The current state of gacha
The current state of gacha
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>this is what Madoka has become
God, this is schizophrenic.
>He's not familiar with what happens to Urobuchi things when Urobuchi isn't around anymore.
Psycho-Pass 2.
Good thing I can just download all the pngs and animation without having to poison myself with gambling.
One day the puppetfags will know my pain
That's sad I guess.
Urobuchi is rolling in his grave.
I love how these companies keep a vigilant eye on their product's Wikipedia page to scrub all mentions of "gacha."
lookin kinda late capitalism
wait what
please stop wasting these super cute girls on gacha trash
They really won't, because it's so niche that hacks will never touch it and it will never be exploited for sex appeal. They get to rest easy while Tokusatsu and anime fans seethe with disgusted fury.
Where do you find the animations online?
Its yurishit, it has always been shit
>10 seasons, maybe more
Not likely.
>Get Mandatory Happiness from PS+
>Try it out.
>Worst Visual Novel I have ever played.
Whoever wrote that garbage looked at Urobuchi's notes and the first season and then went full autism, writing the most surface level dreck imaginable. I'm honestly appalled that a video game based on writing was released with this fanfiction tier prose.
Dont care
Only the anime was good, just watch it and move on
Ive long stopped caring about old stuff getting killed for more money by greedy assholes
Be on the lookout for newer stuff and dont stick around once it gets too big because it will always go to shit
I loved Madoka but this doesnt phase me, I wont play this, I dont care
where do I watch with sound?
My head hurts just by watching this.
Where can I watch it with the music?
>no pusy line
its shit
>skirt bikinis
play bandori