Some game with this feel?

Some game with this feel?

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None bro.

Dogs yet again proving they are superior to cats

So my cat carried in this one eye'd puppy the other day

why does it always have to be a superiority thing with you fucks?
why cant you just like both?

You keep telling yourself that bro

>not giving his kitten a badass pirate eyepatch
poor thing

>Grandfather had a vicious cat on his property
>It would go hunting for feral cats and other pests all the time
>Years pass by, cat gets old
>It walks up to my grandfather with a feral kitten in its mouth and puts it at his feet
>He never sees that cat again

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I love both cats and dogs, but dogs are by far superior. Just like parents always have a favorite child

what's wrong with mixing dog breeds

This reminds me of a cat that got extremely attached to me but died of illness. Even when he was dying, all I did was hug him as my feet touched the rocky ground barefooted. I wish I did more for him, in his last moments.

I'm sorry, Risky.


what kind of dog is this

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nothing, its actually worse to pure breed a dog as its more likely to cause health issues, mongrels are a much better choice for dogs

Purebreds are a genetic deadend and half as functional as their ancestors. Imagine if "humans" evolved by having mangled pig snouts and becoming tiny.

Isn't that a fox?

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What if it was the dog who hurt the little cat?

Turok the dinosaur man


The ending implies that they get only really well, so unless you're implying that the kitten got lobotomized then he probably didn't hurt it. Also, if a dog attacks a kitten the kitten usually turns into red paste by the time it's over.

Cats will run away when they know they're dying.

Yeah exactly. Inbreeding is bad for dogs, mutts are healthier and live the longest

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>just one puppy
Come on, bro. Step it up!

Kitten probably would've been dead, or at least damaged much worse than just a fucked up eye, which a pretty localized injury for a dog to probably be responsible for. Probably wouldn't have bought it to its owner alive, or bonded with it so quickly afterwards either.

It's a fox.

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I think the point was more that the cat brought a replacement before he died.

Why can't you admit one is superior to the other? No one implied they hate the inferior cats.

should buy it little t-rex arms

A possible alternate interpretation: the dog was roughhousing with the little kitten because in his mind it was a game. When the dog realizes that he actually hurt his new fun outdoor friend, he brings it to Big Papa to fix it.

Being there is better than most animals get
Imagine dying in a vet room. You know its coming and you look for your owners, only to see them walk away and leave you with the stranger with a needle

look at this little guy
just look at him

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Hey is this the pet thread?

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A kinda vicious stray cat hanging out at my aunt's house recently lost one of her hind legs after being attacked by a dog and she's now been taken in by my aunt and calmed down a lot, I can finally pet her.

god damn i love me some cats

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this is what we call in the biz a genetic dead end

did he have a stroke or something?

lol no

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>this image

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People with autism are always putting things in little hierarchies to make themselves feel better for preferring the “best” thing

they're also way more resistant to infections, viruses, physical abuse etc

>to be fair, you have to have a very high iq to own a cat

That may be true but im sure you could potentially live a full and happy life.

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When lovecraft wasn’t writing about space demons or the inferiority of blacks, he was acting like the most pretentious fedoralord you can imagine


Cats possess very little capacity for socialization and empathy compared to dogs, which factually makes them less intelligent animals. People mistake a lack of comprehension for an informed decision.

>On March 30, 1996, Scarlett and her five kittens were in an abandoned garage when a fire started from undetermined causes. One of the firefighters on the scene, David Giannelli, noticed Scarlett carrying her kittens away from the garage one by one.

>Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned, and her coat highly singed. The majority of her facial hair had been burnt away. After saving the kittens she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then she collapsed unconscious.

Attached: scarlett.jpg (550x330, 29K)

Based Lovecraft and Niggerman

if you were a true dogfag you would just want them to get along because unless it's a shitbull, that's what a dog bro would want


>dude get this
>dude if you even look at it
>dude you go FUCKING INSANE
>and dude
>dude it's got a squid for a mouth

Lovecraft fags are fucking scum.

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>dogs are just bred to do tasks and obey
>dogfags equate this with a deep loving bond and loyalty
>not realizing that loyalty is a choice not a programming
It's like thinking that your car is loyal to you because it was specifically made to be operated by humans.
Most pet lovers are just so fucking deluded about what their pets are and are not, particularly dog lovers because no other animal has been so selectively bred to be so unnatural.

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Fucking cats. Why they don't die?

God I wanna fuck that fox

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step back and consider what they were domesticated for
security, herding, hunting
and each of those is a broad category. hunting for instance, you have tracking, pointing, retrieving, flushing, etc.
catching pests that carry disease or eat your food


Liking two things is reddit as fuck

What is this image?

Absolutely based

just don't panic ok?

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Fenneko is for cuddles

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>valid opinions on anything
is logic is faulty for all of his arguments 90% of the time

>Neighbor has a barn cat
>Vicious towards animal intruders and caught all his own food
>The friendliest cat I've ever met towards people
>Would run over at the sight of someone
>Would start drooling if you pet him for more than a minute
>Beaten to hell cause this cat would not take shit from any animal no matter the size
>Still ran around in 2 feet of snow
>Ears all ragged from skin cancer
>Despite all this made it to 15+
>Eventually when he hadn't been seen for weeks we assumed he picked a fight with a coyote or something
>Neighbor found her body later, curled up in a nook between haybails
Whitey was a good cat.

You have a very childish and simple world view and shouldn't be talking about shit your pea-brain doesn't understand.

>why does it always have to be a superiority thing with you fucks?
>why cant you just like both?

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They don't hurt the cat do they?

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Calm down guys
Have a donut

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Okay, now this is epic.

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You're fucking blind, retarded, or both if you seriously think tons of people don't love dogs and hate cats.

It's mostly people who are too dumb to realize they are different animals, try to treat a cat like a dog, get scratched/bit and then claim "they're all vicious/mean"