>party member betrays you
Party member betrays you
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fucking elves i swear to God
>Also I would've been unable to resist the temptation from the ring too, but this isn't about me
Fuck Elrond.
>Party member shows you his tax policies
>Party member leaves with all the valuable equipment you gave him
>party members arent real
What was isildurs power?
evading the value added tax when he received the ring
Elrond wasn't like that in the books at all, they fucked him up in the movie
What was he going to do? Assault and kill the new high king of man?
>party member betrays you
> It's all ruse to save you later if you have faith in him otherwise it's real and you kill him and he gets replaced by your dad for the rest of the game
>tfw memes made me read that as “What was isildurs problem?”
>Kill Inceldur and toss his ass into the volcano along with the fucking ring
>"Unfortunately it was a tragic accident. He sacrificed his life to save me."
Congratulations, you've just stopped Sauron.
Zelos did nothing wrong, Kratos was just cooler
It just bother me that they have the exact same move set and it has no impact on the story even tho kratos is a elf
Try doing that in real life and see what happens
>kill new high king of man and start eternal war
>elrond gets the ring and becomes power hungry
An elf with the ring would be a nightmare. They have longevity already and an innate magical prowess. Almost as bad as Gandalf or Saruman getting the ring.
Kratos is not an elf. He just got elf blood pump into him.
books arent canon
Well that fixes my one gripe with the game thanks user
There was no certainty that he would be able to kill him so easily.
big if true
Why does this scene and muh eagles are so commonly mentioned when people try to find plotholes?
>do this
>some random human exclaims "he killed our king and took the ring for himself!"
>endless death and war between human and elves for generations
How would humans even get past the magic water horses?
Wait for winter when the river freezes
Easy bait my man
>implying he could've overpowered a TRVE NVMENORIAN that easily
>implying that the ring wouldn't have taken control of him even if he had been able to
It's why Gandalf didn't just take the ring of Bilbo against his will
One thing that always bothered me is how easily Isildur was killed. "Ambushed by orcs lol". Isildur was practically Aragorn on steroids.
He didn't have massive plot armor due to being a backstory character
I wish this tax policy never came to me, i wish the bailout never happened
>removes Gafgarion's weapon and armor right before Zirekile Falls
Heh, looks like it is I who betrayed you
Fiction isn't actually real so canon doesn't actually matter and you can just ignore things you don't like
Being able to ignore things you don't like is a rare ability, user
>you can ally yourself with other groups
>they can betray you
She will be feeding the young greens alright
Perhaps she was wondering why you'd shoot someone before beheading them
>half-elven mongrel killing a pure blood numenorian
To be fair, that scene never happened in the books. When Sauron was defeated by Inceldur's father with the other 2 kings (I can't recall), he took the ring from Sauron's fallen body then ran away.
Killing politicians is a public service
I'm not glad shes dead, but I am glad that she died in an incredibly ironic way.
>he took the ring from Sauron's fallen body then ran away.
He refused to destroy it and the only people to actually witness it were Elrond and Cirdan, so that argument still remains
>party member betrays its pet
Is there any game where a party member leaves not because they are evil but because they don't really care about your goal anymore?
Yeah it's called your online friend group.
Many rpgs, in Dragon Age: Origins too.
Actually, his choice might've been the best one. Starting the fight over the Ring in the very heart of Mordor, where it's the most powerful, would be a horrible idea. This is exactly how the Ring works - seduced people to commit evil in the name of greater good, corrupting them and turning into tyrants. Even if Elrond had slain Isildur, there is no guarantee he would be able to cast the Ring into the fire right after murdering his ally.
Also Isildur wasn't some drunkard from Bree, he was the peak human performance, holding the One Ring in his hand. If Elrond failed to kill Isildur, the outcome would be devastating - the High King of men would almost certainly completely fall under the One Ring's spell and wage a war against Elves as a revenge for betrayal.
Elrond is a mutt, half elf, born to two half elves and related to Aragorn, so Aragorn is actually fucking his cousin
Why didn't Sauron just wear the ring on his cock?
Why didn't the elves just attach the ring to a balloon and lift it into space?
because then it'd be invisible and the bitches wouldn't be able to find it
to be fair, the ruse guy was a prick the entire game and only cared for himself so Zelos going traitor seemed legit
Because Gollum might bite it off.
'cause of National Aeronautics and Sauron Administration
>50+ generations apart
I bet you're one of those people who also think capeshit movies are the real canon and not the comic book series they're based on.
These people are responsible for thousands of rapes and murders, no sympathy for these people.
How many generations apart do ones have to be so there is no incest?
>put condom on it
>it's visible again
You'll have to do better than that.
Fuck yes, a literal terrorist died.
>beat the final boss
>game continues
>party member decides to be the true final boss
I hate when this shit happens, Crimson Gem Saga is especially aggravating in penalizing you for the final boss fights.
In my country at least 7 times removed and even then it's unheard of.
I hear western europeans fuck their first cousins though.
Italiancuck here, can confirm lusting after cousins is something very common here, especially in rural areas.
Never bothered personally though, my family tree branches all suck anyway.
Then how come he jobbed to a single orc jumping on him while horse riding?
Aren't rural areas incesty in general?
>elves cant grow bea-