The publisher behind indie horror game Devotion...

>The publisher behind indie horror game Devotion, which was pulled from Steam after running afoul of the Chinese government for making fun of its president, just had its business license revoked in the country.

>actual video game censorship
>not a word from Yea Forums

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people care about China?

Aren't they located in Taiwan not Mainland China?
Which country revoked their licence? The one they actually operate out of or the other one?


because Yea Forums doesnt care about censorship unless tits thighs hips ass legs and tummy are involved

Now Devotion's Chinese publisher, Indieevent, has had its business license revoked by the Shanghai city government.
The dev is alive.

Guess they will have to start marketing more to Japan and America then.

Red Candle Games is ok and yes they are from Taiwan. Reminder Taiwan is not China. OP can't read I guess.

none of the characters would ever be in smash so who cares lmao lol xddd

Literally no one cares about Chinese hurting each others, the game dev is from Taiwan so they're still a-ok and still able to make yet another winnie the pooh reference for their next game.

Based and Taiwanpilled

>its ok to censor if it doesn't involve tits or ass

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Steam pulled the game because the chinks told them to? Or is it just chinks getting blackbagged because they are chinks

Why don't they just self publish?

You are racist.

No one cares about a stupid Chinese game. Stupid chinks can't even see, how can you make a good game if you are blind?

Chinks aren't even people so it's not racism.

They should call Devolver to double down on Pooh memes. Devolver loves memes.

Only their chink publisher got taken down

Cause it's China
Who fucking cares about China


such is life for the chinese.
now that their chinese publisher is dead there is nothing stopping them from adding the game to steam again atleast

The dev team lives in Taiwan, meaning this game will NEVER be available for purchase ever again, because they're scared for their lives. The entire team is essentially in hiding, because they know the incredibly corrupt Chinese government could kidnap them and sentence them to 20 years hard labor just for that one single asset. They claimed "the game is being reworked" as to save face, instead of telling the truth that they're all scared for their livelihood. Devotion is done, it'll never be made buyable again, and Red Candle Games will likely go out of business. All over a single placeholder asset, lol

>these people living in a different country from China are in danger from China
Guess all of Yea Forums might get kidnapped too while they are invading other nations and kidnapping people.

it's literally right next to it.

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>sir a game that 30,000 people have heard of and 5,000 people bought compared you to Winnie the Pooh

Oh no! Hiro is in danger being in Japan a country so close to China!

Yes. People care about arguably the most powerful country in the world and even more when said country is a huge consumer of video games (aka the country that keeps Blizzard relevant)

Study more user, your out of touch.


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Sure thing. China can just go into any country extract private citizens and take them back to Chinese prison camps. What's so hard to follow?

do you not understand taiwan and china's relationship or are you just in it for (you)s

Taiwanese government allows China to come in whenever they want and take their citizens away? Never knew that.

ignore him, he's the underage troll from the cdpr thread.

Different user but China basically claims the entirety of Asia belongs too it, and actually forcefully harasses Taiwan on the regular because the Chinese don't believe in Taiwan's sovereignty or anyone elses, and it pisses everyone else off on the regular. Basically as long as your in asia, China can and will kidnap/remove anybody who makes any reference ever that could potentially theoretically make them look bad. There's a reason everyone hates china.

>Basically as long as your in asia, China can and will kidnap/remove anybody who makes any reference ever that could potentially theoretically make them look bad.
Don't drop your tinfoil hat.

>not believing delusions that China is sending black ops troops to other countries means you hate cyberpunk 2077
That is some crazy level of projection user. I don't even know how you made that mental gymnastics work. Especially since I'm looking forward to Cyberpunk, or is the troll some cdpr fan?

it was anti-Asian crap anyway lmao Asian parents amirite xD tier

0.2 points have been added to your social credit score.

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I think it's terrible they revoked their licence, you're only discrediting the whole thing by tacking on tinfoil hat nonsense.

Can someone post THAT please? Seems like we got a few bugman on the loose.

user you sound uneducated and ignorant, I mean I understand not giving a singular shit about geopolitics but don't blow off actual issues by claiming shit is straight up tinfoil hat tier.

Dude we just had a major conspiracy that crashed the global economy around 10 years ago, in America. But you want to think China is more moral than America? And compare that to lizard people?
>5 points have been added to your social score.

Fuck off, Chang

Don't you have some images of pooh to censor?

Didn't know we had a bugman in this thread.

It's fucking CHINA, the hell are we supposed to do?

Because this is just normal China. I think it's more hilarious Xi Jingping is a butthurt little bitch and can't take a joke.

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Ok so you're saying that China sending hitmen to kill the devs is the bigger issue and them revoking game licenses isn't what I should be concerned with? Wait....who would want people not concerned with Chinese revoking licences over censorship. I'm on to you Chang.

>cheating in online games
lol imagine how fucked the youth are gonna be when that gets enforced

Shitpost on Yea Forums about it for fun I guess?
you need millions of people physically protesting just to delay Hong Kong from being overtaken by china, you're not gonna force china to do anything since they dont do the whole democracy thing.

The Chinese are all soulless, scamming and scheming bugmen, they need to be banned from western internet.

Based China saving GTA Online

Now we just need Brazil, Russia and America to do this and online gaming improves dramatically.

No one is saying it's ok though. It's not an issue that affects us because we are not chinks, much like how Yea Forums doesn't complain about violence being toned down in Japanese releases of western games because we are not japs. It's not our market to be concerned about.

so how many blatantly anti american games are out there?

what a weak argument/bait

>mock foreign government figure of notoriously glass-hearted country with irredentist claims on yours, something even your own gov is wary of
>why isn't Yea Forums upset
Because they did something retarded and the game isn't great anyway?
I was far more pissed off when one of the chink webnovels was axed for containing graphic sex scenes by those fuckers at qidian.

Sorry guys but I cant hate china when they sell wonders for a dollar.
China numba 1
Tienanmen needs to happen again.

You speak for yourself, not for other people.

>actual political censorship? who cares?
>they took my sex scene? GOD IM SO ANGRY
not even a strawman, literally what you said
really makes me think

But tifa's chest size affects us, right?

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>thinking Yea Forums actually gives a shit about censorship
>not knowing 'censorship' threads are just the /pol/ outrage mob moving from one story to the next trying to win some imaginary culture war

Look if you're north korean or live off their peninsula you're acting suicidally by mocking whichever Kim Jong is in power.
Same thing with china.

And said sex scenes weren't censored the entire 695 chapters of the book were and qidian, grifting fuckers that they are, own the copyright. Author dropped writing it right then and there.

Censorship of games released in west certainly does.

Gee wonder where all those senran kagura fans are now hmm

>says la creatura americana

It was a Taiwanese game with a mainland publisher. Once word got out, the publisher pulled it.

are you stupid as fuck perhaps?

So the answer is not to buy anything from chinese stores like Epic? :^)

t.belt and road shill

I don't think you realize how big of a market china is. Look at all the big movies and fucking Yakuza 0 has their Chinese version with a big star in it. IIRC Slay the Spire had 30-40% of it's sales from China, so yeah, a lot of people care about that shitty country

>seething americans confused because they have to consider another country for once


You are gay.
Based and truthpilled

If you're trying to get a cult of personality dictatorship going, you can't have people making fun of you. It takes your power into question

Why don't they start at 450, with a max of 700 and a minimum of 0? If 600 is the minimum and 1300 is the maximum, that's a 700 point gamut anyway.

People care about titties, not walking simulators. Should we protest when gone home is delisted or got their business revoked as well?

just admit you fucking retards don't actually care about censorship and only cry for it when it affects your oh-so precious tits and ass

I don't personally care with propaganda games getting censored. Good fucking riddance.

>this would never happen on the epic store!

thanks for proving me right, incel

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>game made for chinks censored by chinks
>why aren't you non-chinks as upset by this as when games aimed at you are censored
Gee user I dunno. This is a hard one.

I've never pretended to care about any form of censorship other than sex, and I don't think most other people here do either. I'm not trying to impress anybody. Least of all, randos on Yea Forums.

So I'll just it straight-up for the record: The only way I care about censorship, be it political, or violence censorship or otherwise, is if it's something that affects my sexy stuff as well.

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>Full game pulled from store and developers punished
Yea Forums: ...
>Anime titties censored

so don't cry censorship

Chinese censorship isn't news, it's their default status. Good luck getting chinamen to rise up though, independent thought has been beaten out of them for generations and the few dissidents are pinned down by social credit or fled the country and whine ineffectively.

You mean walking sim.

You mean book?

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>if you don't care about some tai1 walking sim over games you actually play that means censorship is good
Go dilate your open sex wound tranny.

>>Arguably the most powerful country in the world
>As their society crumbles due to their government the same way their buildings and walkways do
>Literally so fucking stupid that they chased an entire species of bird away and then got fucking ass-ravaged once insects started devouring their crops

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>thinking Yea Forums actually gives a shit about censorship
not really, of course it's upsetting when a game i care about or want to play get altered or canceled but i don't thing anyone on Yea Forums feels very strongly about censorship on principle and this game looks like low effort kusoge
>not knowing 'censorship' threads are just the /pol/ outrage mob moving from one story to the next trying to win some imaginary culture war
i thought the /pol/ shitters were more upset about minorities and lgbt characters in western developed games and considered our weebshit degenerate anyway.

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Is Hong Kong China?

I never fucking claimed to care about censorship, I care about the games I want to play and this kusoge isn't such a game

Never knew Ross enlisted.

>Sony censors games
>Steam bans games because the riceeaters got offended

nobody cares about taiwan

>unironically uses the word kusoge
Weebs should be fucking gassed, jesus christ.

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why not, I don't claim to care about all censorship just because I dislike when important tits get censored.

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences :)

what a kuso post

it's right next to it and it's also an independent country that has feuded with China for its entire existence and is not somewhere that takes kindly to its people getting blackbagged by foreigners

from band of brothers

Because the game looked shitty and I didn't want it anyway. This was never about censorship on principle but about defending the games we like because we like the games not because we care about censorship.

"the country that keeps blizzard relevant" has zero results on google so I'm going to give your claim that china is also known as that three Pinocchios out of a possible three Pinocchios

then why haven't they conquered it

>censored game I don't like GOOD
>censored game I like BAD

What have we learned, kids?
>furry degeneracy = good
>joking about grorious reader = bad

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it's not about the ideal, it's about the game. of course i won't get upset if it just affects some shitty walking sim i wouldn't play anyway

>Steam bans game
They remove games at the publishers request and people who bought it get to keep it.
Go shill your chink store somewhere else.

>fucking Yakuza 0 has their Chinese version with a big star in it.
ironically, to the best of my knowledge, the only Chinese version of yakuza 0 is for HK/Taiwan because there's no fucking way that series would get past the censors

is everyone here retarded? They had their publishing rights revoked IN CHINA. Not worldwide. Nobody fucking cares about china.

>censored game I don't like INDIFFERENT
>censored game I like BAD
fixed, and I think that goes for most peaple


ITT:OP pretends to be against censorship just to justify his "anti-anti-sjw" contrarian shitposting

I do care about censorship, but what do you expect us to do against a fucking Chinese decision that likely comes down from their oppressive government?

You have to be a race to have racism charged at you, user.

They're hyper-evolved insects.


I didn't say anything about steam, do you thing everyone should be obliged to care about every game on every platform?

Why do you care?
Chinese are one of the most hateful groups in the world

Is the only way to play this game piracy?

I thought he tried to force people to care about some indieshit using the flawed rhetoric that the complains about titty censorship was because people cared about censorship and not because they cared about titties

it still fucks everything over if they're dependent on it, like how it's likely that all the Sony shit started because of Omega Labyrinth Z being banned in countries outside Japan

yee, but why would you? it's a sub par walking sim

oh, I guess nothing. that would be too hard, right? it's much easier to spend 500 hours posting on /pol/ about how your favorite alt right dogwhistler stopped making money with youtube ads which means his first amendment rights are being violated therefore we're in a civil war and you should be allowed to shoot and kill people who threw milk at you

I mean there is a reason we let a former axis country rebuild their navy to one of the most powerful in the world after the usual superpowers

>the game is banned in one of the biggest markets in the world
>"why do you care lol"

Fuck the devs. Why did they pull their game from the international market because of China? By the time I heard of the game it was already gone, but I'm not fucking Chinese so why do I have ot be effected by this? Fuck those Taiwan niggers.

I have no idea who is shilling for who in this thread, but I just want you to know: even as the great-grandson of a grand wizard, if given the choice between killing every nigger and killing every chink, I would not hesitate a single moment. Your entire race has been nothing but a massive mistake. May the inferno of ww3 purge you once and for all.

I thought their other game detention was alright.

have sex (with a chinese girl)

>Who cares that this walking sim got censored? It’s not like it has any gameplay lmao

Yea Forums will get more angry about cropped boxart than any actual censorship. their priorities are a fucking joke and it's why literally nobody cares about their whining.

to me, it's not so much about the lack of gameplay but he lack of tiddies

it's not censorship I care about, it's titties

>that massive amount of projection
as expected of a soi-grown leftard.

>using the actions of a corrupt 3rd world shithole as the basis for your confirmation bias
come on nigga

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that means I should punch you for hurting my feeling!
*gets shot*
*audible he dindu nuffin in the distance*

Retarded and SJWpilled. The game is not even censored and you're not shifting the overton window by complaining about based /pol/chads riling you up with facts and argument while you're bitching about nonsensical strawman which you conjure up while dilating.

>casual transphobia because le epic dilate am I right
based ben shapiro worshipper. israel first, right gang? oh man that dumb LEFTIST AOC is so DUMB and ANTISEMITIC because she pointed out money in politics is bad

>seething this hard

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cope and dilatepilled

>china does the same censorship stuff as the soviet union
>there are people on Yea Forums who unironically want the soviet regime back

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Why does it seem like this thread is full of people trying to frame Yea Forums in general as a bunch of posers pretending to be interested in activism, when literally nobody is giving that impression?

I don't give half a fuck about China, or censorship in general. I exclusively care about whether or not I can see up the skirts of anime girls of dubious age, and I'm not trying to hide it.

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why do you keep posting this

I'm annoyed at people trying to put words in my mouth, while also trying to draw attention away from actual issues like Snoy. Hope that clears it up for you.

Cute and Funny-pilled

Let's not go that far.

>acting like that's the only reason anyone thinks that slut is stupid
almost want the commie shit to be put into place so naive faggots like you buttered up by the words of sweet talking figureheads end up being the first to go when it's finally implemented by way of bullets to the back of your skulls

I don't understand how someone thought that texture belonged in the game, but I obviously couldn't comprehend it so it didn't bother me. Many other Chinks seemed to not be bothered as well, judging by the early reviews. I'm sad this controversy had to happen to Red Candle; they've become one of my new favorite indie developers of story-driven games. While I was a bit disappointed that Devotion had fewer puzzles than Detention, it still told a great and emotional story that tied its basic gameplay well into the drama of the family. With some memorable surprises like the storybook sequence.

I hope they find a new publisher, and I hope they get to make another game.

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Why reply to such weak bait, you are giving this retard what he wants

I'm not sure what you were expecting. Why wouldn't China censor games?

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