>piracy available for new units
>can literally play online without risk of ever being banned
you have 0 excuse for not hacking your switch.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what if you're a millionaire like myself?

Do i need to hack my switch?

use that money and invest in stocks goy
buy high sell low

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>0 excuse
Yea I'm sure that every switch owner is still on 4.1.0

fuck off nintendo shill



Actually, he's a sony shill since he wants to steal game and cause lost sales for the Switch
Which will force devs to go back to sony and have their games censored.

Ignore OP, he's just another pro censorship fag.

Source you fucking inbred?

But I have an excuse to not hack my switch

It's buy low sell high retard
I swear average Yea Forums is more dense than a piece of rock

ohhh no you don't user

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IT'S A FUCKING /biz/ joke you fucking moron
the joke went right over your head, you fucking underaged retard

Are you a bitcoin millionaire? Sorry to inform you about next month's drop.

>lost sales for the Switch
>force devs to go back to sony
Developers don't give a shit what someone does with their games. As long as they get their money, that's all that matters. Piracy is more of a problem on PC, where it's guaranteed to affect total sales. The suicidal retards that want to risk getting their Switches bricked are on their own.

>high prices
>being able to sell
Yeah good luck on your sales, idiot.

>piracy on console doesn't affect sales

we back

>will never be able to play pirated games online
>incognito prevents you from playing even legit games online

>up to 4.1.0 only
who the fuck cares

How else are you gonna play SNES games on your switch?
Now that I gave you this super tip, how about giving me a tip?
That's 25% of the check so $0.00 please

I am okay with paying to support the things I enjoy. Is this an "excuse" to you?

Fucking nufag I swear

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That girl grotesque

no but what's your excuse for being an ornery faggot?

I'm modding big titty rosalina into smash, Mario Kart and Botw. This isn't about piracy, it's about tits.

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Despicable, Nintendo is working hard on making good worthwhile games and you're killing it with your greed. You don't even care about the last bastion of gaming

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God I want to take off those stockings, take a big whiff, and jerk off into them


Take that back

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>you have 0 excuse for not hacking your switch.

does it work if i already have the latest switch firmware?

>you have 0 excuse for not hacking your switch.
I don't except for the rcm jig shit to eventually wear down my joycon connector

You really only need to do that once you ding dong