>completely forgotten about in three months
What the fuck went wrong?
Completely forgotten about in three months
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The replayability fearmongers were right.
I mean the combat system is really tight, and the game is fun. But it has like no content. After you've played through it twice, you've seen everything it had to offer.
replayability of the game is shit.
Boring and too tedious. I didn't even finish it but I've finished all the other souls games. I stopped at the gorilla boss who comes back to life after you kill him.
Enemies take too long to kill even if you perfect parry every attack and poke, tedious
Combat/Prosthetic arts are fucking useless and even result in punishment of the player more often than not
12 bosses are repeated and only one of them varies in it's design/moveset/music
Very forgettable soundtrack, only 3 stood out (Ape, Monk, Dragon)
One weapon in the whole game so you're only going to be seeing 6 or so attack animations throughout the whole game
Boring level design that only rises above average in Senpou Temple and FountainHead palace
Still a good game but not worth sixty dollars. Desperately needs DLC
Well yes, but how is that different in the other from games? Is the shitty multiplayer really such a big incentive to keep playing after about 2 playthroughs?
Seriously. Using a different weapon does not fundamentally change the way you play dark souls and magic is janky and makes the game boring.
Sekiro does have less content than dark souls though. There weren’t enough bosses/areas/enemies. Also, would it have killed them to have different outfits for you to wear?
>it has no content
fuck off retard
With Sekiro they could've easily really changed up the game even with just say a choice of three different weapons.
no online no pvp no coop no builds boring shit items all bosses are rehash the combat is literally spamming one button
>Enemies take too long to kill even if you perfect parry every attack and poke, tedious
Literally false
>Combat/Prosthetic arts are fucking useless and even result in punishment of the player more often than not
Literally false
>12 bosses are repeated and only one of them varies in it's design/moveset/music
Half true
>Very forgettable soundtrack, only 3 stood out (Ape, Monk, Dragon)
Subjective opinion
>One weapon in the whole game so you're only going to be seeing 6 or so attack animations throughout the whole game
Ignoring the skill trees.
>Boring level design that only rises above average in Senpou Temple and FountainHead palace
Half true.
I've put in 100 hours and gotten three ending. No replayability my fucking ass
Nothing. It's the perfect game. You play it a couple of times and you get on with your life, maybe even enjoy other games that don't suck all your attention and money.
was fun looking at buyfags coping already in the first week
>muh endings
who cares when 99% of the content you replay is exactly the same each time?
I would equate it to the original Nier. Once you know what to do you can breeze past everything in subsequent playthroughs.
I enjoyed it more than any of the soulsborne games but I've played it the least.
The week of the release when everyone was finding out the secrets was great, but it took a surprisingly short time to discover everything the game had to offer.
Compared to other soulsborne games it has
>no build options (prosthetics and upgrades can all be unlocked on first playthrough and carry over to ng+)
>no diverging paths, much more linear
>no online
The game is good but lacks the features that gave the other games longevity.
It was a game that still had Souls DNA strung through it (despite all the shills trying to pretend otherwise) which is fine for an RPG but awful for an action game. To many exploitable systems and combat severely lacked options. Just play Ninja Gaiden Black, you'll have more fun.
The difference is that Nier has good writing.
1. L1
2. chingchong setting
3. no replayablity
It's different, because can make different builds with different playstyles in the Souls games. In Sekiro every next playthrough is completely identical to the last one. And yes, multiplayer played a significant role too, although I personally don't consider it to be as be a factor like some people make it out to be.
>Literally false
Blue guys in Ashina purple guys, fish guys and red samurai are all a fucking chore to waste time killing as they block every attack and will pause every 2 seconds to stare at you before attacking. They also have enormous posture meters
Prosthetics are incredibly selective in use aside from firecrackers, the ability to only equip one at a time is also retarded, combat arts on the other hand are just straight up useless with their absurdly long animations or are worst than just auto attacking
>Half true
Ogre doesn't change at all, big katana guys don't change, big spear guys don't change, drunk guy doesn't change, giraffe centipede doesn't change, purple guy doesn't change, One shot katana guy in Ashina castle doesn't change, Ape doesn't change, headless doesn't change, and Shichimen doesn't change Monks the only one that does and the first phases are still identical.
one look at the views on the soundtrack would tell you other wise. DS3 had a million plus on each track two weeks after release
>Ignoring skill trees
None of the skills add anything animation/attack wise.
Except the Arts which again, are highly selective in use and 90% of the time worthless. You are watching Sekiro do the same 4 hit auto attack combo throughout the whole game
>Half true
What other places in the game are good?
>remember a game exists
>"hmm, time to go make a thread on Yea Forums about how nobody remembers this game exists"
Why do you fricks do this?
easy (you's) from people like you
Complaining about long battles is one of the most autistic takes you could have for this game.
>one look at the views on the soundtrack would tell you other wise
Fucking judging music by their popularity in YouTube, holy fucking shit.
DEX build: The Game
And only faggots put points into DEX.
How is it autistc? The pace of the game is inherently flawed, you're given fast as fuck mobile Sekiro and every enemy is a stationary slug that does nothing but block and waste your fucking time. But if you're not fighting them (wasting your fucking time) you're just boss rushing which means you skip over 80% of the content. Once you fight these slogs once why would you ever waste your time doing it again?
There's nothing good they're guarding, just some variation of useless candy or a fucking pellet.
I sent it to my friend to play. I'm still hoping for DLC.
t. filtered by guardian ape
Guess it's only to be expected when summonfags suddenly have to take on bosses by themselves
it’s not a nintendo game, unironically
boring as fuck le epic reddit samurai setting
no MP/PvP = no replay value.
This is objectively true and anti-MP fags that play souls should be ignored.
It's just got nothing to it. Once you've memorised the boss patterns you've seen everything it has to offer.
This. Kek
>complaining about ANY enemy taking long to kill
HAHAHAHA you're so fucking bad dude
Why do you bother waiting for enemy attack nigger
Just attack them yourself and break their posture you retard, with kuro charm + bell it takes me 25 seconds tops to kill the purple ninjas
>prosthetics are useless
Living force + okinaga for extra damage and burn, umbrella being busted, shuriken for everything + chasing slice, firecrackers, sabimaru for snake eyes and okami, spin to win axe, list goes on
Game rewards experimentation
>combat arts are useless
>he never high monk'd a perilous sweep, ichimonji double on punish to recover posture and keep up aggression, or nuke shit with empowered mortal draw
Do you stop attacking when enemies block or something? Almost every enemy can be fought aggressively. If they block then keep attacking, and if they deflect then deflect them back and go on the offensive again. It's usually a lot faster to posture break enemies than to win by depleting their HP.
You're right about the candies and pellets though, there was hardly every any payoff for exploration or defeating tougher enemies.
games ending with a definitive closure is better than open ended games where your interest slowly fizzles out and you quit because youre bored.
Candies and sen are shit rewards alright but in most cases the rewards for going to some secret area was either a new prosthetic, some niche/quest item (carp eyes, ceremonial blade) a bead, a seed or some rare upgrade material
Wasn't all that bad imo
Souls games have different builds you can make. Yes a lot of weapons are similar but they have enough to make them replayable. Sekiro has you using the same weapon, wearing the same clothes, spamming the same tools because a lot of them are useless outside of a few boss fights. Sekiro is fun and I hope there will be dlc for it but I hope fromsoft go back to making action rpgs instead of single player action games
Nah. Different weapons would have added needless complexity and would have kept you from truly mastering the range/timing of the katana attacks by the end game. I had fun figuring out what prosthetics and arts to use for every encounter. Adding two other weapons to think about what have been a bit to much. Plus, one weapon allowed the devs to fine tune the enemy’s attack speeds and how much they would stagger. Designing tough enemies around multiple weapons would probably not have made for a more tight game.
>Souls games have different builds you can make. Yes a lot of weapons are similar but they have enough to make them replayable.
but in the end youre killing the same bosses. its just different flavor of damage which is hardly any variation at all. and dont pretend the jankfest pvp is even good. it's a novelty to get invaded/invade but thats all there is to it.
This. That's what Sekiro does better than Soulsborne games; you can and have to go on the offensive instead of passively waiting for enemies to lurch towards you. It makes for more badass gameplay too.
Like other posters said, the fact you're actually waiting for enemies to attack you instead of taking the initiative is your fault for being a Soulshitter.
It's shite.
>t. soulshitter
>Using a different weapon does not fundamentally change the way you play dark souls
if you just change a iaito for an uchigatana sure it doesn't, but shut the fuck up, using a big difference helps
>complains about lack of alternative weapons in sekiro
>never bothered to use sabimaru, gyoubou's spear, or the loaded axe beyond hirata
sabi is basically the blades of mercy + poison with combo switching, spear can alternate between cleave and rush, axe can spin2win + fang and blade
all three prosthetics are easily just as complex if not more than most r1r1r1 souls weapons, and have unique interactions with enemies as well
for example, you can use armor pull with the spear against the headless ape to tear out his worm and inflict extra damage, then follow with rush + chase
only zoomers like MP/pvp
souls games are singleplayer experiences
I haven't even tried it, I'm a cheap fuck so I'm waiting for a significantly price drop
It's not just a different flavor of damage. Some weapons rely on dodging and hit and run, some weapons rely on poisebreak, some use weapon arts extensively, sorcery builds use ranged combat, etc. Builds literally change the way you play the game. I don't know why you're trying to downplay this.
Sekiro had a great combat system, nobody argues against that. But it suffered from the same issue Bloodborne did - the lack of variety. Variety in "builds", usable weapons and tools, enemy variety, variety in environments, etc. And since it lacks all those things, naturally it lacks the incentive for multiple playthroughs. Sure, it has multiple endings, but those are just cutscenes, not game content, except Shura, which adds 2 new bosses, but cuts the game short. The other 3 endings are just dialogue options you choose from at the end of the same game path.
That's why the game was "forgotten" so soon. There's simple not enough content or other subjects to talk about. You beat the game once or twice and then put it on the shelf. The end.
>Half true
Name 5 bosses in Sekiro that have both a unique boss arena and are a unique boss not repeated anywhere else.
because pressing r1 for different swing speed + damage output is incredibly different, especially in a game where parrying is the best strategy in almost all situations
the weapons that stand out in souls are few and far between, like the frayed blade or santiers' spear, most of the time they are just padding and the only difference is in the numbers and not in gameplay
>because pressing r1 for different swing speed + damage output is incredibly different
it's all about positioning and moveset, you've clearly never tried actually getting good at the game
Because those aren't fucking weapons.
You do a sabimaru combo once on a single enemy, and half your spirit emblems are gone, the enemy is still alive, because they blocked everything, and you're lucky if they're poisoned by the end of it, even with lazurite upgrade.
It's not really usable as a weapon. Just like the other prosthetic tools. They're designed to hard counter a few VERY specific enemies you come upon throughout the game, but offer no benefits over simply using your katana otherwise.
>unique boss arena
right fighting tutorial genichiro and sword saint in the same field makes their fight exactly the same
behold the sheer logic of the redditnigger
>t.butthurt casual who cant /COPE/ with getting wrecked by superior players
you're objectively wrong hun, MP has been intertwined with the gameplay since the beginning, git gud xox
>wanting the laggy P2P multiplayer of DS3
but why
>in pve
r1 and r2, maybe jump attack if you're feeling bored
>What the fuck went wrong?
It's a rhythm game instead of one with actual thought out combat system.
>meme buzzwords
shouldn't you be playing fortnite now?
These are the kind of faggots that make publishers go "the people want live services"
>unironically uses "zoomer"
>complains about buzzwords
It seems the irony of that is lost on you.
>sabimaru is effective against the snake eyes and the okami
>both enemies are packed in a single stretch of gameplay so babbies dont have to even switch
also people who complain about fucking spirit emblems are shitters
you always stay topped off if you dont spam and regulary kill enemies also
>doesnt even bother to talk about spear and axe
guess i was right that you never bothered with the first and only used the latter in hirata
it makes the boss arena the exact same
none of the other souls games have that issue to such a degree, even fucking DS1
Took the skeleton of a superior series and added some weird ninja button masher on top of it.
Not him but I beat the Ape and dropped it.
>dmc is a rhythm game instead of one with actual thought out combat system.
>bayonetta is a rhythm game instead of one with actual thought out combat system.
>souls is a rhythm game instead of one with actual thought out combat system.
you can say this about anything that isnt turn based or strategy
>you can and have to go on the offensive
Read: Constantly hitting the attack button
i got my shit pushed in too much by the final boss. I suck
>can't refute
as expected. Deep down you know you just dislike getting beat by people better than you. Instead of admitting it just make up excuses for why DaS is a "SP experience" despite having MP intertwined and objectively a major part of the gameplay since the beginning.
you realise you sound like a weak faggot right
you seriously think champion gundyr or ornstein&smough suck because they have the same arena as iudex and aldritch? lol
boring gameplay that can only motivate most people for one playthrough
that doesnt mean spamming. It means you have to learn to work on their posture damage. When you do, you can 1 hit kill them.
Tired of this braindead "forgotten" meme, not every fucking game is a live service with constant updates and shit to talk about. Not everything is the fifteen-hundredth coming of Nethack with endless replayability. Sometimes games just have beginnings, ends, and then you can play through it again if you fucking want, and then you're done with it and you move the hell on with your life. Idiot children I swear
Why do you retards constantly cite single player games as "forgotten" like they're comparable to the staying power of your twitch esports garbage?
A solid single player experience, even if it's only good for one playthrough isn't a bad thing. You faggots have to stop talking about it in the context of soulsborne.
>and time deflects
>and mikiri thrusts
>and goompastomp/high monk sweeps
>and deflect lightning
>and prosthetic combo
rich coming from a soulshitter to complain about r1 spam
Things die in the game too fast if anything
Sabimaru isn't effective against the snake eyes. If anything they seem to be resistant to it. I've landed a full combo at max upgrade on them, and they didn't get poisoned. I dunno why this misconception gets parroted so often and taken for granted, when you people could've easily test it out in the game yourself.
I'm not complaining about the spirit emblems, I'm just stating the facts. You cannot substitute the main weapon with prosthetic tools, because you'd just run out of the emblems. It's not like I'm saying I had to farm the emblems, like some people did. Probably the same kind that had to farm blood vials in BB. In fact, I've had hundreds of them sitting in the stash unused.
Because yeah, you're right. I didn't bother to use the tools too much beyond their designated hard counters. Because there's absolutely no reason to. They're simply less effective than using your katana for deflecting and counters.
I hit 95 hours in 2 weeks with this game as a 30 years old guy, I dont remember how many years have passed since I had so much fun with a video game, but that doesnt mean i have to play it constantly or talk about it all the time you know.
Everytime I did Sabimaru combo, they got poisoned, vomitted and pretty much lost all poisure, giving me a free deathblow
>copy/paste dark souls code
>expect to be the next big thing
maybe if they do it every year like AC or FIFA they might produce something
Do you perhaps confuse the common gunner enemies with the two Snake Eye mini-bosses? Because the latter sure as hell don't care about sabimaru in the slightest.
Nah, Snake Eyes herself, I would not even bother using Sabimaru on the mooks
>sabimaru doesnt work against snake eyes
literally untrue, she's stunned and helpless during the combo and (from my experience) always gets poisoned, you cant expect it to work if you unload on her while she blocks
i dont see the point in substituting the katana, you should view the prosthetics like castlevania sub weapons
not to mention that you havent really tried them
try spin2win a seven spears or a general and watch them just take it without retaliation, try flame vent + living force against ANYTHING, and the spear sweeps is amazing for crowd control, which the katana lacks
seriously for once from decides to make a proper single player without the typical souls blunders and people get mad when they take away jonky pvp and samey weapons
there are a lot of subtleties here, its a shame people dont bother with experimentation
That took almost three combos to poison her to get one free hit. I wouldn't call it super effective.
Look at that fucking posture damage
The ones in the poison pits are immune to being poisoned, the ones in the snow aren't. The game mentions that those who dwell in poison-filled areas become resistant, maybe by the memorial mob in the ape-filled poison pit, I think, but obviously if I can't remember exactly when this was said, I can't expect others to remember it was said at all.
I just picked this back up the other day after bouncing off of it pretty hard at launch, what the fuck am I supposed to do against the Blazing Bull?
It did what it did, and it was good
dude is a shitter, since youre not a casul if you try it yourself and keep the agression she'll keel over in 30 seconds
One word: Soulslike.
snake eyes in poison pit still got destroyed by sabi iirc
Is there any online functionality in this game at all? Basically I'm wondering if I should just pirate it.
Don't put words in my mouth. I tried the tools, just found them ineffective against the enemies, they're not supposed to be hard counters to.
You do make a point with the flame vent though. The fire DoT is good on pretty much everything, because it lets you chip away at their vitality at the same time as you're fighting them normally. I should've used that one more often.
>no other game will have sekiro combat mechanics
She always just stuffed me with her attack immune to hit/blockstun whenever I tried using it, so I stopped. Definitely one of the least fun fights in the game, as an aside.
They didn't announce any DLC is what happened.
Just play MGR. It's more or less the same, really.
I cheated the fight a bit by puppeteering one of the cannon guys
Did huge damage to her
t. Braindead retards who must have everything spoonfed to them.
First souls game i have no interest in playing. Nothing good ever comes from joining up with Bobby Kotick . No multiplayer cuz shitty faggots cried hard enough for "MUH SINGLE PLAYER" immersion. Enjoy the Sekiro MTX lol
yeah you ''tried'' the axe against the shield guys in hirata, sorry, and never bothered with the spear
the lazulite axe is really good, its the only thing that gives you poise, does a lot of damage, and like I said spin2win is godlike against minibosses and standard humanoids in general
there's also the flame spear upgrade which I have yet to try and Im sure has some potential as well
plus factor in that you have real time switching between 3 of them and your moveset is imo much more varied and interesting that any souls build you can come up with
and dont tell me you never used shuriken + chasing slice
>never played the game
congrats faggot
People played the game, talked about it, finished, and then played a different game.
What kind of autistic retard are you that playing through a game once or twice, enjoying it, and then being done and moving on somehow isn't good enough?
i've played hundreds of hours across the souls games after mp was long dead. you are retarded my dude. the replayability in souls comes from the rpg elements and build variety
Poise is useless, because you never want to trade hits with the enemies. It may even be harmful more than it's helpful, because you might end up taking more damage than you otherwise would've, because the enemy blow didn't knock you back.
And the axe does NOT do a lot of damage. The prosthetic tools as well as the combat arts do not do more damage than a simple charged stab with the sword would. From really failed to make them useful compared to the basic deflect-attack game.
Shuriken is good for mobility and ranged stagger on the enemies, that's for sure. But it the least of all can be called a substitute for the main weapon, like you (or whoever) was saying earlier. The game has one weapon, and a number of tools, that are situationaly useful at best. Don't give me that crap that Sabimaru or the spear are alternatives to the katana.
I did Mibu before Ape so I didn't have that, I actually killed her before I even had to go to Mibu, so that was probably part of my problem.
...same thing applies to everything. If youwant to use that logical fallacy, i know you're just a marketer for Activision
>gameplay not good enough to motivate people to play it endlessly
shit game
The hell am I supposed to do with underwater headless? Dodging the terror orbs and getting in range is giving me more shit than owl and true monk.
Huh? But i still remember it and it's still GOTY 2019?
>After MP was long dead
Alright, wanna know how its obvious your lying? Because even Demon's Souls had active PvP until Atlas finally pulled the plug on the servers
Activision shills are the most aggressively retarded in assertions
Yea Forums is full of autistic retards who can't understand that it's totally fine to play a game, have a great time with it, finish it and then move on to something else.
You have to understand that most of the people on Yea Forums are NEETs with really terrible lives who are looking for something they can sink as much time into as possible for $60.
It's cool but they've made the same game now several times so the novelty only lasts briefly
point taken for poise, it is better to deflect
>prosthetics dont do more damage than katana stab
its more about utility, to keep up aggression and break posture faster (ex. firecracker isshin while he charges up his spin attack) high monk breaks a fuckton of posture and does damage as well as dodging perilous sweeps, living force is a straight buff + burn if you're aggressive enough, ichimonji recovers your posture to allow for more aggressive play after a punish, mortal draw staggers and does a bunch of damage, whirlwind is quicker than a stab and can be spammed, etc
i dont get the ''build variety'' complaint when fundamentally any souls build is going to be far less complex than what you can do with sekiro
of course you cant exclusively use prosthetics during normal play, but the prosthetics themselves are just as complex moveset-wise as many standalone souls weapons
the katana is like a bb trick weapon with a bunch more transformations and a more diverse moveset to boot
>the only good games require autism to enjoy
wait for the sword slash or the grab perilous, dodge, poke, repeat
stay passive while he throws the terror orbs
H-How dare a consumer want the most out of his product? Fucking boomers! Give bobby your fucking NEETBUX and STFU
How dare you insist that I'm supposed to beat a videogame and then play a different one. I'll have you know my consumer rights say that I'm supposed to be allowed to play gimmick builds and do PVP in these games until I hit the 500 hour mark. MIYAZAKI GIVE ME THE REST OF MY GAME WHERE IS MY RPG STATS!!!
And shit gameplay.
>caring about writing
t. woman
The modern times where everyone has a goldfish memory
Most people beat it already. It’s a game with limited content and until they pump out more people put it down. The only thing keeping DS3 alive is the build variety and multiplayer elements. The same thing happened with hollow knight and other great single player games. Just because a game has an end doesn’t make it bad.
This. Not every game has to have hundreds of hours of content.
Oh no... the game only has 50 hours worth of playtime... Yep, that's a full refund for me.
If only they had added stats and stat requirements to tools so i could autistically reroll over and over again and get my 200 hours worth out of it... Sad!
Nice projection you got there, but nowhere in my post I said it was a bad game or anything of the sort. I just explained why it's "forgotten". There's just nothing to talk about anymore.
more like 30
>No multiplayer
>No equippable gear
>No different builds
Gee I wonder. I have a total of 16 different save slots across different consoles for DS3, only one for Sekiro
I just got the Mortal Blade. How far am I in the game? I'm not enjoying it anymore. Genichiro took me like 4 tries to kill him, shit is getting tedious. This is my first souls-like game by the way, how does it compare with the DS series?
I played 74 hours of it. Fiight me.
>I just got the Mortal Blade. How far am I in the game?
It depends. After the castle there are three paths. The Mortal Blade is one of them. Although you can do 2.5 of those 3 paths before actually doing the castle.
>4 tries
Are you an actual "entitled gamer" or something?
>how does it compare with the DS series?
It doesn't.
Sekiro is one of those games where once you find its "secret", it's gone, done. There's only one way to play, to fight the bosses and that's it.
I loved Sekiro, but I don't think I'll ever play it again.
Unless they had a boss rush mode. But for some reason games no longer do that.
they're not comparable unless you're retarded (Yea Forums)
anyways, maybe you just don't like good games.
It really makes all the bitching about Owl and Isshin so ridiculous. Once you see the pattern, they go down easy.
Wait for the DLC.
They're all rehashes of Demon's Souls, not like bad or anything but if you've played one you've played them all. Sekiro is the most different in that it no longer pretends to be an RPG and has better action mechanics.
Well, that was kind of the point. They made a game, where they didn't have to design everything to be beatable with multiple different playstyles. They wanted the fights to play out the intended way.
Eh i think i'll dust it off and replay it every couple of years. It's good enough.
I have a similar amount of playtime in it and i haven't touched it in 2 months.
Still one of my most enjoyable first playthroughs of any game i've had and that's what's most important to me, so i can't relate to the complaints of souls-stat-drones who want to play through the same content over and over again with altered animations that didn't change how you played the game anyways.
I am waiting. I doubt it will add replayability though. It will add some new content, true. Provided it happens, of course. But I'd be surprised more if it didn't. DLCs are the usual FromSoft business practice, so it'd be strange if they suddenly stopped using it. And then there are tons of Tomoe lore drops throughout the game, like with Artorias in DS1, but neither were present in the game until the DLC.
Yes and it's great the first, maybe the second time but that's also one of the game's weaknesses
I bet everyone got super good against Genichiro by the end of the game, which is fucking stupid
You just did the same shit over and over for a different cutscene, that's just you being autistic. With dark souls you can change up the gameplay entirely
Dude I'm not used to hardcore games so give me a break.
Maybe these type of games just isn't for me.
I guess having no builds and stuff makes it different from other souls games?
Well, you could say the same thing about Souls really. All there is to the combat is dodging and attacking when there's an opening. Sekiro improves on it by introducing multiple responses to multiple threats. I.e. deflecting regular attacks, dodging grabs, jumping over sweeps and mikiri countering the stabs. Souls combat could learn from that.
The issue is - Sekiro has little to offer outside of this basic combat flow. Whereas Dark Souls has character customization, weird and unique fantasy world and lore, co-op and PvP multiplayer, etc.
Sekiro to Souls is what Shadow of Mordor would be to BamHam if it had a better combat system. It's a game about swordplay, but it's rather barren in the other departments.
>weird and unique fantasy world and lore
Sekiro offers this too.
Can I stealth my way in this game and skip enemies and mini bosses?
Linear with little replayability. Good game, but there wasn't much to talk about and little reason to go back to it.
It's just a generic sengoku era Japan setting though. And centipedes. But I have centipedes living in my garden. Although those don't offer immortality. Some of the already existing Japanese yokai and other folklore creatures are more exotic and strange than anything found in Sekiro.
We have this thread every day. Obviously, the game isn't forgotten.
Yes, for the most part. But you don't want to skip mini-bosses, because they drop items you use to increase your health and posture gauges.
Actually you don't want to skip the regular encounters too often either, because you get exp for them, which you use to unlock skills, as well as money.
about 75% of the time, ya
lacking in variety of weapons is its main problem other than that it's a good game and much more beginner friendly than any souls game
better than nioh tbqh
But it's not, retard.
Cool, I just got my ass whooped by these riceniggers in hirata something estate when I was facing drunken guy.
Ok, retard.
>dark souls isn't generic fantasy
>but sekiro somehow is even though that kind of twist on the sengoku era has never been done before and is basically the equivalent of japanese setting dark souls
im a dark souls fan but this was boring as hell
which is harder, sekino or bloodborne?
You have to kill that guy to progress. Stealth kill the others before facing him. You can run away if you need to.
I hope you have the key from Owl.
Yeah, I got it from the dying guy on burning houses. Fuck m8s, this game is making me feel like a game journalist holy shit.
Fighting with 2 or more people in your face at once is nearly impossible. Just pick your fights. and run when you need to. It's not too hard to sprint up to the archers and take out 1 or 2 before the gank squad catches up.
Really something as simple as stats to distribute on level up would be enough. Not so many as souls games but enough to meter the gameplay systems in play. Enough that maybe you could eke some specialization out of focusing in aerial combat, deflections, stealth, dodging, etc.
>OP claims game is forgotten
>guaranteed 100+ replies for each new thread
FROM's big dick is still buried down Yea Forums's throats, as it should be
you mean mikiri counter?
As someone that's bad at games I did not enjoy playing through this. With other souls games, I always felt like going into a fight it could've gone either way, and they usually concluded fast enough that winning felt like a fluke and I would've been terrified to go through it again. Nothing could be further from the case when it comes to Sekiro. This game made fighting the bosses absolutely fucking miserable. There isn't a single boss that you could as me about right now where I can't close my eyes and picture the rhythm of their attacks perfectly. By the time I finished any boss fight (except maybe some like the ape or mini bosses), I was so well-versed with the boss that it felt like a complete chore, like beating a mainstream game on hard, not because it's actually difficult, but because enemies have health up the whazoo. I understand that there are people out there that take games seriously, and they probably learned the attack ranges and shit for every boss in this "series". But I don't do that. I just like to Asmongold it and go in, yolo, and do it until I win. That is what feels exciting and satisfying to me. I've beaten DaS 1 like maybe 8 times, but I probably know every Sekiro boss way better despite only finishing it once because they were such a fucking chore to beat. There is literally NO WAY you can finish this game unless you're ready to sit down and "learn" the bosses. And that's just not the game I want. If I wanted long-drawn out boss battles that rely on repetition and rhythm mini games, I'd go play WoW.
tl;dr: i'm a real shitter that doesn't want to "learn" games and this game was not for me, and i won't be buying the next one
I really liked how the game looked, some texturing issues aside. The darker parts of the game actually felt like you were exploring a fairy tale or a storybook.
I bet you'd fucking love Alan Wake.
If it's pretty, I'll play it. Everything from the Hidden Forest to Mibu Village was my favorite part of Sekiro for that thick atmosphere of dread and unease.
>Can I stealth my way in this game and skip enemies and mini bosses?
No. And don't listen to the people that tell you so, they are absolutely full of shit. At most, you can sneak on a boss and do a starter stealth attack, but you still have to kill them after that, and you can't progress because the next area is fogged out. Anyone that tells you you can is either a supershill or a braindead retard that's never played it. The stealth is so atrocious that you will probably not do it for very long. There's a single animation as far as I can recall, and also all the enemies die in this ridiculously painful way, but somehow none of the guys nearby notice this even when it's going on 5 meters away. If you're a fan of Thief and thought MGS was bad, this is a whole new level of bad.
I don't know what you consider pretty, but considering it was last gen, I'd say Alan Wake looks pretty fucking good. And most of the environments are gloomy forests and so on. Pirate it. Just know that the gameplay is shit.
It's past your bed time.
Bosses in Sekiro don't really have that much health, unless you're playing with the bell demon on. Except maybe the Demon of Hate, that one was a real damage sponge, I'll give you that.
The thing is, "learning" the bosses shouldn't take you hours. I beat most of the game's bosses on the first try, with only a select few taking me 5 or more attempts.
But then again, I don't see how Souls gameplay is much different from Sekiro's. You just can't grind to overlevel the bosses, like you can in Souls, due to its RPG elements. But you still have to learn the enemy attack patterns in both.
And if grinding is not tedious or a chore than I don't know what is. Attempting a boss multiple times when you know you can win with just the tools you have right now if you just git gud is the opposite of what I'd consider a chore.
I want to buy it when it goes on sale. I lost the save data of the copy I had obtained and don't really have the time to get back into it again right now. I certainly want to play it again. I was at Isshin but he was pushin my shit in. I had nearly found a method of getting to third form down before I lost it all too. Now I run it with a trainer to attempt the dudes with the spears that I feel like I cheesed originally.
Fuck anyone who says a kill is a kill the seven spears dudes and the twin snake eyes were bullshit and I want a no trick weapon defeat on both.
better to watch on youtube
I will, thanks for the rec friend. Gloomy forests are great, I live in the pacific northwest and damp forest land is pretty much everything around here (I like it)
Do we actually know what the demon bell debuff does at this point or are people still bullshitting about that
Ironic, considering soulshitters immediately go into storyshilling as soon as you criticize anything about their games. I once told a guy Bloodborne was a little too linear, and he started screaming at me that I don't get the story. I do think the other souls games have alright stories and settings, but Sekiro... I sleep.
All this is spot on.
Inflates enemy HP, damage and drop rates.
lol fucking SEETHING soulshitter
Its not a souls game.
What's so bad about seven spears? He's like the big bat wielding ogres with more flare in his attacks, same general speed and rhythm to attacks.
>he slowly whittles down hp instead of aiming to break posture
>he backs away after a brave r1r1r1 combo instead of maintaining the aggressive
>is too scared to strike first, has no confidence in the blade
>hopes to find nogami gensai before every boss because he's too scared to fight alone
yup, checks out. Sad!
I don't agree. Or at least, I will say my experience differed considerably. Apart from the Horselord, I spent a significant amount of time trying to get each boss right. Genichiro was an absolute fucking nightmare. I still remember pausing midway each time to wipe my hands because they were getting so sweaty. I did not enjoy the experience AT ALL.
>The thing is, "learning" the bosses shouldn't take you hours
I am not sure if any of them took hours except maybe a couple, but even if it was a few tries, the style of the combat itself just did not click with me at all.
>But you still have to learn the enemy attack patterns in both.
That's frankly just not true, and me finishing all of these games while being super bad is a testament to that, as are all the Twitch streamers that painfully made their way through Souls. In DaS/BB, I felt I had a lot more space to maneuver and choose my approach, and different ways to respond to attacks. I did not feel that here at all, every single space where you fought a boss no matter how open feels claustrophobic as fuck. And mind you, I didn't grind to overlevel the bosses in any of the games, and I guess did pick up SOME cues about their attacks, but certainly nothing like what I experienced with Sekiro where I get PTSD just from thinking about them.
>And if grinding is not tedious or a chore than I don't know what is. Attempting a boss multiple times when you know you can win with just the tools you have right now if you just git gud is the opposite of what I'd consider a chore.
Well, I don't grind so this entire part is just lost on me. But you are wrong about the games overall. You just can't tell because your approach to playing them is completely different. I have beaten bosses in DaS and BB on my first try despite not knowing anything about them just by adapting. I could have never, EVER, done this in Sekiro.
>I have beaten bosses in DaS and BB on my first try despite not knowing anything about them just by adapting. I could have never, EVER, done this in Sekiro.
Well, I can tell you there's really no conceptual difference between the two. Sekiro is just faster. So I guess it's harder to adapt to for you because you generally learn at a slower pace.
Those youtube/twitch players had to learn the game to beat it too, like everybody else, both good and bad players included. They just crawl through it at snails pace, but the process of learning is pretty much the same for everybody.
>Moderately challenging singleplayer game with fuckall content is forgotten in 3 months
Wow really
>I beat bosses in DaS and BB on the first try and could NEVER done this in Sekiro
no shit, Sekiro in terms of combat is miles ahead compared to most souls bosses, especially DaS1 and 2 shitters that have only 3-5 attacks total
plus the combat system in sekiro is vastly different and there is little carryover from souls, whereas in souls the difficulty almost increases as the series progresses, while the skillset required is basically the same
look I beat Gael, Kos and Maria on my first try blind and struggled like a little bitch on most bosses in sekiro most likely because each souls games is ample training for the next, while sekiro is its own thing
im sure that if they ever did a sekiro 2, people would start destroying bosses in 1-2 tries
>Well, I can tell you there's really no conceptual difference between the two.
How is there no conceptual difference? In the other games, you literally just have to make sure you don't die and that you hit the enemy enough so that he dies. In Sekiro, the whole point is constantly PARRYING and trying to build off of that, and if you're bad at parrying then going at it slowly. Like I'm genuinely confused how you think having an obligatory rhythm game in the middle of a battle makes it a similar experience? I have never experienced anything like that in DaS or BB.
>Those youtube/twitch players had to learn the game to beat it too
That is just not true. And I know this, because I watched them, and I am also bad and know what it's like to play. I didn't "learn" the other soul games beyond what I got at an instinctual level. Dodge at their attacks, try to get in, etc. It's something anyone understands.
>no shit, Sekiro in terms of combat is miles
No, it's not.
>have only 3-5 attacks total
This changes nothing for me in terms of what I argued for with the other user.
>most likely because each souls games is ample training for the next
Yes and no. They are, but also the combat in those games makes sense and is not so arbitrary as Sekiro.
>im sure that if they ever did a sekiro 2, people would start destroying bosses in 1-2 tries
I wouldn't know, because I unironically will not be buying it. I play games for fun, and beating this game was neither fun, nor rewarding, and I regret the time I spent on it. Like I said, it felt as boring to me as trying to beat a normal game on the hardest difficulty, like playing Witcher 3 on Deathmarch, say, even though there is literally no reason for it. I felt the same way with Sekiro. There was no joy in the boss battles or even the mechanics in normal combat, and all I wanted was to finish it to justify the purchase to myself.
Nothing. It has better story, combat, voice acting(jap), music, and setting than any souls game. Soulsdrones are just retards who can't hop off of their bandwagon.
>no its not
clearly it is, considering how much you're kvething over it
>that changes nothing
yes it does, by definition if you can suss out a boss within the first 2 mins (like most souls bosses) then of course it will be easier. meanwhile sekiro bosses have a fuckton of attacks, most of them have multiple phases which add even more attacks/mechanics which is where a lot of the difficulty comes from
>sekiro combat doesnt make sense
??? the game never deviates from its core principles, you can deflect anything aside from perilous, which in turn you either mikiri or jump over. you're being childish and having a tantrum
bosses are hard, but never unfair, your inability to learn them on the first two tries is just a testament that they are challenging, as intended
doesn't have DEEP LORE for Vaati to make videos out of so secondaries don't keep discussion alive.
The soundtrack sucks
>It has better story, combat, voice acting(jap), music, and setting than any souls game
Miya isn't good at traditional storytelling
he's good at making worlds intriguing and mysterious
there's a lack in subtlety in Sekiro's narrative and the lore is shallow
outsourced garbage
not using theater VAs was a mistake
just boring ambience
nothing stood out
it's the most homogenous OST I've ever heard but that's what happens when you put a hack like Yuka at the helm
not as original as DeS' or BB's
I'm on my 3rd play through and still having fun. The combat alone makes it worthwhile i think. I noticed most people that think its boring play it like souls, running around constantly looking for a hit and repeating. Which would be an awful way to experience this game.
>clearly it is, considering how much you're kvething over it
Your point is retarded. I never questioned something being difficult, I questioned it being fun. This is not fun. I've probably gone through double more tries trying to beat Gascoigne than any boss in Sekiro, but guess what, it was FUN. It did not feel like a CHORE. And if I had to do it right now it would be just as difficult. If you gave me Butterfly Lady right now I could do her with my eyes closed. That's not difficult. That is just fucking pedantic memorization. If that's what you want out of a game, then I feel sorry for you. Your entire definition of hard seems to be that there is more to memorize. Why don't you just play an actual fucking rhythm game if that's what you want? I'm genuinely puzzled why ANYONE would want this. Bosses have movesets in normal games because we are limited by programming and they aren't able to adapt in real time and generate new animations. But that would be ideal. You want the OPPOSITE of that.
>by definition if you can suss out a boss within the first 2 mins (like most souls bosses)
Stop talking like you represent a significant chunk of players, let alone the majority. This does not happen for most people.
>meanwhile sekiro bosses have a fuckton of attacks, most of them have multiple phases which add even more attacks/mechanics which is where a lot of the difficulty comes from
It's literally not, though? You can add just as many to any Souls game, lol. So are you saying that if they released Bloodborne 2, and some bosses had even more attacks and phases than Sekiro's, you'd suddenly think it's a harder game?? Like what the fuck are you even saying at this point?
>but also the combat in those games makes sense and is not so arbitrary as Sekiro.
>Literally no way to tell which attack can or cannot be parried
>Enemies have tracking out of their asses
>Hurtboxes that go through walls
>Your weapons bounce off walls but the enemies' don't
>Ninjaflipping in Havel's despite being too encumbered to move properly
>All of this supposedly makes sense or more sense than Sekiro's combat
Soulsfags are getting more and more delusional and alienated with each passing day.
>??? the game never deviates from its core principles, you can deflect anything aside from perilous, which in turn you either mikiri or jump over. you're being childish and having a tantrum
Just how are you not understanding this? I never said it doesn't make sense in the game's own mechanics. I am saying it doesn't make sense outside of that. The mechanics they've chosen are fucking arbitrary. And sure, you could argue that with any game, but there's clearly a level at which most people are able to take things as they come and have a general understanding of it. Most people know "avoid attack" and "shoot bad guy".
>bosses are hard
Tedium is not difficulty.
> but never unfair
I never said they were. They are boring.
>your inability to learn them on the first two tries is just a testament that they are challenging, as intended
You have real reading comprehension. My point was not that I didn't learn them on my first two tries, my problem is that I DON'T WANT to learn them at all. Getting down every single fucking move that a boss can make is seriously unnatural and immersion-breaking. I do not want that. I do not want to go through the motions like I'm playing a song on the piano from notes. How the fuck are you not understanding this simple point? This is not about the difficulty of the game. It's about the KIND of difficulty they chose. I DON'T WANT TO PLAY GUITAR HERO IN AN ACTION GAME.
>completely forgotten about in three months
What the fuck went wrong?
We are not talking about specific cases, we are talking about the overall idea behind the combat. There is nothing that different about Dark Souls compared to other action games.
Apparently Miyazaki didn't think he could refine the Dark Souls formula anymore, so he chose to deconstruct it instead. Sekiro is all about the removal of variety. Do you enjoy pure magic/ranged builds? They're gone. Do you prefer to be more agile or more tanky? You get to be agile, period. Do you like acquiring/customizing/upgrading weapons and armor? Too bad, they're gone. Do you like duels with other players or co-op with your friends? All multiplayer features are gone.
So what do you get to do now? You get to parry (deflect) all the things! Yay! Wait, I could play like that in Souls games too. Well, now it's the ONLY way to play! Yaaaaay! You also get a jump button so you can jump over sweeping attacks. Except when none of those things work.
>le quirky and silly hack n slash xD
This retarded series NEEDS to die
Finalyl getting to play Sekiro made me understand why people where crying for an easy mode, not really because I had trouble, but because I could see how someone with worse reaction times, or just poor acumen for action games, would struggle massively. Even some of the mini-bosses would most likely be impossible for some. Genichiro is an incredibly honest fight, even in his third phase, there's just a lot to learn, and everything should be timed/predicted properly.
I honestly had a blast, I loved that fight, but I can understand what you went through, because I have sleep problems and I tend to play games I really shouldn't while sleep deprived, and I must have spend over an hour on Genichiro the first time simply fucking up constantly due to slowed reaction times and a difficulty with reading him. I finally went to sleep, woke up, and did him in a few minutes. Same thing happened with Owl, so I've seen the game from both sides. One thing that was easier for me to pick up on with a rested, clear head was that the game wants you to be close, and you should want to be close, too. You have to accept this loss of the false "safe space", and take/make the true safe space present right in front of your enemy. The game makes almost every effort to be consistent across enemies, including bosses, in what can be parried, blocked, and countered, and this is the true gameplay of the game. Not landing hits, or using tools, but overcoming offense with defense. It's why when you see people complain about only having "one weapon" it just outs them as casuals who didn't even understand what they were playing.
I got it during the steam sale and was worried cause I was pretty shit at souls but sekiro seems decently fair
took maybe 5 real tries for ape then did the double ape in 1 try along with all the mibu stuff (o'rin, fake monk)
honestly have more trouble with the interior ministry mooks and I still haven't beaten one without just stealth killing
also the camera is garbage especially when you get knocked back a lot even while deflecting
You see, there are two bosses in the game, with different skins on them. The first one is the boss whose posture you can break. You beat this boss by standing absolutely still wherever you want, it doesn't matter where, and you play the s****y rhythm game where you press L1, A or B until he gets sick of it and falls over and lets you stab him in the face. The second boss is the one that breaks your posture if he sneezes in your general direction, regardless of what you are doing. You beat this boss by running around and waiting for him to finish his 20 second long mad flails of 1-shot attacks until you get an opening to go in and hit him once for 0.2% of his HP. Rinse and repeat. Honorable mention goes to a third category of boss, the one where the person who designed it was forgotten in a cubicle somewhere for the last 3 years and still thinks he is making a Souls game, so he sets the fight in a 2x2 room with a 6 foot tall ceiling where the objective is to get the camera unstuck from the corner where it's stuck after you gently touched the thumbstick, which made Sekiro dart across the room and slam into a wall, because he moves at 10 times the speed in this game.
Also note: If one of those two bosses seems too hard for you, that's probably because you missed a prosthetic arm tool, sold by a midget dressed in grey rags, crouched behind a grey rock on the side of a grey mountain, who spawns only after you talk to a totally different guy in another place and timeline altogether about something completely irrelevant. This prosthetic arm tool is specifically designed to trivialize that one boss fight and is useless for anything else. Lovely.
isshin was an incredible fight
>i am forgotten
meme is fucking retarded
>We are not talking about specific cases
Actually, we need to, because those many specific cases are exactly what makes those games stupid.
>we are talking about the overall idea behind the combat
What's the overall idea behind the combat then and how does that supposedly make more sense than Sekiro.
every template op is retarded
Because any moron can understand basic dodging and hitting in real time. There is nothing strange about that. I don't think PARRY UNTIL THE BAR FILLS UP AND STAB HIM is similar.
its a single player game, i fucking loved it, dumped 100ish hours into it without playing anything else, but after awhile there isn't anything left to do. i finally got drained on my 8th playthrough or so trying to do NG+ charmless/demon bell, kept getting my shit pushed in by lmao2ape since their buffed health meant i couldnt just rip through the 2nd ape faggot
nothing went wrong though, one of my favorite games of the last few years and i cant wait for DLC.
This just sounds like you are just mad its not a souls game. It was not advertised as a souls game either. Lmao at people thinking it was going to be jap souls.
Nah. Not all of them
>DaS, Bloodborne
>DaS 2, DaS 3, Nioh, Sekiro
if you enjoy repeating the same crap over and over at least 5000-10000 times for each boss then this game is for you, if you are a decent (90 IQ or more) person you'll uninstall it after maximum 2 hours of gameplay, It is simply impossible to beat the bosses. Initially I thought it would be a witcher3 competitor but it feels like it was made by CD projekt red's toilet cleaning team.
This. Its a great game, that left a lasting impression on me, like every good single player game should. Only time will tell, but it seems like a good game to revisit every now and then.
>There is nothing strange about that.
Rolling for days while taking potshots once in a while isn't strange but keeping up both aggression and defense like an actual fight is?
Nah, you're an alienated imbecile like the rest of your fanbase.
I'll never understand idiots that think "replayability = more content". Shit like NG+ and alternate modes don't add replayability, they just ad filler time onto the 100% completion and seeing everything portion. A good game is just replayable on its own. I've replayed EarthBound and Mother 3 like once almost every year, and I've replayed Symphony of the Night thousands of times without even touching the stuff like Richter mode.
A good game is just plain replayable.
how often did knights in full armor roll around anyway
>Rolling for days while taking potshots once in a while isn't strange
Every game that I can think of has a way to avoid attacks, so no, it's not strange.
>but keeping up both aggression and defense like an actual fight is
Nice dodging of the actual matter at hand with a description that says nothing about the game, you lying dishonest nigger. Die.
>Nah, you're an alienated imbecile like the rest of your fanbase.
This isn't even my fanbase, are you retarded? Yes, I've played these games. And? I do not participate in generals, they are not my favorite games, and so on. Stop projecting.
>muh fun
are you hbombersoy? stop being butthurt dude and relax
fun is subjective, dont need to write 100 paragraphs having an autism meltdown over it
>Stop talking like you represent a significant chunk of players, let alone the majority. This does not happen for most people.
go back to the asylum demon reskins in DaS. or capra. or taurus, or butterfly, sif, pinwheel, nito, centipede, gargoyles, gwyndolin, list goes on and on. they spam the same 3-6 moves they have making it easy to quickly figure out how to outmanouver them
>It's literally not, though? You can add just as many to any Souls game, lol. So are you saying that if they released Bloodborne 2, and some bosses had even more attacks and phases than Sekiro's, you'd suddenly think it's a harder game?? Like what the fuck are you even saying at this point?
lol why are you adding question marks to statements you tumblrina fuck
if a boss has 10 attacks compared to 1, and 2 phases with 2 completely different movesets instead of 1 phase with the same moves then it would most likely be harder. of course a boss having more moves does not mean that it is necessarily harder than a boss with less moves, but making a boss's arsenal more complex is almost always a surefire way to make it more difficult to beat as a whole
case in point, if you can suss out stray demon's butt slam, swing, aoe, rush attack moveset killing him is piss easy. meanwhile genichiro has like 18 different attacks and mixups which makes him harder to predict and requires more focus from the player
>Just how are you not understanding this?
just take the L on this famalam
>tedium is not difficulty
stop coping dude, if its fair and its hard, its a reasonable challenge. just admit you had trouble familiarising yourself with the combat you fucking sperg
>they were boring
subjective and retarded
>muh rhytm game
souls is a rhythm game as well, where instead of l1 you press circle to dodge. literal moot point
You being shit at the game is not the game's problem though, it's just not for you. Are we supposed to feel something over the fact that you're not buying the next one? Most of us got a really satisfying experience and it even sold amazingly. The only one missing out by not playing the game properly and not putting in any effort to learn the patters is you.
Sekiro isn't some sort of reaction exam by the way, my mother could beat it if she focused on it, you're just a casual.
I'm really bad at these games but doing surprisingly well in sekiro so far
All this word vomit
Not sure how this game pissed you off so bad you felt the need to type all this shit out. The game didnt click with you, move on.
lol so you cant understand this
>either deplete the enemy's hp bar as usual or, if you're good enough, break the posture bar prematurely to speed up the fight
its a basic ass risk/reward system that gives the incentive for more aggressive play and sword clashing rather than typical souls ''wait for big guy attack, dodge roll, heal or r1, repeat'' formula
>Every game that I can think of has a way to avoid attacks
So does Sekiro, that tells nothing about Souls supposedly makes more sense.
>Nice dodging of the actual matter at hand
I leave the dodging to you soulsfaggots, after rolling around so much you're pretty good at that, which is why you still haven't explained what does Souls do that makes more sense than Sekiro when Sekiro has actual swordfights, not rollfests into R1.
But I assume you're barely able to keep up with midbosses so you pretend all you have to do is spam your guard hoping you fish a parry once in a while to fill the boss posture meter instead of actually being proactive, using prosthetics etc.
>Yes, I've played these games. And?
And you're a butthurt retard with massive double standards.
meme game. glad i didnt play that shit. tho will someday. also nioh seems better.
It desperately needs DLC. If it's not announced at tgs it's probably not happening, and so the game will forever feel unfinished compared to the other souls games.
desu if it had DLC after the blazing bull it would be amazing
so you could choose between valley/mibu/kongo/dlc/genichiro
>the game will forever feel unfinished compared to the other souls games.
Extra content is nice and all but the game is a complete experience, it dosnt feel unfinished.
because it doesn't have anime titties, thats literally the only reason you don't see it very often around here
>are you hbombersoy? stop being butthurt dude and relax
I can't when I'm dealing with retards that actually completely miss the point of what's said, don't even care, completely ignore it, and then go on arguing about their strawman position they've created, like,
>if a boss has 10 attacks compared to 1... arsenal more complex is almost always a surefire way to make it more difficult to beat as a whole
This is irrelevant to what we were discussing. I'm not sure why you're focused on it, since apparently you're super defensive of this game and it's your only way to defend it. My point was very simple: you could add attacks to a souls boss and change it up, and it would still be the same game. Sekiro is not tedious because the bosses have more attacks than bosses in other games - that's just incidental. It's tedious because the gameplay revolves around fucking parrying the same attacks in a rhythm to which you can not respond in any way BUT parrying.
I know you're retarded, but this is a pretty simple concept to grasp. If an enemy is attacking me in a souls game, I know I have to avoid the attack, no matter what it is. That's all I need to know. This is not the case in Sekiro. I don't just have to "avoid" an attack. No, I need to perfectly learn the moves of that boss until I know it like the back of my hand in order to respond accordingly. In what world would this be fun? I even gave you the perfect example with the adaptable A.I., which of course you failed to respond to because you're a disingenuous nigger scumlord.
>iits a reasonable challenge.
You can say that about literally any rhythm game.
>souls is a rhythm game as well
It's literally not though. I can dodge in any direction I want and attack from any that I want. You clearly have no idea what a rhythm game fucking is.
Because no waifus.
>played the game 7 times
>only used mist raven and whistle like twice
They really dropped the ball with the prosthetic tools. I got the impression they would make up for the lack of weapon variety. But only firecrackers, shuriken and the axe are consistently good. How can you have different playstyles when most suck ass?
not him but stop being so mad, you just suck ass at the game
>nothing to talk about anymore
these arent the same thing retard
Easy shitstorm
>singleplayer game without waifu bait isn't frequently talked about 3 months later
oh wow, no shit
can't you hold block for everything other than perilous attacks and run away to recover posture if you just want to get a feel for enemy movesets
seems like only a few enemies have extra strong attacks with chip damage
I haven't finished the game yet but that's how I've been going through it
>It's tedious because the gameplay revolves around fucking parrying the same attacks in a rhythm to which you can not respond in any way BUT parrying.
Except you can
>Use your Umbrellas
>Trade with your axe
>Use the Mist Raven prosthetic
>Enemy step
You're an idiot.
Meanwhile in Souls...all you do is roll, trade if you can and maybe parry those few attacks that are parriable.
>Most of us got a really satisfying experience and it even sold amazingly
It won't the next time. Which was my point.
>Sekiro isn't some sort of reaction exam by the way, my mother could beat it if she focused on it, you're just a casual.
Yes, that's... quite literally what you would expect when you say a game is tedious and not hard, retard.
>sword clashing
Lmao, listen to this level of delusion. Really, sword clashing? You have direct control over your sword and the way you're parrying? You're "sword clashing" as you would when you're doing a HEMA fight? No, you're fucking pushing buttons in an order like you would in a dancing game, get the fuck out of here with your euphemisms. You people are such liars it's incredible.
>has actual swordfights
Just read what I said above, it summarizes my point. There are no actual swordfights. This is like saying the Sims has good writing because you're self-inserting your fanfic into a shitty sim game.
>And you're a butthurt retard with massive double standards.
Says the guy that's so defensive about his game he is trying to make it sound like something it isn't. The swordfights. Just lmao @ you, m8.
>It's tedious because the gameplay revolves around fucking parrying the same attacks in a rhythm to which you can not respond in any way BUT parrying.
>This is not the case in Sekiro. I don't just have to "avoid" an attack. No, I need to perfectly learn the moves of that boss until I know it like the back of my hand in order to respond accordingly. In what world would this be fun?
That's literally fucking false. You can block or dodge pretty much everything in the game and not parry if you don't want to "play" that game. Then use the openings that the enemy creates to kill their HP, or use the prosthetics to create more opportunities.
People are not strawmanning you, you are just delusional.
Never hold block. Mash that shit.
lol okay hbomberguy
>if an enemy attacks I know I need to dodge
unless its a grab, then even if you dodge into it you get got. so you have to pick between dodging away or dodging into enemies
you also have no way of knowing whether an attack will be parriable or not
meanwhile, sekiro makes it clear from the get go that you can parry anything, you stomp wide slashes and mikiri thrusts. you dont have to perfectly learn anything you whiny retard. you see a slash with the big fuckoff kanji, and you jump. you see a thrust, you press circle, anything else, you time l1 properly. if you can figure out you have to roll away from grabs in souls surely you can figure out this
>he thinks you cant dodge in any direction in sekiro
>he thinks you cant attack from any direction in sekiro
lol, guess you really are retarded. have you even played the game you niggertranny
Shortest game AND zero replay value.
>Except you can
Yes, you can also beat the game without breaking their posture, that doesn't mean it's a viable way of playing. What is your point? None of those prosthetics matter in the bigger picture.
>Meanwhile in Souls...all you do is roll, trade if you can and maybe parry those few attacks that are parriable.
Yeah, and all you in Dwarf Fortress is put down buildings and watch NPCs do things. WOAAAH, see, I can generalize too, faggot. Fuck you.
jesus christ this guy got fisted so hard sword saint isshin's coming out of his colon
>it summarizes my point
It doesn't, you're just desperately shitposting.
anyone else beat ape phase 1 entirely with vitality damage
We've addressed this already. Goddamn, man, why are the same threads posted over and over every day?
No builds, no multiplayer, linear, once you've beaten it that's it. Story is cut and dry, no room to interpret. There's nothing to talk about.
This whole thread is just one autist who is so mad he cant wrap is head around the combat. Why is he so mad? What did sekiro do to him mentally where he has to write paragraphs of word vomit to explain why hes mad?
>It won't the next time. Which was my point.
Your point sucks. No one cares about the decision of a shitty casual that never put in any effort to play the game. In fact we're better off since you won't be shitting threads when Elden comes out.
glock saint happened
I didn't like mist raven much, but whistle is so damn good and absolutely feels worth the emblem cost
>making animal enemies go apeshit and kill each other
>luring single enemies to the corner for stealth deathblow
Godsend when you go ng++++ hardmode and everything hits hard as shit
100 hours isn't enough to keep discussion alive this long after release. People can easily put 10x that into a dark souls game
>Yes, you can also beat the game without breaking their posture, that doesn't mean it's a viable way of playing.
You're a massive retard.
>None of those prosthetics matter in the bigger picture.
Except they do, the Umbrella alone trivializes the entire fucking game, but you're just terrible at videogame so you pretend they don't.
>and all you in Dwarf Fortress is put down buildings and watch NPCs do things
You've never even seen Dwarf Fortress you faggot, shut the fuck up before you embarass yourself even further.
>You can block or dodge pretty much everything in the game and not parry if you don't want to "play" that game
And how long would it take you to finish a boss battle that way, huh? Twice as long? Three times as long? Basically might as well not do it at all.
>have you even played the game you niggertranny
Yeah, which is why I know that 99% of the time you can just sit still and parry without giving a fuck about positioning or direction.
Amazing argument, buddy, I guess defending your shit rhythm game is too hard.
It literally does. A game that's about swordfighting would primarily be about you controlling your sword and fighting the opponent. This isn't about sword-fighting, it's just about parrying at the right time and repeating the same tired animations. For Honor has ten times more "sword-fighting" than this game, where the direction of the attack actually matters, but I'm pretty sure you don't consider that better, huh?
>Enemies take too long to kill even if you perfect parry every attack and poke, tedious
Did you ever apply the memories at all?
>that doesn't mean it's a viable way of playing.
Why not? Because you say so?
Normies don't like difficulty or singleplayer games.
aged mist raven is excellent to dodge big swings and can also burn enemies
okinaga can punish and nuke shit or be applied as a buff with living force, literally no excuse not to use it on bosses
shield is fucking busted, try it sometimes
spear is good against mobs for crowd control, and can be used to tear out headless ape's worm and shigechi's armor
sabi is good against sneks and okami
>I'll never understand idiots that think "replayability = more content".
Which is strange, because you seem to be one f them.
Sekiro has little to no replayability not because it has little content (even though it does), but because it doesn't offer alternative approaches to the existing content.
no discussion is not equal to "completely forgotten"
No planned DLC for one thing.
No replayability so there's no discussion whatsoever since everyone discussed it in the first month.
Nothing to look forward to and for all we know it'll be another Bloodborne without a sequel.
>>You've never even seen Dwarf Fortress you faggot, shut the fuck up before you embarass yourself even further.
>I've never seen the game one of the games I've played most of
Yes, user, tell me more. I bet next when you get angry that you can't come up with any arguments you'll want me to timestamp my Sekiro purchase. Truly incredible argumentation here. It's not like you and every other stupid nigger in this thread completely failed to defend your precious game and immediately stooped to ad hominems. But that's the thing, when something is shit, not even an echo chamber of delusional faggots like you can hide that fact. And Sekiro is indeed shit.
That's why "forgotten" is in quotes, retard.
no one ever writes disingenuous bait in an op so their thread gets attention right
Basically, it struggled from the fact that it was designed to be played through with one build in one precise sequence.
>No sequence breaking / minimalist runs (save for a few minibosses like the headless)
>No cosplay builds or themed runs
>No reason to do anything in NG+ because bosses are only hard for the first attempt and all enemies / mini bosses are trivially easy to skip
Best souls game for your first NG. After that it goes on a shelf and never gets touched again, while I'm on my 15th runs of DS, DS3 and BB. DS2 stays in the trash where it belongs
people are getting tired of fromulaic gameplay
>Nothing to look forward to and for all we know it'll be another Bloodborne without a sequel.
Except Bloodborne is definitely getting a sequel. I can tell you for a fact that's in the works right now and will be officially announced somewhere around 2021.
>100 hours isn't enough to keep discussion alive this long after release.
who the fuck cares?
>Yeah, which is why I know that 99% of the time you can just sit still and parry without giving a fuck about positioning or direction.
sitting still and parrying you say? like 90% of DaS you mean?
also you're really talking about positioning in fucking pve? where every single enemy comes at you and is incapable of doing fakeouts? lol
>And how long would it take you to finish a boss battle that way, huh?
Depends on the boss and if you're playing with bells on. For regular NG I'd wager about 1.5x for most bosses unless you're a massive shitter, which puts them about slightly above the average of a Souls boss. I know this because the first run through I sucked at parrying and had to focus on the HP of bosses many times. Even then when you do so the bosses stance meter stop recovering after a certain point, which causes it to eventually break regardless if you parry or not.
Yeah sure and I bet your dad works at Nintendo as well.
Because it's $60, the same price as a game that has 10 times the content. Realistically Sekiro is worth maybe $15 at most. Just another movie game like God of War.
you '''can''' sequence break by going to mibu before the valley, which allows you to skip the second encounter with headless ape
other than that, there is a lack of inbetween areas that could have been interesting to see implemented
I tried standing still and only parrying/mikiri-ing without doing vit damage and it only worked on some of the super aggressive bosses
otherwise they just recovered too quickly between combos
there's like zero reason to reply to this retard anymore
lol faggot
where did isshin touch you m8
actually it's a few desperate Activision marketers, once again assaulting your braincels with retarded ad hominem attacks and
really coincides with the release of CTR, and they have always shilled Blizzard products here
>beat the game a few times
>no reason to play it again unless new content passes or I have an urge to replay it
Meanwhile every other souls game:
>beat the game
>replay it many times with different builds and do some pvp
I told you fags that this would happen
>What the fuck went wrong?
People still compare it to the Soul series when it's not a Souls game
yes of course all of us iit must be activision shills for a game over three months old and it cant possibly be that you're just a retard making retarded points lol retard
>>I've never seen the game one of the games I've played most of
So you pretend adventurer mode doesn't exist?
And pretend a sim game like DF which revolves around subtly managing multiple NPCs can be compared to one of the most shallow action games known to man.
Great fucking argument right there you fucking retard, next you'll tell me there's only one viable way to play DF and I'm not allowed to ignore things like Plump Helmets because it hurts your feelerinos and reminds you how shit you are at games.
>game is short and doesn't change much besides 3 potential final bosses
>prosthetics tend to be niche at best
>ninja arts as well
>combat is probably the best in the series, but only offers one weapon for you
>stealth was weak and level verticality/swimming honestly didn't add that much
>setting was actually a lot better than your typical generic youkai fest
Looking forward to dlc
>there's like zero reason to reply to this retard anymore
Please bear with me, I've been replying to you the entire thread and you are clearly retarded.
>I tried standing still and only parrying/mikiri-ing without doing vit damage and it only worked on some of the super aggressive bosses
I did not fucking said anything related to doing that. Read my post again. If you go for vitality, and not parrying, their stances will eventually break because the lower the HP of a boss is, the weaker its stance recovery is, and vitality damage hurts the stance too. Thus, the HP bar is a lie because even if you go for it the stance will most likely break before you end it.
Did you perhaps not know this was a thing? It's a basic fucking mechanic. The game alright tells you.
>they block every attack and will pause every 2 seconds to stare at you before attacking
you know you can attack them once or twice to bait an attack? youre obviously playing the game just waiting to block shit
a decent player will break the boss posture way before his health depletes
once you somehow mange to do the opposite, the posture breaking is just a formality
it doesnt take away from the overall system
>A game that's about swordfighting would primarily be about you controlling your sword and fighting the opponent
So, like Sekiro?
Or are you pretending all games about swordfighting should be like Wii Sports Kendo or something?
>it's just about parrying at the right time and repeating the same tired animations.
Exactly like For Honour then, except better.
>where the direction of the attack actually matters
It doesn't, you only need a different parry input, the direction of the attack doesn't matter at all.
The game is too repetitive to want to play multiple times. Most of the battles boil down to parry parry parry attack repeat. There's no new weapons and no custom-ability when it comes to build.
I feel it's pretty solid but there's nothing worth really playing it more than once for besides the extra bosses and endings. No unlockables or costumes or bonus modes kinda blew as well.
Yup. I feel like going for the stance is more of a challenge thing, because if you miss in your aggressiveness they will recover it and you'll have to restart your progress.
Not him but man I hated owl 1 and monk 1 due to this.
The price tag is for the experience. If it was fulfilling that’s all that matters. A well crafted 3 hour game like Portal will always be more worth it’s price than a soulless grind like Assassins Creed (insert name/number here)
>Sold millions despite no multiplayer
>Praised and loved
>Got the mark of hardest From game
>Made mockery out of gamejournos
>100+ hours if you want to do everything
Game is fantastic. Do you people not want to move on with your life?
the idea that content=better value is retarded
sekiro is quality>quantity incarnate, no area has some inherent flaw (like izalith, amana, shaded woods, etc), game's balanced, challenging, with a steady difficulty curve, etc
it literally did 95% of the things it set out to do right, nothing wrong with a short and sweet, well crafted game
exactly why you also cannot be posture broken, even if you're at your brink, unless you miss a deflect
if you manage to time every single deflect correctly you can keep bashing the boss's face in and go for the kill immediately
best part, all of that is due to the player being proactive - in every boss fight the player gets to decide whether to hand the pace of the fight to the boss, or to be the ''pace-maker'' himself
I was agreeing with you you stupid faggot in saying the other retard is wrong about standing still and deflecting without going on the offensive at all
without any direct vit damage you'll just be in an endless loop
Eh, I feel that you can't really set the pace for the gorillas and Demon.
Well compare that to armored core a game with acutal replayability
I agree that you cant really break their postures prematurely, but keeping the aggressiveness on apes is easy
demon of hatred honestly would belong more in bloodborne, personally its the only fight where I stay passive but theres plenty of videos of dudes that never let up even on him
>but it seems like a good game to revisit every now and then.
exactly this. its also the rare kind of game that gets more fun the better you are at the combat, since you hit a sort of "rhythm" without the game feeling totally trivial. owl2 and sword saint are probably the best bosses in any vidya ive encountered.
You actually can break DoH's posture earlier than vit bar if you aggressively move to perfect deflect every one of his attacks, even the ones that are easily avoidable like the head slam combo. For me he didn't have much on the vit bar left but I was on ng+ double hardmode so I'm sure it's possible on regular NG.
>multiple factions
>multiple routes through the game
>completely different play styles/weapons/builds
>playing with friends is an adventure you can repeat over and over
Honestly every Souls game easily warrants 3-4 playthroughs over the course of a couple years. I loved Sekiro but I agree with OP that it really did not encourage replayability. Which is fine. Shadow of the Colossus has basically no replayability and it's justly regarded as a masterpiece.
I think I found headless ape (both encounters) easier than regular ape just because the sword is easier to watch and deflect than the flailing around monkey business and he also dies in like 3 spears
pretty exagarated but i still laughed heartily. have a (You)
Purple shield makes him a joke
headless is piss easy without any tools once you realize he only has like 3 "timings"/combos for his swings. regular ape still pisses me off though because he's so erratic.
Well yeah, his scream is just mildly annoying due to its huge aoe
Unironically yes, I went years in between Bloodborne playthroughs and PvP and co-op were always active. Then there are other things that aren't present in Sekiro, multiple questlines that lock or wall themselves off from one another based on faction allegiance, multiple endings, the ability to play completely different builds that change up your playstyle.
Replayability is a huge factor for these games, Sekiro is fucking great but if it even had an optional boss rush mode I'd still boot it up to play that a few times.
>Bell demon
Let's be real, it doesn't have replayability because most people think they can't deal with the options it does have available.
Literally nothing of any interest in the game except for like 5 bosses. Watch the defenders of Shitiro closely - they will keep bringing up the same 5 bosses over and over again as if those justify the piece of shit game that surrounds them.
It came out, people enjoyed it, end of story. Just like the good ol days.
I honestly don't even feel like I won when I beat a boss, just feels like tedium to me
>What the fuck went wrong?
I didn't quit at the ape but I wish I did. There's almost nothing beyond the ape other than more samey boss fights. Boss fights with no rewards. The final area is small and boring, the mobs in the final area are beaten with L1L1L1R1, that's a disgrace.
You didn't even quote that right you taffer
Game was too hard so 90% of the players never finished it or just traded it back
>which is fucking stupid
No it isn't, it's intended and a part of narrative for a character to overcome that which defeated him at the beginning of the game.
All three of the times I beat Sword Saint I had beaten Genichiro without wasting any gourds.
I was thinking about this last night. I am facing the "ghost" of the corrupt monk and the guardian ape. I realized that I have been filtered, literally. If these two bosses are more complex and exhausting than Genichiro and Madame Butterfly then this game is at the same level of difficulty as Dark Souls and my fears no longer have reason to be.
The game is solid, has quality. What happens is that it's an old-fashioned game. No pvp, no multiplayer, no cooperative. It's a personal experience, between you and the game and nothing else.
If it was old fashioned it'd have more extra unlockable stuff at least. It's what made Onimisha, DMX, and GoW so fun for me as a kid.
It's a great game, but like the other anons said, it lacks variety in the gameplay and that kinda messed up the replay value of the game.
Look at DaS1, for example. You can play that game in so many different ways because almost every build is viable (for PvE at least). You can play longsword with shield, abuse i-frames and use BKH, or snipe everything from far away using sorcery/pyro/miracles etc.
There's many ways to handle different situations, both in terms of offense and defense.
In Sekiro, however, the way you deal with pretty much any fight is
>wait until the enemy deflects you
>sometimes jump, dodge or Mikiri
>use prosthetic tools in specific situations
>deathblow ggez
The gameplay is tight and fun and fast-paced, but i feel the lack of variety ends up making the game feel repetitive in a way.
Doesn't help that the game is probably the shortest FROM game, in NG+ you can just zoom past everything and finish the game in 40mins no problem.
>replayability fearmongers
m8 It's great that we got a game that was perfect the first time around. Why would you want to dilute it by having it replayable?
I'd rather do the "soulless grind" in Assassins Creed than play Portal for 3 fucking hours.
Disregarding you entire post and answering the original question.
Yes, you can skip almost all of the mini bosses and enemies, there are only five mandatory mini bosses in the entire game, seven if we count Hitara.
Not with stealth but by running past them and/or taking a small detour.
I don't recommend that you do this however because you are going to get shit stomped in the late game if you do.
Because its a shit game.. there is basically no progression system and if you're stuck, there's nothing you can do about it. What's worse, items are not farmable. Dropped it at the gate ogre fight. Piece of shit meme game.
>this whole post