complaints etc is a one person job?

Also why should the developers dedicate resources to placating people that can't be satisfied with just not seeing objectionable words? Especially given the game is in desperate need of more actual developers to work on real content and spending their potential salary on someone to sift through reports would be a massive misallocation of resources given the state of the game. The game doesn't require chat or any communication outside of playing competitive team modes where you're going to need a third party voice program anyway. What exactly is the problem with just turning chat off or muting someone? Is it just knowing that they're out there being racist trolls fills them with existential dread?

dilate and trannypilled. The game is fine gameplay-wise and content is coming soon.

they ARE managing their community by telling these weirdos to fuck off back to overwatch

>Those idiots can't bee that organised
Look up GameJournoPros user. Still active.

>snatcher avatar
the ultimate soi stamp: a kojima fan

This post is fucking gold
Also lmaoing @ the retards who can't spot irony

>If your opinion is one which realisation is violent or inhumane then yes you deserve [violence] from a purely moral point of view
All breeds of communism require genocide to be realized. I guess that means you're okay with all of antifa being righteously executed

Your people are world weary. It’s not some magical insight that only happens to your people. I get how you feel, especially with the hope and optimism instilled in me by my American institutions. But when I left my idyllic sanctuary the world chewed me up and spit me out and now I’m weary of the games people play. I just want to live my life and do the things I enjoy while making the best of all the bad that I encounter. I just want to be happy.

>a little batting or milkshaking from a purely moral point of view.
Then don't bitch and moan like a faggot when the right punch and shoot you back while you whine endlessly in the MSM

They censored the gwent card game without any plausible explanation but "there were dead women, we can't have them"

I don't even think many people read these garbage dumps of bad ideas unironically, the last time I really did was back in the 90's when I didn't have internet, who here actually reads these "gaming blogs", why even bother, just follow the companies themselves on their social media, it's not like these shitrags give an honest take, you get your honest take here or make your own opinion.

Oh boy reddit is lying again

Attached: mordhau.png (577x295, 33K)

>Frontline is tedious and boring
>barely any content drip fed at a snails pace
>new map is horrendous
>80000 gold skins

SJWs got caught

cringe cringe onions based zoomy go zoomer based cringe cringe cringe boomer

Dust: An Elysian Tale seemed to sidestep the furry nonsense pretty well so maybe there is yet hope for a Redwall game.

Since the blacks have been unable or unwilling to create anything of their own they took the word nigger from the white man and are trying to make it their own word that only they can say. All they while ignoring economic opportunities and doing what they can to not be anything like “whypippo”. Sensible blacks have noticed this and don’t understand why niggers have to hold them all back.

They'll just continue with their bullshit and ignore evidence. Nothing new here.

When people advocate ideas that basically mean genocide and cry about getting hit in the face they come across as pretty darn pathetic, you know.

They did say they would have a toggle for female characters though.

>Wanting to be able to shit talk people in games without getting banned is an altright thing.

That's kinda their modus operandi at this point.
>oh shit there's absolutely fuck all to report today
>quick, let's tweet some retarded one-sided racial/gender accusatory question at a dev
>dev gives a non-committal reply

Oh so just the women then?

Utterly based


in short
>no fun allowed

ofcourse not for them it isnt about morals or principles its about shutting down the "bad guy". They'll gladly firebomb your town and rape your family if you dare step out of line mix it with a sense of fighting the system man and you have the perfect establishment cronies

I think Congress should press mute for me.

>blatant "le dumb animefag" shiposting
>still gets easy (you)s because the current state of the world is so surreal and insane there's a chance it's unironic

It will be fun for a while just hearing and seeing different models but eventually it will get obnoxious with all the shitty anime roleplaying.

>ideas that basically mean genocide
You know what's 100x more pathetic and retarded? The fact that leftard thinks that limiting illegal immigrant and deportation mean genocide. Then bitch and whine about someone doing their basic civic duty

Trannys glow in the dark desu

The thing is that it's never going to happen and you don't have a humane plan for it. That's what makes it mean and inhumane.

absolutely based

so they are literally supporting racism? That's a yikes from me.

censorship will kill this game, just like it did with overwatch

And it worked massively. Its true what they say about leftard. They're completely retarded when it comes to history

You sir are a faggot lol

>you could of just left lol

Why would they? Actually seriously why would they go back to the continent that literally sold them out? It's easy for you to say they have the option to go back when all your family, cultural, blood, religious and language ties hasn't been served permanently. They're illegitimate spawn who could easily be hand waved away since they have no claim to anything.

Also there was no guarantee that surrounding nations wouldn't just reject Liberia existence and antagonize them similar to Isreal and the Middle East. The truth is it's a rock and a hard place scenario, go back to the people who sold you out or stay with the people who treat you like shit. There is no right answer because both answers are equally bad. Also even if they go back they would just be living in a proxy state for the U.S. as shown by WW2 and global political endeavors which is the only reason it hasn't become an abortion of a nation like Haiti.

That's why the US is white as the driven snow now? Oh right.

Its free advertising
Leftys are just playing themselves at this point

Based and redpilled. Imagine these people finding out about the Mount and Blade Warband chat experience.

The only people scared are the racists who are worried that they can't fling shit anymore.

You just proved my point you unironic retard. That program helped the US become more white than it already is and the government's refusal to do any similar program causes the US demographic demise

I don't really play multiplayer games, but:
Has it ever occurred that some players created a band that hunt down token characters from videogames?
For example
>mordhau goes "no female toggle"
>group starts hunting down every single female knight on sight
>chase and kill again
Has it?

First of all it was a shit and inhumane policy back then and nothing to be proud about. But the bigger problem for you is that it merely dented the Mexican population in the US at a time when it was a mere fraction of what it is today.

There's literally no fun without offending someone. PC is the death of art, culture, entertainment.

why should they "police" their playerbase? They have given the perpetually offended the tools to mute players they don't agree with.

Do these faggots just want their own personal nannys in every game?

The crybabies are over exaggerating. The community isn't as "toxic" as they say it is.

>If your opinion is one which realisation is violent or inhumane then yes you deserve it a little batting or milkshaking from a purely moral point of view
What is violent and inhumane is allowing undocumented immigrants into any nation and acting like that's a moral and positive choice. Illegal immigrants have no visible tax records, no visible crime records, they're effectively invisible to the systems keeping society functioning and safe unless someone rats them out. This makes their cash inflow untraceable, it creates the perfect breeding ground for underground drug trades and murder. And guess what happens when these people are caught? They quite often get off Scot free because of the lack of identification and usually just end up with a forced deportation.

You are actively encouraging societal breakdown by wanting this to happen on a large scale. You are by all accounts a human cancer upon society, pretending you're doing nothing but spreading good will when quite often it causes nothing but harm.

Dude, I get that you dislike migrants. Your reasons might be good or bad but it doesn't fucking matter. They are here and you're not getting rid of them. Being a dumb racist will just make your inescapable coexistence harder on both of you.

Unironically added to wishlist.

If it ends up being true and upheld I'll buy it (it does look fun, I've just got too many other games).

Fuck off back to r/worldnews, retard.

150 kek
I can do 400 hours in a week when I get into a game.

Just know that I'm black and can't wait for people like you to get shot in the street.
Just wanna throw that out there.
And yes, it WILL happen, and hopefully you'll be shot or beheaded by some Mexican gangbangers.

you are on the wrong website, have you tried resetera or reddit?

There's really no need. Most people whining and being a general nuisance in chat are beyond bad. Most are so low on the scoreboard that they barely show up. Pretty much dieing the moment they spawn.

It's hard to hunt and kill a dead person user.

>First of all it was a shit and inhumane policy back then and nothing to be proud about.
It was literally the opposite you cuck
Overall, there were 1,074,277 "returns", defined as "confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal"[34] in the first year of Operation Wetback.
You would have a hard time finding that kind of result in this shitty modern non-white world

You sound like a fag

Who's going to help you dumb channers if not me?

At least you're not pretending that you're not into genocide like the rest of these tards.

>They are here and you're not getting rid of them.
But I just did :^)

I dunno user the article itself points out some of the flaws and shortcomings of Operation Wetback. It may have worked in 1954 but there’s a sharp drop off of actions being taken in the subsequent years. I do say though, the Bracero program makes a lot of sense and I don’t know why we don’t build upon that foundation.

whats your specs?

On the one hand, I hate censorship.
On the other hand I get tired of having to mute and blacklist as an activity every time I play an online game.
Nowadays I just play online games with all chat functions turned off, makes me wonder why play online at all.

I don't mind niggers, faggots and the occasional sperging retard but goddamn have they gone up in numbers over the years.

>Deportation is genocide!
>Words against us are violence!
>It's okay when we assault people in the street because it's for the cause!
Literally a totalitarian scumbag.

m8, I know that you're diagnosed with retardation and thus can't formulate an argment worth shit but illegal immigrant are a cancer upon nation which is why they're being deported as we speak

didn't people try that in fo76 and get banned?

Oh yea, I support selective genocide of all people who are like you.
The world will be better off when you're dead.

The journalists fluffed up the details to sound way more harsh. The guys got banned for three days and never played again because the game was a piece of shit.

The lad quite literally said he was going to shoot me in the epic gamer revolution. Please.

Some are deported, some new are coming and millions are already here and never leaving. You can either deal or don't. Sperging isn't good for you.

Yep, you deserve a star for honesty. Too bad about everything else.

The few who did leave became their own ethnic group called Americo-Liberian, they considered themselves superior to the tribes living there became an elite minority in control of the country and they enslaved many of the other minorities there, nobody really cared so this went on until well into the 20th century. That doesn't sound too bad to be honest.

No, he said he wished you were shot in the street by Mexican gangsters which is becoming a growing epidemic.

highlight of my day thus far

Just wanna let you know that it'll be sooner than you expect.
I sure as shit hope you're at least not white.
Or a woman.

Oh I see. I guess it's all better then.

I know it's not true, but anybody explain how this is bad?

And no, trannies don't count.