Starting to consider what class to play in classic wow

>starting to consider what class to play in classic wow
>bf insists i pocket heal him


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It will be a revelation to many how shit the gameplay in vanilla WoW actually is. Not even mentioning the non-existing build diversity.

>guy I play games with gets me CBT keys for terra
>roll F aman warrior
>he knows I like fluffy animals so he rolls popori mystic

op is 120% bait but I just wanted to use this thread as personal blog

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I played from just before TBC to just after WotLK. I only ever got one character to 70, and generally played very casually. I couldn't give two shits about min-maxing or any of the combat/build meta. Mostly just ran around and did quests with the bros with some occasional instances and pvp matches.
Would I enjoy Classic?

why do manoids always expect girls to heal in overwatch?

cock and ball torture?

Cock and ball torture?

Why can't women create their own memes?

yes zoomie and avoid streamer servers.

that's where the peak of all you described is

Why can't you?

It's probably cognitive behavioral therapy. The guy's fucking depressed already, stop bullying him

I'm 30
Thanks, friend

>did not play classic
user... What did you do with your life?

>hair dyes

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Why the fuck do girls do this fucking punchable face all the time?

I never leveled beyond 40 because i just started exploring the entire World Map for fun.
I think i am autistic

how does a game have cbt items

Because it makes you angry, and they like it when you are angry because it makes them horny.

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I was still in high school when wow came out. No money until around TBC release